• Member Since 1st Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 7th, 2021

Dr Atlas

"When I get old, I am going to be: Rice. Frisco style." - Ed 2004



Guarding a library at night is one thing,
but waking up a princess that's over ten times your size...

Author's (strange) inspiration: I'm kinda hittin' a brick wall with my other stories, so here's one that came to me during a late at night browsing of pictures.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 40 )

lol time infentay

Excellent counter-prank, Twilight. Very nicely done.

Also, having seen the original picture you used for this, she's...a bit more than ten times their size.

"Princess, your daily sacrific-err, meal is here."

Thanks for the laughs, great one-shot right here.

Aaaaaaaaannnnnd there goes the entire royal guard, running for their lives after hearing news of the giant guard-eating princess.

Well that was a cute little slice of life.

Commander and scream that loud.”

could instead of and

wake me up she she gets here, okay?

double she needs to be when she

That ending was fun enough

See? I told everyone that with magic ya don't gotta explain nuthin!

But if you try to explain anything, then you have to explain EVERYTHING!!

It's a catch-22 situation.

:rainbowlaugh: Prank worthy of Pinkie and Rainbow Dash :pinkiehappy:

Equestria's finest, ladies and gentlemen. :rainbowlaugh: Poor blokes never seem to catch a break.

To quote an old but forever revelant roleplaying sentence :
"It's magic , I ain't gotta explain shit !" :twilightsmile:

7245003 oh yes you do, and the explanation is *snirk * (in Mr. Beans voice) "Magic"

The world giant princess, brings the dark word of the internet into mind... *shudder*

...huh, lotta "Just A"'s and "How To"'s in the featured box, ain't there?

Counting yours, two of each. I wouldn't call that a ;lotta'.

why is she wearing cursed socks to begin with?

... Kinda wish for a sequel (or series) with the other princesses. I can already tell Celestia's the hardest to wake up... Unless you have cake.

IDEA! IDEA!!!!!!! twilight and the guard. wait for it!!!! SHIPPED!!!!! PLEASE SOMEONE MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!! there perfect together!!! plus funny stories!!

I keep hearing the term 'shipped' floating about the place but I have no idea what it means, could someone help to enlighten me on this?

7246588 If I was in a sarcastic mood, I'd make a joke about postal services and shipping rates. The serious answer is that it's just a way to talk about romantic pairings that people make about characters, which over time was called a "Ship" due to the end of relationship, and Shipping, the act of creating romantic relationships between characters.

7245003 I don't have to...

But I really want too...

7246588 When characters are "shipped" they are considered to be a worthy romantic couple. Mr. Cake and Mrs. Cake would be shipped for obvious reasons, for instance. People can sometimes be slightly sensitive about their ships. Sometimes.

This story was silly and entertaining and oddly inspiring even, in that 'just free-write whatever idea you have come to you and let it be' sort of way and those rascally sky-hookers got glass hammered :pinkiehappy:

great story but I think a sequel would be good which would have Celestia finding out.:pinkiehappy:

“I don’t mind, just make sure to wake me up she she gets here, okay?”


gee, i wonder where twilight learned to be such a troll...


Lol. You have to make sequel. This one-shot made me laugh so hard

Congratulations on the feature, Atlas. :pinkiehappy: This is a really fun story, pal - well done!

Thanks, NC! If it wasn't for the art, I probably never woulda had the idea in the first place.

Twilight shook her head. “No, it’s not that...it’s...hmmm.” She opened her mouth wide enough for them to see her pulling out something that made them look in shock and horror. She pulled out the helmet from her mouth and inspected it, raising an eye. “Huh...wonder how this got here.” She dropped it on the floor in front of the guards, one of them yelping and hiding behind the Commander.

The Commander started shaking. “W-Wha...H-How did...did you...i-is he-”

Twilight looked at the pile of armor in front of her. “Weird, there’s more things here...and for some reason, my stomach feels a little full too.” She then smacked her lips while the guards started realizing what happened to the Private. “Come to think of it, that kinda left a pretty good taste in my mouth as well, almost makes me want more…” She continued looking in the air before looking down at them, her eyes half closed. “Say, you guys wouldn’t happen to know where I can find more of this…” She lowered her head down, her face inches away from them. “Do you?”

Atlas, your vore fetish is showing.


Please sir, could we have some more?

I would give my left nut for a sequel! Maybe involving an enlarged Derpy or something

“I remember hearing about Shining trying to wake up Celestia, but her magic likes to not let that happen.”


If anybody wants to listen, I polished this a bit and narrated it.


all it took was Twilight raising an eye for him to scream


You mean EYEBROW

A sockcesful comedy.

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