• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 5,760 Views, 364 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - War Does Change - tom117z

It has been nearly two hundred years since the megaspells rained fire down on the world, reducing it to a tainted wasteland. And ever since that day, the changelings have never been sighted in the wasteland...

  • ...

34 - Your Troubles Shall Follow

Chapter Thirty-Four: Your Troubles Shall Follow

“You can run, but you can’t hide.”

The sun was starting to go down beyond the cloud cover, and already darkness had all but crept in and overtaken Vanhoover. I was sitting outside of the Three Soldiers Inn, the proprietor of which was a female griffon by the name of Ruby. I’d bought from her an old bottle of Sweet Apple Acres branded cider and was now gently sipping from it every now and then. The others were all with me… with the exception of Altrix. The changeling had already retreated up to our rented beds, declining any and all invitation to join us.

The place had a couple of rooms upstairs for rent. There were two rentable private rooms, as well as a third one that was exclusively for Ruby’s use. There was also a larger room that was packed with salvaged bunk beds that were cheaper to purchase than a room all for yourself. Mostly because you were buying the bed specifically and would be sleeping with any other patrons.

Moon Blossom had made sure to book us all one of latter since there were far too many of us for a single room. We’d all chipped in to pay for it when we’d regrouped, and it wasn’t so bad once we all had donated our own share of caps. As I said, the bunks were far cheaper than the rooms.

Besides, it was only for one night. In the morning we would be heading out again towards the hub, and from there the plan was that we’d either make straight for the Sky Bandit or resupply back here again. Depending on how rough getting past the hub’s security was going to be, and it was going to be rough if Spring Haze’s description was anything to go by.

But right now, sitting calmly outside of the inn as the sun set, there was a far different concern on our minds.

“She’s still in a bad way. You all know that, right?” Moon Blossom said in reference to the changeling upstairs. “No way she’d have taken an early nap if she wasn’t.”

Part of me wanted to argue that she was just tired, but… Well, Moon Blossom was right. Altrix was still heavily shaken from Buckingham. She might not be shouting about how useless she is anymore, but she just seemed… depressed.

“I agree,” Xena stated. “Every step she takes betrays her sadness. Before it was hope and kindness, and now…”

Ugh, way to make me feel even guiltier, guys…

“I don’t think her mother would be happy with us if she came back like that,” Moon Blossom said. “And I do not wanna see if she’s any good with that gun of hers. I mean, I can’t exactly squash my friends parent.”

“Perhaps you will have to accept the bullet,” Cobalt sarcastically remarked.

“Eh, let’s not let it come to that, yeah? I like my lack of holes.”

“So, what do we do?” I asked them all, taking a larger swig of my cider. Oh, that helps calm the nerves… “Last couple times I tried to talk to her she first got angry with me and then started beating herself up about being unable to ‘cure the Equestrian Wasteland’.”

“I don’t think anyone can do that. Not by themselves,” Cobalt mused, taking a long look into the liquid within his own bottle.

Hm, not by themselves…

I took one last almighty swing from the bottle before throwing it to one side. And… woah, that cider was surprisingly strong stuff. Still, I was fine for the moment and, more importantly, I had a plan.

“You’re right, she can’t do shit about this place by herself.”

Cobalt raised an eyebrow. “And how is admitting it meant to make her feel better?”

“Because she’s not alone,” I shot back. “Come on, Cobalt. I thought you were meant to be the smart pony in our group!”

“I guess friendship still confuses me somewhat.” He sighed, finishing his own bottle and standing up. “But I’ll bite. What’s the plan here?”

“I too would like to know,” Xena added in. “It had better be good. It would not be wise to take Altrix to the hub in her current state of mind.”

“As I said, whenever I tried to talk to her about it, she rejected the help,” I began, hoping to Celestia, Luna and whatever other deity was out there that this would work. “That failed. But maybe we should all try at once, together. You know, show her that we’ve all got her back?”

“You might end up crowding and overwhelming her,” Cobalt rebuked.

“It could,” Xena agreed. “But it equally may not. It’s a good a plan as any… if we are careful in our words.”

“Heck, I’m in,” Moon Blossom said with a shrug. “I was hoping teaching her to fly that Sky Bandit would help her a bit. But since that’s a bust, I’ll go for this instead.”

I saw Xena shoot Moon Blossom a smirk. “Yes, I had noticed your increased tenderness towards her. The raider has truly found her heart.”

“Ah, shaddup.”

Pfft. You know, I’d never imagined Moon Blossom looking downright adorable, but… The puffed-up cheeks and heavy blush were certainly doing it!

I think she caught my grin. “Keep smiling that that, buddy, and I’ll carve it permanently into your face.”

Annnnd the moment is gone.

“Alright,” I said to the others. “Finish your drinks, let’s get up there.”

They were all but done anyway and, in quick succession, we turned back to the inn and trotted our way through the front entrance. There were several ponies dotted around the tables sitting in front of the main bar where Ruby was cleaning a glass with a rag, all of the patrons looking like they’d been consuming more than one or two drinks. The stairs leading upwards were behind the bar so that only patrons who’d paid for the beds could be allowed upstairs by the griffon guarding the way.

Given the double-barrelled shotgun displayed above the bar, and the fact that Ruby was a very… tough-looking griffon, I didn’t want to imagine what happened to anypony looking for a free nap to sleep off their drunkenness. The scars covering her grey body told a story in of themselves.

“You heading up?” Ruby asked us as we approached, setting down the glass the tossing the rag onto another nearby counter. “Or you ordering another drink.”

“I think you’ve already got your claws full,” I said to her, gesturing to the rest of her patrons.

She shrugged. “Just a usual night, I’m sure I’ll be slinging half this lot out onto their faces by closing time. So, what’ll it be?”

“Heading up.”

“Well, don’t let me stop you. Just don’t disturb the others, I can’t be fucked to deal with any complaints.”

I gave her a nod, slipping behind the bar and heading up the stairs with my friends following close behind. Up top was a very simple corridor lit by a couple of wall-mounted candles, three doors lining the right that led into the private rooms while a single door was on the left that led into the shared bunks.

Heading inside, only two other occupants were presently within the bunk room. To the far left of the back wall was a random blue stallion who looked dead to the world on his mattress, while laying on a bottom bunk in the middle of the room was Altrix.

She was just lying on her back, her eyes wide open and staring at the bottom of the top bunk above her.

We all quietly approached the bed, though the movement was enough to get her to blink and look in our direction.

“Hey, Altrix,” I started off. “Can’t sleep?”

She looked back up. “I’m fine.”

Xena sighed, moving forwards and sitting on the edge of the bed. “No, you are not. You haven’t been fine ever since the incident in Buckingham.”

She turned away from us. “I just want to sleep. You should too, rest is important for your health after all.”

“Always with the health advise, hm?” Cobalt noted.

“At least I can do that right.”

“Hey, come on, kid,” Moon Blossom stated. “Leave that brooding shit to ponies who deserve it. And I’ve done a lot of stuff that’s worth brooding over.”

“But you’re better than that,” Altrix muttered. “You’re all so strong, do you realise that? You are all so determined to save us, even though you should probably just let us be. I was supposed to help, but I can’t. I can’t do anything for this dumb place, I can’t do what you do. I just… can’t.”

“Don’t give me that shit,” I dismissed, getting her to roll over and give me a wide-eyed look.


“That’s garbage and you know it,” I said sternly to the changeling. Time to get serious on this. “I don’t know what we would have done without you, Altrix. You’ve saved our bacon more than once.”

“How? I can’t shoot people, I just… I killed him! That griffon… I can’t get his face out of my head!”

“You don’t have to kill to help us, Altrix,” Xena said softly. “And there is no shame in feeling guilty. Quite the opposite, it shows how good a person you are.”


“You replaced that raider and stopped the others from finding us,” I listed off.

“You saved me when my old ‘buddies’ had me tied up,” Moon Blossom supplemented.

“You treated me when that poison almost ended my life,” Xena added.

“You gave me a gold star,” Cobalt said with a shrug.

Seriously? Well, at least it got a chuckle from Altrix.

“You were a very brave pony, Cobalt,” she giggled.

“Very brave,” I deadpanned. But I digress… “The fact is, you saved my life with what you did. We’ve all saved each other at some point or another. Because, Altrix, you’re right. You can’t cure the Equestrian Wasteland. But maybe we can. Or at least make it better than it was. Maybe for changelings alone. Maybe for ponies too. But we can and will stop Kronos, together. And fact is…”

I sighed, hoping that the simple truth would work.

“…we can’t do it without you.”

Altrix was silent, looking around at us all one by one with her giant blue orbs holding an untold number of emotions. But then, right in the corners of both, I saw small glistening tears begin to fall.

She sniffed. “I… I love you guys!”

Her horn lit up, and the next thing I knew we’d all be dragged forward and pushed right into an impromptu group hug.

And for once, not a single one of us protested.

But it could only last so long, and eventually, the changeling saw fit to release us amidst a few final tears and a small hiccup that resulted from them.

“I… don’t think I can ever forget what happened,” she admitted. “But… I’m not going anywhere. I never was. I want to help you, you’re my friends. And… and everyone back home is counting on me too. Oh, I’d hate to let them down.”

“We won’t,” Xena assured. “Only a few final steps, and then we can return to them.”

I lay awake on my bunk. I was in the one opposite of Altrix’s, Moon Blossom having taken the top bunk above the changeling. Cobalt was above me, and to my right was Xena, all of whom were sound asleep.

All but me.

I was pretty sure it was morning by now, and a check of my PipBuck’s clock confirmed that. Almost two in the morning.

I think I might have snagged an hour or two earlier, but now I was restless. I guess I just had a lot on my mind, not surprising given everything that had happened.

Altrix was mostly fine now, though I doubted she’d ever be quite as innocent as she’d been when we met. More than that, I felt closer to my friends than ever. In little more than a month, I’d accumulated a small group of ponies, and a changeling, who meant more to me than any cap in the world.

So why did I feel so uneasy?

Was it the continuing threat of Kronos and the larger figures behind the crazy griffon? Red Eye? Goddess? What about the Remnant, the zebras still following us. Following Xena.

Maybe it was a mix of all. The continuing pressure of having Equestria’s fate in my hooves, not to mention the fates of my friends.

Ugh, now I was psychoanalysing myself.

I lit my horn, reaching for the saddlebags tucked under my bed. I knew what I was looking for, and in short order I had it floating out from the bag and up towards me. I settled it down gently, taking it between my hooves as I let my magic aura die out.

Twilight Sparkle. The small statuette I’d found back at the factory.

Was the pressure I felt the same kind she went through? She and her friends, the Elements of Harmony. Was protecting them why she did… any of it? Dealing with Chrysalis? Working on alicorns and Changeling Queens?

What would I do to save them?

“Scrap…?” I heard Xena’s voice, and glancing to my right showed that my marefriend was awake and giving me a look of concern. “What is wrong?”

I sighed, diverting my gaze back to Twilight. “Just… thinking.”

I saw her slip from her own bed and quietly walk up next to mine, leaning against it and giving the statuette an inquisitive look.

“Does the Ministry Mare have much to say?”

“So much and all too little,” I muttered. “But… I guess it reminds me what I am fighting for.”

“And that is?”

“You,” I answered. “Our friends. Keeping us safe and together. And making damn well sure that Kronos can’t hurt anyone else.”

“Good answer,” she said, and I smiled a little as I felt her give me a light nuzzle on the cheek. “It is a good reminder. I would keep that little pony close.”

I hummed, looking into Twilight’s studious eyes. She looked… happy. A far cry from the pony I’d seen in that memory orb. Better times.

I knew, looking at that mare, that I’d die for my friends. Just like she had.

“What time is it?” Xena asked. “It must be early still.”

“It is,” I said, showing her my PipBuck’s status screen.

“We should try for at least a few more hours of rest,” she noted. “It would-”

Her ear twitched, as did mine, at a nearby ‘pop’. And then there was another. And another.

Then I saw the red bar on my Eyes Forward Sparkle.

And all hell broke loose.

A loud explosion shook the entire building, knocking dust into the air as I jumped from my bed right as everyone else was jolted awake by the commotion! I grabbed my bags and guns, gathering everything I needed as Xena instinctively did the same. I saw the others looking around in confusion, and yet more and more red bars continued to appear all around us.

“The town is under attack!”

My shout kicked the others into gear, and they all dropped down to grab their things. The other stallion in the room even awoke and started scrambling for his own weapons. Altrix grabbed her medical supplies and Moon Blossom her knife. Cobalt, being the battle mage that he is, was already ready to go.

We bolted from the room, making our way downstairs and back out into the now empty bar. Down here the sounds of fighting were louder, the thundering sound of firing turrets moving on with shouts and screams from those outside.

We burst through the door in time to see a Molotov fly over the wall and burst on the ground, barely missing several of Spring Haze’s guards as they stormed towards the main gate.

“Hey, what’s going on out there?” Cobalt shouted at one of the ponies as they passed.

“No clue!” they shouted back before vanishing through the gate.

“We following them?” Moon Blossom shouted out in question.

“No shit!” I aptly responded, drawing my pistol as I galloped straight for the main gate and emerged outside the walls.

The first thing I saw was Spring Haze taking cover behind the guard post, reloading his magnum before poking over his head over and continuing to fire. Several other armoured ponies were giving supporting fire around him, the turrets firing off down the streets while the snipers set up along the buildings attempted to pick off whoever was attacking Crossroads.

And I couldn’t quite see who it was, only the occasional flash of a gun down the other end of the pitch-black street.

“What’s happening?” I asked the Sheriff as I ducked down with him, the others hanging back by the gate as I saw Stripe raise her rifle and begin scanning the area down her scope.

“Sorry to wake you!” the kirin remarked. “But these zebra bastards decided to ignore the little warning I gave them earlier today... Or yesterday. It is morning, right?”

“ZEBRA!?” I think that exclamation from Xena and myself was in perfect sync there.

A bullet hit one of the town guards, and instantly flames burst forth and consumed his whole body as he dropped and rolled with screams of pain.

“Damn, they have those zebra fire rifle things,” Spring Haze cursed as some ponies ran to help put the injured and heavily burnt guard out and get him some medical attention, Altrix included. “But we have them pinned, there’s no way they’re getting up that street in one piece.”

As if the universe was just enticed by his confidence, and humungous CRASH caught our attention from inside the town. Turning to look through the gates, we saw the western side of the wall completely cave in as members of the Zebra Remnant began to pour through, simultaneous with the shimmers of stealth cloaks disengaging!

“What the!?” the Sheriff exclaimed in shock.

“They must have brought some explosives, maybe C4!” Cobalt shouted, lighting his horn in readiness.

But already the Remnant were firing on anypony who had emerged from their homes to see what the commotion was about, several giving shouts of shock as either they or their loved ones were gunned down before they could retreat back into the buildings they’d emerged from.

“Those…” I saw Spring Haze’s eye twitch, and… was that a flicker of purple fire along his mane? “Everypony, you defend this gate. Scavenger, you and your friends are with me! It’s time to see if DJ Pon-3 was on the mark about you!”

“Uh, right! We’re with you!”

“Scrapper and Company, at your service!” Moon Blossom remarked.

Fuck, when was the last time I got called ‘Scrapper’?

Ugh, forget that! Saving the town, right!

With Spring Haze’s ponies keeping the gate secured, and Altrix seemingly staying to tend to the mortally wounded pony, the rest of us accompanied the Sheriff quickly back into town as I swapped my pistol our for my assault rifle and engaged into S.A.T.S.!

About six stealth zebra had appeared, another dozen or so were pouring in through the gap they’d made in the wall. One was bringing a rifle up towards a couple of foals who’d been caught out when the fighting inside had started, I targeted that one first. I then selected two of the closest zebra and released the pain!

In quick succession, I pumped lead into the targeted three before running forwards and rolling behind one of the stands around the statue for cover. I spotted the foals make it into a nearby home as Spring Haze jumped to stand between them and any other zebra, a couple of bullets biting into his barding but otherwise not making the kirin flinch in the slightest.

The rest of the zebra weren’t about to stand out in the open, however, and all took positions from which they could receive some cover and continue to fire. One made the mistake of getting too close to the Sheriff’s Office and earning the wrath of the automated turrets protecting it, but the other Remnant weren’t so stupid.

My friends all ran to get into some cover of their own, Cobalt erecting a small shield around the Sheriff to help him out of the line of fire after the foals had made it to safety, all while ignoring a bullet hitting into the shoulder of his combat armour. But just as Xena jumped down next to me, I heard one of the zebras give a victorious shout.

“She’s here! The traitor is here, just like Xaro said!”

I saw Xena freeze, her eyes widening and her coat hairs standing on end. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but something gave me pause as her teeth clenched and she scrunched her eyes shut.

“They knew I was here. That’s why they’re attacking,” she said in a low growl. “Their spies must have tracked us through the city. Out of sight, unknown to us… And now he has come to kill me.”

“Who?” I asked carefully.”

“Xaro,” she answered. “That is my brother’s name.”

I didn’t even have time to process that my would-be brother in law was the one who sent these guys to kill us when the tell-tale clink of a grenade landing nearby reached my ears.

Almost out of pure instinct, memories of our escape from Our Town burning through my mind, I pushed out with my magic and sent the grenade hurtling safely away before it detonated. I then grabbed my rifle again and raised it over the stand, spotting a couple of Remnants firing in from the gap in the wall and proceeding to return the favour!

Xena wasn’t going to be one to waiting around either, and she moved up and onto her hind legs with an angry shout and her sniper rifle raised. Then, with that beautiful CRACK of her sniper, one of the red bars blinked out.

“Brothers! Show no fear in the face of the witch!” one of the closer zebras shouted. “No mercy, burn the traitor and all who would shelter her!”

“Burn!?” I heard Spring Haze shout before, for some really suicidal reason that was lost on me, he stepped out from behind one of the stalls he’d been using for cover! Man, that previously bubbly kirin looked pissed. “You don’t know the meaning of the word!”

You know, I don’t think I should be surprised at this stuff anymore. But I was anyway when Spring Haze gave an infuriated shout that heralded his eyes turning a bright white light and purple flames igniting all over his body… and yet somehow leaving his trench coat intact!

“I warned you!” he declared in a rather demonic voice before charging at the startled Remnant like a mad pony!

But the fact that the various zebra had been startled meant that there was a sudden lull in the gunfire, so who were we not to take advantage of that?

I opened fire again, seeing Moon Blossom give a completely delighted laugh and follow the Sheriff in charging their way into the zebra position. Cobalt fired a couple of mana bolts at the suddenly scattering zebra before doing his best to keep Moon Blossom and Spring Haze protected from the gunfire.

And I bet the zebra wished they had someone to protect them from Moon Blossom and Spring Haze.

The first of the remaining thirteen went when Spring Haze blew his brains out with a round from his revolver, before leaping onto a second and consuming him in the purple flames that were swirling angrily around his body!


The third met their end from Xena’s rifle, a fourth scrambling back to avoid my gunfire only to run right into a Moon Blossom and her combat knife.

Nine bars remained.

All concept of cover shattered, the Remnant all ran forward and spread out throughout the town. I lost sight of Moon Blossom and Spring Haze as one rounded by us and raised his rifle, making me grab Xena by the mane and drag her out of the way as several bullets bit into the stand and set it on fire!

I do not want to get hit by that thing!

I wildly sprayed back at the zebra thankfully biting into the legionnaire and dropping him to the ground, but not quite killing him as I had to note.

It didn’t matter for the moment, we had to move back as the other zebra all tried to swarm us!

We moved back to the inn, jumping over and ducking behind a scrap fence that bordered the porch. Taking a glance over, I saw a couple of Spring Haze’s guards turn to take a look back in the town as a zebra rolled in near them.

One of the guards took a bullet to the head, the second quickly firing back and finishing the zebra before ducking back outside.

Taking stock of my E.F.S., I saw another three bars nearby to Spring Haze and Moon Blossom had gone out, and a peak revealed two of them to be charred and unrecognisable.

Only five left.

Before I could choose my next target, I caught a shimmer in the air next to me with my heart sinking as I turned to see one of the stealth zebras reappear and stick the barrel to his rifle right to my head.


The zebra went flying from the front of the inn, and I could only blink as I saw a deadpan griffon standing at the doorway with a smoking double-barrelled shotgun in her claws.

“No hounding my customers, assholes!” she spat.

Another bar blinked out, and a look over showed Cobalt’s horn sparking out as he jumped over another Remnant soldier he’d just killed with his combat magic. Of the remaining three, one seemed close to wetting himself due to the fact that he was standing in the middle of town with only a wooden stand for cover, while the other two sprinted towards the hole in the wall in full retreat.

I raised my rifle and fired after the latter two, but at this range my bullets just ricocheted around them as they fled, firing a couple of shots back as they went. Spring Haze fired after them to similar effect, while Xena got back onto her hind legs and took aim.


The bullet went through the leg of one of them, but in one fluid movement the second picked his ally up and onto his back, before vanishing into the darkness of the night.

That just left the continuing gunfire at the gate and the one remaining bar inside…

I hopped over the scrap fencing and started towards the zebra with my gun raised, and from the corner of my eye, I saw the burning Sheriff move to do the same. The remaining Remnant yelped as he saw us coming and, to my surprise, his bar turned green on my E.F.S. as he threw his own rifle aside.

“Surrender! I surrender!” she shouted in desperation. “I am beaten, I surrender!”

I stopped in my tracks, but Spring Haze continued forwards as the flames around him extinguished and he rounded the stall the zebra was hiding behind.

Then the zebra gave a shout of alarm as he was thrown over it.

He landed by my hooves, whimpering as he decided he’d better remain on the ground where he’d landed. It was the same stallion I’d shot earlier but failed to kill, it looked like his barding had saved his life. He also looked… young. Late teens I’d guess.

My friends all gathered together, seeming unhurt for the most part. Cobalt’s barding was dented where a couple of bullets had hit their mark, but nothing looked to have gone through. Spring Haze was also bleeding from a gash just to the side of his horn, but it didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. Even Ruby joined us as we circled around the cowering zebra, the griffon breaking open the shotgun and replacing the spent shells.

“So, we ending this fucker or what?” Ruby asked.

“Hang on a moment,” the Sheriff denied, bringing around his tail and blowing out a lingering flame on its tip. “I think this fella has a couple of questions to answer for us.”

Xena stepped forwards, meeting the zebra’s eyes as she glared down at him angrily. “Indeed. Such as where my brother is, and what he intends to do next.”

“I-I…. I don’t know…” the stallion lied rather badly.

Spring Haze rolled his eyes, trotting towards the zebra before yanking him up by the collar. “Listen here, buddy. I consider myself a sociable fella, but you’ve attacked my town and killed innocent ponies. Now that’s not something I can forgive, so you’d better start talking, or things are going to get a mighty bit worse for you.”

The zebra whined in fear.

“Platinum Plaza…” Spring Haze muttered as we all took a moment to breathe in the Sheriff’s Office. Altrix was back with us, the ponies of the town busy picking up the pieces and burying the dead. “That’s a mighty big trek through the ruins. These zebra must love to walk.”

The zebra in question was passed out in the jail cell with a few new bruises around his muzzle. The Remnant assaulting the gate had fallen back without taking any casualties, though had succeeded in killing one of the defending snipers as well as the pony I’d seen get his brains blown out. The injured stallion Altrix had been tending to was apparently going to live, though it’d taken our single remaining hydra bottle to save his life.

So no more get out of jail free cards for us, it was back to normal healing potions from here on out.

“Platinum Plaza…” Cobalt muttered. “Named after Equestria’s first ruler?”

“I wouldn’t know about that,” he replied. “But it’s an open space surrounded by a whole lotta buildings, not unlike Crossroads. Probably even more so, since it’s not on an intersection. A lot of cover, not a bad place for a camp if they’ve got the surrounding high-rises secured.”

“They have to be hurting after his,” Cobalt noted. “Between their battles with the Steel Rangers and today, I can’t imagine they’re in too good of a shape.”

“They are tenacious. Even if they are low on numbers, they will not rest. Such is the way of the fanatic,” Xena growled.

“She might be right,” Spring Haze agreed. “If they’re after ya’ll, they’ll try again.”

“And what about him?” Moon Blossom asked, nodding towards the zebra in the cell. “What are you going to do to that prick?”

“Hm…” the Sheriff hummed, regarding the zebra carefully. “Might put him to work fixing up the town, see if there’s any reformation for him. I must admit I did consider putting him down, but… he’s young. And given what you’ve told me about these Remnant folks, perhaps he didn’t really have a choice but to serve. I think I’ll try to give him that choice before heading down execution alley.”

“That’s merciful,” Xena noted.

“I try to be when I can. But… we haven’t had to face something like this in a while. Not even raiders usually get this brave.”

“Then we cannot let them continue to torment innocent ponies,” Xena announced. “I cannot. My brother leads this group, I am responsible for all the innocent ponies who died today. I must make it right.”

“What are you saying?” Altrix asked worriedly.

“I will confront him. Alone.”

She will WHAT!?

“Yeah, no,” Moon Blossom deadpanned. “If there’s a bunch of zebra to squash, let me squash them! Don’t be a glory hog.”

“This is no time for jokes!” she snapped back. “This is personal. I cannot, and will not, allow you to accompany me this time.”

“But we’re your friends!” Altrix protested.

“And Xaro is family.”

“And what am I?” I demanded to know, getting Xena’s eyes to widen. “I understand. This is personal to you, this fucking hurts. But what’s personal to you is damn well personal to me, and I am not letting you go on this thing alone.”

Xena closed her eyes. “Scrap…”

“I love you, Stripe,” I said, taking her hoof. “Please, don’t block me out here. I’m family too.”

She sighed, but she didn’t pull away. I could just see the conflict in her as she opened her eyes and stared into mine, my heart aching as they visibly glazed over with barely held back tears.

“Alright…” she said quietly. “You are right, of course. We will go, but the others will remain. I can’t have them taking this risk. Not for me.”

I nodded, feeling a burning sensation in my own eyes. “Alright. Done.”

“What do you expect us to do while you go on this family reunion?” Cobalt asked. “We still have a job to do, and I don’t want to tackle the hub without the both of you with us.”

“You can stay with me!” Spring Haze suddenly chirped up, back to his lively self like a switch had been flicked. “I have spare sleeping bags! Oh, I’ve never had a sleepover before! So exciting!”

“Or you could just have Ruby give us free beds until these two return with Xaro’s head,” Moon Blossom deadpanned.

Spring Haze’s ears wilted. “But… fine. I guess…”

“I’ll stay over,” Altrix stated, but then scuffed the ground sheepishly at our odd looks. “Um… I’ve never had a sleepover before either.”

“I’ll take it!” Spring Haze shouted. “This going to be awesome!”

This was the stallion who recently turned into a fire demon, everypony…

But even as Spring Haze starting exclaiming to Altrix all the things they’d do together, mostly talking by the sounds of it, Xena slowly and quietly turned from the group and made her way out of the Sheriff’s Office.

Not willing to leave her alone after all of this, I followed her out and into the soft drizzle that was now falling from the clouds. She stopped, just looking up into the shattered buildings around us as I saw a small tear slide down her cheek. With a joyless and numb feeling, I walked up beside my marefriend and gently rested my head against her own.

She leant into the gesture, just letting her silent tears fall with the rain.

Footnote: Max Level

Cobalt, Altrix and Moon Blossom have left the party and gone to Crossroads.