• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 1,987 Views, 163 Comments

Hard To Find The Right Words - Nameless Narrator

There are thousands of stories about changelings lost and broken after the explosion ending the invasion of Canterlot. After all, there were thousands of changelings caught in it. Some found love or peace, and some found death. I'm just one of many.

  • ...


“And this is the guest bedroom. Here’s where you’ll be staying. I mean, whenever I have to go out. Commander Crest wants you to get used to being in a house before he lets you wander around. You might break something on accident.”

“You mean be you throwing me at it. I know you ponies aren’t the fastest to catch on, but you could have already gotten the hint that I might be having some tiny issue with my legs. You know, screw it, I’ll repeat it just to be sure - I’m blind and crippled.”

“Sorry, miss Fury. I know I’m not the smartest, but I’m trying. I was talking about when you might recover.”

“No, I mean- I didn’t mean you as such, I was just taking a jab at your species as a whole. Gee, don’t be all down. Damn, why do I care?”

“I’ll try harder. I’ll become a great paladin and protect the good ponies like you. I just need to think a bit before I say someth-”

“Shut up, you’re fine! You’re far better than the old fanatic. Don’t you dare become more like him.”

“Mister Star Trail-”

“Is crazy. Enough! If there’s a pony I wouldn’t want to suck dry then it’s you. And maybe Crest, although he might like it. Hmmm, perhaps if he begged hard enough...”

“But I-”

“I’ll bite your ear off if you don’t stop right there. You are absolutely fine, alright?”

“Ummm… I like my ears.”

“Good, now where are we?”

“Still in the bedroom, miss.”

“Excellent, do we continue the sightseeing tour?”

“Well, I thought about it and I guess there’s not much point at the moment. Be careful, I’m putting you on the bed.”


“Mister Trail is a good host.”

“That depends on the guest, I think.”

“You might be right. All comfy? Pillow fluffy enough?”

“I’m as alright as I can be given the circumstances.”

“Good, I need to put this collar on you.”

“Does it read: If lost, return to the local zealot?”

“It’s just for here, it’ll keep you in the room for now.”

“I’m sure as Tartarus I couldn’t lug a steel chain around even if I recovered a little.”

“No no no, it’s magical. It is like a chain, but made of light and all blue and glowy. You won’t feel a thing unless you try to leave.”

“Meh, kinda fruitless train of thought anyway. Ugh-”

“That was quite the stomach growl, I have some soup in the kitchen if you want. Anyway, here goes the collar-”


“And it doesn’t even choke me. I wish I was threatening again.”

“We’ll help you get better and then you’ll be miss angry AND scary. A plate of warm soup would be a good start.”

“Your food is the last thing I need, pony- Puff. I need, well, remember what happened in the cell when you caught me feeding from that earthpony?”

“It’s a bit of a blur, but yes. I’d like to avoid that in the future, if possible.”

“It’s alright, execution or starvation, it’s all the same to me. The more it hurts the better I know I’m getting all I deserve for failing my queen in Canterlot.”

“I… I… I can’t just leave you like this.”

“No no, the bed is pretty comfy, you did a good job fluffing.”

“No, I mean… I mean that as a paladin in training, it is my duty to nurture good in this world, even if it poses a risk to me. I will feed you, I’m only hoping that I don’t go crazy like miss Palisade did.”

“She did what I told her to, that’s all-"


"-Hey, don’t jump in like that, the bed is kinda springy and you’re heavy. You almost catapulted me out.”

“If miss Palisade did what she did on your command then, please, don’t make me hurt anypony. Here-”

“Here wha-mmphfh. Bleh! Don’t just shove your mane into my mouth. You really want me to bite you?”

“Is there another way?”

“Yes, there is, and if I’m willing to offer it to a pony then it’s you. While I would find somewhat amusing to chew your head off and give this place a new gory wallpaper, I’m sure the old bastard would make the rest of you clean it up. Your muzzle, here. Now.”

“Alright, where is this goin-mmmhmm? Umm… I feel weird… warm.”

“Huh, I had no idea I could jerk my neck like that. I guess kissing is a strong instinct. Now, my dazed pony, let’s see how much control my saliva gives me at this point. Better than biting, was it?”


“You know, there are even better ways to feed me than this. I might be a pile, but I still have the right bits.”

“I- I- I was told to wait with that for a pony who would love me for who I am despite my… faults.”

“So you told me. Oh, you’re crawling behind me already, and I didn’t even have to order you. Mere suggestion is all I need to make you throw that moral objection away and plow me like a field.”

“Yes, miss Fury...”

“...and then I’d be the one breaking that bearable personality, leaving hate for the fanatic to cultivate...”

“You are beautiful, miss Fury. Let me-”

“What’s the point of forcing you? What would it bring me? I can’t use all the energy anyway. Stop, Puff. Get off of me, and sit down.”

*Bed creaks*

“Yes, miss Fury.”

“Does this place have a -what you ponies call it- radio?”

“Yes, in the living room.”

“Is there a bed there too?”

“There’s a couch.”

“Carry me there.”

“Yes, miss Fury.”

“Hmm, you’re even better at picking me up when hypnotized. Perhaps I should use Crest like this more. Hey-!”

“Sorry, it was an accident.”

“Accidentally making my leg hit the doorframe after I pondered biting your friend? Try pulling the other one.”

“Yes, m-”

“DON’T! I don’t want to be a tripod on top of everything else. I was kidding with Crest.”

“Careful, couch.”

“Hmmm, soft. Good, now sit down as well.”


“And hug me. Exacly like that, yeees. Aaaah, I can feel it. Just let it flow, don’t resist that tugging on the inside-”


“-You forgot the radio.”

“I’m sorry, I-”

“Let’s stay like this and cuddle. Radio can wait.”

“Alright, miss. You know, it feels rather nice. I’m getting a little light-headed, though.”

“Hm? I’ll slow down a little. After all, there’s no rush.”

“HI, PUFF! Where are you?”

“ALL OF THE RUSH! Slurp, Fury, slurp!”

“In the living room, miss Palisade!”

“...great, the earthpony. It’s been almost ten minutes since I last met someone who hated me...”

“There you ar- what are you doing?”

“Sitting on the couch, miss Palisade.”

“You’re very… grabby, Puff. That’s unusual.”

“Miss Fury wanted it, she said it helped with feeding.”

“Fee- oh shi- she got you!”


“No, Puff! Get off of me! I k-oof I know this isn’t you. STOP! Oww-”

*Chaotic thuds*

“...Puff… stop...”

“I got her, miss Fury.”


“Yes, miss Fury.”

“Hers, dummy.”

“Oh, right.”

“Puff, no, please, no-”


“-no, don’t- don’t… mhmmm don’t stop… it hurts so good...”

“Phew, that was close. Earthpony?”

“Yes, mistress?”

“I believe you have a job to finish from the cell. You know best where your muzzle belongs.”

“Yessss, mistress. Thank you, mistress.”

“Less talking, more licking.”


“Perfect. Puff?”

“Yes, miss Fury?”

“While she’s busy down there, come and cuddle me a bit more. Oh, and take a good look at her, your eventual marefriend will definitely appreciate some obesrvational experience.”

“Yes, miss Fury.”

“Aaaahn… now this is life. With few more ponies… so much love, so much food, so much power. Doesn’t this feel great, my pets?”

“Yes, miss Fury.”


“And you lunchbags were resisting so hard during the invasion. Oh how much easier things would have been if the queen didn’t use force. As if we needed it, ponies would be waiting in queue to become dry husks. Wouldn’t your future as food be great? I could suck you both dry and you would be thanking me with your last breath for the pleasure of obedience you’re feeling now.”


“But then what, my pets? It’s not like I want you dead as such, it’s just how things have always been. Get the prey, drain the prey completely and store the excess for later, kill the prey to remain a secret. And as we know now, no amount of power will help me fully heal. I could just let you go now, I think I’ve had enough, and I don’t want to lose my fantastic figure. The last thing I need is to become fat, I already hate having to be carried. Crest could use the exercise, though.”


“Yeah, I think I’ve had my fill. Both of you, stop it. Now you’re going to leave and forget about what happened here. You, Puff, can remember how to use your mouth properly, though. Consider it a payment for the meal. You, Palisade, you have your uses too, take it as a compliment. Now leave me alone, I think a nap is in order.”

“Alright, I’ll be in the garden so just shout if you need anything.”

“Thank you for the meal too, mistress. I hope we can do this again soon.”

“Don’t worry, I get hungry often.”

*Hoofsteps grow distant.*

*Door opens and closes.*

“How stupid does Puff have to be to allow me to do this? And if I were Palisade with Puff trying to feed me to his owner I really wouldn’t pull any punches. Yet… yet he did it willingly, knowing what happened in the cell, and she would rather be my envenomed pet than possibly fatally harm him.”

“Heh, maybe… yeah, that could be fun. Since I don’t really care for this crippled existence anymore, let’s give the pony way shot. For fun. If they’re willing to feed me of their own free will, I’ll take it. Otherwise I get what I deserve for failing my queen.”

“Hah, hahahahaha! Even better. Let’s see how they react when I admit to what I did just now. Now that, that will be fun.”

“Puff! PUFF!”

“Yes, miss Fury?”

“That was quick.”

“I’m still outside the window. There’s a flowerbed to weed out.”

“Go get Crest, will you? I have something important to tell him.”