• Member Since 20th May, 2012
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Comments ( 118 )

Diamond Dogs mine, usually for dragons

Might parse more easily if it was something like "at the behest of dragon" since "for dragons" made me initially picture them digging dragons out of the ground.


I think the show refers to them as "Windigos" but I'm not sure. Did you mean Wendigo, or is this some sort of dingo spirit?

Chapter 9 and 2 have the same author's note.

Does Unit 001 sound like this? You reply to comments by moving your mouse over to the right-hand corner of the comment you want to reply to then clicking on the >> that appears.

Well this is a fun story. I love the world building you're doing here.

That was interesting. lol. I imagine she has more of a normal voice, actually. That's why they contracted out of course. In fact, she likely has somebody else's voice... Thanks for telling me how to reply? lol.

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

Or it it jest for the
mind control, and rape

Pretty much that stuff. There is a scene or two that one of the pre- readers told me warrented the dark tag no matter what. Otherwise, I considered taking it off.

So stuff like this happens to be my jam.

First time I encountered it was Final Fantasy VI, where Terra had been wearing the slave crown so long that if she ever knew how to feel, she'd forgotten. And while that could've been done better I feel, it was a game and not a book, so I hardly hold it against one of my favorite games ever.

As this is a book (sorta kinda close enough), I get to enjoy a focus of watching robo-pone try to puzzle her way through feelings and look forward to how things are going to look moving forward and how she's going to deal with the complexities that follow. So far, you're doing it right and thus far I have no legit criticism.

...really, the only gripe I've got is that you've gotten me hooked and I can't read the rest yet. Curses!


I'm a sucker for compliments like this. Have the next chapter a day early. Posted just for you.

you should copy the text of all the unpublished chapters to new ones and delete the old ones – i think you had them visible before the story was approved, which means the feed chapter update notifications all appear on august 4th or whatever. instead of at the top, where people will see them. weird fimfic bug.

Glad I found this story, I've been waiting for something like this to pop up. Can't wait to see where you take us on this wonderful adventure in science and robotics. I'm a sucker for advanced A.I. and A.S. stories. (A.S. = Artificial Sentience)

Done. OMG that's a pain in the rear. lol.

Hope you like it. It's... weird. lol.

Question. Why does Dolphin have a hand? I didn't see an anthro or human tag.

Because I made a typo and didnt catch it! Or maybe he has a collection of "things"... but thanks for pointing it out!
Errr... 3 typos. Whoops! Must have wrote this after writing some of double down. Sorry! Fixed now.

And I'm seeing Dr. Dolphin somehow causing the mass death and destruction at some point. Seriously she's still very buggy and really they are playing with fire.

lol. Spoilers? But maybe not? Lets see how this goes.

Deciding to 'delete' the first sapient being it sees just to fix an internal error? Sounds about right.

This is quite interesting so far! She is slowly building up her conciousness and will soon be even more conscious than her creators.

My grin as Empty explained what Cherry would try to do was immense. I always love a good runnaway AI!

I'm starting to truly loathe Dolphin. Making it so only his traits, and his traits alone, are attractive to her? He's not even giving her a chance to be her own pony. I can forgive him using the precursor of the current AI for various sexual fantasies, as it was truly just a complex sextoy at that point, but now that she actually has a concious mind it has become disgusting.

“Dr. Green Bean! Dr. Orange appears to be in distress. Since you are an expert, please assist in her relaxation. It might be necessary to use the techniques that had success last night.”

This is amazing! Unit 001's social interactions cannot possibly get better th--

Unit 001 smiled as she processed the new information. “Updating my data on massages to include tongues and genital manipulation.”


I concur. ASI, as that is what she is quickly turning into, is the greatest threat of any sapient civilization -- well, second to grey goo, that is. And the only way to combat this threat is to take preventative measures by raising an ASI perfectly... something that I don't think is possible.

Aww, this is cute. Maybe Twilight and Chip will mitigate the inevitable apocalypse with friendship.

I am really enjoying this story so far! I'm a sucker for a good story about AI.

Wow! Thanks for all the comments! I love comments! It seems like you're following along pretty well. lol. Yeah, they are absolutely incredibly irresponsible with their future tech. But hey, We'll see how it goes! You've picked up on a few of the important bits. They really are all playing with fire, in way more ways than one. But that's part of why I'm including the worldbuilding bits. Their culture is in an odd place where playing with fire might feel second nature/imperitive to right now. Project AI 005 was intended to militarize the A.I.. that Dolphin originally developed, and that's sort of building a bomb, inserting a fuse, and putting the fire on it.In a sense, this is a major step down in development and a sigh to reconstitute after that failure. At least, thats what they initially thought. Turns out Chip might have built Pandoras box while Dolphin already had the key...

Really Unit 001 early kill attempts where more of a HAL problem then a SKYNET problem. In both cases, program errors made be her end users caused her to become the E.I. version of insane. Really as she said herself, in some ways her mind is weaker then a organic one, and in someways very much stronger.

I am enjoying this story immensly, so I'm happy to comment!

Have you by chance read Superintellegence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies? Such a good book if you want to learn more about AI's.

Plus, since Dolphin is as trustworthy as a trampoline made from barbed wire, I'm not sure I believe he's telling the truth here.

I have not, but now I will. I like things like that...

This chapter made me feel sick... Well done! Dolphin deserves whatever is coming to him. I just hope Twilight or Chip discovers this debauchery before Unit 001's perception of sex is ruined by Dolphin.

“You have it so you can pretend to be a real pony better. Real ponies always hate what gets them off.”

I think this shines light on Dolphin's character more than anything else. Even, perhaps, a subtle hint that he hates himself. That he wishes he didn't get off on what he was doing. That he knows it is wrong, but he also knows he is a slave to his own programming. It sucks that this comment really does make him feel more, ugh, human. However, this doesn't change that Dolphin is ruining Unit 001 and she needs to be saved, before it is too late.

My only hope is she gets to experience someone who she can truly love, and can show her that sex isn't something to be disgusted by and that it can be wonderful. But first, that parasitic ATTRACTIVE.exe needs to be removed and replaced with something else.

He's also self-destructive. Not getting any sleep, getting into a fight with a creature he's well-aware is potentially incredible dangerous...

Loving where this is going. Especially since I can think of a few ways this can play out. Great work, also loving the release schedule as well. Good on you for that!

Master just shrugged, moving around behind her. “As much as I enjoy watching you suffer, Unit 001, I have other priorities right now. Spread your legs and lift your tail.”

And this right here is all the prove anyone needs to see Dolphin is talking out of his ass. A programme can't truly suffer. Not when it has no sense of self. That's like watching an animated porno, it's not real. I suspect he's clinging so firmly to the idea that Unit 001 isn't a person because admitting she is would mean having to deal with all the guilt of being a horrible, sadistic rapist.

There's not many antagonists I've read about that I truly despise.

So far, I've only had two; Chainlink Shackles, and now "Doctor" Dolphin.

You, sir, have done well in selling me this character's viewpoint - and, as such, made him a far more disturbing character.

As The Great Derpsby put it, Dolphin's likely hiding or clinging behind Unit's status as "just a machine". He's done irreparable damage to the project he willingly signed onto, all to fulfill his demented fantasies. He's a horrible, sadistic, selfish monster who deserves to be put into the dirt yesterday... and he likely knows it.

I applaud you, tails.

And it's so stupid too. If the project was successful, then he would have had free ran to redevelop the Ver. Five A.I. with less supervision. instead he is literately screwing himself over out of pride and lust. And in fact is making the very danger of a violent synthetic intelligence a reality.

Thanks for the comments! Yeah. Dolphin is pretty fucked up and has his reasons, but those are pretty irrelevant to Unit 001's situation right now.

Thanks! yeah... This has the potential to end badly for everybody... super bad... But I've already written it. So I don't have to worry about finding out!

Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, Twilight is on the other side of the screen and can't hear you! Oh no! Hopefully she can figure it out without your help. Or maybe things will resolve without her. One way or the other...

He’d made the right decision containing it like this. Had it progressed further who knows what kind of monster it would have become. 

Poor, deluded, Dolphin. AI is going to inevitably take over your world anyway, so all you are doing is destroying the one chance of your AI overlords being benevolent and having your best interests at heart. You NEED Unit 001 to have good experiences in her life. Otherwise, you're fucked.

In what sort of ghastly nightmare doth I find myself now?

Luna has to save her! So close!

District 34... who knows what goes on there.

The changelings. And lots of tourists. And the regulars. Really, pretty much everybody knows what goes on there. Most of them just don't like to talk about it. Still, you can find fantasy resorts that cater more to other whims as well. Be a king for a day, go on an adventure, talk with a dead relative (must bring a picture and a list of traits of course! A video recording is even better.) And tha sort of thing. It doesn't have to be dirty. It usually is, but it doesn't have to be.

Geeze. Spoilers. Maybe? Then again, why would she want to save a murderous machine? lol

Oh hey. You get it. I like you. There's something i wanna say but I gotta wait till more story is out, otherwise there might be real spoilers.


Geeze. Spoilers. Maybe? Then again, why would she want to save a murderous machine? lol

Then again, who would want to save a murderous alicorn? :raritywink:

Seriously thogh, where Luna had Celestia, Unit 001 will have Twilight Sparkle. I just hope Luna gives Unit 001 a chance long enough for Twilight to save her and show her the magic of friendship. The memory of the friendly kiss might be enough to save her ...or, they fail and the entire planet becomes scoured of life.

And, while only you know what will truly happen, I do have to say, the lack of a tragedy tag makes me hopeful.

Deluded is right. Look at his reasoning: A.I. needs to be tightly controlled, he knows this because his last project was a miserable failure; he's convinced he has to be the one to do it because he messed up so badly last time; even though the fact that he did fail miserably is a good indicator that he shouldn't be doing it at all, and his behaviour has steadily grown worse so nothing suggests he's not going to mess up again.

Which is kind of the point. Dolphin is a selfish, egotistical asshole who can only live with himself by constantly lying to himself. He's driven by his bruised ego and a desperate need for control. Anything that doesn't feed his sense of self-worth is to be dismissed, including any feelings of guilt. He designated Unit 001 as the perfect, guilt-free victim—and yes, I mean designated rather than designed, because despite what he keeps telling himself, if he had the means or skill to build a perfect body for the slave-sub A.I. he already has (Empty) by himself, he would've already done it.

Of course, he actually wants to hurt and degrade 001. He gets off on it. To be honest, I'm convinced the moment she stops fighting him, he'll grow bored of her. He already doesn't use any of the subserviant personality patches Empty provides for him. Who knows, he may upgrade from androids to cyborgs. No way that guy never entertained the thought of 'playing with' a certain purple princess, for example...

Addendum: Having said all that, I can actually relate to him somewhat. The idea of a guilt-free victim is awfully tempting for a sadist. He's far from the worst mind-control rapist I've seen on this site; at least he thinks he's not harming a real person. He's wrong, of course, but at least that still registers as a taboo with him, at least for the moment.

Oh doctor dolphin prepare to get your s*** kicked in

My grin couldn't be any wider. Well, maybe if everything pans out it will!

I was wrong -- my grin has grown.

Oh I can't wait till wait till this m*********** gets his s*** kicked in by Luna it's going to be glorious

Luna needs to be careful. She probably thinks Twilight is still a naive bookworm (which isn't totally wrong) but it's possible her power has grown to match or even overtake hers.

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