• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 25,718 Views, 1,964 Comments

Secret of Flying - Hiver

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn don’t make it any easier.

  • ...

Chapter 20

Walking up to Luna's and mine rooms, I paused as I spotted three guards instead of the normal two. Giving them a nod I continued on, “Swift, been a while. Come on in.”

“Thank you, sir,” He said and trotted after me, closing the door behind us before taking off his helmet. His coat shifting from blackish grey to its more normal blue, “Welcome back.”

“Thanks,” I said and smiled at him, “How’s Minuette?”

That got a grin from him, “Good. Got promoted at the café. She handle the baked goods now.”

“Awesome. We can get freebies!”

That got a snort from him, “You can buy the entire café!”

“It’s the thought that counts. Drink?”

“…Can’t. Sorry, I’m on duty.”

I flicked my ear in thought at that, “Did you change shift?”

He nodded with a smile, “Promotion for me too. Volunteered to follow some stuffy noble around the place. Higher pay and more interesting than patrolling or standing by a door. What’s not to like?”

I just stared at him for a moment before shaking my head, “Dude. Didn’t you learn anything in boot? Never volunteer for anything. I’m civilian and even I know that one!”

That have got to apply for Equestria as much as for Earth, right?

“Come on, how bad can it be? Besides, think of the career boost!”

“Have you met me!?”

Honestly, I didn’t mind that he used his friendship with me to boost his career. Not in this way anyway. I would actually had suggested it if I thought he really was that stupid.

Swift rolled his eyes, “Page, other than the random extreme, you spend most of the time just having a normal life… well, as normal as it can be. Besides, you are an Alicorn. How bad can it be?”

“The weakest Alicorn. Out here, I am barely stronger than a Unicorn,” I sighed, “Well, not like I’m any smarter. I asked Celestia, ‘what can I do to help’. Guess we are both idiots.”

Swift frowned, “What did Princess Celestia say?”

“Guess who is attending the festival of the arts as her representative next week?”

“…That’s all? Isn’t that kind of your thing anyway?” he asked with raised eyebrow, “Alicorn of imagination and all that?”

“You would think so, wouldn’t you,” I grumbled and stretched my wings as I trotted over to the hot teapot, floating a pair of cups over, “But I can’t draw stuff to save my life. Well, could be worse I guess. Could have been some Gala or something.”

“Doesn’t sound too bad.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I sighed as I folded my wings, “Could be worse I suppose. You sure you want the job still? You have to get along with Amber.”

“Skitter wasn’t that bad.”

“Amber is similar to Skitter pre stick removal,” I said and then paused, “And she is behind me, isn’t she?”

“Yes sir.” A voice behind me answered.

“..Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that,” I said and turned to Amber with a cringe.

She nodded, “I know, sir,” the changeling answered with a smile, “It’s my job to be sticky. It mean I’m doing my job well. Princess Skitter said you need looking after and from what I see, I agree. I like it and you taste good. I know what you really feel.”

“Still, that was mean,” I said and directed appreciation and friendship towards her the best I could, “You deserve better.”

She just fluttered her wings with a smile, “Thank you, sir.”

“Well, you would be working with Swift in the foreseeable future I think,” I told her, “You okay with that?”

Amber nodded, “Yes, sir. The Princess already told me.”

“Oh, good.”

Skitter might be learning a bit ‘too’ much from Celestia. I should go visit her hive a bit later, maybe tomorrow.

But for now…

Stretching my wings one last time, I looked at Swift, “Ditch the armour.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Page?”

“I can’t have an armed guard following me around all the time, dude. All that’s going to do is attract attention I don’t want.”

Swift didn’t look overly happy about that so he looked over at Amber.

She sighed, “He is right, Sergeant. Magic has to be enough.”

Shaking his head, Swift started to remove his armour, “…I’m starting to see that I made a horrible mistake.”

“Welcome to the club,” I snorted, “If we actually go somewhere away from Canterlot, fine. Depending on the situation. But I doubt you will need it in the city.”

“Maybe. But I reserve the right to tell you ‘I told you so’.”

“Fine. Well, if you are going to come along, let’s get going. I need to go pick up Fern before he drives Silver crazy.”

Author's Note:

Unbetaed due to time constraints. Sorry.
Will fix as soon as I can.