• Published 9th Jan 2017
  • 2,848 Views, 33 Comments

Tale of Two Spikes - Zubric

Spike trades places with his Equestria girls counterpart as a way to take a short vacation. What could go wrong?

  • ...

The Truth Hurts

Back in the human world, Spike had just finished a pretty fun game of fetch, panting happily as he took a breather while laying under the shade of an oak tree. Fluttershy sat next to him, petting his back while giving him a nice bone treat to gnaw on. The last hour or so had been a blast, playing with Twilight and tug of war with Winona. Judging by the sun, Spike guessed it was about an hour past noon by now. He let out another sigh as his tail wagged with joy. The morning had been as perfect as ever. After enjoying his treat, he went to Twilight and nuzzled into her leg.

Twilight was leaning against the tree, petting his back while turning to the next page of her book. She took a moment to check her watch, before clipping the leash back on him. Fluttershy came up the hill, smiling as she patted his head. “Okay Fluttershy, he’s all yours,” Twilight said, as she patted Spike’s head again.

“Huh, what do you mean, Twilight?” Spike asked, tilting his head up at her.

Fluttershy blinked. “Don’t you remember? I offered to let you see the other dogs at the shelter.”

Spike wagged his tail to keep up his act while trying his best to cover up the slip-up. “Oh yeah, how could I forget that?” He had a fun idea and ran around Fluttershy’s legs, quickly binding her up in the leash. As predicted the animal lover squeaked and fall over.

“Spike!” She frowned, apparently not finding the joke very funny, as she untangled herself from the leash’s hold.

“Sorry.” Spike apologized, before following behind Fluttershy as they headed along the path. The route they took went through the other side of the park, allowing Spike to sniff around and bark at a few critters along. Along the way, he was stopped by a girl and her mother, Fluttershy letting the red-headed girl pet Spike’s head. The dog panted and licked his paw, before going wide eyed as Fluttershy got out another bacon dog treat.

“Okay Spike, speak,” Fluttershy held up the treat, smiling. Spike of course barked and jumped for it when it was tossed over his head. “Good boy.” She praised, before quickly taking him along.

The rest of the walk to the shelter took no time at all, as Spike could see the fenced off pen next to the shelter itself, with a few dogs wondering about or playing with toys. As Fluttershy approached, all the dogs stopped to look in her direction, tails wagging. Fluttershy of course, baby talked to them, as they barked and sniffed her jacket from the other side. Spike felt a little intimidated by the various dogs that were much bigger than he was, hoping he wouldn't have to go into that yard with them.

Upon entering the front lobby of the shelter, Spike saw a red haired male he hadn’t really seen before. HIs soft blue eyes looked down at him with a smile that had the animal lover feel to it. Spike barked happily to him, smelling the dog treats in his pocket.

Fluttershy closed the door before taking Spike’s leash off. “Hello Breeze, how are things?” She greeted.

“Oh, things are going just great, Fluttershy. Spot has just had her litter of pups,” Breeze explained, as he pulled out a bacon treat from his pocket, tossing it to Spike, and watching as the dog snatched it quickly and scarfed it down. “I’m sure Spike would love to say hello.”

Spike wagged his tail, as Fluttershy opened the door leading into the main kennel area. He followed her inside, seeing the row of open top kennels. The room filled with barking, Spike jumping a bit at the sudden loud noises. He’d never really been to a shelter before (mostly cause Ponyville had Fluttershy, which helped a lot when it came to pets). Regardless, he kept following Fluttershy, as she grabbed a scoop of dog food and went into a kennel next to the one which had the fresh litter of pups. Spike was a little hesitant at following, but his rumbling tummy had other ideas, as he ran forward and dug his muzzle into the bowl, chowing away. Moments later, he heard the sound of the gate closing shut, causing him to turn around and gasp! “H-hey!” He whined, putting his paws up on the fence, looking at Fluttershy.

“Sorry Spike, I’ll just go check if the veterinarian is back yet,” Fluttershy replied, moving down the row of cages to the back door.

Vet?!” Spike’s eyes went wide, as he realized that meant a whole number of things could happen to him. Shots? Nail trimming? He shuddered to think of the other, more harsh possibilities, like neutering. His body shivered as he let his worry build up. A few soft barks from the puppies in the pen were able to distract him as he moved to the fence and sniffed at them. The puppies yipped and played, pawing at his snout a bit. He giggled a bit at the playful nature of the pups and pawed back as the motherly brown dog watched.

Spike kept playing with them until the sound of the door at the far end opened, and a woman with soft blue hair and light yellow skin walked out, wearing the usual veterinarian’s outfit. She approached Spike’s kennel and smiled down at him. The question of whether or not to speak came to mind once again, so the dog held his tongue, as the vet opened the gate and reached down, clipping the leash to his collar. “Hello, Spike, nice to see you again. Come on, let’s take a look at you.” The vet cooed, and with a gentle tug she lead him down the aisle and into the back room. Surprisingly enough, it was a spacious workroom with an examination table in the center, and various cupboards full of all kind of medications and equipment lining the walls. The sheer presence of it all made the room feel more sterile and cold.

An involuntary shiver ran down Spike’s spine, as he was lifted up onto the table. He whimpered a bit, as he sat there, staring all around the room as he awaited whatever fate was about to happen to him.

“Let’s check your neck shall we?” The women cooed, as she reached behind his head and unlatched the collar. The loose feeling was odd now that he didn't have that small weight on him. The vet began to feel around his neck making hmm’s and such. Spike gulped when she stopped and felt a certain spot a few times. “Hmm, that’s odd.”

Spike shifted about in worry, as Fluttershy came in. The vet called her over, as the gloved hand kept feeling his neck. “Um, is there a problem?” Fluttershy asked, walking up the table as Spike glanced away.

“Well, I’m not sure. That scratch it has been healing but now it is just gone.” The vet explained, and kept Spike still as he wiggled.

Spike meeped upon hearing that! “Oh no, he never told me about that. I”m found out for sure!” He gulped.

The two humans pondered, as they stared at him with confused looks. Fluttershy was the first to speak again, the tension feeling as tense as a stretched rubber band. ”What do you mean gone?”

“Well, I didn’t expect a full recovery for at least two weeks but there no sign of it at all. I don’t even see loose hairs. It’s like it never happened.” The vet explained, and scratched her head again, looking just as puzzled as Spike was.

Back in Equestria, The dog turned dragon looked up at the tall, slender, cyan dragoness unsure of what to even say. Did dragons even have customs for greeting each other? Could he sniff her butt? He mumbled a bit as Ember titled her head at him. “Come on, think of something, just act natural.” He thought.

Ember, along with the others present, watched as Spike sniffed her tummy. Confused, Ember moved back. “Uh, nice to see you too, Spike. Is this a normal thing he does?” She put her claw, out pushing Spike away gently.

Eep, oh no! That’s not right, uh..” Spike thought, then he coughed. “Uh h-hey, how are things?”

Twilight approached from behind, giving Spike an inquisitive look. “Sorry about Spike, he’s been acting a little odd since yesterday. Wasn’t expecting you till later, did something happen?”

“Well yeah,” Ember replied, sounding a bit impatient. “Your letter never arrived, so I got tired of waiting and flew down here myself. Hope you don’t mind,” She started at the ponies looking at her as she held her staff, then stared back at Spike, seeing the blush. Her wings adjusted as the dragon lord shook Twilight’s hoof. “So, want to hang out, Spike? That’s what ponies do, right?” She asked him.

Spike jumped a bit, twiddling his claws. He hadn’t been expecting a response. “O-oh yeah, totally,” He looked all around the park for an activity to do with her. He doubted just running around was going to be very fun for her. All he did know, is that he had to think fast, or the ponies would get really suspicious. “Uh..how about we swim?” He suggested, pointing to the lake on the far side of the hill.

Ember glanced behind her, spotting the lake, and she shrugged. “Sure, why not? Swimming sounds pretty fun. Not as cool as lava though.”

“But isn’t lava hot?” Spike asked while following her, watching as her tail swayed. Starlight facehoofed from the rear of the group.

Ember blinked, rather puzzled by his reply. “Uh, yeah it is, but it’s just a phrase. Are you feeling okay?” Even if she’d only seen him that one time during their first encounter, she had a pretty good feel for how Spike should act. Was he always this skittish? She took a glance at Twilight, who had decided that a little swim would be nice, and thus was following right behind.

“Yes, I’m fine, why is everyone asking me that today?” Spike asked, as he looked at his reflection in the smooth, clean lake, flopping his ears about. He stared for so long, that he was only broken from his thoughts by a happy cheer, as Twilight swung off the tire swing, and plunged into the water like a cannonball.

“Woo! Beat that!” She challenged, peering up at Ember as she held the tire in her claws.

Ember smirked opening her wings wide as she flexed. “Oh, it’s on, princess!” She pulled back and swung, getting a good arc before letting go. Curling her tail inward, she tucked into a ball before hitting the water. The splash was big enough to even hit Spike, who hadn’t yet stepped into the water. It wasn’t as if Spike didn’t like water, more the fact that his way of swimming would surely draw unwanted attention.

“Come on, Spike, the water’s great,” Twilight called, staring as Spike took a few steps into the water cautiously. It was no secret that Spike liked to swim, so his hesitation was quite the glaring sign that something was off with him.

Ember splashed a little and climbed out, fluttering her wings. “Come on, Spike, let’s see what you’ve got!” She called, floating on her back.

“S-sure, no problem.” Spike tried to not tremble, as he made his way around the lake and up the path where the tire swing was hung. He started at the two, trying to stay cool. “Come on, can’t be that bad. Just got to not mess up more.” He thought, as his claws clung to the rope and pulled it back, as Twilight watched him carefully. A second ticked by as the dragon took a breath and jumped. The tire arched out over the water, reaching its apex quickly! At the last second, Spike’s grip slipped, causing him to fall and promptly belly flop into the water! He panicked as he sank, squirming about before surfacing! HIs hands spanked the water rapidly, his dog paddle instinct overriding the fact that he was in a different body! His flopping about like a flounder soon ended, when Twilight’s magic surrounded him and floated him out of the water.

“Spike, calm down.” Twilight mothered, watching him wiggle for only a moment, before blushing as he moved to the shallower water.

“That was odd,” Ember blinked, before giving a thumbs up. “That was a sick belly flop though,” She swam over to Spike, patting him on the back. “What was that you were doing with your front legs anyway?”

“Um, well…. it was a doggy paddle,” Spike replied, while glancing at the female dragon’s elegant body.. He tried to imagine what she’d look like as a dog, almost falling in love with the image itself. The daydream ended abruptly, however, as Ember pushed him back lightly. It only took him a second to realize he had been sniffing her again His tried to give his best naive smile as Ember titled her head. “You smell nice.” He commented.

“Err okay then,” Ember raised an eyebrow, before going back to the swing once again, failing to see Starlight facehoof once more. Luck seemed on Spike’s side however, as the next fifteen minutes or so of swimming went alright (Spike doing his best to avoid any strange behaviour).

After what felt like ages, the group decided to head back into town for sweets. The prospect of ice cream did perk up Spike's mood, despite all the underlying stress of keeping a cover. He loved getting the chance to lick up the remnants of vanilla when Twilight let him. He couldn’t do chocolate, of course, even he knew that would harm him. The sudden reminder that he was in fact at this moment a dragon got him to smile wide. Now was his chance to have a big chocolate sunday, and by the time he had to go back it would be safely out of his system. He began to skip along with eager glee, following right behind Twilight. Ember from behind noted Spike’s tail oddly wagging. It was slight, but still noticeable enough for her to raise an eyebrow. The dog turned dragon hardly noticed his instinctual happy moments, as he followed Twilight, along waving at ponies as they passed by.

In no time at all, the group reached Supercube Corner, and Spike was hyper as ever. Any thoughts of blowing his cover, were swept away by the sweet aromas his nose was picking up. “Mmm smell good in here.” He commented, staring up at Twilight. He could also spot the Crusaders at a far off table, chatting amongst themselves. The familiar faces were helping his mood a lot.

Twilight took a glance at the clock, before nodding .“Yeah, I think it’s cinnamon buns.” She commented.

Before either the dragons or Twilight could comment further, Pinkie Pie popped out from a potted plant, smiling. “Sure is, Twilight, I just got done making a fresh batch. Mmm, so melt in your mouth good,” She turned to Spike and in a split second gave a light wink at him before continuing “I take it you three would like one?”

Spike took a step back after seeing the wink, fearing the power of the pink pony. Her human counterpart was weird enough, but could she possibly know? She seemed to know a lot of things ahead of time despite just finding out about stuff herself. The dragon gulped. “Y-yes, I’d love one.”

“Count me in,” Ember added, before sliding into the booth nearby, leaning her staff on the inner wall. Twilight nodded as well, as she slid in, letting Spike take the outside seat. Ember’s attention once more fell upon the younger drake as she smiled. “So Spike, how’s life? Twilight’s letters mentioned something about you having comic books. Those sound kind of cool”

Spike tensed up for a split second. Oh no! What do I do now?!” He thought nervously. Everything up til now seemed so easy, but having to answer such questions when Twilight was right there? It wouldn’t be easy. He rubbed his neck, trying to recall what the comics looked like when he had glanced briefly at them the other night. “Y-yeah heroes in outfits and magic powers. It’s pretty cool.”

“Any dragon superheroes?” Ember leaned forward, smiling and seeming interested.

With a quick glance at Twilight, Spike tried again to vaguely remember one of the comics on top. “Yeah, there’s this green one with a purple vest and yellow flames decorating it.” Twilight didn't seem to give any indication that he messed up, while Ember seemed interested in other things.

“Jacket, hmm? Always wondered what clothes were like, but hey, can’t hurt to try right? That’s what ponies do, isn’t it?” Ember asked.

Twilight smiled as Starlight finally came back with their coffee. “Well, it varies. Clothes are mostly for fancy events,” She looked up at Starlight, smiling. “What took you so long?”

“Pinkie wanted to talk to me and it took a while,” Starlight explained, as she watched Spike lean back into his seat with her around. While setting the small plate of cupcakes on the table, Starlight looked at Ember’s scepter and reached out to touch it. “This looks amazing.” She commented.

Ember turned her head and slapped Starlight hoof. “No touching!” She scolded, clasping the staff in her right claw.

Spike ended up snickering at the sight, it reminded him of dogs and their favorite toys or bones. He’d often do the same thing with his squirrel chew toy if Winona wanted it. The distraction alone was enough for him to relax a bit more. “So, Ember, what is your favorite gemstone?” He asked, and licked his lips a bit, recalling the sweet taste that ruby had had. He’d sort of miss that when he got back to being a dog.

Ember tapped her chin. “Hmm, that’s a tough choice, but I’d say diamonds.” She replied, taking a cupcake with blue frosting into her claw.

“Well, don’t eat Rarity.” Spike joked remembering the symbol she always had. Twilight broke into a snicker as the Dragon Lord just blinked.

“Huh, I don’t eat ponies. What are you talking...oooh,” Ember realized, and blushed upon finally getting the joke as she giggled. “Good one, Spike.”

Starlight, after recovering from her snickers, looked back at Ember. “I just wanted to look at the staff, I love artifacts.”

“No,” Ember swatted at her hoof again. “Dragons only!” She scowled, seeing Starlight give an adorable pout. She chuckled, looking around some more. “Can’t wait to start negotiations.”

“Oh, I bet the Dragon Lands have lots that we can benefit from,” Twilight commented, smiling at Spike. “And my number one assistant will be right by my side.”

“Y-yeah, sure thing, Twilight,” Spike gave the best grin he could manage while enjoying a cupcake with pink frosting. When he’d finish the treat he took a look around, before staring at Twilight, sighing.

After their snack, the group headed back to the castle, Spike riding upon Twilight’s back and hugging her neck as she walked. The Dragon Lord followed behind, smiling at him the whole time. The dog turned dragon thought about what to do next, attempting to not think about the worries still floating around. He licked his lips, enjoying the taste of the loose gemstone in his teeth as they entered the castle. “Uh, any chores left to do, Twilight?” He asked. “I could sweep if you want.”

Twilight looked back at her little dragon and tapped her chin. “Nah, Spike, you can hang with Ember while she’s here. Let’s go head up the throne room so we can discuss a few things.”

Spike slid off Twilight’s back seeing an opportunity. “Hey want to help me make some drinks, Starlight?” He asked and headed for the hallway, wanting to talk with the unicorn in private.

Starlight nodded. “Sure, Spike, no problem. We’ll be right up, Twilight,” She trotted after the dragon, soon leaving earshot of the other two. She looked at Spike as he twitched a bit. “Are you alright, Spike?” She asked, patting his head.

“Y-yeah, mostly, but Twilight’s going to want me to write,” Spike replied, his ears fell flat against his face. “I can’t write anything, I don’t know how.”

“I could do that for you, Spike.” Starlight suggested.

“But Twilight is bound to notice that. From what I was told, Twilight usually has her Spike dictate for him.” Spike explained.

“Well, you’ll just have to go to the meeting and see what happens, otherwise you’ll just draw more attention,” Starlight explained, as she helped find the cups and mix up the tea. “If you can remember the details I can probably write them down afterward. But yeah, I think Spike left you at a major disadvantage.” With a quick use of her magic, the unicorn quickly added some sugar to the tea.

“Yeah, a bit. But I’m having fun nonetheless. Going to miss all these colors though.” Spike commented.

The duo soon made their way down the hall, and into the throne room. Spike immediately looked upward at the large tree roots that hung from the ceiling. The room itself felt massive with the large, smooth crystal table in the center. The scope of this place was still amazing. He was shaken out of his stupor, upon noticing that Ember wasn’t at the table. He blinked and looked around. “Hey, where’s Ember?” He asked.

A flutter of wings got him to look up, as Ember poked out from one of the large roots. “Man, this room is huge!” She cheered, soon descending to land back at the table. “This place is pretty cool!” She slumped into Rarity’s throne, waving the two over.

Spike took his seat next to Twilight on a smaller throne made of the same material as the table. The cold feeling caused him to shiver a bit as he barely managed a smile. “Yeah, I know right?” A quick glance at Twilight made him ease a bit, the smile was always nice to see. He watched Twilight set some papers down and gulped.

“Well, now that admiring my castle is done, shall we get to work?” Twilight asked, and with a round of nods, Twilight’s glance focused squarely on Spike, wearing her serious face. “So? Mind telling me why you never sent my letter to Ember?”

Spike tried to keep a straight face, as Twilight's beady eyes judged him silently. “Sorry, I forgot.” He blurted, his glance moving towards Starlight in the hopes that she could save him.

“Forgot? I gave it right to you when you weren’t busy. You’re normally on top of these things for me.” Twilight commented, her tone of voice indicating she didn’t buy Spike’s excuse.

“I just got excited about our day out and put it down. It happens.” Spike insisted.

Twilight remained silent, never breaking her stern, judging stare at him. There was something about his tone that was off, but she wasn’t sure why that was just yet. Spike’s flat ears were an odd sight, as were his claws twitching in his lap. “It takes you two seconds to send them. And then there was when you were swimming earlier,” She went on. “Spike, I’m worried that something’s wrong with you. Maybe I should run a scan?”

“No!” Spike yelped. “T-that’s not necessary!” He could see the eyes of both Twilight and Ember questioning his every move, as Starlight moved over.

“I”ve been with him all day, Twilight.” Starlight spoke up, trying to stay calm.

“Yes, and you saw how he’s been acting. Something is not right, Starlight,” Twilight replied, pointing his hoof at Spike. “He was sniffing Ember’s butt for Celestia’s sake,” Said dragon blushed a little, feeling lost at what was going on. Starlight’s foreleg twitched as she hesitated to answer, giving Twilight all the proof she needed, reading Starlight’s expression like an open book “What is it you’re not telling me, Starlight?” Twilight insisted.

Spike's ears went flat as he shook a bit. All the emotion in the room was making him stressed out and for good reason. He’d promised his counterpart he wouldn’t tell, but he couldn’t take it anymore. He put his claws to his head and whimpered. “I'm sorry!” Before looking down at the floor.

“Spike?” Twilight looked down at him as he cowered. Her voice softened as she reached out her hoof and patted his head. “Spike, what’s going on?”

Spike's fists clenched, as he curled up into a ball on the throne. “I’m not your Spike.” He peeked out from behind his claws, seeing Twilight's shocked expression. She was a smart girl, she’d figure it out in a second. As he guessed, that smarty pants brain of hers connected the dots.

Twilight frowned. “So, you’re Spike from the human world?” The dog turned dragon nodded as she continued. “I'm guessing my Spike is over there then?” Another silent nod followed. “But why?”

The dragon looked up, staring up at the group and feeling a little bad for the confused Dragoness sitting across from him. “He just wanted a break and he said I’d really enjoy the experience of being a dragon. I-I mean it is pretty cool.” He explained, but still felt terrible, like he’d betrayed a best friend

“I see,” Twilight commented and turned to face Starlight. “And you were in on it too?”

“Yes, but I thought-” Starlight began.

“You thought you could go behind my back?” Twilight flared her wings. “Why didn’t you I mean he just tell me?!” She turned back to the Spike, and upon seeing how scared he looked her anger faded quickly. She closed her wings and moved over, giving the poor thing a hug.

“He didn’t think you would let him have a break,” Spike explained, looking away. “His offer just sounded so tempting, I’m sorry,” The dragon continued to avoid eye contact, his body shaking much like a dog during a storm. What would happen next? Spike didn’t know but whatever would come, Twilight’s trust in him would be in question. No matter what world, it felt terrible.

Twilight’s wing wrapped around the drake, trying to comfort Spike as she considered her next words carefully. The dragon braced himself but her voice was soft. “Spike, I won’t blame you for wanting to see our world. I was just as curious when I first saw yours,” She pet his back gently. “We can deal with my Spike later,” She reluctantly sighed. “Right now, I have the meeting with Ember to attend too.”

Ember blinked, staring at Spike with a new sense of understanding. “Oh, you’re a dog? That explains the butt sniffing.”

As Spike blushed, Starlight let out a breath. “I”m sorry, Twilight, I didn’t mean to make you upset. I just thought Spike wanted a break. Didn’t seem like a big deal really.”

Twilight took a moment to think, petting Spike along his back. “While I may be still upset at Spike. But for now, I just hope he’s doing okay. “

The dog turned dragon looked up at Twilight shrugging. “Probably with Fluttershy I think. I mean what trouble could he get into at the pound?” Upon explaining, he failed to notice Twilight’s eyes go wide as she squeezed the dragon in her hooves. “Eep, was it something I said?!” He wondered.

“The pound?! What if Spike ends up getting shots, he’s not really a dog?! Who knows what that would do to him?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“But I got my shots just last week,” Spike replied, as he instinctively rubbed his hips. Seeing Twilight’s panic fade he looked back up. “Um, can I have some more gems?” He asked.

Twilight shook her head picking up the dragon. “No, I can’t take a risk. I need to go get him.” Her motherly instincts were on full alert as she rushed down the hall forgetting her meeting her mind made up. Spike meeped wiggling like a ragdoll and moments later was blinded as the princes ran head first into the portal