• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,503 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 36

“How many changelings would be required to gather the emotional energy from the Crystal Heart to make up for your yearly shortfall?” Princess Cadance asked as soon as the meeting started.

Chrysalis regarded her for a long moment, “Thirty permanently stationed. If you are suggesting we ship the emotion gel back to Canterlot, double the number for handling and transport.”

The Changeling Queen didn't seem overly happy about that suggestion.

“With proper precautions and involvement of the Crystal Guard, that would be acceptable. “ Cadance said, her wings shifting, “On the condition that You personally never cross our borders.”

Queen Chrysalis buzzed her wings and for a moment I thought she was going to be stupid and reject the offer, but then she nodded, “I suppose that have to be acceptable.”

Oh thank, Luna.


I'll never be a real diplomat, I find the entire process to tedious to stand. This might be the cider talking, but if Chrysalis had rejected the offer I might have slapped her for being a idiot.

“However, I do not believe that there is need for a guard escort. Are my changelings not citizens of Equestria? Able to travel as they wish?”


Of course it wouldn't be that easy. Even worse, she had a really good point. The suggestion as it was discriminatory against changelings.

This will take a while.

My head hit the table.


“Oh lighten up. It was not that bad.” Luna teased as she jumped onto the bed, putting her wing over my back and pulling me close.

“I hate politics.” I sighed and leaned against her side, “There is a reason I try to stay away from them.”

She grinned at that, “As much as you claim to, you are not awful at it. If somewhat overly direct. Remind me to invite you to the next round of negotiations with the Griffins.”

I perked up at that, “Would there be meat?”

I could feel more than see that eyeroll,

“Knowing the Griffins? I'm sure at least fish could be arranged.” she chuckled and nuzzled, “You did well.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Not that I did much since the first day other than poke Chrysalis when she was acting too unlikable.


I flicked my ear as she let it go and then shot Luna a look before giving her a quick nuzzle, “Why do I feel you and Celestia could have finished this in a day?”

Luna gave me a quick kiss between the eyes, “Because you are most likely correct. But if Cadance is to rule the Crystal Empire, she require experience with negotiating with beings she dislike for the good of her people, even be willing to lose small battles for the betterment of everyone in the long term. Changelings, ponies or otherwise. It's not something she have done before.”

“...And Chrysalis?”

“Need to learn to compromise.” Luna said and then sighed, draping her neck across the back of mine, “It turned out well.”

“Next time you feel like giving lessons... leave me out of it. I was this close to hitting both of them.” I chuckled before I relaxed, “This played merry hell on my sleeping schedule.”

“Mine too.” she agreed with a yawn and cuddled closer, “Going to be tired tonight.”

During this week, she had been awake during the day so we could attend the negotiations. I needed to change things much less as normally I got up around noon, but it was still a pain in the neck, but Luna had to turn things almost completely around and get up early to settle the moon properly.

Not only that, she didn't sleep well during the night, she kept twisting and turning.

“Luna?” I asked after a moment.

She stirred slightly with a small nuzzle, “Mhmm?”

“...Do Princesses get vacations?”

That caused a bit more of a reaction and she shifted to look at me, “Vacations?”

“Yeah, you know... not work for a while. Spend a couple of weeks just relaxing on a tropical island or something?”

Luna frowned slightly, “Not that I am aware off. It is not unheard of in the past that my sister or myself to retreat and spend a couple of days without meetings or to extend the visit to a foreign nation for a day or two for personal reasons, but a vacation like you describe it... no.”


She smiled softly and nuzzled, “Besides, if we did, I imagine my sister have priority for that. While I was barely conscious during my exile, she was working.”

I nodded and then hmmed in thought, “...That's not a bad idea actually. Celestia maybe 'should' take a vacation. She could run this place alone for a thousand years, there shouldn't be a problem doing it for a week or two for you. She could take the form of a normal unicorn or pegasus and head of to some nice warm island and just... relax for a while. Maybe invite Twilight to join her. It would also force those idiot nobles to get used to dealing with you.”

“As much as I like that idea, I'm not sure how practical it would be.”
