• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 8,428 Views, 4,585 Comments

The Olden World - Czar_Yoshi

Equestrian culture loves cutie marks. Filly Starlight Glimmer hates them and never wants one. So, she leaves Equestria.

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Aggressive Marketing

As time passed and the four ponies progressed, there began an almost imperceptible shift in the architecture of Blueleaf. Like the movement of the sun, it was invisible to the naked eye... but a look back minutes later revealed slightly more gray, slightly more metal, and slightly fewer sagging corners than before. The town had grown from its center upward and outward, and they were reaching the area that was old enough to have been made with some manner of purpose. That, or it had collapsed entirely and needed to be rebuilt.

Still in absence of powered lights, the party trekked past wood reinforced with steel, iron beams forming the corners of buildings and braces beneath jutting overhangs. More than one grate passed underhoof, though they were still rare, randomly placed enough to be less by design than whatever material was available at the time. Doors were closed, windows didn't exist, and ponies passed quickly with wary glances at strangers, cracked from the pressure of being native to the lowest habitable floor at a time when a mass exodus upward was at hoof. A thin, markless mare with a long mane warily shepherded two foals past a stallion with stubble and a torn hat, while a unicorn held a horn to the door they were exiting, carefully enchanting its lock. There were ponies that had little, and ponies that had less, and the ones with little looked at their brethren with the same eyes that would be used on them if they ever climbed up to the Stone District.

"Here," Redshift announced amid the tense silence, coming to a stop next to a broad, straight staircase that sat beneath a clear view of the sky.

Valey's ears swiveled. "What, that thing?" She turned up her nose. "Meh. I like it where we are. Not too dark, and not too bright, and not too many respectable ponies who would be offended by anything we do..." She stopped and blinked. "Wait, that's a con."

That earned a frown and stomped hoof. "I thought you said you were going to see our generator," Redshift huffed. "Are you admitting you lied about that, too? Because you've been taking the long way this whole time and your minions look like corpses, and this goes right there."

Maple exchanged a glance with Starlight. The filly was right, if rude: riddled with dirt scuffs from their hard landing, manes in disarray and posture sent down the drain by exhaustion, they both looked like things that had been hit by a cart, then shoved in a ditch for hiding.

"If there's a faster way," Maple sighed, head drooping, "take it. I trust her. I'm just tired..."

Redshift looked at her as if she'd just said something very stupid, face scrunching through implications. "No you don't," she eventually objected. "You don't trust me. Otherwise you wouldn't be traveling with her, because she's evil." A jabbed hoof found its way in Valey's direction, and was met with a flattered grin.

"If you don't think we should trust you, why are you giving advice?" Starlight grumbled to no one in particular, looking up from her march.

No answer.

"Probably 'cause she's bored and wants something to happen just as much as I do," Valey replied, leaning casually on the bottom stair as a train of stallions climbed past. "Kinda creepy how much we have in common, when you think about it. Only difference is she trusts others to win her fights, and I only trust myself." She shot Redshift a wink, and added, "I mostly fight for myself, too."

A frown tugged at Maple's lips, and she gritted her teeth. "And you also fight for the sake of fighting, apparently. I just..." She hesitated, and glanced at Starlight. "Why is it we keep getting stuck following others who insist on walking into trouble? Valey, would it hurt you that much not to make dangerous bets or go looking for duels for the very short time we're with you?"

Starlight had other ideas. "If you trust yourself so much, why do you keep telling us never to trust batponies?"

Valey blinked. "It's a turn of phrase, kiddo. Ever heard of them? Usually means I'm a selfish jerk with things higher on my priority shelf than you? I mean, you're cute and all, but sorry." She shrugged.

"Then why batponies and not just not to trust you?" Starlight pressed.

Ignoring her, Valey turned back to Maple. "Oh yeah, it probably would hurt that much, by the way. But come on, we'll be fine! Remember, Braen trashed the entire Defense Force with that sword thing last night, and I still whupped her without a single blow. The odds of me losing are literally zero percent. And mostly, I just wanna see the look on this shrimp's face when I make her champion turn tail and run."

Starlight frowned. "So now you want us to trust you that you won't get us into trouble, but you still don't want us to trust you? Make up your mind, already!"

Valey stiffened, then leaned forward with a predatory grin and ruffled Starlight's already-ruined mane. "Keep that up, and you'll be just as annoying as me some day. And come on, I shouldn't be that hard to read; I just want a brawl. How's that saying go, again? 'You can always trust an untrustworthy mare to be untrustworthy...' or something. Seriously, learn to tell what ponies are going to do from what they want, not what they say. It's a skill that'll get you a long way in life."

As Starlight and Valey bickered, Maple watched them carefully... and soon became aware of Redshift watching her, in turn. "Hmm?" She looked up.

"Why are you with her?" the filly asked plainly. "You care more than she does, even if you're clueless. Is she blackmailing you?"

"No." Maple frowned. "If you want to know, we had bad luck in the Stone District and were with someone who got in trouble with the Defense Force and got dragged in ourselves. Valey got us out and offered to protect us from them, and we were too desperate to refuse the help. We still are."

"You should join the Spirit," Redshift said matter-of-factly. "The Sky District can't touch them. They have food and weapons and money and an awesome commander who cares about all of Ironridge, and are always fighting to make this city a better place. They wouldn't care who you are and what you can do. They'd protect you, and anything you did would help."

"Thanks for the offer, but..." Maple hesitated. "Really, there's just a thing or two I need to take care of, and then me and Starlight are trying to get out. It's too dangerous for us here, even if we have ponies trying to protect us. We don't want a side; we want to live in peace."

"Once the Spirit wins, there won't be any more sides," Redshift huffed. "They'll fix everything that's wrong with Ironridge and let everyone be happy and work together again, and we won't have to live in places that are broken and no one will fix any more."

"Speaking of which..." Maple looked slowly at the staircase, unable to see anything over the crest. "I think she really does want to fix your generator, you know? If the Spirit is her enemy, and the broken lights are making this town like the Spirit more, then wouldn't it be in her interest for that not to happen? Forget about being nice; it's practical..."

Redshift snorted. "So she can open the door, then what? If that's true, would she let the Spirit go in to fix it? They'd still get the credit. And she sure isn't educated with Sosan technology!"

"Yes..." Maple hummed. "But that would still be better for her than letting that Neon Nova pony keep riling others up, wouldn't it?"

"Hey! Neon is great!" Redshift protested, holding a hoof to her chest. "He's one of the best Sosans out there! He dedicates all his time to living in Blueleaf, so we always have someone from the Spirit here when we need them, and does more than anypony else to keep the citizens from giving up! He inspires them, and they need it!"

"He's good at inspiring, all right," Maple said with a frown. "He's probably going to start a mob with his tactics..."

"You take that back!" Redshift pouted. "He says what he has to to give them energy and hope! That's much better than letting them live meaningless, futureless lives turning their brains off with alcohol with nothing more to look forwad to than what leaky roof will be over their head the next night and whether they'll be hurt or attacked in the dark!"

Her face shadowed, and she turned away. "He's probably even more important than Braen... to Blueleaf, at least. Most of the other Spirit ponies don't even come here, because it's too close to the Stone District and we don't have anything worth coming here for. Just a bunch of ponies who lost their jobs, homes or families..."

For far from the first time that day, Maple held back the urge to hug the prickly filly.

Redshift wasn't finished. "Braen's important too, though. You wouldn't understand if you haven't seen her. And then there's Shinespark, and-"

"Hold on," Maple interrupted. "I keep hearing ponies talk about how good Shinespark is, but they never explain at all. Why do you like her so much?"

"Because..." Valey entered the conversation with a belch. "She was born on an airship, or something. Ain't that the best? I mean, wow, what a special pony." She shot Maple a sideways glance. "Remember that statue you were checking out up in that museum? That's pretty much it."

"Wait..." Maple's brow furrowed. "How did you know about...?"

Valey sank halfway beneath the ground and saluted, grinning wordlessly.

"That's not the only thing special about her!" Redshift protested, stomping a hoof. "She's next in line to become a factory chief, and worked her way up there from nothing! In fact, they should have given her Arambai's old factory! She's smart and honorable and protects both Sosa and the Earth District, and can stop ponies from fighting just by looking at them! No matter how many bad or dumb things Sosa does that the Spirit has to save them from, Shinespark never gets caught in it and always helps to make it better. She's the only pony in Ironridge who doesn't have a side, because she fights for everyone and is inspirational to everyone! She's also the only pony who both the Sprit and even the Sky District will listen to! Just you watch, the day the yaks and the Council are overthrown, she's going to be the next Chancellor of Ironridge for sure!"

"You know what they say about ponies who look perfect..." Valey muttered, emerald eyes glinting. "Besides, that's awfully vague. You realize how many of those things you could say about me, too, don't you? I'm on my own side, can make the Defense Force and the Spirit do whatever I want, and rally every pony in Ironridge... against me, but still." She swam closer, head poking dangerously above the ground. "It sure would be a shame if anything were to tarnish your idol's reputation."

Redshift blanched. "What are you talking about? The Spirit don't take orders from a thug like you." She frowned and stood her ground. "Forget about our bet earlier. I just want you arrested."

"Buh?" Valey backpedaled. "Hold up, kid, you don't get to call this off. I haven't had my fun yet!"

"Yes she does," Maple forcefully interceded. "I don't like all this escalation and would be much happier if you weren't gambling with your ability to keep up safe."

"Or with me," Starlight muttered from the side. "Dare her to kiss yourself, or something."

Valey frowned. "I'm like twice her age or something. That would be creepy."

"And that's a concern of yours now?" Maple snorted, tossing her gnarled mane. "You know what? I think... I think we should get going. Whatever we're going to do, I just want to get it over with."

"Fine. And she is right, for once." Redshift climbed two metal-reinforced steps, then looked back down at Valey. "There's nothing I could do to make you keep your end when you lose, so it never mattered anyway." Her gaze hardened. "Shinespark could beat you in a fight, too."

With a roll of her eyes, Valey followed. "Sure thing, kid. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

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