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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.



First Person Alternating Prespectives [Equisverse Era 1]

Over the last three years, Equestria's heroes have performed great deeds. The era of threats and dangers seemed to slowly fade as obstacle after obstacle fell away and new assets fell into Equestria hooves. Unfortunately, by chance, these same acts have forced the hands of Equestria’s greatest foe.

Equestria’s heroes would be horrified to know their actions have only angered Dawn, the dark god, the great tormenter, and master of Tartarus and its Demons. By their actions, the Emperor of Prance and Queen Jiila were revived, and so Dusk’s godly mantle is now beyond Dawn’s reach. Fearing that his sister may somehow be reborn and tell the Elder Gods that it was her brother who murdered her, Dawn must strike quickly to survive.

He must have more power, enough to resist all who have the power to destroy him. Dawn knows of one source of quick and cheap power. Tormented mortal souls.

Can Equestria’s heroes overcome Armageddon itself?

Featured on Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 8:30:43 AM :yay:

For my Fan’s convenience: This story serves to tie the Alpha and Beta universes together. That’s right. EVERYTHING is canon. Sorry.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 1098 )

Shit has now hit the proverbial fan. :rainbowderp:

And so it begins...

You give me information to remember then come out with a new story? The fuck are you on about?

I am. I have much better memory than him. . . Somehow.

Ah well, what kind of pony are you if you can’t stand on your own four hooves?

A paraplegic.

>> Meep the Changeling What about all hail the queen?

7779487 That's continuing here. I realised that storyline has basically a year and a half of basically nothing as Twilight learns a new language.

Hmm I think the Betaverse should now be renamed to the CharlieFroxtrotverse :trollestia:

You’d think a mare who saved the whole Kingdom multiple times would get some kind of living stipend from the Crown. But no.

Didnt you say in the comments before that Sweet Apple Acres pay much more in taxes than they need to by law?
Seems wierd that she'd give extra money to the crown and then think about them giving her money.

7779501 Traditionally, their family paid out extra for charities so as to be looked on favorably by Ponyville. AJ could solve all of her money problems in an instant by just reducing the traditional overpayment by half, but she won't. Because she's too rooted in tradition for her own good. (And also her Sibling's good... Big Mac wanted to go to college and learn enchanting, but he can't because farm, and traditions. Applebloom got out only because Equestria's greatest blacksmith literally paid for her 'worth' using the ancient apprenticeship rules since she was certain that AB could actually learn all her tricks of the trade after noticing AB's work in maintaining and making new farm tools at a school fair)

wow. It's a good thing she only needed to be honest to become an EoH because your AJ is a bad person.
Seriously her own sister had to be brought like property so she could live her own life...
I just hope someone can teach her that slavery is bad before she can adopt her next unpaid worker.

7779556 Even in the show she's not exactly a good person. She's excessively prideful, stubborn to the point where it hurts even herself yet she refuses to change... And let's not forget she once literally ditched her ENTIRE life, family, and town just because she took home second instead of first. She has good qualities, but she also has some serious flaws as an individual.

So when developing her for my AU, given its rules and the likes, I made sure to emphasize her positive and negative traits while developing her. Since the apples follow the old ways to a T, she's locked her entire family into that. Hence why Pattern Steel had to basically buy Applebloom from the farm by compensating them for the lost revenue from her no longer working there. (Twilight called out AJ's bullshit on that one and forced her to pay Pattern back, but it still happened.)

She can also be kind and compassionate, naturally. She supports her little sister's romantic life, catered for their wedding. She does good things. But it's her stubborn nature and traditionalist values which when combined with Granny SMith's own tales of 'the way it's suposta be!' from 300 freaking years ago well... She winds up hurting her family. ESPECIALLY Big Mac, but spoilers there.

As for her being an element, well AJ is honest. She will almost never tell a lie in passing, and absolutely will never tell a lie if she's directly asked a question. She's honest even to the point of being mean or outright insulting. She wont tell a white lie to spare someone's feelings, she will be completely candied. Period. Which is why she's the Element of Honesty. The most valuable lesson she's learned so far in her life is when to just hold her tongue. Unfortunately, she has yet to learn that some traditions need to die and that progress is not to be feared.


I slipped the cart off my back and started to walk around the side to get to shovel’n

Applebloom, bring the shovel, so I can beat the shit outa Lost!

Days without incident: 141 0

Still haven't read but... already are you bringing it all to an end? But but but... the cuteness still not told!!! :raritydespair::raritycry::flutterrage::pinkiecrazy:

7779894 That refrence made my day!

Well, everything has literally come crashing down, and into Twilight's house, I do not want to see that repair bill.
SO all your stories are culminating in this one epic tail? You have my undivided attention.

With all your stories coming together now, I have great fears! Please say this won't be the story to end all of your storieses! :pinkiegasp:
Though i am enjoying this so far, a wild ride and our great villain finally making his move. Poor Applejack, what will Dash do when she gets home? SO excited for the next chapter!:pinkiehappy:


Oh it's not over. Trust me, it is definitely not over...

7779894 XD 10/10 best refrence
7780076 "You know what just to be safe..." 0 -1
7780259 AN end? Possibly. If our heroes fail. If not? Well, then it's an adventure type crossover.

SO all your stories are culminating in this one epic tail? You have my undivided attention.

As many as I can make fit, yes.
7780414 If this does end the world, I still have like 256 million years before this point to fill with stories.

Well that is a relief then! I don't want to have the stories all end! Even if all falls in this one and the new ones are from the past, that would still be better than the end being the end?

7781475 Well I'm not going to stop anytime soon... This is how I eat >>

True, I must not forget that. :P As long as we keep 'feeding' you, you can continue writing. :pinkiecrazy:

I have a feeling this one is going to be one of the most intense and chaotic stories yet.:rainbowkiss::heart:

On a side note; a 99 million year old, feathered dinosaur tail preserved in tree resin has been discovered. You can see the flipen individual feathers! There is no denying it now!

7781924 When did I ever deny it? Avians are descended from dinos. Of course later period dinos had feathers or feather-like coverings. They had to evolve at some point and that shit takes more than a few millions of years.

7781937 Never said you denyed it, just thought it was awsome to have some completly solid proof now. Keeps getting me excited, I'm going to have some trouble trying to sleeping.

/me looks at the disclaimer.
...oh... Damnit, well I guess it's time to go read verse a.

I'll be back, just have a fair bit of unread stuff I haven't gotten to.

7781979 You can entirely skip the Sea of Sky story. And if you really don't want to read them, this will explain enough internally. Also A is unfinished because um... the world ends on the 12th of Snowfall 15 EoH... The last written in chapter of each book >> (Get it? The author stopped so the world ended.)

So... Dash's uncle is Flash. Fitting :rainbowdetermined2:

Curiously, Dash also has the key to solve this quite easily if she only reveals the secret... That is, once they find out about Dawn. It will be specially funny if he tries to control her. It shall fail most spectacularly :pinkiecrazy:
I hope, that is...

Well, nice start. More when? :pinkiesad2:

Edit: also, it's an all in bet for Dawn. If he fails here Discord will annihilate him, no holds barrelled. Considering his eternity is at risk, I do believe he'll pull all stops.
"There are no brakes in the tape train" would be the most fitting analogy. Let's hope equestria can recover from it.

7782764 You're the first person to comment on that. It's almost like everyone forgot I made this earlier this year. Meep even posted it in a blog...

That reminds me, I need to update it for new additions since its creation. :trixieshiftright:

7782764 I thought more people would comment on that slip of her tongue, but no XD More soon.

Hmm. Meep, I'm glad you clarified about the sexiest character Alpha Phoenix having exaggerated her literal FLOPS when talking to Princess Purple Smart. Otherwise the very literal entropy demon issue would cause some trouble for the Dawn and Dusk plot by energetically overshadowing both of them.

7783057 Unfortunately, she's the most logical target to choose if you're going to ensure the element's can't be used. (ALso, in my AU, Earth Ponies have some useful tricks.)

7783084 It's probably best if you don't worry about it.

Mildly disappointed by the lack of "next chapter >"

7783396 It's been a day, and it was almost a 12k chapter. Get over it you big baby. :facehoof:

7783454 It's okay. I'm going for an NFire sized 97k next chapter.

7783481 don't tease us like that.
tease us like that all you want

7783481 ohhh boi
that sounds scary D:
popmannn, I know a place you can hide for a bit:pinkiehappy:

Sorry Alpha Twi, but this is not quite an academy record of multiversal clusterbucks. That record still sits at 8. Regardless, still impressive.

This is the biggest clusterfuck I've ever seen, including snake mating balls, which are literal giant clusterfucks.
I've seen porn where there's so much going on that the porn is seemingly collapsing in on and fucking itself that's less of a clusterfuck.

Not saying it's a bad thing, just very. . . there.

Yes Pattern Steel my favorite of your OC's Ty for involving her also now I want to know how she meet and learned to love a freekng forest (200000 word side storie please). Also the forest is Lunas daughter (cool).

Also holyshit I need a chart meep we are up to like 5 twi's a cluster frak of Shy's, You just mashed like 5 universe together. Give me something to keep track of who belongs to what reality.

You are showing us why your the jedi master of info dump you managed to make this epic clusterfudge coherent somehow. The pinkie pie of shared multiuniverse story plots


Yes Pattern Steel my favorite of your OC's Ty for involving her also now I want to know how she meet and learned to love a freekng forest (200000 word side storie please). Also the forest is Lunas daughter (cool).

I like her too. I just haven't had a use for her yet... As for how they met, well, that's indeed a story for another day. But it is one you will get.

Also holyshit I need a chart meep we are up to like 5 twi's a cluster frak of Shy's, You just mashed like 5 universe together. Give me something to keep track of who belongs to what reality.

YOu know... I think I do. I'll work on that XD

You are showing us why your the jedi master of info dump you managed to make this epic clusterfudge coherent somehow. The pinkie pie of shared multiuniverse story plots

I wouldn't go that far, but thank you ^^

dawn needs to be permanatly isolated.
from literally everything, forever.
100% sensory deprivation:twilightangry2:

on the other hand, pony selfcest orgy :D


dawn needs to be permanatly isolated. from literally everything, forever. 100% sensory deprivation:twilightangry2:

XD and he hasn't even done anything serious yet XD

7786326 well, I know that, and that's why I want it done, counter attack before there's an attack to counter.

Wow! What an awesome start! A complete cluster fuck/buck/mug is the only way to describe that.

For Dawn:

For Applejack:

For Twilight and Sparkle:

For EG Lyra:

I think AJ will need her own consciousness transfer before all this is over, as well as A LOT of theripy. good thing Dawn doesn't know Dusk is alive, and when she finds out what he's doing, ya not going to feel sorry for him.
Welp, this is a lot of bucking buck, dead world trapped in a time loop, EQG on the brink of attacking Equess, the elements broken, Twi is a racist prude, yep seems things have gone to Hell.
Awwww Phee was really a manipulative bitch? and here I kinda liked her.
I'm interested to see what Scoot looks like under the armor, also maybe Sky can just take it apart and not cut it up? [Cuz it might come in handy when Dawn comes knocking]
So Everfree is a living entity, who is essentially the daughter of Luna, and is dating a bat pony? I approve of this 100% ALL MY YES!
Also I wonder how Luna and light step are going to react to this?
Lock and load everypony, it feels like things are going to be escalating quickly, looks like its going to be a LOOOOOOONG ride!

7786941 Welp, this is a lot of bucking buck, dead world trapped in a time loop, EQG on the brink of attacking Equess, the elements broken, Twi is a racist prude, yep seems things have gone to Hell.

Awwww Phee was really a manipulative bitch? and here I kinda liked her.

Sorry :c It's pritty clear if you re-read things again though. I always meant for her to be a villain. (The one on Equis!3 is genuinely nice though. She's crazy like the rest of them but rather than having gone psycho she went 'cat lady'. <Enter Room. Pone in room. Pet pone. Why in room? Pone in room! Pet pone. Oh hey! A pone. Pet pone. Wait a minute I was supposed to do the thing... Thing done. Oh hey! A pone <3 >

I'm interested to see what Scoot looks like under the armor, also maybe Sky can just take it apart and not cut it up? [Cuz it might come in handy when Dawn comes knocking]

You'll see it. And no, Sky isn't goingto cut that off. He'd brute force the locks open via hacking so the armro could be studied. Lyra could also open it, what with being a Captain and having the appropriate neural interface to interact with Terran based technology.

So Everfree is a living entity, who is essentially the daughter of Luna, and is dating a bat pony? I approve of this 100% ALL MY YES!

The forest is portraied as alive, and HiddenMaster had the idea of it making avatars like timberwolves to talk to ponies it liked. I took that and rolled with it until I got "The forest is aggressive because civilized herbivores are super predators. They eat her biomass and cut down her 'body' to build things with. So she tries to scare things away from herself." The reason she's with Pattern is Pattern A is a vampire bat and thus has no interest in eating her, B she lives nearby and could be seen by Everfree daily, C Pattern fuels her forge with dead wood from the Everfree, and no forest likes catching on fire from dead brush build up.
Also I realized it would be fucking adorable for Patten to meet her for the first time, andbefore she says anything at all be like "... Stick body can't be comfortable... hold on." then grumpily sculpt something nice out of some older oak logs only to realize what she just did 5 minutes after roughing out a marekin type thing because that's when she coffee kicked in.

Lock and load everypony, it feels like things are going to be escalating quickly, looks like its going to be a LOOOOOOONG ride!

Well, you know how I normally write my AU in the manner of the old TSR novels? This would be the equivalent to something R.A. Salvadore contributed to that shared universe in terms of scope and length.

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