• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 3,879 Views, 232 Comments

Digimon Saga: CTRL-ALT-DELETE - Azure Sandora

A computer hacker and five other girls are the only ones who can protect the real world and the Digital World as Digimon Tamers.

  • ...

11: You really do care, don't you?

Author's Note:

Beelzemon is voiced by Crispin Freeman in this continuity.

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Theme Song: Be Somewhere

11: You really do care, don't you?

“It has been a week since Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, daughters of the Rich and Spoon family respectively, were found by authorities. Silver Spoon has still not awakened from her strange coma, and Diamond Tiara is refusing to tell authorities anything. The only hint she gives is that those monsters are the cause of this incident.”

Octavia turned off her TV.

“So, they're blaming the Digimon for this incident,” she said. Lounging on her couch and wearing nothing save for her silky black bathrobe, she folded her arms in deep thought. It just didn't add up. If it were actually a Wild One, then a Digital Field would have shown up on their radar.

But nothing of the sort appeared.

Octavia rose up and walked over to her computer, pulling up the information of the Digimon she was searching for. She was certain that they had Tamers, and almost positive that one of those Tamers was in fact Zero.

It took a second, but eventually she managed to ID one of the Digimon.

“Veemon, a Vaccine Type?” Octavia frowned looking at that Digimon. She then pulled up security footage from some of the most recent Digimon battles that happened in the recent weeks. It was hard getting visuals inside the Digital Fields, but one of the Digimon that was usually seen exiting the afflicted area was this “Veemon”.

Was its Tamer Zero? Did its Tamer know Zero?

Octavia sat back in her chair, pressing a finger to her lips in thought. If she was going to figure out anything, she couldn't rely on technology. That was failing them. If she was to figure out who these Tamers were, she'd have to rely on her eyes. Next Digital Field, she'd be there herself.

You can't hide from me, Zero. I will find you, and I will bring you to justice, no matter what I have to do.

She couldn't believe her luck. She just stepped out of the door, and was on her way to school, when a damn Digital Field appeared right in her line of sight. She didn't want to be late for school, but she knew that the others probably weren't close by to see it.

So naturally, it fell onto her and Guilmon.

As Guilmon and the large club wielding Digimon fought, Fluttershy pulled out her Digivice to scan it.





“Ogremon, huh?” Fluttershy said looking at her Digivice, “Guilmon, I think we can take it without Digivolving.”

“I'm feeling pretty good about this one myself!” Guilmon said whacking Ogremon away with his tail before charging up his attack, “FIRE BALL!”

His attack hit the Ogremon in the stomach, making him slide back. He then charged up his fist and shot a black energy blast at Guilmon.

“Altering Program! Speed UP!” Fluttershy shouted, sending the program to her Digimon. Guilmon quickly jumped to the side and then rushed at Ogremon, slashing with his claws. Now he was using more technique rather than lashing out wildly. Fluttershy looked down at her Digivice, seeing Ogremon's HP dropping.

“This is good,” Fluttershy smiled, “Guilmon and I are getting a lot stronger now.”

Ogremon slammed his club on the ground, but Guilmon jumped away just in time, landing next to Fluttershy.

“I think we can end this,” Guilmon said. Fluttershy nodded to her Digimon and prepared another program.

“Altering Program! Rapid Fire!”

Guilmon charged up fire in his mouth, and then unleashed a barrage of fireballs at the Ogremon. He blocked with his club as much as he could, but eventually the attacks got through and he fell back, breaking up into bits of data which then flowed into Guilmon.



“Good job, Guilmon,” Fluttershy said as the Digital Field disappeared, “I think we might be able to get to school on time if we take a shortcut.”

“I think I know a faster way,” Guilmon said, “Agumon and Gabumon showed me when they took me to the Lookout Tower.”

Guilmon guided Fluttershy down another section of the neighborhood. This one was had a lot of really big and nice houses. Not mansions, but more expensive than the typical houses found in the neighborhood.

It was a nice part of the district. Fluttershy wouldn't have minded living here one day. Maybe with Cipher whenever they met in person.

She stopped at a house with a blue and purple mailbox. The name tag on it read “Belle”. Was this Rarity's place? She looked up and was really taken aback. It was a really nice place, and more humble than she really gave Rarity credit to.

“Do you think she's coming to school today?” Guilmon asked.

“Probably not,” Fluttershy sighed, “She's the President, so this doesn't look good on her record.”

“We should get her to come to school, Fluttershy,” Guilmon suggested, “We're her friends, and friends don't turn their backs on each other.”

“She's hardly my friend, Guilmon,” Fluttershy said, “The only friends I have are you, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Veemon, Hackmon, and Cipher.”

“Even if she's not your friend, you're hers,” Guilmon pointed out, “Besides, Gabumon's getting worried about her. Please.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes in irritation, “Goddamn it, Guilmon. Find a place to hide. We don't know if her parents are okay with Digimon.”

“You got it, Fluttershy,” Guilmon saluted, jumping into a bush. Fluttershy rolled her eyes and walked over to the house, ringing the doorbell. A few seconds later, a woman that looked like a thicker version of Rarity opened the door.

“Hello?” the woman asked with a thick Boston accent, “Oh, are you one of Rarity's friends?”

Fluttershy took a deep breath, “Sure. I'm a “friend” of Rarity's. Is she already at school?”

The woman, clearly Rarity's mother, sighed, “She still won't leave her room. I don't know what's going on with her. She's usually more social, but lately she's even been refusing to see Applejack.”

Damn, that was bad. Applejack was the one person Fluttershy thought Rarity would want to see no matter what.

Damn it. I'm about to care now, aren't I?

“I'll… talk to her,” Fluttershy breathed out slowly, breaking eye contact with the woman before her. This was way more human contact with a stranger than she was comfortable with. Rarity's mom smiled in relief.

“Would you? Thank you, doll. Rarity's lucky to have a friend like you.”

Fluttershy nodded without a word and let the woman usher her inside, silently wondering why her mother had a Boston accent but Rarity spoke with a British one. Rarity's room was pretty easy to find, as it was the only door upstairs that was closed. She knocked on the door lightly.

“I said leave me alone!”

Fluttershy was a bit taken aback. She sounded a lot more upset than Fluttershy thought she would. Now she really gave a damn.

“Um, it's me,” Fluttershy spoke through the door, “Guilmon and I were concerned about you.”

A few seconds later, the door unlocked and opened, revealing a very worried looking Gabumon.

“Her Highness said it’s okay for you to come in,” he said softly. Fluttershy nodded and walked into the room. It was a bit messier than Fluttershy thought it would be, showing signs of a possible tantrum earlier. Lying on the bed was Rarity, her hair a bit frayed showing that she hadn't bothered combing it, wearing a purple and white bathrobe, and no makeup at all. She didn't look like the prim and proper “princess” that ruled the school.

Like this, she looked… human.

“How the mighty have fallen, huh Zero?” Rarity muttered ruefully, “Go on. Take a picture of this if you want. It'll be great blackmail material.”

“I'm not that kind of person,” Fluttershy shook her head, walking inside and closing the door, “I don't kick people when they're down.”

“I see,” Rarity nodded, still not meeting eyes with Fluttershy, “So, why are you here? Not that I mind seeing you.”

“Like I said, Guilmon and I were worried about you. He's outside actually.”

Rarity sighed, “Gabumon darling, could you go get Guilmon? No reason for him to be stuck outside.”

“Yes Your Highness,” Gabumon said, opening the window and jumping out, apparently to get Guilmon.

“Why does your Digimon call you Your Highness?” Fluttershy asked.

“When he saw me, he thought I was a Princess,” Rarity said, “I tried correcting him, but he was too cute with it, so I decided to take up the mantle myself.”

That explained why she referred to herself as the “Princess of the School”. A second later, Guilmon jumped up and pulled himself through the window. He then helped Gabumon up.

“Thanks for letting me in, Miss Rarity,” Guilmon said. Rarity nodded, eyes focused on the ceiling.

Fluttershy sighed and sat down on the bed, “It's not your fault, you know.”

“It is my fault,” Rarity said softly, “I jumped the gun. I got scared, and pushed to digivolve Gabumon to the Ultimate level, and lost control of myself. If I hadn't done that, maybe we could have still figure out something.”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Fluttershy said folding her arms, “I don't know how we could have defeated LadyDevimon without hurting Silver Spoon. Besides, in the end, it was Twilight who dealt the finishing blow.”

“She wouldn't have had to do that if I hadn't-”

“Don't,” Fluttershy cut her off, “Don't defend that self-righteous bitch.”

Rarity sat up looking at Fluttershy wide eyed, “I'm… sorry?”

“I don't know if there was another way or not, but Twilight didn't step in to help us. She didn't care about Silver Spoon. All she cared about was her mission. We tried, and that's something at least.”

“Your Highness, Zero is right,” Gabumon said jumping on the bed, “We all messed up a bit, but at least we did our best.”

“I hate coming outside,” Fluttershy continued, “I'd rather stay in my room online. Sadly though, it’s the law that we go to school. If an asocial loner like me isn't allowed to stay in, then neither is a social butterfly like you,” she took Rarity's hand and pulled her up, “So get up, take a shower, comb your hair, put on some makeup and something frilly, and face the world. Please, so I can go back to being my usual distant self.”

Rarity closed her eyes and laughed a bit at that, “Thank you, Zero. Um, could you stay with me for a bit longer? Just to make sure I actually do go to school.”

“I guess,” Fluttershy shrugged shaking her head, “Just, call me Fluttershy. I… don't mind.”

Rarity smiled in appreciation and hugged Fluttershy, “Fluttershy it is then.”

Fluttershy pursed her lips, but returned the hug. Now Rarity would really consider her a friend. Though oddly, it didn't bother Fluttershy as much as it did before. Perhaps seeing Rarity as a real person helped.

Maybe, she could trust her a bit.

Deep in the city was a somewhat terrifying looking man on a motorcycle. He wore black biker clothes that were partially armored, and had short blond hair and what appeared to be a tail if anyone looked closely enough. On his face was a dark blue mask that had three slits, two for his eyes and one on his forehead revealing what looked like a third eyes. Sure he was getting some scary looks, but he didn't care.

Not like anyone could do anything about it.

“You're not even going to try to hide your presence, love?” Luna said, walking up to the man with her arms folded, “You're scaring them, Beelzemon.”

“Like I give a shit,” Beelzemon shrugged, lighting a cigarette, “Honestly, this plan of Daemon's doesn't excite me at all.”

“You're not excited about anything, Beelzemon,” Luna said, taking one of his cigarettes and holding it out. Beelzemon shrugged and lit it for her.

“Can you blame me, Lilithmon?” Beelzemon asked, leaning on the handlebars of his terrifying motorcycle, “Back in the day, things were fun. The Digital World was nice and chaotic, fights were abundant, and if things got real good, the Royal Knights would show up.”

“Yes, and they were always on our asses,” Luna said with a sigh, “Can't say I miss that part.”

“Really? I do,” Beelzemon admitted, “Sure, they were persistent, but they were always fun to fight too. Then Yggdrasil had to go and fuck it up for everybody. Look around, Lilithmon.”

Luna looked out at the crowd with Beelzemon.

“We were once a proud team. The baddest Digimon in all the Digital World. Digimon, humans, even the Mother Computer feared us. Now look at us. Spying on this weak, insignificant race, searching for Tamers that resonate with our sins. My sin's all about pleasure, and excitement. How are these humans supposed to fulfill my desire when none of them desire anything for themselves?”

Luna took in what Beelzemon was saying. People didn't give him enough credit. Sure he seemed uninspired and a bit of a slacker, but he was quite intelligent for what essentially added up to a blood knight.

“You'd be surprised, Beelzemon,” Luna said with a shrug, “The human that I gave my crest to turned out to be a truly vile individual. She even kidnapped her best friend once the crest took hold. And the best part, she was in middle school.”

Beelzemon turned to Luna looking intrigued, “Is that so? A middle schooler was capable of fulfilling your lust, huh?”

“She wanted her friend's love so badly that she was willing to do anything to get it,” Luna said with a smirk, “Just give these people a chance, old friend. They might surprise you.”

Beelzemon rolled his eyes, “You know what? Sure. I'll give these humans a shot. I doubt I'll find anyone who'll excite me enough though.”

“Not with that attitude,” Luna walked behind Beelzemon and wrapped her arms around him, “Tell you what. Go into this optimistic, and find a human worthy or fulfilling your hunger. If you don't find a human by the end of the day, then I'll let you do whatever you want to me.”

That caught Beelzemon's attention, “Whatever I want, huh?”

Luna nodded, “No matter how rough you want to be.”

Beelzemon shook his head and chuckled, “Alright, I'll play your game.” Beelzemon said turning to Luna with a toothy grin. He then gripped her hair tightly and got close to her face, “But if I don't find anyone to give my crest to, I can promise you that what I do to you is going to be extremely painful.”

“I don't know if I'm excited or terrified,” Luna said, her voice husky and oozing with lust, “Good luck, Beelzemon.”

“For your sake, I'm going to need it,” Beelzemon said, releasing Luna. She straightened her hair, kissed him on the cheek, and then sauntered off, leaving Beelzemon by himself to scan the crowd. Somewhere out here was a human that could hopefully excite him. He pulled out one of his two shotguns and pointed it at the building. It would have been too easy to just blow this entire city up, but what would be the fun in that?

No, he needed to make this fun. He needed to handicap himself.

He put his shotgun back in its holster, and started up his motorcycle riding off into the city. For this city's sake, and Lilithmon's, there better be some entertainment in this place.

She knew that they'd be late, but it didn't matter. Rarity had apparently gotten the okay from the school to take some serious time using the excuse of “illness”, and Fluttershy didn't care about school either way. As such, they took their time in getting Rarity ready and presentable. After she took her shower and got her white dress and jacket ready, Rarity sat down at her vanity mirror to apply her make-up, while Fluttershy brushed her hair.

“So, why don't you sound like your mother?”

Rarity looked up at Fluttershy briefly, “I'm sorry?”

“You sound British, but your Mom has a Boston accent. Why is that?” Fluttershy asked with a slight frown. Rarity giggled a bit before she spoke.

“I suppose that is weird. Even Applejack was confused at first. When I was younger, I spoke in the same manner, so much that I was horribly teased about it in elementary school. However, I ended up taking a trip to Britain for middle school visiting some relatives, and I stayed there so long that I somewhat, assimilated the manner of speech.”

Fluttershy nodded, “So you're not faking it?”

“Not exactly,” Rarity said, now applying her eyeshadow, “I'll admit that it's not my original manner of dialect, but it is natural to me now. Only Applejack has heard me talk with my original Boston tongue.”

Fluttershy tried to imagine Rarity sounding like that, but she just couldn't. It seemed so foreign to her, as she'd always heard her with the British accent and just assumed she was from Britain. She was honestly pretty interesting now that Fluttershy got the chance to talk to her like this.

“Can… I ask you a question?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy thought for a second, but then nodded, “You assaulted Umbra Corp. last week, and while you did find something very useful to us, I get the feeling you had your own reasons for doing that.”

Fluttershy averted her eyes, “You… want to know why I attacked Umbra Corp.?”

“I am curious,” Rarity confirmed, finishing her look by applying lipstick and rubbing her lips together, “Applejack has a very negative opinion of you, but I believe that there's more to you than just a black hacker.”

Fluttershy turned to Guilmon, who was sitting on the bed with Guilmon. He nodded with a soft smile. He seemed to be a pretty solid judge of character.

Fluttershy set the brush down and walked over to Rarity's window, “It was about ten years ago. My mother used to work for Umbra Corp. as a programmer. Everything was fine, but one day, she just, vanished.”

“Vanished?” Rarity asked, rising up to get dressed.

“They said it was an accident,” Fluttershy said with a dark expression, “But I don't believe it for a second. They never found her body, and Umbra Corp. is super secretive about that day. I know that they did something to my Mother. She found out something, and it had her terrified. Then a week later, we get news that she was killed in an accident. I became a hacker so I could learn what happened to her, and eventually expose Umbra Corp.'s secrets. I use my hacking for other, personal things, but my main goal is Umbra Corp.”

Rarity nodded, “You're seeking the truth about that day.”

“I loved my Mother more than anything,” Fluttershy continued, tearing up a bit, “I still cry when I think about her. She was sweet, loving, smart, and had a love for all life. When I saw the video of my Mom petting that Patamon, my heart lifted up. That was just like her.” she blinked, letting a tear fall down her cheek, “She's also the reason I love computers so much. She believed that computers were the key to solving all of the world's problems, and that through the network all life could be connected. Not being able to get closure, or even get to say goodbye is killing me.” she hugged herself, “I miss her every day, and I just need to know why she had to die. I know that she's probably upset at me for using computers the way that I do, and for closing myself off from the world, but this is the only way I can figure out what killed her.”

“You close yourself off because you're afraid, don't you?” Rarity asked softly.

“I'm trying to improve, and thanks to Guilmon I have a bit, but I'm still afraid. What if I get close to someone, and they leave me just like Mom did? I don't think I could take losing anyone else. But even now, with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Guilmon, Veemon, and Hackmon, I still feel so alone.”

She was shocked by Rarity embracing her from behind.

“I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I know this has been really hard for you. Here you are, suffering, and we just come in asking you to help us with our battles. I feel terrible for that, Fluttershy. Like I'm being selfish.”

“N-no. You're not,” Fluttershy looked down, still leaning in Rarity's embrace, “Mom never abandoned a person in need, and I try to be like that myself. I don't mind helping you.”

“You're so dark, yet I still can tell that you are a genuinely good person,” Rarity tightened her embrace, “Let me be your friend, darling. Please.”

“W-why?” Fluttershy asked, trembling a bit as a fresh wave of tears came.

“Because I want to be a positive influence for you,” Rarity said, “I know, I don't understand that level of suffering. My parents are happily married, I live in a nice house, and I don't really want for anything. I've never had to suffer in my life, but that doesn't mean I don't care. Let me lift you up, Fluttershy. I want to be a source of light in your life.”

“I… I don't know…”

“Her Highness is being sincere,” Gabumon chimed in, “She's mentioned to me many times that she wants to be close to you.”

“Fluttershy, it’s okay,” Guilmon smiled, “We can trust her.”

“I won't ever stand in your way, nor will I stop you in your endeavors,” Rarity promised, “Consider me a confidant of sorts. After all,” she chuckled a bit, “you do still have leverage on me.”

Fluttershy took her phone out of her pocket, and pulled up the picture of Rarity. Maybe she shouldn't keep this. Maybe she should…

“Do you want me to delete this?” Fluttershy asked Rarity, who looked at the picture over Fluttershy's shoulder.

“I look hotter than I thought,” she muttered, clearing her throat, “Not until you feel you should, dear. If you need time to fully trust me, than keep that picture as a sign of my trust in you at least. Whenever you feel like you can trust me completely, that's when I want you to delete that picture.”

Rarity was really interesting. She was willing to compromise herself this much just to earn Fluttershy's trust. Was there more to her, or was she literally just that good of a person? She did have that weird antagonistic relationship with Rainbow Dash, but Fluttershy chalked that up as clashing personalities. The more she got to know Rarity, the more she seemed to really like Rarity. She was starting to want to get to know her just as much.

“So, what do you say?” Rarity continued, “Friends?”

Fluttershy thought for a bit more, but then nodded, holding onto Rarity's arms to partially return the hug.

“Y-yeah. Friends.”

Discord had just finished his classes for the day, and decided to head to his favorite cyber cafe Short Circuit before heading to his dorm. He and his girlfriend would probably talk online a bit later today, but until then he had to figure out some way to pass the time.

As he walked down the street, he noticed something odd. That mysterious woman in white and her odd hamster like creature were standing before the window of a pizza parlor. Both of them had wide eyes, and based on how the little hamster swallowed, they were both starving. When he saw the woman pull out a few coins from her pocket, and then sigh in sadness, he had to do something.

“Why am I such a nice guy?” he asked himself, rolling his eyes. He then walked over to them and tapped the woman on the shoulder, “Um, excuse me. Are you and your friend okay?”

The woman turned to him with the sweetest expression Discord had ever seen, Her eyes were pink, and she had an innocence to her, one that was matched only by her tiny friend.

“Oh hello Mister,” the woman said, her voice surprisingly deep yet still having a youthful and angelic tone, “I'm sorry if we're in your way.”

“No no, not at all,” Discord waved it off, “I was just concerned for you. You look like a fish out of water honestly, and I wanted to see if you needed any help.”

The way she shook her head was adorable, almost like a child, “We're okay sir. Thank you, but I don't want to-” she was cut off by a low grumbling sound, followed by a pained yet embarrassed pout.

“I'm hungry,” her little friend wilted.

“Me too, Patamon, but they don't take yen over in this country.” the woman sighed. Discord shook his head and smiled.

“I was going to get some food myself, if you wanted to join me,” Discord offered. The woman's entire expression lit up, along with the friend in her arms.

“Really? You don't mind?” she asked.

“Not at all,” Discord said, “I'll admit to having a bit of a soft spot for damsels in distress, and you Miss, were clearly in distress.”

Arigatou gozaimasu!” she said, holding a hand out, “I'm Celestia, and this is my partner Patamon.”

“Nice to meet you, Mister,” Patamon said with a cute smile. Discord shook Celestia's hand, and then held a finger out for Patamon, who held it with both tiny paws and shook it.

“The pleasure is all mine, you two,” Discord smiled, “My friends call me Discord.”

Celestia giggled, “That's a silly name,” she said, truly sounding like a child now. Discord laughed at it himself though.

“It's actually a nickname I earned in high school that just stuck with me,” Discord said jovially, “Come, let's get you two fed.”

Celestia nodded and followed Discord inside. He advised Patamon not to speak, and instead he took their orders, getting a slice of pepperoni pizza for himself, pineapple pizza for Patamon, and barbeque chicken pizza for Celestia. Once they sat down with their food in the back, Celestia took a bite of her pizza, and her eyes widened in glee

Saiwase!” she gasped in that same language she seemed to randomly speak. Patamon bit into his pizza, and his eyes lit up in the same manner.

Sugoi!” Patamon cried out happily. Discord had a feeling that they said something along the lines of “delicious”.

“You two aren't American, are you?” Discord asked. Celestia tilted her head cutely.

“That's kind of hard to say, Oniisan,” Celestia said. Discord recognized that word from all the anime he watched. So she was Japanese. That explained so much.

“Well, I assume you're from Japan, since you keep using Japanese words,” Discord pointed out.

“Celestia and I originally stationed ourselves in Japan, but once the reboot happened, we decided to come here.” Patamon explained.

“Reboot?” Discord raised an eyebrow.

“Of the Digital World,” Celestia answered, biting into her pizza, “It had to be rebooted in order to stop something really bad from happening.”

“Wait wait wait,” Discord held up his hands, “I understand that Patamon here is a Digimon.”

Hai,” Celestia nodded.

“But you Celestia, talk almost as if you're from the Digital World too.”

“I am.”

Discord frowned looking at her closely, “Excuse me?” Discord asked, lowering his sunglasses a bit.

“Patamon and I are both from the Digital World,” Celestia explained innocently, Patamon nodding in agreement.

“But you're human,” Discord said, trying his best to understand what was going on here, “I mean, aren't you?”

“Not quite,” Celestia said with a cute smile, “I'm half of a Digimon myself.”

Half of a Digimon?” Discord asked, running that through his head.

“Patamon and I are two halves of a whole,” Celestia continued, “Our real name, is Seraphimon,” Celestia looked to the side and smiled awkwardly, “Though if you want to get technical, even that's not my real name, as I'm more of an avatar designed to act as a Tamer for Patamon.”

“Okay, so what's your true name?” Discord asked Celestia, who regarded Discord with a kind smile.

“The closest thing to my real name, would be Yggdrasil.”

“Yggdrasil?” DIscord asked with a raised eyebrow, “My friend mentioned that to me. Yggdrasil is connected to the Digimon, right?”

Hai hai,” Celestia nodded, “I’m an agent for the Mother Computer.”

“Celestia is super important to the Digital World!” Patamon said, “It’s my job to protect her!”

“Huh, interesting,” Discord said thoughtfully, “So, why are you here then?”

“To keep a promise to a friend,” Celestia said innocently. Discord watched her and Patamon eat, wondering if this friend was related at all to whom he thought. If they were, then…

Once they finished, he, Celestia, and Patamon stepped outside of the pizza shop.

Domo arigatou gozaimasta, senpai,” Celestia said with a bow, “Your kindness will not go unrewarded.”

“Think nothing of it,” Discord said waving it off, “Do you have a place to stay while you’re here? If not, you could always stay with me for a bit.”

“Can we, Mister?” Patamon asked.

“You’re so generous!” Celestia said happily, “Please, let me give you something as a way of repaying your kindness!”

Discord was about to decline, but he met eyes with the woman before her, sensing her earnest desire to repay him. She was so kind, and innocent enough where it was pretty clear she wasn’t human. He suddenly felt like it would upset her more to turn her down. Well, she was the Mother Computer, right?

“Tell me,” Discord asked after a bit, “How does one get a Digimon of their own?”