• Published 5th Sep 2017
  • 4,415 Views, 225 Comments

The Heart of The Queen - Pumpernickel Rye

Sequel to The Queen of Hearts. Queen Nymph is willing to go any length to have her sister Chrysalis forgiven by the ponies for her past mistake.

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A Desperate Deal

A Desperate Deal

Nymph tossed the papers into the air. “Useless! Useless! Useless!” All the research done on her magic was for nothing. Actually, that wasn’t entirely true, but it was no good to her right now. The researchers proudly stated that her magic had powerful effects on the minds of individuals, which was the problem. What good was it to have complete control over one individual when she needed populations to sway? Perhaps it would be beneficial against an individual such as Tirek, but it would be useless against an army. Even then, if she was not there to maintain the spell, the magic would lose control in mere moments, so it was hardly a win in any way. It seemed she would need an alternative if she were to finally fix the problems made by those ponies.

Once everything had fallen to the floor and remained still, she planted her head on the desk. Nymph’s mind could not let go of the ring she found. Many ponies and some changelings just saw the worst in her sister and refused to change their views. She just wanted to blame someone for all of this, but only Chrysalis herself was responsible for invading in the first place. No, it was Nymph’s own fault by driving her sister into a phase of vileness through her own greed. Nymph wanted to scream in people’s ears and somehow make them understand, but she was already told by Celestia countless times why this was only cause more problems.

A knock came from her door, but she didn’t bother to answer. The door opened as Celestia entered. “Oh dear.” She approached the changeling and gently stroked the back of her head. “Nymph, what’s wrong?” She glanced at the pages laying before her and took one to skim through. “Your magic?”

“Defense research. My magic is too unstable on it’s own to issue proper commands for long periods of time and is practically useless against multiple enemies. It may be impossible to weaponize it to keep out intruders if I was not present.”

Celestia turned the chair and let Nymph fall on her as she gave a hug. “I think you need some time away from all this. You’ve been forcing yourself onto all these duties ever since the Crystal Empire and you are barely getting any rest. This has to stop.”

“And do what? You have your duties and Chrysalis is working today. There’s no excuse for me to take the day off, so I might as well keep working. My changelings need me.” Right as she reached for another folder to review, it was snatched away.

“You know, Twilight would love to have your company.”

Nymph tried again to reach for it, but Celestia held her back. “But I need to-”

Celestia quietly shushed her. “You need a break. You have been working yourself to death and you look so very tired. You may be a royal changeling, but you are still just a changeling. It’s been some time since you arrived in Equestria, but you haven’t spent very much time with any of your friends in Ponyville.” She knelt down, gently stroking her hoof against the changeling’s back. “I know how badly you want to help Chrysalis, but perhaps you could try to make time for them as well?”

Nymph glanced at the pile of scrolls and books that littered her desk and floor before turning back to Celestia. “I suppose I am working a little too hard.”

“Exactly.” Celestia helped the queen out of her seat and Nymph stretched, not realizing until now how stiff her joints were. “A nice day away from stress will help you clear your head. I’m sure you and Twilight can come up with something fun to do. Maybe she could also help you with your research.”

The changeling quickly shook her head. “No, thank you. The last time I allowed your student to study me is going to be the last time.” Nymph shivered as she remembered Twilight’s much too eager grin as she approached with the giant needle to extract a blood sample. “Perhaps it would be better to stick to socializing with her. If I’m lucky, I can get her on the path to becoming a true princess!”

“I’m not entirely opposed to the idea, Nymph,” said Celestia with a chuckle. “Have fun.”

Nymph unleashed her emerald flame and found herself outside the crystal castle in Ponyville. She trotted up to the door and knocked on it. It was a moment before Twilight answered. “Queen Nymph! What a surprise!” She suddenly looked nervous. “Nothing bad happened, right?”

“No, not at all. Sorry to drop by so suddenly, but I was hoping if I could spend some quality time with you today. I’ve been drowning in my duties and simply desire the company of my friends more than anything.”

“Of course you can.” Nymph stepped inside. “I do appreciate a visit. It’s kinda lonely in this big castle whenever Spike’s gone. We’ve been together for so long that it’s just weird when he’s not around.”

“I know exactly how you feel.” As they headed toward Twilight’s room, Nymph eyed the many doors surrounding them. To see the empty innards of the castle and feel its deafening silence emphasized just how isolated Twilight, the Princess of Friendship, was from the world. It was a small wonder why Celestia struggled to let her go to make friends on her own. “So what are you up to today? Reading?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Yes, in fact I am. Well, sort of.”

“Sort of?” When they entered her room, she saw a book glowing on the bed that bore the image of the sun, although it was half yellow and half red. “What magical tome is this?”

“It’s the book I use to talk to Sunset Shimmer. It glows whenever she writes something to me.” Twilight picked it up with her magic before shooting Nymph a dirty look. “I do have a social life, you know.”

The queen blushed, realizing that she had made an error in judging the little alicorn. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m good at multitasking.” Twilight laid on the bed and opened her book, giggling before writing down her response to whatever Sunset had written. Nymph looked and saw that there was nowhere to sit, so she loudly cleared her throat. Twilight looked up, realized the problem, and summoned a red comfortable chair for her to sit on.

Taking her seat on the chair, Nymph asked, “If you don’t mind me prying, what are you two discussing?”

“Just some things that happened with Sunset the last few days,” Twilight happily answered as she wrote something. “She’s telling me a funny story about the other Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. Let’s just say Pinkie got a little too comfortable with a cotton candy machine.”

“I think I can picture it already.” She knew little about the other student of Celestia other than Twilight’s adventures in the other world. Celestia seemed a little too uncomfortable talking about her and Nymph never dared asking. The idea of two versions of every person she knew was still a hard pill to swallow. She still wasn’t sure if she could picture what these humans even looked like. Nymph glanced to the right, seeing herself in the mirror. “Has Sunset found me or Chrysalis in the other world?”

“I’ve asked, but she says she hasn’t. You two live far away in this world, so I’m pretty sure you two just live in another city.”

“I suppose. But what would I be? A model? An actress? Married?”

“Hard to say. Celestia and Luna are principal and vice principal and I don’t even know what the other me is like.”

“You wouldn’t have happened to tell Sunset what’s been going in our world, have you? About Chrysalis?” Nymph asked nervously.

Twilight looked up from the book. “She knows and she gives Chrysalis her condolences. I think both of them have plenty in common, but I don’t know if I should have Chrysalis visit her based on just that. Sunset even says she’s pretty jealous that she can just change into somepony else and hide away from everypony. Sunset had to deal with a lot of negativity in school after her episode, but she’s doing pretty well now.”

“Do you visit her often?”

Twilight bit the end of her quill and glanced to the side. “Not really. Being a princess means I have a lot more responsibilities now. I think about going sometimes, but it seems like every time I go, something crazy happens. Maybe it’s just in my head.”

“Maybe. I recall your previous visit and dealing with...what happened again?”

“We had a music competition orchestrated by three sirens so they could fuel their magic and take over the world by controlling everyone into worshipping them.”

“That was it. Still, it should be nice to see her and your other friends again. Perhaps you should go pay them a visit seeing as your friends here are busy working for my sister and it would certainly beat sitting alone in your castle.”

The pony nodded. “I’ll consider it.”

Nymph leaned against the chair and closed her eyes, relishing in its softness. She couldn’t picture what Twilight looked like as one of those alien creatures, but she had a harder time seeing her singing in a band. She had a nice voice certainly, but for her to sing in front of a large audience must have been a spectacle. Did Celestia teach her how to sing? That would explain how she and Sunset could compete against three sirens, even when they were fully powered from controlling all the other students to adore them. To think three girls could bend the will of so many with just their songs in a world without magic. It was a miracle that sirens usually kept away from the mainland for whatever reason.

Now that she thought about it, where were the alternate Twilight and Sunset? It was weird to think after all this time, Sunset-

Nymph’s eyes shot open.

Slowly, her head turned toward the unsuspecting alicorn sitting across from her. Nymph contemplating her next move as her face twitched with conflicting emotions It was a bad idea, but the thought was overwhelming with temptation. She could not let simply forget about her knew idea and her curiosity demanded satisfaction. It was not long until she gave in and sat up. Nymph’s horn began to glow and then Twilight’s eyes glowed the same color of green, although she continued on as normal, writing to Sunset. “Tell me, whatever did happen to those sirens?”

“I don’t know. They ran off once the crowd booed them off the stage and we haven’t heard from them since. I’m sure they’re just too ashamed to show their faces and won’t be causing any more trouble.”

“So you don’t know where they live or anything?” Nymph questioned, slightly disappointed.

“I don’t. I barely got to know them during the whole incident.”

Nymph leaned closer to Twilight. “Tell me everything about their powers. Spare no detail.”

“Sirens have magical voices that can make others fall under their spell by singing. They typically use it to have ponies or humans fight amongst themselves so they can gain power from negative emotions and enhance their voices. They can even steal magic from someone else if they are displaying negative emotions. They are similar to changelings in a lot of ways.”

The queen stood before the princess, licking her fangs hungrily. “And their mind controlling songs? How powerful are they?”

“Not only can they control so many at once, but it seems it can last for quite some time even after they stop singing. It is perhaps the most powerful form of mind control I have seen besides Discord.”

Nymph’s body was tingling with excitement. “Could they be perhaps controlled? Such as finding a way to contain their powers so that they won’t run wild in Equestria and to, oh I don’t know, control the ponies into accepting my sister? Maybe have them work under me?”

“I believe so. A unicorn’s power can be contained by a ring over their horn or by similar methods, so a siren should be possible as well. They wore pendants that acted as their power source, so I think you could make one to block their magic. As for mind control, yes, I believe they could do that. In the other world, they barely had any magic and yet still had the school under their influence. They should have no trouble here in Equestria.”

“So what do these girls look like?” Twilight flipped some pages back and showed rather detailed drawings of these three creatures, each with a name labeled under them. For the first time today, Nymph felt like she was on top of the world. She could barely contain herself as the answer to her problems was making itself known right before her. “As for the mirror portal. How do I operate it?”

“It’s easy. You just use this book to power the machine and that will open the gateway. I keep the mirror in the one of the rooms for safe keeping.”

Queen Nymph walked over to Twilight’s side, who was still conversing with Sunset Shimmer and unaware of the words she was saying out loud. “Twilight Sparkle, you have just made my day.” She lowered her head to plant a kiss on the pony’s cheek, who gave no reaction. Returning to her seat, Nymph slowly returned Twilight’s will until the light in her eyes went out. The pony continued writing as if nothing happened and Nymph was in the clear.

The silence between them continued until Twilight finally closed the book. “Sunset has to go to class, so I’ll talk to her later.” Setting it on the nightstand, she turned to the queen, embarrassed. “I haven’t been a good host so far, have I?”

“Nonsense, Twilight. You have been perfect.” Nymph got up from her chair. “How about we hit the town together and do something as friends?I’ll even take us to lunch and you can have whatever you want. It would certainly be better than sitting inside all day, yes?”

“Sounds good to me.”

They left Twilight’s room and soon exited the castle. As usual, many ponies and changelings stared at the queen once they were in town, but to her relief, none of them approached her. Nymph needed no distractions as she contemplated how she was going to circumvent the only obstacle from her new plan. Fortunately, it was a simple solution. “I don’t know about you, but the news of Cadance’s pregnancy still fills me with such joy. Oh, Twilight, you must be just dying to become an aunt.”

“I am. It’s overwhelming to think my big brother is going to be a dad, but I have no doubt he and Cadance will do a great job.”

Nodding, Nymph added, “I agree. I can only imagine what bundle of joy the two of them will bring to this world. However, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”


“Are you making any plans to see them? I know the three of you are very busy with your duties, but I thought you would be making more attempts to rekindle you bond with your brother and sister-in-law. You and Shining Armor grew distant for some time before the wedding and sometimes I worry that could happen again now that you both have your own kingdom. I think you should make an effort to be more involved in their lives so that you may be a part of their child’s life.”

Twilight looked toward the ground. Nymph did not enjoy seeing her like this, but on the bright side, her plan could also bring the three or soon four of them closer together. “I guess it has been a while. I’ll need to plan a day when I can go see them.”

“Tomorrow would be a good day.”

“T-tomorrow? That’s so soon!” the pony argued. “I don’t think I should just drop in when they could be busy running the Crystal Empire.”

“I disagree.” Nymph put a hoof around her. “They would be so happy to have you there. Twilight, believe me when I say if there’s one thing I want more anything in the world, it’s to spend more time with Chrysalis. I know you like to spend your days looking through books, but I think you should consider making regular visits to your family. Poor Cadance has been so busy ever since my visit and I think a visit from you would make her and Shiney so happy. It would be a fantastic surprise for the both of them to have you there and I think a future aunt should make such visits routine for their little bundle of joy.”

Nymph was worried as she felt Twilight’s various emotions regarding the situation. Soon, they were sorted out as she made up her mind. “You’re right. I should be trying to make more regular visits with them. I’m going to go see them tomorrow.” She smiled at the changeling. “Thanks, Nymph. You’re a good friend.”

Smiling, Nymph held Twilight in a side hug. “What can I say? I’m full of great ideas.”

“I’m full of terrible ideas!” Nymph peered out of one the windows of her room to see Twilight’s castle far out in the distance, which was easy to spot even in the middle of the night. “I can’t risk something like this. Bringing three evil sirens to Equestria is madness!” She turned away and went to the desk, taking the hoof mirror laying it on top. “Twilight is your friend. How dare you control her like that, even after when Celestia lectured you about your power! On that note, how dare you try to control Celestia’s subjects! She completely trusts you!” Putting it aside, Nymph tapped her hooves together as she contemplated if it was even worth staying in Equestria anymore. Even if her kingdom was stable and boring, she felt that she should live up to her title as queen and be actually present. It would be a sad goodbye to suddenly tell her friends and sister that she was going home, but there was no point in staying now. Her plan of getting Chrysalis home ended in failure and she needed to accept that.

What she needed more than anything was a distraction. She should be focused on her royal duties rather than toy with dangerous plans. Opening one of the drawers, Nymph pulled out a folder containing another document for her to review. Right as she pulled it out, her eyes fell upon several letters underneath. More letters of concerns from her own subjects no doubt, worried about the unfriendly looks ponies gave them or the dwindling love in Equestria. There was easily enough love to sustain her people, but after the sudden drop caused by Chrysalis’s appearance, how long until food became a problem once more? If such a crisis did manage to arise, what could she in her power do about it?

Queen Nymph lowered her head onto the desk, her mind now bringing up memories of her joke of a first reign. Sometimes she thought about finding a spell to block out those horrible years, but she needed to remember them to ensure she never let down her people again. She could still picture the moments of her subjects begging for food, asking for her to do something to help ease their pain, and she couldn’t. Their cries soon became ones of anger, but neither stung more than the cheers when she conceded the crown.

For a queen, you were certainly powerless. I am ever so curious what historians will say about the Era of the False Queen.”

A sudden jolt in her spine caused Nymph to sit straight up. Her breathing quickened for an instant as her eyes swept across the room. Those days were over. That Chrysalis was gone forever. There was no need to revisit those memories.

I am not making you do these tasks meant for servants because I hold a grudge, Sister. I am merely teaching you an important lesson: Some are meant for greatness, some are not. I hope you know where you fall.”

Beads of sweat suddenly began to form. Nymph wanted to lie down and sleep, but her body remained frozen as her mind ran wild.

You know, there is a bright side to your failures. I get to learn from them.”

Against her will, her eyes once again fell upon the pile of letters on the desk.

“First you prove to be a worthless sister, and now you are proving to be a worthless ruler. I just wonder what purpose you have in this world, if you even have one.”

“Nymph, you know what is the biggest difference between us? I take action. You don’t because you are a grubling who cannot handle the duties that I was born for.”

“Oh, now this dress of yours is absolutely stunning. You must have put in so much work into making it and I must say it came out wonderfully. But wait. There’s something not quite right. I know. When the people see this, they will realize that you have spent more time and effort making yourself a dress than feeding them. Isn’t that funny?”

“What in the world went through that empty head of yours when you thought you deserved to be the queen over me? Why did Mother listen to a single word you said? Why did Mother have you?”

“Why did Mother have you?”

“Why did Mother have you?”

“Why did Mother have you?”

“Why did Mother have you?”

“Why did Mother have you?”

At last, Nymph mustered the strength to stand up from her seat. She magically undid her cloak and let it fall onto the floor behind her and tilted her head, letting her crown slip off and make a loud clunk when it landed. Flopping onto her bed, her body suddenly felt heavy again as she tried to keep those memories down. To help her, Nymph opened the nightstand drawer and took out the scrapbook and opened it. A spark of solace entered her chest as the queen kept looking over those precious moments with Chrysalis forever preserved. She didn’t even flinch when she saw how much of a feral animal she looked like back in the pizza restaurant. The last picture was of her holding Thorax after rescuing him from certain death, bringing out a smile from her. Thinking back to their dinner together, Nymph didn’t mind the idea of spending some more time with him to help clear her head. He had certainly proven himself to be good company.

“Maybe you’re not exactly like Chrysalis, but you’re compassionate and braver than you think to march right up to Celestia’s door and ask for her help just only a few days after the invasion. You went right up to her and Luna, two alicorns who could have taken you down with ease, because you loved your people so much and would do anything to help them. You kept going to Canterlot again and again, despite all the ponies protesting you, and you succeeded in ending the love problem forever. Isn’t that what a good queen does?”

Nymph picked herself from the bed, unable to keep herself from smiling. Everything was clear as crystal for her. It was as Chrysalis said: The difference between them was action and inaction.

The Changeling Queen planned to remedy this at once.

“I must not get carried away.” Climbing out of bed, Nymph picked up her crown, returning it to its rightful place, and once more stood at the window looking over Ponyville. “Twilight said they were dangerous. I will speak with them and see if they still are. Discord was a troublesome creature and yet Fluttershy turned him around. Teaching them friendship would be one thing, but to allow them their magic? Twilight did say their magic could be restricted. But is this worth the risk?”

It suddenly struck her that these sirens were in a similar position that Chrysalis found herself in last year. Banished from the only home they knew, they tried to sap the emotions of those around them for another attempt at conquest. As terrifying as they seemed, that didn’t mean they didn’t deserve another chance. Chrysalis was proof of this and if Pinkie was any other pony, Nymph dreaded to think of what would have happened. Perhaps these beasts could be tamed after all and become something more. If Chrysalis and even Discord to some degree could learn friendship and better themselves, why couldn’t these sirens do the same?

“I’ll play it safe,” Nymph said aloud as she turned away. She tucked the scrapbook back into the nightstand and readied herself for bed. “I will see them for myself and judge if it is indeed safe to bring them here.” She pulled the covers over herself and turned off the lights. “I am not going to make any more mistakes.”

When Celestia had risen the sun the next day, Nymph felt ready to take on the world. She met with Celestia and Luna for breakfast, told the changeling council that court would be postponed, and told her guards she was going out in town in disguise for a while. With everything prepared and the time past ten, she wasted no time go straight into Twilight’s castle. “Hello?” Nymph called out as she appeared in the main hall. Her voice rang through the halls, but no other sound was made. She also did not detect the emotions of any residents within the castle. She was alone to do what she pleased.

She first stepped into Twilight’s room and swiped the book. With some navigation, the queen explored several rooms before finding the magic mirror along with all the equipment Twilight used to activate. Inserting the book into the slot, the machine came to life and soon, the mirror became open. She then opened to the book to the picture of the Dazzlings in their current forms and tore out the page. She would be sure to fix it upon her return as Twilight was sure to notice damage to her precious book. A bright purple swirl stood before her, calling her to step through. She suddenly found herself frozen as she looked into the unknown abyss, thinking of where she was going and what she was about to do.

However, she could not turn away. Queens did not run away from danger and she would cross worlds for her sister. She would have to use her wit to ensure everything would go accordingly. Taking a deep breath, she stepped through.

Nymph found herself flung out the other end and she quickly caught herself and maintained her balance. However, balance was difficult to find as she was standing on two legs. She frantically waved her arms about before at last finding the proper way to stand. “Spike always makes it look easy, but other than that, what has happened to me?” The queen couldn’t believe how drastically her body has changed. Along with being on two legs, her hooves had developed into something similar to Spike’s claws and she was suddenly clothed. Looking herself over, she saw that she was wearing a black dress suit with green stockings and black high heels. When she pulled up her sleeve, Nymph was stunned to see she had no holes anywhere. She slowly ran her hand against her arm, finding joy in how smooth her flesh felt. Not that there was anything wrong with chitin, but she could see herself getting used to this.

Feeling her head, she felt a pair of earrings she knew she did not have earlier and her mane was cut much shorter, ending just above her waist. She also noticed that looking down was rather difficult due to her chest suddenly sticking out quite a lot. “Ugh! Why do I feel so heavy at the front?” Walking felt awkward from the first step and she lifted her foot. “And why am I wearing these very uncomfortable shoes?”

She took a moment to let the feeling of surprise pass before taking a look at her surroundings. Before her stood a massive building, which was easily the school Twilight had mentioned. Turning around, she could see that she had stepped out of the base for a statue of a rather large pony. The place was currently deserted, most likely as student were in class right now, and she began walking to the street. Nymph then noticed a metal carriage pass, leaving behind a foul stench that made her gag. She couldn’t remember how long it has been since she last done infiltration under a disguise, but this was something that came naturally to changelings. Blending in with another race was difficult under normal circumstances since there was always speaking properly and certain customs to be aware of, but she only planned on speaking with the Dazzlings, so not sticking out would not be a problem.

She examined the journal page to take another look at the drawing of the Dazzlings. Perhaps she could show some people this picture to find them as she wasn’t even sure where to look. She couldn’t fly and she had no magic, not to mention the city looked enormous in the distance. Asking Twilight’s friends was out of the question as there would be no doubt Sunset would tell Twilight and ruin everything. With that in mind, she began walking toward the city.

She couldn’t believe how strange this word was. Why would Sunset Shimmer ever want to come here? It certain lacked the natural beauty and culture of anything she had seen in her world. Despite resembling some existing Equestrian cities, there was something about the air that felt off. Nymph kept very careful track of where she went as she could not afford to get lost by keeping track of landmarks as her father taught her long ago. She wasn’t sure what to think of the weird creatures surrounding her. They looked so peculiar and yet familiar. She noticed a lot of males that went by her would make glances toward her, although they would stare just below her eyes. Perhaps her suit was not properly buttoned? Maybe it was not in style right now?

Deeper in the city was polluted with the noise of the metal vehicles and already she couldn’t stand them. They made too much noise and they emitted terrible toxin that frequently made her cough. Crossing the roads made her nervous despite observing how it was done by others. She wasn’t sure how long it had been, but she began wondering if there was any hope to this plan at all. She was far from the school and hoped she didn’t get lost. Eventually, she passed by a building on the corner and glancing inside, she saw two familiar faces. Looking at the sign, she saw that this was Sugarcube Corner. It absolutely lacked any of the stylistic charm the original held in Equestria, which made it hard for her to recognize. Stepping inside, the male creature Mr. Cake smiled at her. “Hello!”

“Hello...sir.” Nymph was thankful she had trained to act as a commoner. She walked over to the counter while still trying to not fall on her flank from the shoes. Why torture devices would be fashionable was something she didn’t want to think about. “As delicious as your wares seem, I am here for a particular matter.”

The couple looked at each other and then back at her, a little uneasy. “Yes?” asked Mrs. Cake.

Nymph took out the page from her suit pocket and held to them. “I am looking for these three girls. Would you perchance have seen them lately?”

The couple studied them for a moment before Cup Cake gasped. “Honey! Look at this one!” Her finger pointed to Sonata Dusk. “That’s her, isn’t it?”

“You’re right!” They looked up at Nymph. “We caught her a couple weeks ago trying to sneak some candy and pastries out in her pockets. She didn’t get away with much, but she came back more than once. Haven’t seen her in a while, though.”

The next time Nymph visited Ponyville, she would be sure to take a large order of sweets from them as a way of thanks. “Do you know where I can find her?”

He shrugged. “I don’t even know her name. She came in during the middle of the day or right before closing. What I do remember is that every time we chase her out, she runs around the corner, so she might live in that direction.”

It wasn’t much to go on, but it was better than nothing. The fact she actually had anything to go on gave her a surge of motivation.“Thank you. You both have been very helpful. Have a nice day.”

Right as she turned for the door, Cup Cake called, “Hold on.” Nymph froze dead in her tracks. She slowly turned around, smiling to hide her fear. “Who are you exactly and why are you looking for those girls?”

It was a relief that neither of them recognized her as that meant it was likely that anyone else in this town would know who she was. However, she needed to come up with something. If the Pinkie here caught wind of her visit, she would tell Sunset, who would then tell Twilight, ruining her plans. When it came to coming up with an alternative identity, she suddenly recalled Chrysalis telling her about mystery novels she had read since her stay in Equestria, giving her an idea. “I am Cleora, a private investigator. I have been hired to locate this girl and her friends. I’m afraid that is all I am allowed to say and I’d like to keep this meeting between us.”

“We understand,” said Carrot Cake. “Good luck.” Nymph exited the building and headed down the sidewalk around the corner as she was directed. Sonata was stealing sweets? That seemed odd for a siren bent on world domination. And where were Adagio and Aria? With her first lead, the queen felt that it wouldn’t be long until she had her answers.

Entering some more stores, Nymph struck gold several times when asking about the Dazzlings. It seemed these girls have been on a crime spree ever since their defeat, but for what reason? Targeting clothes stores and markets, these girls had made themselves quite a reputation in the local area. With each angry store owner, she came closer and closer until at last, she pinpointed their location. Nymph couldn’t believe how far from the school she had transversed to get here, but perhaps they didn’t wish to show their faces to anyone from the school. However, rather than a building, she ended up somewhere that raised many questions in her head.

The alleyway did not look inviting in any way, but Nymph made herself go in. “Hello?” She heard something move from around the corner and before her eyes a girl in a hooded sweater appeared. Nymph could not believe the state her company was in. Her sweater was dirty and torn, her hair hadn’t looked washed in weeks, and the narrow cheekbones on her face suggested that she was not eating enough. Nymph looked at the sketch and saw that this was Aria Blaze. One of the mighty sirens, a threat so powerful that she had to be banished to another world altogether, had been reduced to a pitiful state of filth and famine. “You poor thing.”

“So you got money or somethin’?” Aria asked bluntly, arms crossed. “Those are some expensive clothes you got there.”

The queen stepped closer. “Where are the other two? Sonata and Adagio?”

Aria immediately took a defensive stance. “Why are you asking? Who the heck are you supposed to be?”

“Does she have any money?” asked a commanding voice from around the corner.

“Looks like a lot,” Aria called back, quickly bringing out Sonata and Adagio, each looking just as terrible as their companion. No doubt Twilight and her friends were completely unaware of the Dazzlings’s living situation as they would never allow even their greatest foes to live in such a sorry state. Even if these girls were still a threat, Nymph could not stand the thought of letting them live like this. Perhaps coming to this world was a good idea after all. “You wouldn’t dare hold out on us poor, innocent girls, would you?”

Nymph could tell from how she asked and how they were gathering around her that they were up to something. She could see Adagio keep her hand in her sweater pocket, possibly to get a weapon ready. Nymph, however, was not intimidated by their threat. She was a queen and she would act accordingly. “I apologize, but I do not have any money to give. What I do have, however, is an opportunity for you all to return to Equestria.”

As Aria and Sonata gasped, Adagio charged Nymph, slamming her against a wall and placing a box cutter against her throat. “You’re going to take us back right now.”

“Or what? You’ll dispose your last chance of going home and just spend the rest of your days on the street? Perhaps prison if the authorities find out?” Before Adagio could respond, Nymph immediately grabbed her wrist, nearly causing her attacker let out a shriek. “Drop it.” Adagio complied with no hesitation and looked at her goons, both frozen with fear. “Yes, I can get you back, but this isn’t a charity. You want to go home, you work for me.” She released the leader, who stumbled back and rubbed her wrist.

Adagio snarled. “Let’s talk business over here.” She walked back around the corner and Nymph found their little hovel. Flat beds of cardboard were laid around a small hearth with rags and tarp used for blankets. Duffle bags of what seemed to be food and clothes were laid against the wall, no doubt their stash of stolen goods. In the year before, this was the image Nymph kept imaging when she thought about how her banished sister was living. She was so thankful that Chrysalis was resourceful enough to avoid such a fate. Adagio sat on one bed as the other sirens took their place while Nymph decided to remain standing. “Okay, so first off, who the heck are you?”

“I am Queen Nymph of the Changelings.”

“Changeling? What’s that?” asked Sonata.

“In the simplest terms, we’re shapeshifting bug ponies.”


“Sonata, be quiet,” scolded Aria.

“So why do you want us to go back?” Adagio asked as she ignored them, although looking on edge. “What do you want from us?”

“Over a year ago, my sister Chrysalis launched an invasion against Canterlot in a desperate attempt to keep our kind fed. We feed off the love of other creatures and Equestria was drowning in it. It was unsuccessful and I had her banished from my kingdom. Many months afterward, I had successfully convinced the ponies to let my people live in Equestria, although there are still some problems. However, some time ago, Chrysalis and I were reunited and she had changed from her ways, wishing to better herself. She now lives in a prison and hopes one day she can return to her normal life. I’ve been trying to convince the people that my sister is not a danger to them, but fear and ignorance are powerful barriers. Her last appearance has led to a divide between my changelings and the ponies and if I do not act soon, I fear the worst. I have concluded that as queen, I must do what I believe is for the best, and that is to force change to happen. You are the key to that.”

“So…how exactly are we supposed to help you?” questioned Aria.

“You’re going to do what you do best: control them.” Saying those words left a sour taste, but she would learn to deal with it.

“You want us to sing?” asked Sonata.

“Exactly. Your music can control many at once and surely influence the people. Dazzlings, you are the only ones who can help me with my plight. I would not have come if I had any other option.”

Sonata looked down at her lap. “But…we can’t sing anymore…”

“It’s how we ended up like this,” scowled Adagio, waving a hand across their pitiful home. Her hand then reached into her sweater pocket and pulled out a tiny plastic bag with red jewel shards inside. Sonata and Aria did the same, both looking woeful at their most precious possession. “When those Rainbooms defeated us, our lives were over. Everything we had was because of our songs. We only survived because of the little magic we had. We weren’t living like queens as our magic could only do so much, but it was all we had. Without that, all of that became lost and we were reduced to this. Did you even know that we lost our powers before coming here?”

“Yes. In this world, you are powerless as I am. However, back in the other world, I have my magic and will have it again upon my return. No doubt the same will happen to you. As for you pendants, magic can easily restore them.”

Hope glimmered in their eyes. “Are you saying we can have our voices back?” asked the leader. “We can make the people adore us once more?”

“Presumably, yes. However, if I am wrong, I will work day and night to find another way to restore your voices. You three are that important to my plan.”

The three girls seemed very content with the news as they gave each other glances. “I’m liking this deal a lot,” said Adagio, “but let’s get to the catch. It can’t be that easy.”

“Oh, but it is, Adagio. All you have to do is behave yourselves while I write the songs for you to sing. These songs will allow the people to come together under harmony.”

“Wow! This a dream come true!” beamed Sonata.

“I will get into the finer details in time, but for now, there’s one more thing I want to get out of the way this instant.” Nymph took several steps forward, gazing hard at Adagio. “Betrayal.

“What are you-”

She had no time to finish her sentence as Nymph wrapped one hand around the siren’s throat, bringing out panic from Aria and Sonata. Both wanted to help their leader, but the queen’s stare held them back before she looked at her victim. “I am only going to say this once, so listen carefully. I am a very close friend of Princess Twilight Sparkle and I know every rotten little thing you three have done.” Adagio’s eyes widened. “I already know you will plan on stabbing me in the back and either make your escape or try to take over Equestria, but let me make it clear. I am a queen whose power rivals that of Princess Celestia’s as well as have an army at my disposal, so if you dare betray me after I showed you my generosity…” She let out a low chuckle.

“W-w-what are you going to do?” Sonata asked as she clung to Aria.

Nymph lessened her grip on Adagio, allowing her to breathe. “You should know that changelings are omnivores and my favorite food,” she licked her lips, “is fish.

“Y-y-y-you wouldn’t!” screamed the yellow siren.

“Hmm, I wonder what would be the best way to serve siren? Grilled? As sushi? Maybe in a stew? There’s so many possibilities. I am so certain you girls taste as good as you look.” She looked back down to Adagio. “Have I made my point?” Adagio hastily nodded and was released, scrambling to the other side of the hearth with the others as Sonata gave her a comforting hug and Aria tightly clasped her hand. “I’m sorry had to resort to such a threat, but I am fully aware of how dangerous you three are and cannot afford to have you run rampant. If you are good and do what I tell you, you get to live comfortably with warm food, hot baths, real beds and in time, I will no longer need your services and you can go free to do whatever you want when you are deemed to be not a threat.”

“You’re just going to let us go?” questioned Aria.

“It will not be that simple. Princess Celestia and perhaps Princess Twilight will have to judge you to see if you are not dangerous to Equestria. You will need to cooperate with them if you want your freedom.”

“I hate Princess Twilight,” sneered Adagio.

“Suck it up, child. She can easily have you thrown back here if you step out of line, so I suggest you play nice around her.” Nymph walked closer to them, smiling. “So how about it, Dazzlings? Would you rather be nice to your enemy or keep living like this?”

The sirens huddled together and loudly whispered amongst themselves. Nymph crossed her arms and tapped her foot as time flowed by, unsure of why they were taking so long before making the obvious choice. At last, they broke up and Adagio held out her filthy hand. “It’s a deal.”

“I am not touching that, but I am so thrilled you girls could see things my way.”

“So can we go now?” asked Adagio excitedly.

Sighing, Nymph answered, “I am afraid that will have to wait until tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!?” screamed the sirens.

“I can’t stand living like this for one more day!” yelled Adagio.

“I really need a bath,” Sonata whimpered.

“I’m sorry, but the truth is I came here in secret because no one else knows what I am planning. If I am to get you three into Equestria, they must not know I was involved. This must go perfectly or else they will leave you here.”

“But we’re soooo hungry,” Sonata replied, holding her stomach.

A feeling of guilt and pity arose in Nymph’s heart as she once more examined the girls. She then removed her earrings and held them out. “Here. Pawn these off and buy yourselves some food. Celebrate tonight for your return tomorrow.”

The blue girl excitedly grabbed them. “Oh, they’re so pretty!” They were suddenly snatched out of her hand by Aria. “Hey!”

“I’ll hold on to these. We need someone responsible to look after them.”

“I am responsible!”

“You threw our change into a fountain for wishes!” Aria shouted in an unexpected moment of rage.

“But my wish did come true! Queen Nymph is going to take us back to Equestria!”

Aria pulled on the girl’s ponytail, causing her to yelp. “And I wished you would grow a brain, but I guess some miracles are impossible!”

As the two of them grabbed each other’s hair, Adagio pulled them apart. “Knock it off! You two are not screwing this up for me!” The leader held out her hand and Aria reluctantly handed her the earrings. “You know what’s worse than being stuck in this world? Being stuck with you two.”

“I’ve noticed you three don’t exactly act like friends,” commented the queen. “Has your defeat driven you all apart?”

“We were never friends,” Adagio snapped, casting a dirty glance at the other two. “We’re just three sirens who had the same goals.”

“Friends only lead you to poor life choices,” Aria added, now back to her calm self.

“Well, we’re kinda like friends, right?” Two pairs of eyes suddenly bore in Sonata and she shrunk.

Nymph examined Sonata for a moment before turning her attention to the rest. “That is rather unfortunate, but right now, let me go over the plan of getting you girls home. You three are going to do exactly what I tell you.”

Author's Note:

This chapter was originally the first half of a much bigger chapter, but I split it into two because it was over 20k words. The second half is complete and I'll post it some time next week.