• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 3,042 Views, 150 Comments

What I Got - Gpizano

In the aftermath of the Friendship games, it's time for Sunset and company to deal with the aftermath. And hit the beach for spring break!

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Take A Tip From Me

"Yes, my name is Adagio Dazzle. I'm so happy you can remember basic things like people's names."

You know, this was pretty much one of the last things Sunset needed right now. To stand there on the beach and be snarked at by one of her former enemies. It just ranked higher than trying Pinkie Pie's attempts at recreating video game sodas sans the radioactivity but below hearing one of Bobby's romantic phone calls to Principal Cinch. So with a sigh and a crossing of her arms, Sunset scowled at the siren.

"What are you doing here?"

"Enjoying a day at the beach of course. Enjoying the warm, sunny day, relaxing. Taking in the view."

As she said that last part, Adagio lowered her sunglasses, smirking as she openly eyed the bikini clad Sunset Shimmer. This made Sunset blush slightly but she wouldn't allow herself to be distracted by anything the sultry siren had to say!

"Seriously Adagio, and where are the other two?"

"Mm, very well, if we must get right to it. Quite simply my sisters and I moved here after our defeat in Canterlot. Didn't feel like going through all of that so we used up what money we had left and came to live here. As for Aria and Sonata, they ran off down the beach, Aria having the intent to throttle Sonata. Are those satisfactory answers to your questions?"

Seeing that Sunset Shimmer still appeared suspicious, the siren rolled her eyes before properly sitting up and removing her glasses.

"Honestly, none of us had any idea that you would be here, there are no designs for revenge in the works, we just want to live out the rest of our human lives the best that we can."

"... really?"

"Really. Granted at times I feel so bitter about losing our gems that I could strangle a puppy, but really there isn't a point in trying. Not when the risk to reward ratio is highly skewed."

That... did make sense now that Sunset thought about it. Without their magic what could the sirens even do? Minor things at best and anything major would lead to serious consequences in the human society. Although Sunset felt a bit more at ease, she was still on her back foot with Adagio. Mainly because the siren had a good way of blindsiding and embarrassing others with the things she said.

"Well, alright... I'll get going then."

The siren watched, waiting until the red head had turned away before speaking up.

"Need someone to talk to?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Please. Drama every other week seems to be a given when it comes to you Shimmer."

"And what, you're offering to listen? Why?"

"Oh I just find it very interesting. It's like I have my own little soap opera to watch."

"Yeahhhhh, no thanks."

"And besides, if you had anyone else, like say, your friends to talk to, I imagine you'd be talking to them right now."

Well wasn't that fairly accurate? She was hesitant to go back right now, not when things were probably still tense after her argument with Jackie. Plus it didn't seem like a good idea to tell either sets of friends the whole relationship mess between her and the guitarist right now. Poppy and the others would probably let on to Jackie and she just didn't feel comfortable telling Pinkie Pie and the others.

"Right, and if I talk to you all of the beach is going to know what's up with my life by sundown."

"Late afternoon if I work fast."

The smirk on Adagio's face dropped as Sunset rolled her eyes and started to walk away.

"You know I still have a lot of respect for you. Before you turned into a goody two shoes and started taking it from that school, you were a girl that never let anything stop you from getting what you wanted."

"Yeah, and I hurt a lot of people along the way."

"Regardless of an admirable display of cut throat tactics, I can appreciate the ambition you showed back then. I'd like to think we would have gotten along quite swimmingly had we met before you "reformed'."

"Look, is there a point to this?"

"Yes. And it's that due to my lingering respect, I won't tell anyone else whatever you say to me."


"My, such language! But you can trust me, Shimmer. I have no intention of possibly wrecking my reputation here in Los Pegasus by causing trouble for you or your friends. Risk to reward ratio, remember?"

After mulling this over, Sunset gave a sigh of resignation before nodding. The siren smirking before patting one of the blankets next to her, probably Aria's based on the punk rock look of the design.

"You should have plenty of time before they return. Feel free to tell me all of your troubles."

Meanwhile, down the opposite way of the beach, Jackie was currently sitting next to Celestia on Discord's blanket, the man having gotten up and was busying himself with an even more elaborate sand castle while Celestia sun bathed. Currently she was faced with a challenge so gargantuan in nature, even the mightiest men would crumble and give in to the temptation! Jackie would have broken long ago had she not kept up a mantra in her mind...

'Don't look at her boobs. Don't look at her boobs!Don'tlookatherboobs! Don't- FUCK'

Okay, but how could anyone blame her? Celestia looked FINE in that white bikini! Seriously, that formal casual wear she saw Celestia in months ago? Gave no hint at what lied beneath! This lady must have been at least her mother's age and gone to the gym everyday to get that body! Celestia wasn't all muscled but there certainly wasn't any extra weight on those curves! And her breasts-

"So what caused you to destroy Discord's sand castle?"

Jackie was visibly jolted out of her, hopefully, discreet ogling. After mentally making a note that perhaps Bobby's attraction to older women seemed to make more sense now, the guitarist cleared her throat and tried to collect her thoughts.

"Oh, you know... hate sand castles. My mom cheated on my dad with one."

With a wry smile on her face, Celestia opened her eyes and glanced over to Jackie.


"Yeah... I mean, it's not like I got problems. Have you seen half of the people here in Los Pegasus on the streets? You don't even want to make eye contact with those guys! And you know, things are fine with me. Totally fine."

"Is that so."

"Yup. My life is so great and I'm just so fucking happy with it."

Her scowl turned into a look of confusion when she noticed the disapproving look on Celestia's face.

"... what?"

"I can't say I'm a fan of the swearing, Jackie."

"Really? Sorry..."

Why couldn't she do anything right today? Jackie just felt at the point of giving up and slowly flopped back down onto the towel, kicking up a bit of sand that Celestia easily brushed off herself as she sat up and stared at the other.

"Is there something bothering you, Jackie?"

"A lot of things. Why?"

"Well, perhaps I could help you?"

"Unless you're god and you can unf-... unscrew my life, then I doubt it."

"I can't say that I am. But I know that sometimes talking to someone can take away some of the stress you might feel."

"You're on vacation, I'm sure this is the last thing you want to deal with."

"It's fine, really Jackie."

A glance over and seeing that kind, almost motherly smile finally did Jackie in and she dove right in. Starting with her coming to question what her relationship was with Sunset Shimmer, and surprisingly being tactful enough to leave out that they slept together, then following it up all the way until she and Sunset had that fight. By now Jackie was up and pacing back in fort in front of Celestia and Discord, the man having lost interest in his sand castle and instead watching her with a bag of popcorn in hand that he attained from... somewhere.

"I mean, yeah, of course I know I was in the wrong and I was being a bi-jerk! But she's been putting me through this whole stupid shi-garbage of wondering if she likes me or not and if I like her and why can't she just be fu-freaking straight with me about it?! This is driving me nuts because I like her a lot and if I f-screw this up then what we got now is out the window and I don't want that to happen! Because yeah, it's been less than half a year since we met and stuff but I can't imagine her not being around now! I've gotten used to me and her sharing a bed, it's fun having her around and having to see what weird magic-y stuff might happen next! And she's nice and hot and caring and- fuck why am I such a god damn dumbass about this!?"

Slapping both hands to her face, Jackie fell back on her butt in the sand before pulling her hands up and running her fingers through her hair. Discord had been clapping after she finished and Celestia had that same kind smile on her face, although there was a hint of mirth to it now.

"So, you find her attractive and you like having her be near you?"

"Yeah. But I don't know if that's right. I mean, finding someone attractive and liking having them around doesn't mean you should start a relationship, right?"

"Perhaps. And I suppose this means that you're worried that if you're wrong about how you feel, you might lose her."

"... Yeah. I mean, I'm not the sharpest guitar pick, I'm just a high school graduate that knows how to play guitar good, I've been wrong about plenty of stuff before. What if I read the situation wrong and she doesn't feel the same way? Or what if we start something and it ends bad because of me? It'll be super awkward and she'll move out and never talk to me again..."

"I'm sure that won't happen, Jackie. I'm sure that no matter what happens, you and Sunset will still be friends at the very least. But I really think you should talk to her about this."

"She won't talk about it."

"Then keep trying. I know it seems like the ball is in your court, but even before a relationship starts it still takes two people to make it work. Both of you have to be open about your feelings and intentions, otherwise either you both will be stuck or an opportunity will slip away. Understand?"

It did make sense, it was either that or in the mother-like sort of way Celestia said it that made Jackie determined to try again. So with a nod the guitarist stood up and started running down the beach.

"Gotcha'! Thanks guys see you around!"


"Yeah, I guess so... a lot has happened since December-"

"Not that. I'm amazed that you have someone so wrapped around your finger and you haven't utilized that power over her yet! It seems like such a waste."

A roll of the eyes was Sunset's response to Adagio, frowning at the siren next to her but feeling a bit better now that she told someone her troubles. Granted not the most ideal person but at least the other had listened and had reserved judgement until the end.

"Yyyeah. Anyways, this whole thing seems to be spiraling."


"I want to just tell Jackie but I'm still worried she'll be too nice and just say yes when she doesn't feel the same way."

"I honestly can't see the problem with that. You still get what you want."

"But I don't want Jackie to say yes just because she wants to be nice and spare my feelings or something."

"And if you don't take what you want, I'm sure someone else will be more than happy to snap up a guitarist that will gladly bend over backwards for them. Or in any other position depending on how flexible she is."

That elicited a groan from Sunset Shimmer, lightly face palming as Adagio continued to smirk and soak up the afternoon sunlight.

"Yeah, I can't say I'm worried about that..."

"Oh? You think no one else would find her attractive?"

"No! It's just... I know she won't go for someone else while we're still in the middle of all of this."

"Ah, stringing her along... you've come a long way since that goody goody act at CHS."

"I'm not stringing her along! I'm just not worried about that happening, alright?"

Finally Adagio sat up, taking off her sunglasses and staring directly into Sunset's eyes.

"Oh Shimmer, it's disappointing to see how cowardly you are right now. You won't make a move because you're frightened about what might happen. So you sit in this comfortable little limbo, confident this Jackie woman will keep all her attention on you. Squirmng as everything is put on her to figure it out while you put off taking responsibility for your brash actions and try to keep being 'nice' because going after what you want is what the old, bad Sunset Shimmer did. The way you are acting is such a let down, I must say."

There was a lull for a moment, Adagio smirking as she watched Sunset Shimmer try to form a rebuttal but failing to do so, her mouth simply opening and closing a couple of times. Then the siren glanced past the red head for a moment, her smirk broadening as it seemed a devious idea came to mind.

"I may be a tad new to this friendship thing... but perhaps I can help by knocking you off that high horse of yours."

Confused by what the other meant, she watched Adagio stand and walk past her, a look over the shoulder showing why as Jackie was fast approaching them.

"Sunshine! Sunshine we need to t- Uh, hi?"

Stopping before the two, Jackie finally noticed Adagio Dazzle and wondered how she could not have noticed the other before. Her hair was huge!

"Jackie Vibrato, yes? I'm Adagio Dazzle."

"Adagio? Wait, one of the sirens from CHS?!"

Instead of taking the hand offered, Jackie backed up a moment until Sunset stood and spoke up.

"It's fine, Jackie. She and her sisters live here, they're not going to cause any trouble. Besides, they don't have any magic anymore, remember?"

"Oh, heh, yeah. Sorry about that."

As they shook hands, Adagio openly eyes Jackie up and down, a sultry smile on her face as an aura of sexy confidence surrounded her. Jackie blushed slightly as the siren's fingers trailed over her hand and up her arm.

"Mm, don't worry about it. I must say though, Shimmer's description of you did no justice. You are far cuter in person."


Normally Jackie would have taken exception to that, a tomboy since young she didn't really think she was cute. But it was sort of hard to think when she felt electric sparks on her skin wherever Adagio's fingers touched. However, a glance over to Sunset and she could feel herself on thin ice based on how annoyed the red head looked at this moment. Despite trying to pull away, it seemed as if Adagio was stuck to her as those wandering fingertips made their way to her cheek.

"Um, yeah. Nice to meet you but um, me and Sunshine really need to talk."

"Yes. So Adagio, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like it if you stopped pawing at my roommate and-"

Everything seemed to stop as suddenly Adagio's hand cupped Jackie's cheek, turning her face so that the siren could lock lips with the blue haired woman, slipping her tongue in at the first chance presented to her. Jackie was stunned and a glance over at Sunset showed the red head was positively fuming as she glared at them. Shit, she had to pull away and stop this kiss before- holy shit, what was Adagio doing with her tongue?!

Whatever it was, it seemed to blow Jackie's mind and put her under a spell as they kept their lips locked, the kiss not done until Adagio was finished, pulling away with a mischievous glint in her eyes as she licked her lips.

"Mm, not bad... would you like to try, Shimmer?"

"Why would I?!"

The response was snapped out faster than Sunset had time to think over her words, grimacing for a moment before the fury was back in the driver's seat. It was driving her nuts having seen Adagio kiss Jackie like that... and Jackie looked like she had enjoyed it! Knowing she'd soon do something she would regret, the red head left in a huff, storming down the beach and back towards where their friends were, leaving a hurt and confused looking Jackie behind with Adagio.


"Mm, let her cool down. How would you like to stick around for a drink?"

Considering that she would rather avoid the suck salad that was going back to face Sunset AND all of their friends who would undoubtedly be angry with her, Jackie resigned and accepted the offer, feeling less than cheerful now despite the fact that Adagio had some pretty good tequila stashed away in the cooler.

Author's Note:

I love how devious my brain can be sometimes.

Anyways, I'm not super confident in my Adagio writing, sultry characters seem to be a problem for me but I hope I got her down pretty good.

Stay tuned for more Dram-Da-Dram-Draaaama!