• Published 4th Dec 2016
  • 6,249 Views, 181 Comments

Digimon: A New Legacy of DigiDestined - ShadowBolt96

What begins as a trip to summer camp turns into the adventure of a lifetime for the CMC and their friends.

  • ...

Interlude 1: Are We There Yet?

Within a couple of hours after leaving File Island, the seafaring DigiDestined were forced to face an old, familiar, and terrible foe. One that seemed to be everywhere and nowhere. An age old enemy that struck when things were most quiet, threatening to drive its victims into madness. Everyone was familiar with it, everyone dreaded it, but children were especially vulnerable. Some might argue that it is the very bane of every child, their mortal enemy.

Scootaloo cried out in agony as she felt its claws gripping her soul, its tendrils prodding her mind and dulling her senses. Falling onto her back, she stared up at the blue sky as she felt herself wasting away inside.

“Scootaloo?” Mustering up one last ounce of energy, she turned to see Guilmon looking concerned. “Are you okay?”

“No…” Scootaloo groaned. “I’m so bored…”

“We know Scoots, we know,” Apple Bloom said, irritated. “I think you made that clear the last four times ya said that.”

“Okay, cool. Glad we're all on the same page.” Scootaloo looked around to see everyone sprawled out across Whamon’s back. Clearly, the wicked phantom had struck everyone else to some degree. “So...what are we gonna do about it?”

Sweetie Belle sat up. “Apple Bloom, didn't you say you packed that deck of cards from Mt. Panorama? How about we play a little Go Fish, or Rummy?”

Apple Bloom sighed, breathing in the salty air and feeling the breeze across her face. “With this kind of wind, we’d probably be playin’ 52 Pickup instead.”

“Is that any fun?” Guilmon asked. “How do we play that?”

Apple Bloom looked at Guilmon with a vacant expression. “All fifty two cards in the deck are scattered, and someone picks ‘em up.”

Guilmon cocked his head. “That's it? That doesn't sound very fun, it just sounds like we’d lose a lot of the—” Guilmon stopped, the gears in his head could almost be heard clicking together. “Ohhh…”

Everyone felt a slight flip in their gut as Whamon hit another small wave. A small gasp made Apple Bloom turn to Armadillomon, who stood tense away from the edges of Whamon’s back. “You okay Armadillomon? You’ve been like this since we left the island.”

Armadillomon looked up to Apple Bloom with a nervous smile. “What, me? I’m fine, fit as a fiddle! Hehehe…”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow as another, much bigger wave made him jump back a little. “Are you scared of water?”

“No no, I’m not scared of the water,” Armadillomon shook his head. “I guess I’m...just a little nervous ‘cause I can’t swim.”

“Oh...” Apple Bloom nodded. She put a hoof on his back, rubbing his shell with a comforting smile. “It’s okay, you’ll be fine. I won’t let ya fall. And if it makes ya feel any better, you’re handlin’ things pretty well, despite that.”

Diamond Tiara propped herself up on a foreleg. “Yeah, speaking of handling the sea, how’s your cousin holding up?”

Apple Bloom turned to the front of Whamon, where Babs Seed sat next to Veemon. She stared out into the horizon like a sentry. Apple Bloom made her way towards Babs, taking care not to slip on the smoother parts of Whamon’s blubber. As she got closer, she could hear her muttering something under her breath.

“Hey Babs...you alright?”

Babs Seed ignored her, focusing her gaze on the ocean. “Eyes on the horizon…” she muttered. “Just focus on the horizon...take deep breaths...eyes on the horizon...eyes on the horizon...eyes on the—” she stopped suddenly, her ears folding back. “Oh geez!”

Babs Seed brushed past Apple Bloom without a word, her face turning a bit green.

Veemon got up to follow her. “Here we go again,” he sighed.

Apple Bloom watched as Babs hurried towards the edge of Whamon. Veemon walked up to her, holding her so that she could lean over the side without falling off. Apple Bloom’s face turned sour as she saw Babs’ body lurch slightly.

“So...not feelin’ any better, I guess?” Apple Bloom said over the sound of Babs retching.

A few moments later, Babs Seed stumbled back towards the others and found a spot to lay down. “I am so sorry Whamon,” she groaned.

It’s alright child,” Whamon chuckled. “Nothing a dip in the ocean won’t fix.

“Ugh...are we there yet?” Scootaloo moaned.

“Scootaloo, how long did you think this trip was going to take?” Hawkmon asked.

“I don't know, a day or two?”

Sorry, but it’ll take us about five days to reach Server.


“Why do you think Elecmon gave us a week’s worth of food?” Hawkmon asked.

A collective groan resounded across Whamon.

“Aw, come on everypony,” Apple Bloom said. “It could be worse.”

“How?” Scootaloo groaned.


“—It could be rainin’,” Diamond Tiara mimicked Apple Bloom’s accent. “You just had to open your big mouth didn’t you!”

“Alright, I’m sorry I tempted fate!” Apple Bloom shouted over the rain falling on the tarp.

As night began to fall, a light rainstorm had crossed their current course. With Whamon’s permission, everyone worked quickly to lay the tarp over an upper section of Whamon’s spine, between two ribs, lashing the rope to some of his pipes to prevent it from blowing away.

Now, everyone lay huddled on either side of the spinal column, packed like sardines, but secure and relatively dry.

Apple Bloom could hear Babs Seed groaning on the other side of the shelter, along with the complaints of everyone packed together. She sighed as she watched the silhouettes of the raindrops running along the tarp. It’s gonna be a long night… she thought.

Sweetie Belle and a few of the other passengers were sunbathing in the afternoon sunlight, having returned from a quick dip in the ocean to cool off. As they relaxed, some of the Digimon had some questions regarding pony culture, which Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon were happy to answer.

“And what do you call it? A heartsong?” Palmon asked.

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle nodded.

“So, let me get this straight,” Veemon put a hand to his forehead. “Ponies will just burst into a musical number at the drop of a hat?”

“Well, certain conditions have to be met,” Silver Spoon fixed her ponytail. “It’s not entirely clear what these conditions are all the time, but I think they usually have to do with emotions and a certain magical affinity in the local area.”

“And they don’t rehearse it beforehand?” Terriermon asked. “It just happens right off the bat, and everyone sings their part right the first time?”

“Yep, pretty much,” Sweetie Belle nodded.

“That’s—” Veemon started.

“Neat!” Guilmon butted in.

“I was gonna say weird.”

“What’s so weird about singin’?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Nothing,” Terriermon shrugged. “But you gotta admit that singing a musical number out of the blue is a little odd.”

“Not where we come from,” Sweetie Belle smiled. “Hey Babs, you ever take part in a heartsong?”

Everyone looked to the poor amber filly laying on her side, whose only response was a weak groan.

“Yeah, she’s still out of it,” Scootaloo sighed.

“Poor girl…” Diamond Tiara said.

“Hey, we’ve got dolphins!” Rumble waved everyone over to the side.

Everyone rushed to Rumble, peering over the side. Sure enough, a few silhouettes could be made out in the wake that Whamon was creating. Soon, dolphin-esque creatures began leaping out of the water.

“Hey Whamon,” one greeted. “Ya got time for a race?”

Hello Dolphmon,” Whamon replied. “I’m afraid I can’t right now, I have passengers to get to the Server continent.

Sweetie Belle stuck out her tongue in concentration as she aimed her Digivice’s analyzer at the leaping Dolphmon. “Hold on...just a little bit more...got it!” Her Digivice chirped as it displayed Dolphmon’s stats.

Name: Dolphmon

Level: Champion

Attribute: Vaccine


  • Pulse Blast
  • Dolphin Kick
  • Bon Voyage

“Hey Babs, check this out!” Apple Bloom helped up Babs Seed, guiding her to see the pod of Dolphmon leaping out of the water. Everyone cheered as the Dolphmon flipped and twirled in the air, putting on a small show for them.

“Hehe, that’s pretty cool…” Babs Seed managed to smile.

“Hey, are you okay?” one of the Dolphmon asked. “You’re looking a little green.”

“She’s just a little seasick,” Apple Bloom said.

“Oh, hold on a sec.” Dolphmon dove straight down, vanishing into the deep blue. A few moments later, he returned with a strand of seaweed in his jaws. “Catch!” Dolphmon tossed the seaweed, which landed on Diamond Tiara.

“Ew!” Diamond Tiara peeled the wet seaweed off her face. “What was that for?”

“Eat one of the seeds,” Dolphmon said.

Diamond Tiara took a look at the strand of seaweed in her hooves. Towards the middle, a small bunch of squishy orange pods were clustered like grapes on a vine. Each pod looked like the size of a small plum. “What, these things? Are you sure these will help?” she asked. Before anyone could answer, Babs Seed snatched the seaweed from her.

“Hey, at this point, I’ll try anythin’!” Babs Seed quickly picked off one of the pods. She stared at it with slight apprehension before tossing it into her mouth, slowly chewing it up before swallowing it.

“Well, how’d it taste?” Scootaloo asked.

“It was kinda sour...” Babs Seed grimaced. “And salty.”

A gurgling noise began to emanate from Babs’ stomach, growing louder and louder.

“I think her tummy’s getting angry!” Guilmon hid behind Scootaloo.

“She’s gonna blow!” Sweetie Belle ducked into the tarp shelter.

Babs Seed tried making her way to the other side of Whamon, but the rumbling in her gut kept her rooted in place. It kept growing and growing until…


Babs Seed covered her mouth, hiding behind her mane as a blush spread across her face. All around her, her friends stared at her with gaping mouths and wide eyes.

“‘Scuse me…” she muttered.

“Bahahahaha!” Scootaloo rolled around on her back, hind legs kicking in the air as she laughed. “Nice one Babs, that was awesome!”

“Meh,” Rumble shrugged. “I’ve seen better.”

All around her, the laughter spread to everyone else, even to the Dolphmon in the water. While the overall situation was embarrassing beyond belief, she couldn’t help but chuckle at her own expense.

“So Babs, did it work?” Apple Bloom chuckled.

Babs Seed put a hoof to her belly. The queasiness and flipping in her stomach that had plagued her for the past day and a half had suddenly vanished. “Yeah, I feel much better!” She turned to the water. “Thanks Dolphmon!”

The Dolphmon stood on their tails in the water, moving backwards while shouting their farewells.

“Well, that was a nice little show,” Hawkmon said. “But now that Babs is feeling better, maybe we can work on your DigiCode?”

Horror flashed across Babs’ face for a moment. “Uh...oh no! I think my seasickness is coming back!”

“Yeah, I’m suddenly not feeling so good either,” Scootaloo gripped her barrel and lay on her side, making over-exaggerated moans.

Hawkmon stared at the two fillies with a blank look on his face. “Nice try…” he said wryly.

Babs Seed dropped the pen she had in her mouth, and tossed the notebook she was holding into a pile of other notebooks. A small part of her wanted to make a bonfire out of them. She doubted that she would get any objections from anypony else, but realized that Whamon probably wouldn’t be happy about it.

“Ya know, my sista had to take two years of Germane in high school,” Babs Seed sighed. “She would always go on about how much of a pain it was to learn a new language. And now I know why.”

Many of the other ponies groaned in agreement as they stared at the open notebook in front of them. For the past few hours, Hawkmon guided the little ponies as best he could as they struggled to relearn the alphabet. Fortunately, they had learned that words spelled in Ponish were more or less spelled the same way in Digicode. It was just a matter of deducing which symbol translated into which letter. A fact that Sweetie Belle was quick to jump on.

“It’s kinda like when we tried getting Cutie Marks in cryptography,” Sweetie Belle smiled.

“Cryptography? What’s that?” Babs Seed asked.

“It’s pretty much writing and solving secret codes.”

“You mean like spies?” Babs Seed asked with a smile. “That sounds cool!”

“Believe me, it’s not as fun as it sounds,” Scootaloo sighed.

Babs stared at the open notebook before her. After several failed attempts, everypony had eventually managed to write their own names in DigiCode.

“Oh don’t kick yourselves,” Hawkmon encouraged. “No one learns something new overnight.”

“Why do we need to learn this anyway?” Rumble grumbled. “I mean, you guys can read DigiCode, can’t you?”

“Well, yeah,” Bearmon nodded. “But don’t you want to know how to read this stuff too? It’ll probably help a lot if we hit any towns on the Server continent.”

“How big is the Server continent?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“From what I hear, it’s one of the largest land masses in the Digital World,” Bearmon said.

You heard right Bearmon,” Whamon said. “Used to be mostly desert, but I heard that it has changed quite a bit over the years.

“Changed? How?” Apple Bloom asked. “You mean like more towns have been poppin’ up on it?”

Well, yes. But I’m also talking about the continent’s terrain changing as well. You see, here in the Digital World, the features of any landscape can undergo drastic changes at any given moment. Did Elecmon tell you the story of the Dark Masters?

“The group of evil Digimon that were stopped by a group of human DigiDestined?” Silver Spoon asked. “Oh yeah, I think he said that they turned the entire Digital World into some kind of giant mountain.”

Spiral Mountain. Yes, that was a dark time for all Digimon.” Whamon chuckled. “Would you believe me if I told you that I actually met those DigiDestined long ago, and that I helped protect them from one of the Dark Masters?

“No way!” Palmon gasped.

Yes way. They saved me from a Black Gear that I swallowed by accident, and I helped them fight MetalSeadramon himself.

“You defeated MetalSeadramon?” Veemon said, his eyes sparkling.

Well...not exactly.

“What happened?” Armadillomon asked.

Whamon stayed silent for a long time before chuckling. “There’s no need to concern yourself with that. Just know that was the last great battle I ever took part in, and hopefully will ever take part in.

“Um...Mr. Whamon?” Apple Bloom asked.


“Do you think we can be like them, the DigiDestined in Elecmon’s stories? Can we be as great as they were?”

Elecmon seemed to see something in you. And listening to you all these past three days, you remind me a lot of those seven human children who rode on my back with their partners centuries ago. Yes, I think you all have the potential to be like them, if not better.

Babs Seed could see her cousin swelling with pride, and couldn’t help but smile at the praise herself.

“Well, how about you all try spelling your names one more time before we eat dinner?” Hawkmon suggested.

And just like that, Hawkmon had poked a pin in the proverbial balloon as everypony around him groaned. Babs reached for the practice notebook, and was about to reach for another notebook containing a key they had made to help them translate DigiCode, only to have it snatched by Hawkmon.

“Without the cheat sheet,” he grinned smugly.

Babs Seed looked from Hawkmon to the notebook in her hooves, and gulped.

Apple Bloom smiled as she gazed at the clear night sky, watching the billions of stars twinkling in the sky. It still held the captivation of everyone onboard, despite having seen it almost every night for more than a week. Unlike their first night in the Digital World however, they weren’t watching it through a small window in the treeline. Being on the ocean gave everyone a complete panoramic view of the stellar spectacle in the sky.

“I don’t think I’ll eva’ get tired of seein’ this,” Babs Seed thought aloud.

Apple Bloom looked over to see everyone laying down, eyes turned to the sky in wonder and awe. In Sweetie Belle’s case however, she could her face scrunched in concentration.

“Sweetie Belle, what’s wrong?” Apple Bloom leaned on her elbow.

“I can’t find the Big Dipper anywhere,” she sighed.

Apple Bloom glanced back up to the stars. “Your tryin’ to find the Big Dipper in that light show up there? Good luck girl.”

“Somehow I doubt you’ll find it up there,” Silver Spoon said. “The stars are probably positioned differently.”

“How do ya figure that?”

“Hmm…” Silver Spoon sat up, opening her Digivice’s inventory. “You girls remember the Canterlot Statue Gardens?”

Apple Bloom felt pale for a moment, and she could see the same discomfort on the faces of the rest of the Crusaders. That little field trip took place a couple of years ago, and it wasn’t exactly a great time for any of them. But in particular, she remembered a certain statue of a certain crazy draconequus, and how that statue seemed to come to life not long after they had a...disagreement near it.

“W-what about it?” Apple Bloom asked.

Silver Spoon had taken out the small pouch of sweets, and was taking out several pieces of candy and spreading them out in front of her.

“Let’s say that this is you,” Silver Spoon held up a piece of taffy before placing it on the edge of the scattered candy. “From where you’re standing you see the Statue of Victory here to your left, the Statue of Friendship to your far right, and the Windigo’s Storm here.” She pointed to various pieces of candy as she talked.

“Uh huh,” Apple Bloom nodded.

“Now, let’s say Scootaloo is over here, on the opposite side of the garden,” Silver Spoon pulled out a caramel and placed it on the other side of the model. “From her point of view, the Statue of Victory is to her far right, the Statue of Friendship is close to her left, and she can barely see the Windigo’s Storm because it’s behind the Statue of Chancellor Puddinghead, which you can’t see from where you are standing.”

Silver Spoon quickly scooped up the candy before anyone got any ideas, depositing it back into the pouch and placing it back into her Digivice’s inventory. “You’re both seeing the same statues, but to you they’re in different places.”

Babs Seed looked back up to the stars. “So...these could be the same stars. But since we’re on a different world, they look like they’re in different places?”

“And that means the constellations are all different,” Sweetie Belle reasoned.

Apple Bloom gazed longfully up at the stars. “Do you think our world is somewhere up there?”

“Maybe...maybe,” Silver Spoon nodded.

Apple Bloom continued to scan the night sky, her eyelids starting to grow heavy. Then she saw two stars close together, both of them seeming to wink at her. She smiled as she turned on her side, pulling a blanket over herself and a sleeping Armadillomon.

It was comforting to know that they were still watching over her, even here.

The next morning, Sweetie Belle felt the morning sun on her, making the blanket she was tucked in uncomfortable. With a groan, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched, feeling a slight tension concentrated in a small patch on the back of her neck; no doubt the start of a sunburn. Running a hoof through her fur and mane, she grew frustrated with how matted everything was starting to feel, and the sea salt in the air was making her itchy!

Feeling the blood flow returning to her limbs, she made her way over to the top of Whamon’s head, where everyone else was eating breakfast. They seemed focused on something, many of their expressions twisted in serious concentration. Sitting down next to Palmon, she waited for someone to speak up, eager to hear what was so important.

Babs Seed blew her mane out of her face. “The ability to run at super speeds in reverse.”

Sweetie Belle did a double take. Uh...what?

“What, like Filly Second?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah, but you can only run at that speed when runnin’ backwards.”

“Eh…” Scootaloo shrugged.

Babs Seed rolled her eyes. “Oh please, it’s way better than what you came up with. ‘The power to turn invisible after sittin’ still for sixty seconds.’ Seriously?”

“Think about it: you could be standing in line for coffee or something, and then you just disappear! The whole store would freak out!”

“Have you been to a coffee shop? Everypony’s so brain dead goin’ in, the pony behind you’d probably just assume you’ve left and try to move forward.” Babs Seed giggled at the possibilities.

“Uh...what’s going on here?” Sweetie Belle stared at the circle in which this absurd conversation was happening.

“They’re debating on the best worst super powers,” Palmon replied, handing her a small container of dried banana slices. “It’s been funny just listening to them go back and forth.”

“Alright, I got one!” Diamond Tiara put her hoof up. “The power to harness lightning...but only during an earthquake.”

Back and forth this debate went, prompting a few lighthearted arguments, and more than a few laughs. The absurd super power proposals flew left and right until until Terriermon pointed to something on the horizon.

“LAND HO!” Terriermon shouted. Everyone rushed to the front of Whamon.

“Where?” Silver Spoon squinted her eyes. “I swear if you’re pulling my leg…”

Terriermon climbed onto Silver Spoon’s back, much to her chagrin. He grabbed onto her head, pointing her towards a point on the horizon.

“Right there, see?” Terriermon pointed excitedly.

Sweetie Belle squinted. Sure enough, there was a long gray strip of land on the horizon, which was steadily getting bigger as they drifted closer.

“Whamon, is that it?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Is that the Server continent?”

Yes it is,” Whamon replied.

A cheer resounded across the ocean. Finally, after five days of confinement on top of a whale monster, they had reached dry land.

They had arrived at Server.