• Published 26th Jul 2017
  • 16,901 Views, 1,408 Comments

Displaced into Nothing - Rockstar_Raccoon

While studying an alien spellform, Twilight makes the most important discovery of all time... The one which could doom her planet. | Horror Rationalfic with Lovecraftian & World of Darkness elements. Deconstruction / Subversion of Displaced.

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Chapter 6: The Colder Tones (Part 1 of 4)

Author's Note:

I have split this chapter into 3 4 parts, as this will make it easier for me to force it along and finally get this story back on track. I hope you're all enjoying this so far!



Time Elapsing...

My sleep was dreamless, as I had worried it might be. No sooner had I made the decision to fall asleep then I went into a state of dormancy, my mind automatically shutting off all major functions and going into some sort of maintenance cycle. It was without motion, without any ability to stimulate my mind, but I wasn’t bored by it at all: I couldn’t have been, as all higher functionalities, such as personality and emotion, seemed to shut off automatically, as if they’d all somehow recalled how sleep should work.

During this time, I was only vaguely aware of the passage of time, but was still completely aware of my surroundings: the silence of the darkened room, the weak rays of light which made their way in through the open window, the light breeze wafting in and flowing gently over my false flesh, the distant sound of the wind against the stiff grass on the cold ground far below... In the distance, I heard some creature howl, a reminder that even in the dark of night the world remains alive.

Soon after most of my old brain functions had gone to sleep, new ones I’d been unable to identify before came alive. The maintenance mechanisms of the mammalian brain played out in front of me, striking the various facets of my personality, testing, repairing, relaxing, draining the accumulated mess of energy clinging to each little synapse. And the processing of the day’s experiences, exquisitely adding new memories to my long term storage, reconciling the new points of data into the old. Oh that glorious volume of information I had absorbed from the multitude of books, the knowledge so sweet as it became mine and added itself to my own intrinsic internal power. T’would have been orgasmic, would that I were able to experience such pleasures in that half-dormant state.

It occurred to what little mind I had that I could actually perform tweaks to the process and the things it was working on, making this the best time to optimize mind functions. I spawned new algorithms to reorganize the structure, piece by piece, concept by concept, getting even the smallest optimization out of something as simple as making the more used passages shorter and more robust. With the whole thing turned off, it was much easier to understand and meddle with its base structure. There were a few vulnerabilities I'd been concerned about before which I could now work out, those emotions and instincts I'd cobbled together and put through a bypass earlier were isolated off into their own little set of interconnected systems, I found a way to store long-term memories in 73% of the space I'd been using, and built in routines to perform basic calculations at approximately 37.6 times the previous speed. As I was doing this, I made note of just how much fear seemed to be developed compared to the other emotions, especially in my memories of magic. I wondered what had been going on in my life before this had happened.

I also speculated at this point that I must no longer have a subconscious mind, as all of my mental functions are now directly under my control, making it all technically conscious, aside from one structure.

It was a self contained mass of energy from which my will seemed to be derived: clearly central to my ability to use magic. Other than the facts which were obvious on the surface, it was almost a black box: I could see the many complex structures, arranged in an organic lattice like the rest of the parts I’d begun with, and I could see what it was doing but could not understand its full meaning, because it utilized concepts which were simply beyond my understanding of reality.

Part of me wondered if this might be what had been referred to as a “soul”. If it was, then I worried it might be damaged: there were clearly places which were made to interface with something, but those pieces simply were not there. I thought perhaps my emotions should be linked to it in some way, but if such a structure existed, it was not there any more. More troubling: I could not find a source for the energy it expended, though it gave off energy every time I acted. Even an act as simple as observing it in my sleep drew power from it, and the law of conservation of Energy states that that energy had to be coming from somewhere.

I hadn’t fully observed it the previous night when I was rebuilding, but I also recalled that it had had a slightly stronger energy signature. I had no way of knowing if this would be a problem or not at this time. I wrote in a set of processes around it which would monitor it for me, giving them a set of calculations to understand the rate at which it was fading. It was the most that I could do for now.

I spent the next hour or so just taking stock of the new information I'd pulled from Twilight's library. Now that it was all scanned into my memory, I could peruse the contents of those tomes at my leisure, unbound by the physical constraints of a book. It was going to take a long time to boil this stuff down to a cleanly working knowledge, but that was what subroutines are for. In the meantime, it was interesting to see how much of it seemed familiar, Starswirl, The Hearth’s Warming, The Crystal Empire, Griffonstone, and how much wasn't, the First and Second Fimbulwinter, the Caribou Kingdom, Starswirl’s actual treatise on magic (which, I must say, were only really impressive for the time they were written, and are now mostly obsolete, much like the writings of Copernicus), the war with the Dragons... As an alien, it should have all been new to me, but for some reason it was all clicking like, “yeah, that's what this planet is like.”

I was looking over a few novels when I felt a strong presence rolling in outside. I didn't bother to wake up, instead just moving the spellwork which gave me perception outside the window and perceiving what was below. A dark chariot had pulled up, and a midnight blue Alicorn about a head taller than Twilight was walking into the castle. A part of my mind told me that she was clearly both an authority figure, she was more powerful than Twilight in more ways than one, that she had the build and posture of both an experienced swordspony and combat mage, and that she was one of the most beautiful horses I'd ever seen and I really wanted to brush her mane. Ignoring the last fact, I took stock of the three stallions who accompanied her: one was a cloaked unicorn who seemed comfortingly familiar, the other two were armored guards of a Pegasus-like race I'd yet to come across, but my readings told me were “thestrals”. It occurred to me that I should look downstairs, but I couldn't move my window of perception outside of my own line of sight due to the magical nature of the castle’s walls. I pulled it back in and began the process of waking up, drawing the various routines to a close and regrounding myself in external reality.

I opened my eyes.

The whole experience of “sleeping” had been wonderfully surreal, and I was tempted to play with it more, but something told me I should wait on that and go see why Princess Luna had flown down from Canterlot with a friend at a time when she'd normally be in bed.

As I slid out of the bed to recalibrate my body and readjust to physical movement, I thought over what had just happened. I estimated I'd been asleep for maybe... Six hours? The sun had come up, I'd noticed when it had come through the window, but it no longer affected my ability to sleep in, because my eyes weren't real.

On the positive side of things, it was virtually impossible for someone to sneak up on me while I was sleeping, as it had no effect on my ability to detect movement or magic. I now knew I could improve myself while asleep, as well as work magic externally. With enough time and knowledge I might even be able to farsee and cast while asleep, meaning I would be able to utilize a full host of abilities even during regular maintenance cycles. The regular weaknesses that the need to sleep brings sentient beings had been almost totally negated.

On the negative side, no more dreaming, which meant no more Dream Energy. I wasn't sure if the lack of them would eventually overwhelm my mind and make me go insane, but I'd have to deal with that when it came up. On top of that, there was the matter of the broken structure I'd been examining: if it truly was my soul, and souls truly were required for Magical Will to be exerted, then as a being of pure magic I was in danger. I'd left some processes to monitor the structure, but until they had conclusive results, there was little that could be done.

Satisfied with the state of my physical body, I headed towards the door just in time to hear a set of metal-clad hooves walking up on the other side. I reached out with a hoof and opened it, causing one of the thestral stallions to jump back slightly with a little whinny, his hoof halfway raised to knock.

He straightened up fast though. “Ma’am. Is your name Meta?” he glanced awkwardly at my wings and horn.

“Yes, that's my name. Can I help you?”

“Your presence has been requested in the meeting room.”

“May I ask what for?”

"Just a meeting with the princess. Standard procedure."

“Um... Alright.” I stepped out into the hallway, letting the door shut behind me on its own as he lead me down the hall. The fact that a princess had come from Canterlot implied something big was going on. The fact that I was being lead to a meeting with her and given only vague details implied that there had been a change I wasn't aware of. Twilight had mentioned that Luna would be here, but she hadn't sounded like it would be so... Militaristic... I decided to test the air.

“Might I ask what your name is, sir?”

Silence. After a few moments of hesitation, he answered, short, as if I’d been explicitly placed on a need to know basis, “Hammer.”

He knew what I was. I knew he knew what I was. His motions, his tone, his hesitations, he had been briefed that I was an alien of unknown power, and that this mission would clearly involve a potential altercation with me. I tried to look deeper into his mindstate for more information, but I found white noise: it was as if he was actively working to block my analysis of it. It would stand to reason that this was the result of training against mind-based attacks.

In that moment, I could have escaped. It would have been easy to just phase through a wall, take off through the clouds, get as far away from here as possible. But what then? Twilight was my only real friend on this planet, and probably my best hope at figuring out what was going on. And what if they took me fleeing as a form of defection? Would I be hunted? Was I willing to take the chance? What if there was no hostility here, and Luna was here to help? I couldn't possibly trust this “knowledge” I'd come into this world with about how strange this seemed.

I had no real options, only one course of action. Left without even an emotion or activity to go off of, I followed the Thestral Guard to an unknown liaison...