• Published 4th Mar 2016
  • 6,335 Views, 145 Comments

An Earthly Portal - Nightmare Darkness

A boy who is abused runs away only to find his destination although not unframiliar to him is the last place he thought he would be.

  • ...

Fort Skull

We touched down in the inner training yard as we took a breather we had been flying hard for little over an hour. Gilda was on the ground heaving hard since she had to carry Spike as well as deal with her broken arm. I trotted up to her as Spike had jumped off of her as soon as they touched down.

"How are you Gilda?" I asked and all I got was a weak smile, I placed a comforting claw on her shoulder.

"You are a beast Gilda." I commented with a smile. I then turned my attention to the walls and with a slight squeeze I flew to the ramparts and landed by a older looking unicorn mare whose light pink coat seemed contrary to her black mane that was beginning to have wisps of white and grey in it showing that she was getting on in years.

"You can go on." She offered and I shook my head.

"Lt. Stride and seven others were behind us. I hope to see them." I said and she grimaced.

"Undead are a rare sight indeed but these numbers." she said shaking her head leaving the meaning all to clear.

"I have faith they will make it." I said more for myself then anypony else. We were quiet after that and my eyes focused on the fighting that was getting closer to the fortress. Out of the six pegasus that had just been there two were no longer in the sky.

"Do you have any swords?" I asked suddenly and the unicorn looked at me with an appraising eye.

"We do but you just got here, are you not tired?" she asked.

"I am but I can still help." I said seeing another pegasus fall as two zombies bared down on him.

"Bring it back." she said simply as she levitated her own sword from her sheath. I griped the hilt and felt the weight in my claw as soon as she stopped using her magic. I beat my wings twice and was hovering in the air and before I was able to take off three dark figures sped past me, Kite, Violet, and Cloudy sped toward the battle. I blinked and quickly flew to catch up to them. As soon as I caught up to them I locked onto a Zombie chasing the leader of the pegasi unit who was dealing with three of the ghouls. I flew higher and then dived toward my target and upon getting there I used my wings to put myself into a spin and made it look like i was swinging my sword like a baseball bat and decapitating the zombie. The congealed blood and gore flung in a line as I looked to the next enemy and suddenly two zombies charged me with gnashing teeth and a deep guttural urge to kill, destroy, and generally crush anything flooded my mind filling my vision with a hazy red. A scream ripped from my throat that came out as a rage filled cry of a hawk as I rushed them head on. I swung my sword down in a cleave that bit into the brain of the first zombie, that ripped the sword from my grip as its momentum carried past me. I then threw my claws forwad and crashed into the other zombie as i felt a crunch of bone and then a flare of pain erupted as the zombie bit down on my shoulder. I uppercut the undead causing its head to snap back as we fell from the sky.

I flared my wings and turned us as I tore at exposed flesh and punched the undead violently. The ground rose up to meet us and with a pushed I separated us as the zombie crumpled lifeless on the ground. I surveyed the air and saw that the zombies that had seemed to be winning just a few minutes before were now struggling. I looked at the ground again and saw a pegasus moving and turned over his wing bent at an odd angle. I also saw the zombies body I had dispatched with the sword feeling my initial rage and uncontrollable fury simmer down and be replaced by simple adrenaline. I flew over to the sword and removed it with a sickening sucking sound and I approached the pegasus and landed.

"You ok?" I asked and he looked up at me with a wry grin.

"Peachy." he said sarcastically as he coughed up blood.

"Funny." I said as I bent down and offered my claw to him, he took it and found himself to his hooves. his back right leg didn't support his weight and sucked in a painful wince.

"Lookout!" a feminine voice called out and I looked up to see a zombie barreling down on us and my stomach did a flip as I realized I couldn't get out of the way quick enough. A dark gray streak collided with the robbed zombie with hooved talons and they struck the ground in a spray of dirt pine needles and sticks. I ran over to see if i could help but I saw the hooded zombie on top of his savior and after a moment the body moved, I raised my sword to finish it, but that wasn't needed as the body slumped to the side revealing a bloodied but alive Stride.

"Stride!" I said feeling a weight lift off of my shoulders that I hadn't known was there.

"Your not supposed to be fighting." He said with a smile as he got to his hooves. I looked up and saw that several of the bat-ponies join the fray as they turned the tide against the undead. The wounded pegasus hobbled over to us and gave Stride a nod.

"Sir." he said respectfully.

"You did good, are you able to get back to the fort with assistance?" Stride asked and the pony grimaced but grudgingly nodded. Stride looked at me and a look of worry flashed across his features.

"You take him back to the fort and get that wound on your shoulder looked at." He ordered me and I thought about objecting but his look made it clear this was up for debate. I turned to the pegasus and got him to get on my back as I grunted under the added weight as I flew towards the fort. Soon I heard the flap of wings and Kite was beside me with a large gash on her chest to her shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked concerned.

"Bones are sharp on the wingtips of those Zombies." She said as she winced. We flew over the walls and into the training yard where medical personnel run to us as I helped the pegasus off of my back and onto a stretcher. I sat down as a unicorn mare began to examine my wounds. Gilda jogged up to me with Spike in toe.

"Why did you go out?" she asked

"I felt like I could help." I said numbly as I saw Gilda's look of anger.

"What about if you were killed?!" she said harshly and I stood up angrily.

"So what If I was!" I retorted and everypony looked at us uneasily.

"Think before you act you idiot!" she said as her face changed to one who was breaking as her eyes became wet with tears. All the anger I felt in that moment evaporated and I took half a step back. 'Why was she crying?' I asked myself as she turned away and strode off in a huff. Spike stood there a moment and turned to me.

"We were worried when we looked back to see you gone and when they said you went back...Gilda freaked out. She was to exhausted to go after you so we had to wait. Just....you...your our friend Feather, we care about your well being." He said with a weak smile and Spike jogged after Gilda.

"How are you?" the Unicorn whose sword I had borrowed asked.

"I don't know." I stated solemnly as the sword levitated up and into her sheath.

"If its any consequence, you fought like a winged demon. Every time I see griffin magic it gives me pause." She said with a chuckle. I frowned and looked at her confused.

"Magic?" I asked perplexed and the Unicorn smiled.

"My name is Commander Granite and well magic from a unicorn is different from a pegasus and the same applies to you griffins." She said

"I was just...angry." I said simply as she looked me up and down as I pulled back in pain as bandages were applied to my wound.

"A Berzerker?" she asked concerned but was cut off by the arrival of the other pegasus and bat-ponies. Stride landed as his talons clacked against the ground and he looked at Commander Granite and she looked at him and a look of detest flashed across her face.

"Stride..." She said contemptuously.

"Granite." he replied evenly and I looked between the both of them and asked the stupid question.

"Do you....know each other." I asked tenuously and Stride was the first to answer.

"That...Feather is a complicated question." he said and Granite scoffed at that.

"Get your head out of your ass Stride what brought you to my fort." she asked in a harsh angered tone.

"We were ambushed by undead." He said simply and she wirled on him jabbing her hoof into his chest.

"Celestia's sweet Phoenix Stride. Why were you being ambushed by undead!" she questioned angrily. At this Stride remained quiet and Granite's ears flattened against her head in irritation.

"The prisoner if i had to guess." I offered and Granite wheeled on me as Stride sighed.

"What's so special about this prisoner?" she asked.

"This is not the place to discuss this...shall we go to your office." Stride intersected to stop me from giving out information not everyone was meant to know. Granite eyed him and nodded then looked to me.

"You come too." she ordered and I stood up to follow.

I was told to get Gilda and Spike because we were key witnesses to all of the events proceeding everything. We all filed into Commander Granite's office and She found her seat behind a stone desk that was engraved with runes that I could tell glowed faintly with power.

"From the beginning." she asked and looked at Stride who took a moment to gather himself and then moved into the explanation.

"We received Intel of a serious matter regarding missing ponies from a letter delivered directly to Princess Celestia. Because of the night was descending, Princess Luna dispatched a contingent of the night guard and we moved along the tracks till we found a lone train stopped on the tracks. We found the conductor who was bound. We left two to guard him and fanned out till we found the camp of the slavers who were in combat against two griffins, Cerberus, and Spike the dragon." he explained as Granite listened intently as her eyes widened at the mention of Cerberus.

"Your telling me that you three took on a group of slavers alongside Cerberus the watchdog of Tartarus." She asked suspiciously as Spike smiled.

"He showed up in Ponyville and we were tasked to get him back." Spike explained.

"You and the two griffins?" she asked.

"No just Feather Beak and myself. Gilda we met along the way." Spike explained and Granite nodded looking between Gilda and myself.

"Ok so whats next in this epic story?" Granite asked suddenly and I spoke up.

"We were able to capture one of the slavers, the one we were transporting to Canterlot for further questioning. All we got was that the pony that was a donkey named.....what was it?" I asked Stride and he paused before he spoke.

"Bray." he said simply and it was Granite's turn to have a look of speculation.

"The cult of Grogar...." she said almost to herself.

"Grogar?" I asked unsure and then Stride cursed.

"That is only speculation." Stride said and this earned Granite's scoff.

"Tell me if this is not the work of Grogar the Necromancer." Granite's statement rang out with conviction and that left the room with a quiet silence.

"So why can't it be Grogar?" I asked Stride who again took a moment to answer.

"Hes locked away in Tartarus." He said halfheartedly.

"The same place that Cerberus was guarding?" I asked sarcastically and Stride was quiet a moment.

"Do you think hes the one who escaped?" I asked out loud and Stride facehoofed.

"Somepony escaped!" Granite exclaimed standing.

"Who!" she demanded.

"I don't know that information." Stride said quickly and Spike looked like for a moment he was about to barf and then he belched green flame and a letter floated down as he caught it.

"Who?' I began to ask as Spike opened the letter and began to read over it and his face contorted in confusion he looked up at us.

"Who is Tirek?" Spike asked noone in particular but the looks on both Stride and Granite's face both paled.

"We are so bucked." Granite whispered.