• Member Since 13th Dec, 2015
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Nico-Stone Rupan

Can I speak to the manager?



This story is a sequel to A Sour Sweet Star is Born

In an effort to improve her social skills, Sour Sweet’s therapist, Doctor Chrysalis suggests that she participate in a one-on-one support group session with a fellow client with similar issues. Enter Sour Sweet’s favorite “Horse Girl”: Fluttershy.

Based on the ideas of TheScarletSentinal

(Contains strong language, sexual discussion, and one violent but oh so very satisfying act at the end)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 52 )

Man, you really like reimaganing a character's quirks into serious mental disorders. That's not a complaint, mind you, just an observation. In any case, I'm pleased to see that you've produced another good story. Keep it up.

Also, I've just thought of a question I just have to ask: are you a student studying psychiatry or something along those lines? Is that why you write these stories? I ask because I've found your stories to be surprisingly insightful regarding the truths and myths about mental disorders, and I couldn't help but wonder if you have had any experience with the subject.

RNBW #2 · Feb 2nd, 2016 · · ·

Gilda deserves it. Much.

You should write about Sour's father.

Fluttershy extended her hand down toward Gilda, whose eyes then bulged with terror at the sight of her own blood on it. She scuttled away along the ground before finally shooting up and frantically running down the sidewalk.
Fluttershy glanced down at the blood and grimaced. “Sour Sweet, I don’t think I need those punching bags anymore.”



can we have more?

also in yo face gilda!

(if i met canon gilda i wouldn't do that)

6898483 I’m currently in my last semester of college where I’m majoring in English and minoring in Behavioral Science. Because of the minor, I have taken Psychology courses, however I don’t think that I’ve learned much in them. I feel that my professors have really just reinforced many stereotypes of the mentally ill. I’ve actually learned more from simply searching through Mental Health websites. I suppose that’s just what I get for attending one of the cheapest universities in my state.

My stories are also packed with my own personal experiences with anxieties and low self-esteem. You know what they say, "Write what you know." I’m pretty sure I have full blown social anxiety disorder myself, but I haven’t had a proper diagnosis.

Besides the web searches and autobiographical elements, I’ve simply used my imagination. It’s been really surprising to me to have been told that I’ve gotten many things exactly right, especially by one certain user on this site who actually has schizophrenia.

As for “reimagining”, I’ll give you Fluttershy, but until canon declares otherwise, I still say Sour Sweet’s behavior in Friendship Games is that of schizophrenia…


My stories are also packed with my own personal experiences with anxieties and low self-esteem. You know what they say, "Write what you know." I’m pretty sure I have full blown social anxiety disorder myself, but I haven’t had a proper diagnosis.

I've been diagnosed with asperger's syndrome myself, and I'm as antisocial as all hell. Maybe I should write about that.

Awwwww man your series are seriously the fuckin' best! Never stop fam! :yay: :yay: :heart:

Loving this series love how sour sweet is kind of coming out of her shell if thats the right way to put it. Lol keep up the good work.


Nicely done. Just, perfectly, sweetly, simply, nicely done!
Love this series so far, you did a good job.
If you ever need the cover picture for that Valentine special between (You) and Sour Sweet, just PM me!!

OMG! I loved this! I loved how Sour Sweet and Fluttershy connected on an emotional level, how they gave each other advice, and how Fluttershy punched Gilda in her face! So much love!

I need to punch someone in the face to expell this energy! (Looks around and sees a man watering his lawn) You there! Good Sir!

So you accept suggestions now? Cause I can think of a few things. Teenage pregnancy, for example.

Good take on Chrysalis. Was her "supermodel" image inspired by this guy? http://uotapo.deviantart.com/art/Crystal-Prep-s-Shadow-Bolts-535720480

One thing I disagree with is Sunset forcing Flutters do her homework for her. She has already been established to be every bit as smart as Twilight. Plus, she is the kind of person to do everything herself.

I forgot to ask; why did you choose Chrysalis as the doctor?


So you accept suggestions now? Cause I can think of a few things. Teenage pregnancy, for example.

Sorry, I'm not going to go THAT deep into drama.

Good take on Chrysalis. Was her "supermodel" image inspired by this guy?

Nope, never seen that picture before.

One thing I disagree with is Sunset forcing Flutters do her homework for her. She has already been established to be every bit as smart as Twilight. Plus, she is the kind of person to do everything herself.

You're forgetting two things. One, she was a bully when she was doing that to Fluttershy, so there's a power trip factor going on with that. Two, if she is the kind of person to do everything herself, then why did she have Snips and Snails doing all the dirty work for her in the first movie? Again, power trip.

6902447 No particular reason, really. Someone needed to be the therapist, so I thought "Eh, why not Chrysalis?"


Unfortunately, nobody wants to go that deep. Such heavy stories require a lot of commitment and talent to pull off and keep the nice lightheartedness of MLP.

Ok I got a few more:

(1) Survival Story. Gang stranded in the forest or on some island. Classic.
(2) Storyless fun. A day at an amusement park or some such.
(3) Supernatural. Demonic possession. That got taken out of that beautiful picture with a pill.
(4) New students -- Sirens.
(5) Holiday Special. Or birthday. Some nice cozy family bonding.

RAINBOW: "Fluttershy, did you break Gilda's nose?"

FLUTTERSHY: "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash! I didn't mean to!"

RAINBOW: "Didn't mean to? Are you serious? And why are you apologising? That was AWESOME!"

I'm really enjoying your portrayal of SS in these stories. She feels real and relatable. I'm really enjoying them.
Thank you for taking the time to write them and publish them for us.

6903912 Thank you, it's my pleasure to write these stories for everyone :twilightsmile:

Gilda was sadly unable to finish her last statement due to the unfortunate occurrence of a fist acquainting itself with her face. She fell back on the ground, her hands clutching her blood-gushing nose in pain.

That was supposed to be an unfortunate occurrence?!


Ha, did she get what she deserved!

Really nice job on this one! I hope that there will be more Sour Sweet and Fluttershy in the future! :)

RNBW #21 · Feb 7th, 2016 · · 1 ·

Fluttershy: *blushes at the compliment* R-Really? Thank you, Rainbow.

Must... resist... Obvious joke... Oh forget it!
:flutterrage: FALCON!!! PUNCH!!!

She got a mean left hook :twilightoops:

Finally decked the shit out of that Hoe huh:flutterrage:

1) Thank you for the DUNE reference.

2) Fluttershy's going to knock you out! :flutterrage:

‘I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.’


Man, I LOVE that crazy movie!


Really Lynch, weirding modules? WT actual F.

Gilda was sadly unable to finish her last statement due to the unfortunate occurrence of a fist acquainting itself with her face. She fell back on the ground, her hands clutching her blood-gushing nose in pain.

Standing over her triumphantly was Fluttershy. She was panting heavily, her red-stained fist still firmly extended and trembling

Whoa three sixty no scope!

Pretty good story, but I think Sour Sweet should speak in her normal voice once in a while, such as these,

“Well, the first time that I accused my mother of wanting to murder me sure was a big clue.”

“Yeah, soon afterwards I got checked out, diagnosed, and put on medication.”

7055608 People with Schizophrenia often have inappropriate responses to situations. The jarring use of her sweet tone to say those particular sad statements was intentional.

Oh my! I read the first two stories in this series but have fallen far, far behind. I've got a lot of catching up to do!

This was a very poignant story, as are all your stories featuring this version of Sour Sweet. As someone with a problem that has prevented me from ever being able to provide for myself (and just learning a year ago that I have Asperger's) I can relate. I too am so very sorry I turned out this way.

‘I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.’

Nice. Don't see too many Dune references on here and that bit fits the situation perfectly.

Flutters and Sour got it rough... but they'll get better. And so much more awesome.

I think this one is my favorite so far :twilightsmile:

everything fluttershy said about her social anxiety disorder is something I'm going through myself with my family especially my dad. how
I thank he hate's my because I don't talk to him the mush. it's like I don't want to talk to him it's because I might say something wrong and he'll gets mad at me and i'll get mad he and we end up arguing. so I know how fluttershy feels from for having bottle up anger for so long and letting loss that anger experience. :fluttercry: :fluttershysad:

7159606 i can somewhat relate as to the fact that i'm so different from my family that i never talk to them and that when ever i do its always awkward and short. We never seam to even stay in the same room together for long without me eventually messing something up to them and they going off at me just because of something small. Heck when i became a brony they judged me for it just like i know they judge me for playing yugioh and all other things that i do. only thing i do that makes them proud is grades but i just try to stay away out of fear of being yelled at.

I've wanted to punch Gilda for a long time...but Fluttershy beat me to it.:yay: Yay...

7299971 same here bro same here

FlutterPunch, KO!
Also: Stupid waterfall fountains :twilightsmile:

Yay, SS made a friend! :yay:

Fluttershy’s face blazed red hot and let out an “Eep!” as she couldn’t stop the torrent of lewd visions of that scenario from running through her mind.

Its always the quiet ones

I know I am a full 28 weeks 1 day late to this conversation but when I was in second grade, the teachers and principle at my school had convinced I had asperger's. my mom got me tested. Turns out I have ADHD. Years later and I'm still antisocial as f:scootangel:k. Only difference between now and then is I'm a bit more level headed. And I watch too much anime. And keeps reading fanfics at 2 in the morning. ( I need to stop :pinkiesick:)

On a different note. Interesting! I accidentally read these out of order (I read one, was confused, then realized it was a sequel to a sequel to a sequel to a... You get it) so I came back to the original and I'm working my way back up. Good job on portraying a character like Sour Sweet. (Now if I can pull off my character's flaws like this I will be set)

Satisfying indeed :pinkiehappy:

*looks up with bloody knife in hand* There's a difference? :pinkiecrazy:
All jokes aside, I didn't know there was a difference. and yeah asocial fits. Thanks for the update.

It's good to see Sour finally opening up to her emotions and condition.

This story is one of the most wonderful things I've read.

Sour Sweet and Fluttershy seem like the oddest people to have a group therapy session. The former is the most bombastic person in Canterlot. The latter is the most shy person in Canterlot. And against all odds, the two bonded in a way that felt believable.

I was particularly impressed with Fluttershy giving Gilda the punch she deserved. That was just icing on the cake.


Also school shootings in the equestria girls universe is my new headcanon lmao

“ Fear totally sucks. ‘I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.’ Man, I LOVE that crazy movie! ” Sour Sweet’s face suddenly fell. “Then again, it’s better to have fear, then to cause it.”

Welp, I didn't think it was possible but I love Sour Sweet even more now, I'm going to go watch Dune again.

Fluttershy’s face blazed red hot and let out an “ Eep! ” as she couldn’t stop the torrent of lewd visions of that scenario from running through her mind.

It's always the quiet ones.

darn waterfall fountain

Those things are both relaxing and frustrating

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