• Member Since 26th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Friday


You want me to describe myself to you? FOOLS!! I AM THE ULTIMA-- *Bricked


Minutes passed, and soon, what Twilight had seen became clearly visible in the night sky. It was a massive vessel, comparable to the gondola of an airship in shape. As it entered the planet's atmosphere, a corona of flames wreathed around the titanic ship, lighting up the night as bright as day. Those who were watching could be forgiven for wondering how such a massive vehicle could fly. However, as time passed, something else became apparent.

It could not.

Slowly, piece by piece, the massive ship began to break apart under the strain of it's fall. Wreckage from the vessel spread out, falling over all of Equestria, forcing many to take shelter. Shield spells went up over cities and towns, sparing the residents from the worst of the fallout. Soon, the centerpiece of the ship, a flattened sphere-like construction was all that was left. Those still watching looked on in despair, as it was headed directly for Canterlot mountain. Great jets of flame erupted from either side of the structure as if it were trying to control it's decent, but to no avail. It's course firmly set, there was nothing to be done but wait for impact. With an almighty crash that shook all of Equestria, the pod impacted the base of Canterlot mountain There was a bright flash of light, then...


Chapters (2)
Comments ( 31 )

The concept seems interesting, but before I read it I have to ask: Does or will it include Spoilers for the game? (I doubt it since it's on a whole different planet, but I just want to be sure).

Will there be spoilers for the game?

Too busy to read right now. Can't wait to see what you named the ship, seeing that NLA was already taken. :derpytongue2:

But seriously. Magic, Skells, and war mongering space aliens with their heads up their flanks. When I get the chance, I am so reading this.


In regards to spoilers for X, I can only foresee two, and since they are more related to setting than story plotline, I'd consider them minor spoilers at most. As for the emotional impact of the spoilers, that may be a different beast altogether.

Let me just say this, The Xeno series has a tradition of one or more of the main characters being a robot or cyborg - See, Kos-mos, Fiora . X is no different, and because of setting reasons, this story is taking the same route as X in that regard.

The second spoiler would be Why earth was destroyed, again, that's more backstory than plot relevant

6841250 Well, alright. I'll be waiting then until I reached these parts of the game before I start reading your story.

Okay, I have to catch up with the game.
I recently completed chapter 10 (that boss, tho), which means I know the first,but not the second.

Oh, this sounds interesting. Admitedly I haven't got the game for long, but well, I already know of certains things, and most of else would not be quite relevant for this story anyway.

The setting intriges me, considering things. Landing on Equestria may seem a better deal than Mira, but Mira had that certain detail... not sure what Equestria could have as an equivalent, so here's hoping that certain part of the ship fares better than its White Whale counterpart.

Well anyway, such a promising start. This so gets my attention...

Oh I like this already. I've playerd the story through so I probably won't realise the spoilers if you put any in. That being said will you use skells? If so would you include the Ares series?
In any case if you need OC's I'll gladly lend my Xenoblade Character. Just send me a Note and I'll tell what what my character is like and even include his arts and equipment. Can't wait to see how this will go.

Oh and great intro by the way. THAT was what got me hooked in the first place. And I really can't wait for the story to take off. I Pinkie's own words I'm nervixited.... did I spell that right?

FINALLY, a xenoblade chronicles x story! :pinkiehappy: I'm so happy that you're doing this, thank you! Also Lorthar1357 has a good idea, if you need OC's, I want to be in on it. :flutterrage: Or... you know... might not even need OC's. :twilightsheepish: Your story, mate. (Oh and amazing job.)

Are there going to be ponies fighting with the humans and possibly skells redesigned with pony anatomy in mind.

FYI - I just beat the story-mode last Sunday.

1.Gurren Lagann
3.Xenoblade Chronicles X?
Can I has cookie? :pinkiehappy:

And thus, first contact starts. Certainly gonna have to overcome some big hurdles I'd say, like the language barrier I guess. This ain't Mira after all.

Although, I am a bit confused they're bringing out their injured. Would think it'd be much more safer to leave them inside. It kinda makes me wonder just what the state of the Habitat is, assuming that's why they did that.

Consider this, would you stay in a hospital where the floor is tilted at a 30 degree angle? Probably not. This habitat unit is embedded in the side of a mountain, unlike NLA which landed on a beach. Even then, NLA is sitting at a noticeable angle in the game. However, one can also see that the habitat units are in fact city sized gyroscopes, so even if the outer ring is sitting unevenly, the inner ring can be leveled out. The habitat unit in this story just hasn't had a chance to do that yet.

Sorry, your third guess was incorrect, though as you have clearly played the game, you already know that Applejack's going to be eating her hat. All three are dual references, to both a specific anime, and to Xenoblade as well.


Well, I might, if the area outside was still a mostly unknown factor. Though granted, for them it would be quite easy to detect that chances are high they didn't landed in a hostile enviroment, or in the off-chance it is, one they couldn't be able to handle. Still, I would question bringing out the injured. Unless they need to fully evacuate to level the Habitat or something. Considering what a mimeosome may need to be mantained or fixed, I don't think they brought them out to do that.


Dual reference for first must be about the Ganglion invasion
Dual reference to the second is about how the skells transform
Third I feel is a reference to sonic the hedgehogs base plot

6867944 Ah well, I tried. Though I can't believe I didn't notice the dual references until after you brought that up. Kinda funny in hindsight really (why was I NOT thinking about skells). All that's left is to wonder how Pinkie's going to prepare AJ's hat; Baked? Flambé? Or with plenty of salt?

Well to your explanation of the gyroscope build, it ISN'T really a gyroscope since they are spinning contraptions. The inner ring of the habitat unit is build moveable yes but it isn't a gyroscope.
I can imagine that the inner ring was fixed during the crash. Now they need to unlock those fix points in order for the habitat unit to level out. I further agree that a full evacuation wouldn't strictly be necessary since the Mimesomes are keept in stasis pods in the meintenance area which are fixed, and the mimes themselves are fixed within But I'll leave this to our author since it's his story.

On a completely unrelated note I DO hope we'll be seeing some skells in action soon. Considering how long it takes in the game to get the flight module I don't think we'll be seeing flying skells that soon.... except maybe prototypes.

Now I'm really curious how twilight will react once she finds out what we players already all know.... and To make a suggestion for Applejack I would recommend Ketchup with the hat, should be easier to swallow then.

they're all giant robots that can transform into cool vehicles, fleeing their war-torn planet for calmer space, only to be chased here by another faction of giant transforming robots! Or MAYBE, they're all normal sized robots built so well that you couldn't tell them apart from a living thing, but they were originally flesh and blood before robotifying themselves and now they're dealing with a species wide identity crisis of what constitutes as a living thing!”

transformers and fallout 4 refrences

Spoiler 1: You mean like the entire human cast? :derpytongue2: Granted, I suspect an extra special surprise involving the MC (, I am level grinding before doing Chapter 9, so I haven't seen the ending yet), but I doubt that will effect this story.

Spoiler 2: Spoil me all you want. My personal guess is either "Misread prophesy" or "Galactic Litterbugs". :rainbowlaugh:

not to add pressure or anyting but when the next suppose to be?

6998159 The next chapter is taking a little longer to write than I anticipated. It's hard figuring out a way to introduce the translator in a way that feels natural. (originally there was going to be a joke where Luna's speech wasn't translating due to 1000 years of linguistic drift, but it just didn't quite fit). Xenoblade X's explanation, The planet itself is translating for everyone, was interesting, but lazy, and Equestria don't have that anyway. And I don't think translation spells would work on Mims anyway.

Also I'm going to address the reason why the humans are currently evacuating the city. Which is also throwing a wrench in things.

6934159 and both somewhat true to what`s going on :D

dam that story look dead, shame it had a nice start

7168139 college work, writers block and other things got in the way. I should get back to this sometime oon.

Well this is nice start, and I can see why they have to evacuate the Habitat since it's sitting on the side of Canterlot mountain, so they're likely compensating using gravity generators but only long enough to evacuate.

One year later: Meow 2.0 😺

I should really wait another month, or at least a few more weeks, but...
Meow 3.0 😿

very cool and amazing story, I look forward to the sequel..., good job👍👌👏

“Land's sakes Pinkie, If any a that were true, ah'll eat my hat!” Said Applejack as she followed Pinkie out. “You've been watching too many of those Neighpon cartoons with Fluttershy.”

Hope you have enough applesauce because I hear hats are very dry going down.

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