• Published 18th Jul 2012
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Equestria Noir Case 1 "The Big Macintosh Case" - Jacoboby1

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Chapter 6: Revelation

Chapter 6


It was a couple hours before Yahtzee showed up at the detention center. I sat on the other side of the glass as he was set into a chair. Let’s just say he wasn’t happy to be in a place with a whole bunch of cops.

“Hey you know who I work for! I wanna see my lawyer! I gots rights ya know!” He shouted angrily at the guards. I smiled; I loved it when they thought they could get away by shouting at us. Twilight entered the detention center some time later.

“That’s our suspect?” She asked curious.

“Yeah...Yahtzee, from his record he’s not a pony you’d want to be friends with”

“I figured...so how are we going to approach him?”

“You just let me do my thing, if I need your input I’ll ask”

“If you say so...by the way, thanks for what you did with Pinkie Pie” She smiled at me.

“Well, you’d do the same if-if you were in my position” I said almost stuttering it, why am I so flustered?

“Anyways, you got a perp to interrogate”


“Yahtzee, I thought you called them perps...”

“Oh, you mean suspects? Well we have a bunch of different names for them”

“Really? Like what?” She said curiously

“Well I used to call ‘em slys, some of the guys on the force called them grill baits mostly because that’s what would happen once I got a hold of them. My former police chief is rather old school though, always called them dirtbags”

“Dirtbags? He’s that old school?” She said laughing a little.

“You should see his collection of Pee Wee Sherpony stuff. Though don’t tell him I said that”

“Pee Wee Sherpony? How old is he?!” She asked as I entered the interrogation room.


“Look cop! I didn’t touch nopony’s flank! That bitch is lying I tells ya!” Yahtzee said as I entered the room. I didn’t smile but I did get a small kick out of the fact he was sweating.

“What you were doing looking at mare flanks is another cop’s business. I however want to know what you were doing at a certain farm” I sat down on a chair opposite him. He did his best to keep his face neutral and was failing miserably.
“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about mister! I don’t do business in agriculture! Where’s my lawyer!?”

“Your lawyer is having a good conversation with somepony right now” I didn’t tell him it’s with our favorite pink pony on the practical use of party cannons. It was just enough so I have an excuse to keep the lawyer out of the interrogation room. I had this bastard right where I wanted him. I looked him square in the eye, his scarlet mane riddled with sweat. “You were at Sweet Apple Acres just days before the murder of Tangerio Orange. Two witnesses can testify to you being there. I want to know why”

“Who’re your witnesses? Some half-drunk farm hoof and a hillbilly?”

“Apple Bloom, sister to Applejack and Scarwing...the hitpony you hired”

“I don’t know nothin’ about no hitpony!” He said way too fast for his own good.

“That’s not what Scarwing said, he’s already confessed to the hit that you hired him to do”

“He could be lying to cover his own flank!”

“He was already doomed to banishment anyway! What would he gain by lying? It doesn't make sense to me, it certainly won’t make sense to any judge hearing this testimony”

“So what if I did hire him? I have no reason to kill the damn kid!” He said, way too fast for his own good again.

“Oh you don’t have any reason. But somepony else does...” I tossed a small black book onto the table and his eyes grew huge. “There are a lot of names in that book...You’re a bookkeeper Yahtzee. You must know somepony who’d want Tangerio dead. You didn’t kill him; you were just the middle man between hitpony and client”

He was quiet for a moment then grinned evilly. “I see how this is going to go down...”

“You do now?” I said sarcastically

“You’re going to hand me that book...and let me go and face the sex harassment charges, I won’t get to go to the moon and you will become a very rich pony”

“You want to bribe me?!” I said incredulously.

“Just think of it as a way of sticking your head out of things you shouldn’t get into” He said “I might even throw you a key to the playpony mansion.”

That did it. My horn glowed and my magic grabbed him by the neck and slammed him onto the table. He let out a cry of pain as it happened...I didn’t care. “I’m not some prissy cop you can just buy off Yahtzee...I never accept bribes from anypony...especially scum like you...”

“You can’t hurt me! I know ponies that can make sure you never see a badge again!” He said as I kept adding on the pressure of my magic on his head. I could crush him with one burst from my horn. But I needed him alive for what I wanted.
“I just want to know the truth...is that so hard to ask? Your friends can’t save you from the moon anyway...or from a morgue” I said adding the tiniest bit of pressure.

“Damnit! Alright alright! I’ll talk! Just get off me!” I couldn’t really kill him...but he didn’t have to know that. He just needed to know he couldn’t sway me. I released my magical hold over him. He let out a gasp for air and coughed. “Damn cop! I’ll have your head for that!”

“After you sing little birdie...” I said after taking my seat again.

“Alright, I was hired by a pony of high standing to get somepony to kill the damn kid. But I didn’t kill him!”

“I know that, but you still acted as the middleman. I want to know who hired you to hire. And why you were at Sweet Apple Acres with Scarwing before the murder”

“To answer your first question I was hired by Mandarin Orange...he wanted Scarwing to kill the kid at a specific place at a specific time” Mandarin Orange? Tangerio’s father?! Now it made sense, it’s all starting to come together.

“He had his own son killed?! Why would he do that?!”

“I dunno, maybe he didn’t like the kid’s face or something? I’ll never understand the upper crust”

“Okay so Mandarin hired you to kill Tangerio. Why were you at the farm earlier?” I asked inquisitively

“I was told to deliver a message. If the owners didn’t sell the farm I was told to have Scarwing kill Tangerio” He said simply.

“Judging by Tangerio’s corpse sleeping in the morgue I’d say the farmers said no”

“Yeah, then I was told to not pay Scarwing and tip somepony off to where he lives. Apparently I have a poor choice when it comes to who I tip off” You got that right pal. Larksong isn’t the kind of mare you could cross and get away with.
“All to cover tracks leading to you and Mandarin...”

“Exactly...I wasn’t expecting you to be so difficult to sway...” he said his eyes narrowed.

“Why’d he want the Apples to sell their farm? The Oranges already have a huge chain of farms themselves” I asked meeting his gaze.

He shrugged “Dunno, I’m just the middleman I’m not one to question him. He’s one of my bigger buyers...though”

“Though what?”

“Do the names: Mrs. Grappey’s Grapes, Lemon Twist Lemons, and Avocado Fields ring a bell?”

“Those are all farm names why?”

“Well...Mandarin’s been buying farms left and right. Those are just some of them. I’d say Sweet Apple Acres is next or at least it was...”

“I see...You think Mandarin’s been buying them out for a reason?”

“I looked at the letter I dropped off to that big stallion...that was an awful lot of bits he’s willing to offer for the farm”

“Alright, I’m done here” I said getting up.

“So, do I go free? I haven’t committed any crimes...” That slime still tried to worm his way out of this. I answered his question by slamming him into the wall with magic.

“The little black book you have is enough to get you arrested. Don’t think you’ll ever get out anytime soon” I walked out without saying a word.


“Well that was a little...extreme.” Twilight said as we walked out of the detention center. “Did you really have to hit him like that?”

“I couldn’t stand it...slime like him I hate. I hate it when ponies think they can just bribe cops to look the other way. I’m not technically on the force so I can get away with stuff like this” I said trying to keep my voice neutral.

“You really lost it in there. I was worried I’d have to step in” Twilight said her voice laced with concern.

I nodded at her “Your concern is noted Twilight...but I’m fine”

“So what’s next!?” Pinkie shouted from behind me causing me to leap into a nearby tree. Twilight tried to hold back a laugh, so did Pinkie.

“What have I told you about scaring the pony with the weak heart?!” I yelled from my perch in the tree.

“You’ve really got to be more alert Private. It’s way too easy to sneak up on you!” Well I don’t expect a pink pony to teleport behind me thank you very much.


The three of us trotted up to Sweet Apple Acres just as the sun was about to go down. I had a hunch, but I needed to see if it would hold up.

“Ooh! I wonder if Applejack’s home? She’d want to know that Big Mac’s not going to jail now that we know who really did it!” Pinkie said while bouncing beside me.

Twilight spoke honestly “Pinkie we still need to know why Mandarin hired somepony who had Tangerio killed”

“Somepony is not getting invited to a Pinkie Party...” I knew she was referring to Mandarin.

I looked ahead and said to both of them “Which is why we are here, I want to know more about the Apple-Orange feud. Applejack will probably be able to tell us what happened” We trotted up to the door and I knocked on it.

It was answered by a familiar orange pony with a cowboy hat. “Howdy Detective! I see you brought Twilight and...Pinkie? What’re you doin’ here sugarcube?”

“I’m helping Private solve a case! Somepony is out to get Sweet Apple Acres! It’s a job that calls for only the greatest of detectives!”

Twilight frowned at Pinkie suddenly “Put them away...”

“Aww Twilight you’re no fun!” Pinkie put away the Sherlock Hooves hats. I tried not to laugh.

Applejack chuckled a little “Well come on in! Ah was just makin’ some apple pie!”

Applejack led us into the living room and set the best smelling pie I’ve ever seen in front of us. Twilight had to hold back Pinkie with her magic to keep her from devouring the whole thing. Pinkie wasn’t the only pony she had to worry about...I was tempted to eat the whole thing to.

Applejack took a seat opposite us and smiled “So, have ya found evidence to get my brother out of jail yet?”

I let out a breath as Twilight started cutting the pie “Yes, enough to get the case off Big Mac. But I want to know something Applejack. Do you know anything about the Apple-Orange feud?”

Applejack looked thoughtful for a moment then shook her head “Ah was just a filly at the time. But I do know somepony who was alive then!”

“Can we meet this pony? Do they live far?” I asked hopefully.

“She lives right ‘ere! Granny! The Detective wants tah talk to ya!” She shouted so that it echoed around the house.

I heard an old voice sound from the next room “Hold your horses! Ahm comin!”

In entered a very old mare with a green coat and a mane that’s long since turned white. She moved with a stooped back and I could swear the way she walked made her sound like a rusty bicycle. The old mare sat in a chair next to where Applejack was sitting.

She looked at me with old eyes “Who’re you? You that Dahtective that Applejack keeps rattling on about?”

I nodded “Detective Private Eye mam! I’m on the case your grandson is involved in”

“What? What you say?” She said holding a hoof to her ear

I raised an eyebrow then said a little louder “I’m the detective on your grandson’s case!”

“What you say?”

I repeated louder than before “I’m the detective on your grandson’s case!”

“Detect what now?” I facehoofed and finally lost it.

“DETECTIVE!!!!” I shouted into the old mare’s ear.

“Oh, well you don’t have to shout young man! It’s bad manners.”

Applejack chuckled a little “Granny Smith, this dahtective here wants to know about the feud back when I was a filly”

“Ooh! The feud that drove the Oranges out of town?”

I pulled out my notebook and started writing everything she said “Would you be so kind as to tell us what happened?”
Granny smiled a little and sat back in her chair. “Well, back when I was spry young mare I had two sons. Their names were Apple Buck and Mandarin Orange”