• Published 9th Apr 2016
  • 4,916 Views, 335 Comments

Cosmic Rifts - Silvak

Selene has been discovered, as an invasion takes place. As one of Equus' military leaders, Aether must lead the Aegis Guard alongside the rest of Equus against their new enemies.

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Chapter I: Portal

"Do you think we're ready, Aether?"

"Hardly, no one can ever be truly ready for war, Starlight," I answered, as I watched troops marching through the portal to Selene, as Starlight and I stood off at a distance. After my meeting with the princesses, I returned to Ponyville with Twilight to say goodbye to my friends and Pinkie. It was a somber affair, especially since Pinkie had me in one of her hugs of death while she bawled her eyes out at the news. Rainbow also wanted to go to war, as a Wonderbolt, but I dissuaded her by pointing out how Pinkie would feel if one of her closest friends also went to war. It took a day before I could go to the base, mostly due to Pinkie throwing me a 'farewell and stay safe' party. Odd that even with such a somber issue hanging in the air, Pinkie could still find a way to put everyone in a good mood.

"True, though I can't handle the thought that I would be sending ponies to battles where it could end in their death," Starlight said with a shudder.

Shrugging, I replied, "Better get used to it, you'll be working closely with Shining Armor and commanding officers of the royal guard and the E.U.P."

"Wait, aren't you going to be commanding troops too?" Starlight asked, puzzled by my statement.

"Somewhat, but like Luna, I'll be on the front lines more often than not."

"But you're the captain of the Aegis Guard. Shouldn't you be directing your troops like the other captains?" Starlight asked, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her.

"On paper, yes. But I'm more comfortable fighting for my life than most people are. The troops need examples to follow, so by fighting alongside my forces, I'll be raising morale. Besides, the Xartik are constantly modifying their machines, so by being on the front lines, I have a better chance of predicting what units and tactics they’re likely to throw at us," I answered, only for Starlight to give me a skeptical look.

"You spent years complaining about training ponies for this war, and you always had dreams of retiring and living a quiet life. This is far from that," Starlight declared while poking my chest with a hoof.

"Yeah, I can be a whiner, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do my part. I would rather do all I can to make sure war never comes home, instead of just cowering behind a desk while sending ponies to die in my stead," I explained, causing Starlight to tilt her head at me.

"Oh... wait, are you calling me a coward?" Starlight exclaimed as her head shot up into the air in shock.

"What? No, of course not. You're just taking care of whatever slack I leave behind by being on the front lines. There is a reason why I wanted a second-in-command so early in my career," I replied, while giving Starlight a somewhat manic grin. "Besides, if I were to fall in the line of battle, you'd be my successor."

Whatever retort Starlight had for me died on her lips as she gaped for a moment, before regaining her composure. "You think you might... die in battle?"

"It's certainly a possibility that I'm going to get hurt in the upcoming battles. There’s no way I'm coming out of this without at least a couple scars," I said in a matter–of–fact tone similar to Twilight's, which greatly unnerved Starlight.

"If you weren't originally an alien, I would think there’s something seriously wrong with you for bringing that up," Starlight replied, to which I just shrugged to.

"You may say that now, but after this is over, odds are others may start adopting that viewpoint. Equestria has seen too much peace, so the realities of war are going to be a shock for everyone. Anyways, Starlight, it’s time for me to head out. I have no idea when the Xartik will start their invasion, but I want to be ready at a moment’s notice, as soon as I possibly can," I explained. As Starlight gave me a nod and a wave, I waved back before I headed towards the portal, where the troops stopped to allow me to step through the portal.

On the other side, Luna was already waiting for me, suited in her own armor, which thankfully was for functionality over appearances. It was mostly composed of a protective suit, covered with rune-inscribed plates and with gems socketed into them. As powerful as the princess may be, once the Xartic learn their importance, they won’t show any mercy in their attempts kill them, meaning they both agreed to getting the best protection possible.

"Greetings Captain Aura, it is pleasure to finally see you on Selene," Luna said as she came to my side.

Giving her a quick bow, I replied, "It is a pleasure to see you on the ready here too, Princess Luna. Has any developments occurred after your arrival?"

"Fortunately, no intrusions have occurred. However, I have placed all outposts and bases on high alert, while dispatching troops and supplies as needed," Luna answered as she started to walk, presumably towards the base's headquarters as I tagged along on her right side.

"I see, how many soldiers have arrived?"

"Currently, only about two thousand, three hundred of your Aegis Guard have arrived, with two hundred of my Lunar Guard. The E.U.P. forces will take about a week to mobilize before they are ready to arrive, however more of the three Guards will come in during the meantime."

"I see. Hopefully, the armies of the other nations will arrive before the Xartik do. Otherwise, we don't have a chance in Tartarus keeping them from gaining a strong enough foothold on Selene, one which they would use to set up a base. I’d rather not have to dig them out, it tends to be a bloody affair," I replied. As much training as I could give to my Aegis Guard and the information on standard firefights, I couldn't prepare them on how storm or destroy the any fortifications an invasion force establishes, which could end up costing hundreds—or even thousands—of lives to remove them. Hence I placed an emphasis on making sure to repel any intrusions as fast as possible. "How's your control over Selene's moons, Princess?"

Shortly after setting the first military base on Selene, we explored the possibility of Luna being able to move Selene's moons as she does with Equus's moon, on the idea that they could be used against any alien spacecraft that may arrived during the war. It turned out she could, although she expends a greater amount of magic, along with the fact that since Selene's moons have their own orbit, Luna had to put extra effort in returning them to their proper orbit. However, regardless of the consequences of the moons moving about on the world, they were our only means of combating any large scale capital ships the Xartik could bring in. Hopefully they would only bring in a few at the beginning before abandoning that tactic, since there isn't much one can do to stop a planetary body from crashing into your fleet. "My limit on my ability to use them has improved, however it is still taxing on my magic, hence I have ordered multiple magical batteries placed at our most secured bases, as you recommended," Luna said as we reached the headquarters, opening it to reveal Golden Sword with several other Aegis officers, along with a couple of Lunar officers, all of whom were overlooking a projection of Selene as they discuss troop movements.

"That's good to hear, hopefully you don't have to do much, but better to err on the side of caution. We have no idea just how much resources the Xartik would employ to win this upcoming war," I replied, before I heard one of Luna's officers clearing his throat out. "What is it, Lieutenant Crescent?"

"Captain, I mean no disrespect, but how are you certain that the Xartik will so casually enter a full-blown war with us? It seems unlikely that an alien race would start a large-scale war with a new species if the said species demonstrates the capability of fending them off?" Crescent asked.

"It's a bit complicated, but in this matter, it all depends on whether or not the end results outweighs the costs. The Xartik rely on a massive robotic force that is lead by a few of true Xartiks, who normally direct from safety on their private warships. In truth, or at least what most folk believe, the real Xartiks are a weak-bodied species that control their forces like some kind of grand corporation. So, those on top simple direct their forces at whatever interests them or benefits them. Since we belong to a species that probably wields a power never seen before in the interdimensional community, odds are they’ll either want to enslave us to study and make use of our magic, or wipe us out so we can't pose a threat to them. Perhaps both," I answered, as I idly poked the projection.

"What expectations do you have once they begin to invade?" Luna asked.

"I can't be certain, but since that probe crash, odds are they won't risk their large deployments until they have a stable means of reaching Selene. So odds are we'll be dealing with a series of expedition forces, with some possible aerial support. Though the moment we start seeing warships coming in, we have to assume they either figured out a way to create stable transit, or have set up a base that acts as a inception point for their forces. Though, we shouldn't go on any assumptions beyond accepting that anything could happen. No one knows for certain just what secret weapons the Xartik may possess," I replied, as I rubbed my chin in thought before shooting a glance at Luna. "Just how long before your sister arrives, Princess?"

"It may take a few days, for she has to inform all of the other nations of the intrusion, as well as aid them in mustering their forces."

"Darn it, I rather have as many heavy hitters here right now that we can spare," I muttered out.

"I'm certain that both you and I will be enough to suffice for the time being," Luna declared, causing me to cock an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean by 'you and I' being enough? Specifically, the 'you' part," I questioned.

Giving me a look of mild surprise, Luna responded, "You don't consider yourself an important asset on the battlefield?"

"I'm just a pony Luna, abet one of alien origin, but just a pony nevertheless," I countered, only to receive a mischievous laugh in return.

"Captain Aura, you shouldn't belittle yourself in your own capabilities. You're a unicorn that possesses much knowledge in combat magic, but also possesses the instincts for battle that many ponies lack. While your desire to be on the battlefield is for morale and response purposes, I believe your presence may be enough to ensure victory in some battles," Luna explained, though I still gave her a skeptical look. Rolling her eyes, Luna continued, "Regardless of what you think of your skills, it is time for you to form a personal squad for you to follow."

"Wait wait, what?" I dumbly replied. This wasn't something that I never discussed with anyone, due to my belief that I was simply going to wherever I was needed to help hold the front line. "What are you talking about? Why would I need such a thing?"

"You would need a team that can support you on any occasion, knowing that you may just take unorthodox tactics to get an objective done. One pony can't do everything by themselves, as you once stated yourself. My sister and I can't hope to wage a war against enemies like that Xartik, despite the power we wield. Hence, you will form a team, one that you will lead, even if I have to order you to," Luna said, causing my eye to twitch. While Luna was the one telling me this piece of news, I had a feeling that Celestia had a hoof behind all this.

"Fine, then do you have any recommendations on who should be on my team?" I asked as I glared at Luna in annoyance.

"Indeed I do, though this is one more from Queen Chrysalis as a symbol of our alliance with the changeling race," Luna answered, causing me to blink in surprise.

"Who di—" I started to say, before a familiar voice from behind me interrupted me.

"Hey Baroness Aether, long time no see!" cried the newcomer, while I clenched my jaw shut as I turned my head around to see the owner of the voice.

"...What are you doing here Windbag?" I said through my teeth, while he was giving me a mocking smile.

"Didn't you hear? I'm the one that Chrysalis wanted on your team, since there is no better changeling out there to help you than one from your first batch of recruits!" Windbag exclaimed, his grin still on his face since he knew that what was occurring was only ticking me off. This caused me to turn around, give the rest of the ponies in this room a short glare, before slamming my head onto the table.

"Grand... just grand," I grumbled out, knowing regardless of whether the Xartik show up or not, the next few days were going to be a pain in my plot.