• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 1,716 Views, 933 Comments

Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

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34 - So it is Written

Emerging from the private booth, they were surrounded by many others also on their way out to the street. Gossip ran thick and hot about how Toril handled the case, and the reactions of Flint and Elizabeth. The natives of the city seemed united in thinking Toril had masterfully handled the delicate case, while those from outside the city found the entire thing a bit odd.

Doors slammed open. Elizabeth arrived, guiding Flint along. Paul caught sight of them and approached quickly. "Flint!" Many eyes turned towards them and the crowd parted as if on command, letting Paul get close.

Elizabeth frowned at him. "Your friend's life belongs to the crown now."

Paul slowed to a stop, ringing his hands. "Can ah talk to him a little? Please, your ladyship."

She made a dismissive motion. "Make it fast. There are miles to put behind us." She gave Flint a shove towards Paul. "You have a minute."

Paul grabbed the less eager Flint up in a sudden intense hug. "I thought they were gonna kill ya for sure!"

Flint gave a little laugh. "Didn't they, in a sort of way. I'll be good though. Maybe you can be right proud of me as a soldier instead of an adventurer."

"S-soldier?" Paul frowned a bit. "I guess so... D..." He glanced off. "Do you want me to come wit' you?"

"Are ya daft?" Flint slapped Paul on the back of the head. "Think, man. You finally got out of the fields. You can have a life, a real life, made with your own hands. I can't stop you, but you have to decide what you really want. You won't hurt my feelings none if ya go and make a name for yerself. I'll raise a cup to ya if a bard comes through singing your song."

Fast trotted up beside the two of them. "On the other hoof, you don't have to go galavanting to the pony lands, pursuing my quest. You won't be looked down on by me if you decide to stay at your friend's side."

Paul had a choice to make, a big one, and he clearly didn't like it one bit. Maud approached the group. "Do what you want to do."

Tree nodded as she joined in. "Follow your heart." She tapped at her chest. "You have friends waiting either way, man."

Paul raised a shaking hand. "I'm leaving friends either way." The crowd gave a soft aww, watching their drama unfold with undisguised interest, as if the entertainment of the court had simply been extended.

Flint slapped Paul on the shoulder. "Think. I'll be here. Go finish yer adventure, then ya can get yer arse back here if ya want it so bad. Good luck." He turned back to Elizabeth. "Ready to serve."

Elizabeth pushed Flint forward and they began to walk. As she passed, she looked towards the human and ponies that had been Flint's allies. "I don't know exactly what you're pursuing, but may the gods smile on you if it's for the greater good."

Fast dipped her head towards Elizabeth. "May they grace your rule with a just hand and a long reign of peace."

They were gone shortly thereafter, and the crowd dispersed. Paul made his way to a chair and settled down on it heavily. A soft sniff came from him, but no tears. His right hand clenched and let go in slow motions.

Tree Hugger moved over to him and gave a little smile. "Your friend's rooting for you, man. He's with us, in spirit, and waiting for you."

Maud tapped at his other side lightly. "You're like us now."

"Huh?" He looked off towards Maud, but it was Fast that answered.

"We all have people we miss very much, waiting for us to be done." She gestured to Maud. "An entire family--" She moved the hoof to Tree Hugger. "--dear friends, like yourself--" She put that hoof at her own chest. "We all have people we want to see. Let's face this bravely, and get back to those people. You learned how to be brave, and what it means to risk it all, but there's something to be said for living in the end. We all have people waiting for us."

Paul sat up with a shaking nod. "Yeah... Yeah! Yer right. Y'all got people waiting fer ya. Ah guess I'm just not used ta it. It's... alright ta be a little sad, ain't it?"

Tree leaned in and nuzzled one of his hands. "Of course it is, man. We're not made of stone." It only struck her after saying it what she had just uttered and she went pale in her nose. "I didn't mean it like that, sister."

Maud was looking away. She said nothing. Tree put a hoof over her face, but had the wisdom to not try to push the subject more in the heat of the moment.

Fast cleared her throat. "Yes, well, let's put our mind towards more delightful things. For once, we're well off. We can properly outfit ourselves." She swatted at Paul with a hoof. "And don't think this gets you out of training today. We'll squeeze you into some armor and start working you around with it. If you think just wearing some metal's enough, that's just the start."

Paul sat up and stood. "Right." A little forced chuckle came from him. "Yeah. When we come back, I'll have quite th' tale for 'im, and he'll have some yarns to spin for me back." He spread his hands out. "We'll make it through, right?"

Together, they left the courthouse. Fast went up to a random passerby. "Excuse me, miss. Could you direct us to a store that sells enchanted armor and the like?"

She pointed deeper into the city. "There aren't too many of those. They're very expensive, you know, but I hear there's a nice one on the corner of Onyx and Delta. They've worked for every head wizard for the last hundred years, or so the rumor goes."

Tree tapped her chin. "How many head wizards would that be?"

The woman frowned a bit in apparent thought. "Well, the one before last lasted a good twenty years... Let's go with ten."

Paul snorted in surprise. "They go through kings that quick?"

She rolled a hand with a flat expression. "Wizards, not kings, and they come male and female. When a better wizard shows up the last, then they get to be in charge. Some of them wander off to study whatever has their fancy, so a new wizard steps up. 'Least we always know the best is in charge, not somebody who's only claim is being born to the right person. As if that mattered."

Fast nodded quickly. "Right. Well, your system seems to work very well for you. Your city is well managed and safe."

She waved a hand dismissively. "No one wants to cause trouble when making a racket gets people hurling spells at you. Now if you'll pardon me, I have to get going. Enjoy your time in Greegate." She tipped her head and was off, hustling down the cobbled street.

Fast turned back to the others. "Well we have our destination. Let's put our minds to a little shopping, hmm? It's one of the better parts of adventuring." She led them along through the streets of the city.

Tree's eyes wandered from one tower to the next. "It still blows my mind how tall they build everything. It gives Manehattan a run for its bits with how big everything is."

Paul looked with less certainty. "What stops 'em from just fallin' over any moment? Kill us faster than any monster could."

Maud glanced aside at a tower she had been ignoring until then. "It's safe."

"How do you know that fer sure?"

"It's safe." Maud stepped over to it and lightly rapped a hoof against it. "Solid, a mixture of lime, gravel, clay... There's something holding it together. It's safe."

Fast nodded towards Maud. "If she trusts a tower of stone, then I see no reason to worry about it. Sounds like they used magic in it, like everything else in this city. I wouldn't want to be here when something disrupts that, but I don't plan to be here that long." She led the way onwards, to a rather brightly decorated store. Suits of armor holding large swords were on prominent display, with mannequins showing off fashions in leathers and even silks. Tags on them gushed about their magical properties, and included a price on each. "Big cities..." Fast rolled her eyes. "Some of them just don't understand the pleasure of haggling."

As if summoned by her word, a lean human stepped out. His ears were a bit pointed for a human, but not nearly pointed enough to suggest a proper elf. "Welcome! Just one look at you and I can see you're just my kind of customers. Adventurers, am I right? You're looking for something to keep the beasts' fangs off your hide?"

Tree tapped at her chin. "I'm more worried about people, and far out monsters. Wolves I can reason with."

"Druid? You have to be."

Tree huffed. "Is it really that obvious?"

Maud nodded. "It is."

The shopkeep looked Maud over critically. "I can't tell at a glance what your profession might be, but I can see you're overdue for a new outfit. You must be tired walking around looking like you've survived several wars in rapid succession."

Fast tapped at the ground. "I'll be the one making the shoping decisions today." Her eyes wandered and she vanished into the store. An excited sound drifted out from where she went. "And we'll start with this." She came out, holding a lance in her mouth. "I gather the price is still valid?"

"A fine selection. It was once used to win a--"

Fast waved it away. "I'll take it." She pulled out the staff in her rack and replaced it with the lance. "It's like having some clothes on again..." With a firm twist, she locked it into place. "Your training's just about to get harder," she promised with a grin at Paul. "But let's get you something worth fighting back with, hmm?"

She began poking around the selection of weapons when Paul's excited sound drew her attention. He was hefting up a truly massive blade, a sword almost as long as he was. "Look at the size of this one!" He swung it wildly, fortunately not in the direction of anyone else. "I really like this one."

Tree tilted her head at Paul, watching him wave it around. "Can you handle that, man?"

"No." He planted it into the ground, leaning on it. "But that's what Fast's for."

Fast's doubts evaporated into a smile. "That was the right answer. Fine, we'll take that one, and he'll learn how to use it. Shopkeep." The man looked towards her. "Can you do custom jobs?"

"What do you have in mind m'lady?"

"I want a full set of plate, sized properly and enchanted to boot. I should be a walking juggernaut."

One could almost see the gold coins dancing in his eyes. "Yes ma'am. It'll take about a week."

"Time well spent practicing with Paul." She grinned up at him. "I do hope you're ready."

Author's Note:

Shopping! Everyone loves shopping. It's almost as fun as hunting typos.

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