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Foal Star

Just a Brony who writes fun Fanfiction


The events of this story take place during and after the episode "sonic rainboom."

Soarin's life was going great until the day of "The Young Fliers Competition," when he tried to save Rarity's life. The next day Soarin wakes up realising his wings have been transformed into girly butterfly wings. Now he has to learn to use his new wings and fight to keep his position in the Wonderbolts with the help of Rainbow Dash.

Editor: The man without a face

Artist for the cover art: Pridark

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 62 )

I sure hope he has spitfire either way.
Great start. Really keen to see where this goes.

You are just full of inspiration, aren't you? Can't say I ever saw this story coming but am definitely loving the variance you add to "Sonic Rainboom" while building a genuine relationship between Soarin and Spitfire.

The personality of Spitfire is a lot more playful than she comes off in the show. Soarin also is a bit less ditzy, too. I definitely approve of this as I can't say I've been a fan of the canon Spitfire or Soarin. I'll take the way you are portraying them any day.

It's fun seeing a different view on "Sonic Rainboom". Now to watch for what happens next in your ever-evolving Alternate Universe. :)

You've been on fire! I never thought I'd get to read so much delightful content so quickly. More importantly is how the quality of each work was never compromised. Woop!

Ah! So more than just Sorin's wings have changed. It seems the wings are also having an additional impact on his overall health / well-being. I wonder how all this will turn out given there are changes both inside and out for our stallion Wonderbolt.

Hmm, I don't know if I only smell a personality change or a gender change too. I was always interested in gender change (I'm not a transgender, I just think it's an interesting topic) and seeing a normal non-clop gender bender fic is rare in the MLP fandom. Anyway, I like slow paced stories like this, not too much detail and not too much rushing. Keep up the good work!

“Of course darling, i’ll leave you two alone to catch up.” Then swiftly shit the door

Lol that poor door.
I’m keen to see more dates beteeen soar and spitfire. She could also carry him if they go somewhere to high :pinkiehappy:

Mixed feelings about Spitfire here. regardless of her reasoning her excuses for not visiting Soarin are extremely weak.

Wow! You covered a tremendous amount of ground in this chapter. Story motion was achieved along with a ton of emotional conflict between all the characters. You also made even more momentum on Soarin becoming more feminine as a result of having grown his butterfly wings. It's certainly not often you can get so much done in one chapter but you certainly did it. :)

The scenes with Soarin seeming 'feminine' did not come across as forced. They actually made you, as the reader, think on how society defines 'masculine' and 'feminine'. If not for society stating certain implicit norms one may not catch how Soarin is being impacted by the wings becoming a permanent part of his body.

I also thought it was cute how you had the CMC watch soarin as he continued to get used to his new wings. Scoots has very obvious reasons to want to see Soarin while Sweetie Belle is, well, Sweetie Belle. It's in her character to be caring and encouraging. So getting the trio together to root on Soarin was a nice touch for the tale.

Truly I could go on a lot about what you did here. However I would like to ask if this is happening in the same Alternate Universe as your other stories? The mention of Hoity Toity makes it seem as if he may have not been regressed in this timeline. Is this a different time arc?

This chapter certainly has tons of open translation to it. The reason being soarin's frustration with his situation along with Dash's frustration in what the wings limit Soarin to doing.

Whether blind, like me, or brought to having to relearn how to live your life fully after any sort of catastrophic event their is one common thread. This being how annoying and depressing it is for the one experiencing it along with the sadness and frustration from those who know what the individual was capable of doing prior to such a life changing event.

Soarin, in this case, reminds me of myself and Dash reminds me of my friends and family. The goal being to still thrive no matter how annoyingly impossible it may appear.

Certainly very well written. It will be neat to see how Rarity helping Soarin to relax gets him to be more positive along with whatever Dashie has come up with to allow Soarin to be all he can be despite the thin wings he now has.

Such a shame Spitfire hasn't seemed to come and see him at all.. I bet he could user her emotional support.
If the two are in some sort of relationship then shes handling her side rather poorly considering she could fly down to Ponyville even once a week to see him after work or on her days off. It's not like she's a slow flyer or anything. Especially with these new discoveries. I hope Twilight does come up with a spell to help..

As I explained before she still is the captain of the Wonderbolts and had to redo their maneuvers without Soarin and they were just starting their relationship. Ill make it more clear in chapter 6 and show Spitfire does care for him.

Whoa! Definitely a lot of emotion going on here. It also brings out a lot of potential concerns that Nurse Redheart had on the onset of this tale when Soarin was leaving the hospital.

Dash's determination is very admirable in this story. I wonder if she's thinking that this is a way to get herself additional notice by The Wonderbolts? She's certainly showing 'Loyalty' to Soarin despite all that is happening.

Twilight certainly has had a lot on her hooves through your tales occurring during Season 1. I'm not sure if this story is in-line with other stories you've made but you have given Ms. Sparkle tons of research material beyond her friendship studies in Ponyville. :)

This is an interesting story, although it could use some cleaning up so it's easier to read. I await the next update.

Thanks for the input. By the way what do you mean by cleaning up. Is it the grammar ot lack of decriptions?

The descriptions aren't a big deal, for the most part. It's mostly the grammar that's an issue, be they typos, errors -- I can only guess -- when making changes and perhaps forgetting to erase all of the old material, or various punctuation problems. For example, here's something that stuck out to me in the third chapter:

He made his way to one of the baths, making sure to curl in his wings before entering the warm waters, while Rarity seated herself on a nearby chair.baths as Rarity relaxed sitting Once he was in completely, he sighed in content, laying his head back, feeling the bath salts in the hot tub do their work, clinging to his fur and skin making them soft.

The part that was underlined forced me to a dead stop to figure out how to proceed.

Beyond that, I was a little confused by all the cooing going on. A lot of the time I would have expected something else used instead.

Anyway, at the very least, I would recommend removing unneeded words and letters (that you might have intended to remove in the first place but forgot), and make sure there aren't any periods, commas and the like that need to be added or removed.

Thank you for pointing that out. Ill be more cautious in trying to cacth my own typos.

Kazootles! Hopefully this rewrite will fix that. :)

I like this chapter as it helps to set up for the big moment of Soarin attempting to return to The Wonderbolts. Lots of things have happened to him and he's had time to better cope and adapt to the changes he's going through. This said thre's so much room for a myriad of outcomes to happen after his trouts to return to the team.

There is also the matter of him and Spitfire. Will she want to get back together with him despite him becoming a mare? Or perhaps she'll not want to pursue the relationship and open the door for Fluttershy, or Rarity?

There's certainly a lot of possibilities which make the next chapter one worth looking forward to.

How would you told butterfly wings? I honestly can't think of any other way then how butterflies do, which is they go straight up together

I mean on a pony they can be folded onto the back which I guess is a stretch. Sorry


It's fine, I'm trying to imagine it like the new changeling wings

Thanks. Im trying to experiment with my writing and glad to see this working out.

Yes!! So much emotion!! Extremely good I love this story so much!! One of my top favorites now!

Definitely some surprises here. The most notable, but I should've saw it coming, was Soarin's voice change. I never thought about that happening and, well, here it is. He's definitely gone through a lot as a result of the wing magic coupled with the Sonic rainboom.

Another matter is Soarin's outcome with The Wonderbolts. I kind of guessed he'd no longer be "Wonderbolt Material". However I never saw him being made into a cheerleader. This is a nice counselation but certainly a massive blow to the once proud Wonderbolt. Sure he's still with his fellow 'Bolts but it definitely is not the same. It also doesn't help how Spitfire is making it seem like such a good thing while Dash is excited over, what to Soarin, is succeeding in making him something less than he once was.

What will happen next is certainly up-in-the-air. Will he be okay with being a cheerleader? Will feeling like a 'background Wonderbolt' make him feel more depressed about how this incident has truly turned his life upside-down? Lots of emotional elements to consider for Soarin as he just can't catch a true break that, from what I can tell, would satisfy him post being a lead Wonderbolt.

“Is this it? Am I to be just gonna be a cheerleader?

As a wise man once said, "It is better to aim for the stars and hit a tree than to aim for the tree and hit the ground".

'Apart' = separate from
'a part' = a piece of

It'd be hilarious if the cheerleading part of the Wonderbolts' show became more popular. :rainbowlaugh:

A very touching chapter. There is truly a lot to be said about coming to terms with a major change in one's life. Especially if the change is as dramatic as what is happening to Soarin. There's a lot to take in, readjustment, confusion, and plenty of moments to be reminded of what once was that will never be again.
I personally got feels from this as it reminded me how I felt shortly after I was told I'd never see with my own eyes again. I knew the day was coming along with having a grueling lifetime trying to prepare for it. However that moment when 'It's over' is something that just can't be matched by anything. You have no choice but to go on as a new pony while truly seeing how the 'new you' will handle it all.

Soarin is a lot like I was. I was scared, frustrated, and ever-hoping the whole thing wouldn't come to be. However, also like Soarin, I did feel better when I could say that it was all over. He is focusing on adapting to his new life as I am doing the same.

Great work on making the change so gradual. It made the story, to me, very realistic. It certainly made all Soarin is going through relatable at a human level. Some big changes happen suddenly but lots don't. Seeing Soarin handle it all as he has, particularly with Nurse Redheart and Rarity, definitely gave everything a touch that goes beyond a tale of going from a stallion to a mare. :)

Soarin sat down across from Spitfire and replied, “Well, Rarity talked me into it and she’s really hard to say no to.”

No. Just REALLY insistent.

No, actually, what's going on with Soarin' is actually pretty normal, given what Redheart said about his lower-than-normal testosterone levels. How he's acting is a typical sign of testosterone deficiency in men, at least, from my rather limited medical knowledge.

Oh my god, I LOVE this story! It’s so good!

Kazootles! I thought this series had come to an end. glad to see Soarin's adventures are still going as he adapts to all his changes.

I liked the scene with Sweetie Belle talking with Soarin. It sounds so cute and knowing she'd could be of help definitely is a win for Sweetie.

Nice to see there is continuing to be some interesting developments here.
Wonder what spitfire is going to think.

Soarin looked into her marefriend’s eyes, more than a little nervous as she said her next words. “I...I’m think of applying to be a ballerina.”


However, while she’d been debating on whether to eat something or simply go to bed, her thoughts quickly halted when she spotted Soarin, on her fainting couch, goring herself on ice cream and pie.


Without a second to spare, she immediately rushed down the stairs to the kitchen. However, her rush was stopped when she spotted Sweetie Belle, grumbling to herself as she attempted to stir something on the stove. ”Come on, making oatmeal shouldn’t be this hard.”

Unfortunately for Sweetie, she could pour orange juice and it would burm

“Well, I'll go make Sweetie Belle and I some breakfast then its showtime.”

In this context, that's Sweetie Belle and me.
I'll make some for Sweetie Bell
I'll make some for me

Rainbow Dash, who’d chosen to pretend to take a nap in the background let out a loud groan as she cracked one eye open. “Ugh, can you all stop with the luvey duvey talk! It’s so not cool.”


I have to say, this is a cute story.

It presents a wonderful lessson about loving yourself for who you are and what you are.

So, along with the cursory 10 :yay: rating, i feel it appropriate to add this...

Well, it's probably me, but I thought things are gonna turn into more of a serious scenario, rather than a happy ending thing. I thought this comic is gonna be a bit longer, but it's still not bad anyway. It's just that I think it had alot of potential, but they were unused.

This was sweet as honey, I loved it!:rainbowkiss:

I enjoyed this story more I thought I would. In fact I woukd nor mind a sequal concerning both Soarin and Spitfire's rekationship going public and meeting eachother's family. Regardless this was a nice goodfeel fic.

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