• Published 13th Jun 2017
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My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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First Counter Attack

The mineral rich factory world of Macbeth was the next destination for the Star Fox team. The planet was completely under the control of Andross' forces, and the goal was to liberate the planet by attacking one of the main supply trains with the intention of making it crash into the primary base. Unfortunately, the Ar-Wings were completely unsuited to such an assault as they couldn't fly slow enough to keep pace with the train without losing altitude and impetus. Beyond that, none of the Ar-Wings on board weapons could do enough damage to the train to be effective. As a result, Fox deployed in the Landmaster.

Rather than actually destroy the train, Fox found it much more effective to reroute it, causing it to crash at full speed into the main manufacturing base, destroying most of Andross' infrastructure on the world in a single massive fireball, and leaving the path clear for a later assault on Area 6.

Sunset found the display enthralling. Krystal found that rather worrying. Even if it was likely that Star Fox would be involved in many such scenes of massive destruction in fighting against Andross, Sunset was still much too young to get this much into it.

The Bolse Defense Satellite orbited the planet of Venom, carrying inside it enough power to drive off capital ships and even the strongest of energy blasts. Its shields - and those of the fighters it could deploy - were powered by the satellite's bionuclear core, an unstable source of energy that was both massive and dangerous. Thanks to some stolen plans, the team knew how to disable and destroy it. However, the plan was...dangerous.

"You want to what?" Krystal demanded as the Great Fox approached the range of the artificial planetoid, the boxy structure spinning idly in the dark void of space.

"We're going to fly our Ar-Wings in too close for the satellite's main weapons," Fox explained softly, "and under radio silence so they don't pick up our signals. We'll go through this passage here on the plans down into the core, shoot out the pylons keeping the core properly cooled, and then fly out before the whole thing goes up like the prototype that irradiated Sector Y."

"And how will we deal with that sudden surge of radiation?" Krystal asked of Slippy.

"The Great Fox and the Ar-Wings have already been hardened against it," Slippy responded readily. "We just need to outrun the main explosion." His face fell. "I'll have to stay aboard, though. My Ar-Wing's one of the spares, and doesn't have all the upgrades the others do, so it can't handle that. I'll just have to work on upgrading it while the guys are gone."

"And what if you run into trouble?" Krystal demanded worriedly. "Like Wolf and the others?"

"We'll deal," Fox said simply. "This station needs to be taken down if we're to get to Venom and stop Andross. We're the only ones who can, so we will. It's as simple as that. There's nothing more to it."

Krystal glowered at Fox for a time, then sighed. "Just...don't die, okay?"

"Papa?" Sunset asked worriedly, clinging to Fox's head.

Smiling, Fox pulled her into his arms. "Don't worry, you two," he offered reassuringly. "We'll be just fine."

The plan seemed to go off without a hitch...at first. As expected, Star Wolf did show up...but rather than attacking Fox and the others on Bolse, three of them targeted the Great Fox, attempting to do enough damage to be able to board.

"Shields at maximum!" Rob intoned as the attack began. "Will hold for approximately 20 minutes at the current rate of drain. Deploy backup fighters immediately."

"I guess that's just me," Slippy stated as he rushed for the hanger. "I'm the only one who can fly one of our Ar-Wings."

"My ship has weapons!" Krystal insisted as she raced for her fighter, placing Sunset firmly in Rob's arms. "It may not have the G-Diffusion system, but I can handle myself. Sunset, stay with Brobot!"

"Is that my name now?" Rob observed with mild amusement as he held Sunset tight, keeping her from pursuing Krystal or Slippy to the hanger.

"Mama!" Sunset called out despairingly, trying to wriggle out of Rob's grip.

"You flew right into our trap," Wolf said over the comms as Slippy and Krystal flew to defend the Great Fox. "We knew you'd come after Bolse, and send all you could in to try and destroy it. Andrew may think that's most important...but the rest of us have our eyes on a greater prize than Fox right now. The weapons you've developed...we'll take what we want!"

"We'll see about that!" Slippy declared hotly as he tried to maneuver, doing his best to keep up with the Wolfen model fighters.

Krystal didn't bother with fancy maneuvering. Her ship was much slower when not moving at interstellar velocities. It plodded along, rather like a tortoise surrounded by hares. However, she knew what she was doing. Her ship ran on her magical energy, focused and stored within it for weapons and shields. Slippy had even installed a battery with some of Sunset's magic as backup power. She stayed within the range of the Great Fox's shields, waiting for her time to strike.

"Hey, what's this?" Pigma demanded with a snort as he flew his Wolfen around to investigate.

Krystal grinned as she fired off her main cannon. While nowhere near as impressive as the Great Fox's main mana cannon, it still packed quite a punch and tore one wing completely off Pigma's Wolfen.

"Mayday! Mayday!" Pigma squealed as he desperately tried to pilot the damaged craft away.

"Oh grow up!" Leon snapped irritably. "It's one wing, you can still fly."

"So that's where the new weapons come form," Wolf observed coldly. "Now, Fox, Falco, and Peppy are at Bolse, and Slippy's in the Ar-Wing...so who's piloting that, I wonder?"

Krystal decided it was time to open communications. "Come any closer and it won't be your wing I shoot off!" she snarled angrily.

Wolf chuckled darkly. "You really think you can take me on? I'm no fool like Pigma. I can see how well that ship flies. I can dodge far longer than you can keep shooting."

A massive explosion heralded the successful destruction of Bolse. "With Fox and the others on your tail?" Krystal taunted.

Wolf grinned. "I'll remember your face, girl," he warned darkly. "Star Wolf, withdraw!"

Krystal let out a sigh of relief as the enemy team withdrew out of range. She then glanced at her gauges. "...huh," she mused idly.

"What is it?" Slippy asked curiously.

"I actually had energy for another shot of my main cannon," she explained. "These upgrades you gave my ship are something else."

"...remind me never to play Poker with you," Slippy responded finally.


"I'll let Fox teach you."

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