• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Why am I Pinkie Pie?! - Hoopy McGee

Why the heck did I turn into Pinkie Pie?!

  • ...

This place is amazing!

I mean, I'm not trying to spark jealousy, or anything, but... wow!

The sun was just past the noon position when we flew in past the Canterlot city limits. The city is actually a lot bigger than I expected, with little suburbs dotting the way. The city itself was gleaming white, with lots of gold accents, just like you'd expect. There really were waterfalls cascading off the side of the mountain, shimmering in the sunlight and casting rainbows all the way down. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

That didn't stop us from talking, naturally. What stopped us from talking was the fact that I was hanging out of every side of the carriage, nearly at once, babbling constantly about the things I was seeing. I couldn't stop myself! It was so awesome, and there was Canterlot in the distance!

We had more than one carriage, of course. I was in one with Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy. Twilight was in another one with her brother and Applejack. I think she might have felt a little uncomfortable around me, since the whole "cute" thing the other night.

Oh, well. I still had a great time! The cupcakes, sadly, did not survive the trip. Their sacrifice will be remembered fondly.

I was too excited to really have anything even resembling a coherent conversation outside of "Look at that! Oooh! Wow, look at that!', so the other three just talked without me. I vaguely remember Pinkie saying something about the Earth, or something, but honestly, that whole trip was a blur.

We finally landed in a courtyard outside of the castle, and we all hopped off. My heart was going a mile a minute. I mean, here I was, right outside Canterlot Castle! And it was so tall! And pointy!

We were ushered in, and I was beyond nervous as we walked through the hallways. What I decided was probably extremely ancient art was set up all over: paintings and tapestries, vases on little stands and in alcoves, weird little statues... that kind of thing. It was like walking through a museum that a bunch of people happened to live in.

It wasn't much later that the eight of us (Shining Armor had tagged along) were waiting outside of the Princesses' reception area, just on the other side of the throne room. After a few minutes, we were shown in, and there she was: Princess Luna.

She got up out of the throne (the exact same one you see in the intro of the cartoon) and descended the stairs to meet us.

"Twilight Sparkle! How good to see you, again! And you others, as well!"

I was impressed. She looked at Pinkie in my body without even blinking an eye, even though nopony here apparently had any idea what a 'human' was.

We got her filled in on what happened pretty quickly. She asked a few questions here and there, but otherwise let us get our story out. When we were done, she turned to me and looked at me with a considering expression. I suddenly felt very, very nervous.

"So. What does our visitor think of Canterlot?" she asked. And that's all it took for my nervousness to vanish and for my mouth to flip into overdrive.

"Oh my gosh, it's so super-awesomely fantastic that I can't even believe I'm here, this is like a dream, oh wow this castle is just amazing and everything here is so old, well I don't mean you, Princess, though I suppose you're pretty old, kind of, but you don't look like it and you're so pretty and your mane is just amazing, I'd like to touch it, and the paintings are cool and so are the tapestries and those sculptures look really expensive and I don't know if this is real gold on the floor or not, but I think it probably is and I really want to touch your mane and how does it do that?"

Luna just blinked at me after the verbal onslaught, while I grinned and blinked back at her.

"Well?" I asked after a minute.

"Well?" she repeated, confused.

"Can I? Touch your mane, I mean?"

"I... No. I am sorry, little... pony?"

"Aww..." I pouted.

"Please, do not do that."

"Do what, Princess?"

"Those eyes... those accursed, soulful... argh! All right! You may touch the royal mane, but only for a moment!"


I stood up and plunged my hoof into Luna's ethereal mane. There's really no way to describe what it felt like. Maybe... like cool, dry water, flowing and swirling around my hoof and leg, with the sense of barely-concealed energy, almost like it was humming with electrical power. That's not exactly right, but that's as close as I can come to describe it.

"That is enough," she said after a while. It wasn't as long as I wanted, but it was probably longer than she was comfortable with, especially once I started giggling. Hey, what can I say? It tickled!

"I shall send for one of Celestia's Mirror of Souls, and have it brought to us in the antechamber," Luna said, and one of the attendants in the room took the hint and scurried off. "Also, I shall write to my sister anon, informing her of what has transpired. I have no doubt that she will wish to return forthwith to see to these matters for herself."

Luna then instructed Shining Armor to return to duty, which he did, and the rest of us to go get something to eat and wait nearby for her summons. Which we did. But, as we were eating, something occurred to me. There was something that I had forgotten. Something important. I became quieter and quieter as my sense of unease grew, until finally Twilight said, "Allen, is something wrong?"

"Yes," I said, my voice low. All other conversation stopped as the others looked at me, concern and worry in their eyes. "But I can't remember... Something is wrong... "

Suddenly, it hit me. I knew what it was!

"What is it?" Twilight asked, concerned.

"I... I can't believe I forgot this..." I replied.

"What is it?" Rarity asked, eyes wide.

"All this time has passed. All this time..." I said, voice raw with disbelief.

"Just spit it out, already!" Pinkie said, sounding vexed.

"Pinkie!" I said, getting up on my hind legs and grabbing him (somehow) with my hooves. "I totally forgot! And you totally forgot, too!"

"What?!" she said, alarmed.

"I'm new!"


"New! I'm new! Not just to Ponyville, but to Equestria itself! And I never got my party!"

Everypony else groaned and slumped back into their seats, but Pinkie grabbed me by the head and stared intently into my eyes.

"Oh you poor thing!" she said, then hugged me. Which was weird. I was being hugged by both Pinkie Pie and myself at the same time. It hurts the brain to think about it, doesn't it? "Before you get sent home, I personally promise to throw you the biggest, most awesome party I can slap together in under an hour!"

"Thank you, Pinkie!" I said, sniffling a little at the raw emotion. "Thank you so much!"

"You two are ridiculous," Twilight said, to which Pinkie replied, "Adorkable." Twilight blushed and returned her attention to the plate of food in front of her.

It wasn't long after that when Luna sent for us. This time, we met the Princess in her private study, and she had the mirror there already. I looked at it with mild confusion.

"I expected something cooler," Rainbow Dash said. I agreed wholeheartedly.

The mirror in question was a highly polished chunk of, apparently, silver. But no matter how polished silver gets, it doesn't really match a nice glass mirror. We looked a little like funhouse reflections in the thing.

"All right, then. Here is the mirror," the Princess said. "Would you like to switch back now?"

That surprised me. I thought we'd have to go see Skyggie again. Though, after the whole thing with her mirror, I couldn't imagine she'd be too pleased to see us.

"Um. You can do it, Princess?" I asked, concerned.

"Yes," she replied shortly. "Celestia isn't the only one who can utilize the magic in these mirrors."

"Oh. Maybe we should still wait for her," Pinkie said, looking doubtfully at the mirror.

"Don't be absurd. These are not difficult to use. Now get over here and let me swap your brains."

"Noooo!" Pinkie and I said simultaneously.

"Don't make me call the guards," Luna said. "Trust in me. I can do this. You won't feel a thing."

Pinkie and I looked at each other, then at Luna, and we nodded. Her horn lit up, and the Mirror of Souls started glowing as well. Twilight watched with keen interest, probably trying to figure out how the spell worked.

"Well, unless things go terribly awry, that is," Luna continued as her horn flared brightly.

Wait, what?

There was an odd feeling. Like, I was suddenly being crowded somehow. I got knocked backwards, landing on my side, my hooves flying out from underneath me.

"Ugh," I said, blinking my eyes and trying to get up. My legs weren't working right, though. "Did anypony get the number of that bus?"

"Nopey-dopey," said Pinkie Pie. "But it sure packed a wallop!"

We both realized something was wrong at about the same time.

"What they hay just happened?!" both of us said, using the same mouth.

"Oopsie," Luna said. "Hold on, let me check my notes."

The Princess quickly left the room, leaving the others all staring at me and Pinkie at the same time. That wasn't hard. We were both in the same body. Her body, to be precise.

"Who are you talking to?" Pinkie asked me. "Yes, that's right, I am asking you."

Um. Okay. You know those abilities you have, where you dream and see other worlds?


Pretty much ever since I got here, I've been trying to use that power to communicate back to my home world.

"Oh, neat! Is it working?"

I have no idea.

"Pinkie, what's going on?" Twilight asked.

"Allen and I are stuck in the same body right now," she said. Then she glanced over at my body, which Fluttershy was nudging.

"He seems to be okay," the pegasus said, which was a huge relief, I gotta say.

Are you gonna keep doing that? a voice sounded in my head It's my head, actually.

It's kind of a habit by now. Sorry if it bugs you.

Nah, it's okay.

It's pretty crowded in here, the little voice in my head said.

Who was that?

Oh, sorry. That's my subconscious.

Oh, neat! I have one of those too! Say hi!

Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Pinkie Pie's subconscious.

This is too crazy.

Hey, we're not crazy! Just because there are four voices in my head all talking at once doesn't make me crazy!

No one said you were! I meant the situation!

Oh, right.

Maybe it will help if I imagine my own inner dialogue as blue? I suggested.

That's a good idea!

"Pinkie Pie?"

"Yes, Twilight?"

"You've been standing there just staring at the wall and blinking for the last couple of minutes. Everything okay?"

"Yeppers! I just have a bunch of extra voices in my head right now, that's all!"

Anyway... um, do you mind if I keep narrating?

Nah, go ahead.

Thanks. Anyway, Pinkie explained to the others what was going on, how we were both inhabiting the same body, along with our subconsciouses (who, by the way, seemed to be getting on great. Currently they were exchanging stories about how hard it was to keep us in line, and how clueless we could both be). Twilight and the others seemed okay with that. Or, as Twilight said, "It's not the weirdest thing to have happened this week."

True words, Sparkle.

Luna came back shortly after that, an ancient and yellowed scroll hanging in the air before her, surrounded by a field of her magic.

"I believe I see my error," she said. "I would like to try this again."

"Maybe we should wait for Celestia?" I said, and Luna's eyes narrowed.

"Listen, human! I am fully capable-"

"That was Pinkie who said that!"

"Oh, you little sneak, it was not!" she retorted, taking control of the mouth.

"Be still!" Luna snapped, and the two of us parked Pinkie's pink butt on the floor and shut our collective mouths. Her horn started glowing again.

Good luck Pinkie Pie.

You too. Remember, I owe you a party!

Looking forward to it!

Luna's horn flashed, and this time I felt a tremendous pulling sensation, and then another like I was being hurled across the floor. That was when I realized that I was going to lose access to...

Haha! Oh, that's hilarious! He landed in Fluttershy this time! Oh, I suppose I could do that thing he was doing... Hi, everypony! I'm Pinkie Pie! Luna goofed again, and Allen landed in Fluttershy's head. She doesn't seem to happy. Well, of course she doesn't! She can't hide from somepony in her own head!

Luna is casting the spell again now. Oops, now he's in Rarity's head, and Rarity ended up in Fluttershy's! We're playing musical brains, here, it's hilarious! Okay, now Luna is reading her notes again... Okay she's trying again. Let's hope things go well this-

What the... Where the heck am I? Oh, great. I'm in Pinkie Pie's body. How could Luna keep messing this spell up so badly? It doesn't look so hard! It's just an alteration on Starswirl the Bearded's Superior Alternate Cognitive Conjunction. I mean, if I were stronger, I could cast it myself! Wait, she's trying again to-

Aaah! Consarn it! What just happened? Oh, great. Ah'm Pinkie Pie! This'll be a hard one to explain back home, especially since I think Big Mac's got a crush on Pinkie. Darnit, Ah can't believe that-

Aaaaah!!! Okay! Okay! I feel like I'm going to be sick! Too many body swaps! What's going on now? Oh, back in Pinkie's body. I can handle this. I'd better tell Luna not to-

Whee! This is fun! Hi, everypo-

What?! No! Oh, this is so not cool! Where are my wings? Why am I pink? Luna had better-

What? Oh, not again! Well, better'n bein' Rarity, Ah suppose. At least Ah'm an earth pony. Still, maybe we'd better just tell Luna to-

Blergh? What? Pinkie again? Okay, that's it!

"Okay, Luna, that's enough!" I shouted. The Princess looked at me in surprise, probably because nopony had ever shouted at her like that before. "Seriously, I think we'd better just... hold off. Because all that body-swapping is making me feel slightly woozy."

"Very well, then," Luna said with a sniff. "If you wish to wait for Celestia, then we shall wait for Celestia."

The Princess of the Night turned and marched her moon on out of the room, and I turned back to the others.

"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness," Twilight was saying, crouched down on the floor with her forelegs over her eyes.

"This is entirely unacceptable," Rainbow Dash said, glaring cross-eyed up at her disheveled mane.

"Now, Ah reckon Pinkie's right. We're better off waitin' on Celestia," Fluttershy said. Then she walked over to Applejack and took the stetson off of her head and slammed it down on her pink mane.

"Hey, you could have just asked!" Applejack said, grinning hugely and bouncing on her hooves.

"Ack, too much hair!" Rarity complained. "And not enough wings! This sucks!"

"Uh. Hey," I said, doing a quick count. "Anypony seen Twilight?"

Just then, my body groaned and sat up.

"What just happened?" it said. "Oh. Great. Now I'm the human."

So, to sum up:

I'm back in Pinkie's body, Fluttershy is in Twilight Sparkle's body, Rarity is in Rainbow Dash's, Applejack is in Fluttershy's, Pinkie is in Applejack's, Rainbow is in Rarity's, and Twilight is in mine.

Yay, good job, team!

We sat around the antechamber in an uncomfortable silence for a while. Nopony seemed much in the mood for talking at the moment.

Lucky for us, it wasn't long after that when the door opened, and Celestia herself walked calmly in. She... looked... amazing. Seriously, seriously amazing. Regal doesn't begin to cover it. She just had this air of calmness, of strength. Like she was in total control over every situation, and over her own emotions.

She took one look at the seven of us sitting there and burst out laughing.

"It isn't funny, Celestia," Luna groused from behind her sister.

"Oh, Luna, I'm so terribly sorry, but it really is." Celestia replied as we bodyswapped seven grinned awkwardly back at her.

"Well, I was certain I remembered the spell correctly! I mean, it's been over a thousand years since I've last used it, but it's not a hard spell!"

"No," Celestia said, walking in and looking around. "It isn't. But it does help if you don't use the one Mirror of Souls in our collection that is malfunctioning."

As one, everypony in the room turned to look at the polished silver mirror in the corner of the room. Celestia's magic wrapped around it and turned it around. On the back of the mirror there was a large sticker that said "Defective, do not use!"

"Oh," Luna said feebly, and my heart (wherever it currently was) went out to her.

"Maybe that should have been on the front of the mirror, too?" I suggested. "You know, to make it harder to miss?"

"Good idea," Celestia said. "I'll make a note of it. In the meanwhile..."

Her horn glowed golden again, and another mirror appeared. This one shimmered like mercury in a highly polished frame.

"I believe I can fix this. If you'll allow me?"

We all nodded eagerly. Celestia's horn started glowing, and I felt my nerves ratcheting up tightly. Her horn flared, and I felt another sensation of movement...

*tap tap tap*

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on?

Hahah, just kidding! Hi, everypony! It's me, Pinkie Pie, again! Allen's asked me to keep up on his 'reporting'. He's not even sure that this is going anywhere, but if it is, he want's to make sure you all know what happened. If there even is anyone, that is.

Well, Celestia got us sorted out lickety-split, which is a funny thing to say, and I know a pony named Lickety-split back in Ponyville. Anyway, Allen was really happy to be back in his own body, and I'm happy to be back in mine, so yay! Everypony is happy!

We all sat down with Celestia after that and explained what happened. At the mention of the Dark Queen, Celestia just sighed and rolled her eyes.

"She's more annoying than dangerous," the Princess said. "I really wish she'd stop trying to take over Equestria."

"She looks like a glittery pixie chihuahua with a horn," Allen said somberly.

Celestia just stared at him for a moment and then laughed. "She really does, doesn't she?"

Anyway, Celestia offered to send Allen home right then and there, though she warned that it was a one-way trip.

"I can send you home, but I can't bring you back," she said somberly. "Once you go, you'll never be able to return to Equestria."

"Wait, wait," Allen said. "Pinkie got here, somehow, so I know it's possible!"

"Hmm. Yes, that's true" Celestia said, looking at me in surprise. "Interesting. I'll have to look into that. Maybe there's a way I don't know of?"

"Besides, he can't go yet," I said. "I owe him a party!"

"Oh! Can we have it in Ponyville?" Allen said. "I want to meet some more of the background ponies! And hug the CMC!"

"You sure are big on the hugging," Applejack said.

"Oh, that reminds me," Allen replied with a grin, and then nothing in the world could stop him from hugging all of us. Except for Fluttershy, who looked a little nervous. He stopped and knelt down, holding his arms open. "Fluttershy?" he said. "You don't have to, but I really would like a hug. I mean, if I'm not too scary?"

"You're not too scary at all," Fluttershy said with a smile, and hugged the human just as hard as he hugged her.

Aww, so sweet!

Anyway, we flew back to Ponyville that same day. I had a party to plan for my new friend! We talked a little on the way, too.

"I really wish I could stay longer," Allen said, as we zoomed through the air in the back of the pegasus-carriage.

"Well, why don't you?" I asked him.

"I have friends back on Earth, too. And family that will worry about me, if I don't come back. Plus... Well, I like human women, and there's a shortage around here."

That's understandable, I guess.

"Oh, that reminds me," I said. "You had some little rectangle thing that was buzzing on your desk."

"Rectangle? Oh, my cell phone?"

"Is that what it was? Okay. Well, I touched something marked 'answer' when it did that once, and then it started talking and said it was your boss and were you coming into work."

"Argh!" Allen said.

"I said that I had some weird stuff going on, and could I have some time off. Boss said he understood, and take a couple weeks off, and come back when you feel better."

"Really? Wow. Thanks, Pinkie! Maybe I can stay for a while longer!"

"And then someone named Rachel called."

"Argh!" Allen said, louder than before. Everypony looked at him. "Sorry," he said to them, and then to me, "That's my girlfriend."

"Oh. Well, she started yelling at me about something or other as soon as I answered. Something about missing an anniversary?"

"Argh!" Allen said. "Wait... it's not our anniversary."

"She said you missed a six-month anniversary, or something."

"Really? Wow."

"I told her I didn't know about it. Then she yelled some more. I told her to stop being a meanie-pants, and then she got really quiet. Then she said you guys were 'broken up' or something."

"Arr... wait. You know what? You probably actually did me a favor, there."


"Yeah, she's kind of a nutcase."

"Oh, goody!"

Anyway, we eventually landed in Ponyville, where I wasted no time at all in setting up the biggest, most awesomest party I possibly could in Sugarcube Corner. Allen got a lot of stares, of course, but then ponies had stared at me, too, when I was in his body.

Still, he was outgoing and friendly enough that pretty much everypony there warmed up to him. He even did what he said, and tracked down the Cutie Mark Crusaders and gave them hugs! They giggled when he did that, and stared at him wide-eyed when he said that he knew that they would find their special talents soon and that he was a big fan. And then he said this:

"And, even though you haven't gotten your cutie marks yet, isn't all the work you've done trying worth it, just for the friendships you've made and the adventures that you've had?"

And all three of them nodded and smiled. And then they hugged him again.

We played lots of games, ate way too many sweets, and just had lots of fun and laughed a lot. And then, when the party was over, Celestia herself showed up and asked if he wanted to go home yet.

"Can I stay, for just another week?" he asked, and Celestia said yes!

Well, anyway, Allen stayed in town for a while, visiting everything and talking to what he called "the background ponies" whenever he could. Mostly, he'd ask them their names and what they did for a living, and then just listen with this happy little smile on his face. For some reason, he seemed really interested in talking to our mail pegasus.

Finally, the week was up, and we all took the train back to Canterlot. Celestia was there, along with Luna. And Allen, much to everypony's surprise, asked if he could hug them! I couldn't believe it! I couldn't believe it even more when they said yes! So he did! He hugged the Princesses!

And then it was time for him to go home, which was really sad. We said our goodbyes, and we hugged even more (my hugging muscles got sore!). We cried. He cried. The Princesses didn't cry, but they smiled sadly.

And then he said, "I don't know if I can ever come back. But believe me when I say, I'll spend as much time as I possibly can trying to find a way. Good bye to all of you. Meeting you all was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life."

And then the Princesses cast their spells. A bright light appeared, surrounding Allen, and then it suddenly went 'pop!' and vanished.

And then Allen was gone, and I'm kind of sad, now, so I'm going to stop doing this.

So long, everypo... I mean, everyone! This was Pinkie Pie, over and out!