• Member Since 18th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Friday


I'm a 31-year-old gamer, nerd, and pony fanatic.


Trixie returns to Ponyville seeking to put things right between herself and the townsfolk. But when Twilight receives a letter from the Princess, Trixie gets the chance to live up to her previous boasting. Can she do it alone, or will she need the help of a certain purple unicorn?

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is copyright Hasbro and was created by Lauren Faust. The Mane 6, the Great and Powerful Trixie, Spike, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and every other creature featured in canonical episodes are part of that copyright. All ponies not featured in canonical episodes, such as the Great Lapis Lazuli and the Powerful Pyrite, are original characters from the author's imagination. This is a non-profit fan work made in celebration of a great show and the absolutely amazing fandom that follows it.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 287 )

Tracked, 4 stars !

No other comments, tracked should tell enough, won't it ;) ?

34683 Thanks so much! I'm working on Chapter 2 right now, it might be finished sometime tomorrow, but I'm not sure... it's been a while since I wrote anything.

I think you hit the nail on the head when talking about Pinkie Pie. She really IS that hyperactive when meeting someone new, and I think that sleepy Trixie also would be that way! Well done!

As I always ask all authors writing Trixie, please don't make her weak, very apologetic (slightly apologetic is fine) or shy. Trixie is cool as who she is - arrogant, self-confident, strong magic user and popular showmare. It always pisses me off to see her backing away from manecast's insults or attacks - come on, she tied AJ with her own lasso, tossed RD around with ease, she can handle anypony, except Twilight, albeit even her she can defeat, because of her expirience with all those heigh-sayers trying to upstage her and obvious knack in illusion magic.

So far I like your story. I can believe that she clearly separates her 'stage persona' and all this boasting from 'off-stage' her. Pinkie Pie written very well, talkative, friendly and totally forgiving, to be precise, totally forgetful of all grudges)) Can't wait to see her conversation with Twilight, but don't forget, SHE didn't bring Ursa or even started brawl - manecast boo-ed at her first, and anypony who was smart enough not to go on scene and try to upstage Trixie wasn't humiliated, so Rarity, Dash and AJ pretty much brought it upon themselves.

Thank you everypony for your input. Now I want to finish Chapter 2 even more. Sadly, my brain's not working properly right now. :facehoof:

34707 It took a while for me to get Pinkie to where she is now. In my first draft, she was not only way too hyperactive, barely even giving Trixie room to speak and pretty much running the fic, but she was also practically demolishing the fourth wall with a bulldozer. I toned her down a lot, and now, I like to think of her as maybe poking her head through little holes in it every once in a while.

34735 The way I see it, Trixie is in kind of a bad place right now. She realizes she had a hoof in causing the Ursa Minor attack; even if it wasn't really her fault, and Snips and Snails acted of their own will, she still wants to apologize, not out of selfish desire to clear her name, but to make things right. Don't worry, once she does that and gets back in her groove, she won't be back to her full arrogance, because nothing is gained if there was no lesson learned, but she won't exactly be Ms. Humble, either. It's kind of her job to be arrogant. I also believe, while she may not have the absolute raw power that Twilight does, she does have the skills and the determination to give Twi a run for her money, if Trixie doesn't win it outright, because most of Twilight's experience with magic has come from books, and maybe a monster or villain every now and then, while Trixie has been out traveling, using her magic to tangle with other ponies first-hand on a daily basis.


You... You're my god... That's exactly my thoughts! Can't wait to see chapter 2, and I promise to give you review once it's posted. I am absolute sucker to self-confident Trixie stories.

By the way, you may want to read "Great and Powerful" from Fenwolf2003 on DeviantArt. AJ/Trixie shipping with awesome, strong, smart Trixie and dialogues.... Well, read yourself, I can't describe it's sheer awesomness. :)

All right guys, I'd say chapter 2 is about three-quarters of the way done, but after I finish, I've gotta proofread it and stuff, so it might be up this afternoon or maybe tonight, but if it's not, it'll definitely be up tomorrow.


Trixie glared up at Pinkie. “Sweet Celestia, this is going to be a long night.” she muttered under her breath as she continued up the stairs at the same pace, as if to say, “I’ll go as fast as I darn well please.”

Trixie did not refer to her self in 3ed pony!!!

OH, Celestia, is the world going to end! RUN FOR THE HILLS! Trees and chickens first!

Really good story! thank you, it was Funny and it helped me with a problem I was having!


35527 That wasn't something Trixie actually said, instead, it was implied by her actions, so it doesn't really count :P

still love the story

Another good twixie story just not so twixieish at the moment. When will that come into the story anyway? Can't wait for the next chapter..especially after the ending in this chapter. Ya had to end it there didn't you.

35964 Why yes. Yes, I did. :rainbowwild:
The twixie will come when it's ready. I like my stories good and slow, so that you're not thrown directly into the action with nowhere to go afterwards. My prediction is that neither mare will even confess their feelings for at least another 5 more chapters, because Twilight is too inexperienced with social matters to know what her feelings mean, and Trixie is too arrogant to admit her feelings for the pony who bested her without a lot of convincing from herself and others.

Anyway, I might take a break from writing tomorrow to give myself a rest (it's been a really long time since I've written anything, and my brain is starting to complain), but I'll be back at it on Monday, so hopefully you won't have to wait that long for Chapter 3

35976 Ugh... seriously, past self? "Another 5 more chapters"? Redundant much? ...I think it's almost time for sleep.

35976 Good, I was actually hoping you wouldn't rush into it.

Nice chapter, funny and more funny, and Pinkie is already rubbing off and Trixie , and Fluttershy cam make anypony do anything, she is just too sweet and cute to say no too!

And yes,Applejack's "IS" accent is really hard to write! I agree with you 120%:rainbowdetermined2:


36633 Yeah, I was almost not going to have Trixie apologize, but then I thought about it from Fluttershy's view for a second and realized that she wouldn't tell her friends to apologize and then not tell Trixie to do the same. Good thing she was there, because she really is the only thing that would have convinced Trixie to apologize for her comments towards the others (not even Trixie's ego can withstand the cuteness of Fluttershy). Twilight might be able to do the same sometime later, but there is no way she could do it at this point.

I tracked even before I read it. This is Twixie we're talking about! :pinkiehappy:

I don't know of what you've read in the past as far as fanfictions, but the whole Pinkie Pie being Trixie's friend and letting her stay over at her place, seems familiar of the fanfiction "Of Mares and Magic."

I look forward to this next chapter!

"Welcome to cliffhanger town, population: all of you! :P"


No, but seriously, I scrolled on that line perfectly. Good rise of tension at the end there and epic cut off. You really got me! Also, you suck because I wanted to know what Twilight thought very much. HOW DARE YOU DOWNPLAY HER THIS CHAPTER! Still it was good chapter. Trixie apologizes to everyone and then... proceeds to insult the three neighsayers again. Huh... Quick one eighty there, huh? Good save by Fluttershy, but I wanna know what Twilight is thinking. NOW. :twilightangry2:

I expect the next chapter within 5 seconds. GO!:yay:

36971 Yeah, Of Mares and Magic is what inspired me to write this. I really liked how Pinkie and Trixie worked as foils of each other, Trixie being arrogant and serious, and Pinkie being... well, Pinkie, so I decided to use that element here..

36975 Like Fluttershy said, Dash, Applejack, and Rarity insulted Trixie first by downplaying her apology, Trixie was just responding in kind. Sorry, but I took a much-needed break from writing yesterday. I'm going to get started on writing the new chapter right now though, so it might be done by tomorrow or Wednesday.

All right, now that the chapter's done, I could really use some proofreaders for future chapters. If anypony is interested in proofreading, PM me, and I'll let you know when new chapters are ready.

Yes i can imagine trixie would be quite taken back to see her hat and cloak... hope to see more very soon!

I think this is one of the best Trixie story I have seen, she is sorry m but she is still her proud self, you are Keeping Trixie as Trixie while letting her character grow into something more the a loud mouth, very well done.


That hat and cape! Don't even try to deny it. I know who salvaged it, cleaned up, and got it fixed up by Rarity. It's that plot device used in almost every Twixie story (Even mine). That and sometimes the whole "Twilight is Celestia's protege" is put into play as well. I'm not complaining or anything about this, by the way. Just making observations along with other stories I've read. Your writing style is very detailed and enjoyable to read. I look forward to the next chapter :pinkiehappy:

Twilight totally digs Trixie. I know that because of this chapter :twilightsmile:

please, make her stop talking about herself in 3rd person, i hate that.

I'm liking this a lot. I agree that the bravado needs to be toned down, but not eliminated. She's a showmare, after all. :trixieshiftright: Good talk between her and Fluttershy, too.

Did fluttershy just give an Applejack peptalk?

Thank you everypony for your comments.

38689 Nice guess, but nope. That's how it goes in a lot of stories, but not here. There are other ponies besides Rarity who know how to sew, and there are also ponies who are kind or generous or honest enough to return something to its owner, even if it was somepony they hated or hardly knew.

38690 Wait... what? Talking in third person is part of her character. Even when she was offstage, she kept doing it. She only slipped into first person once in the entire episode, and that was when she was confronted with the fact that she couldn't vanquish the Ursa.

I really didn't like it. Trixie act like a cheap magician and bully, making fun of Tiara at public (and I love that filly). Pointless banter with Rarity, where Trixie don't even slightly rebuke fashionista's threats. Cheap laugh and cheap card tricks, filly abuse... and why would she use card tricks when she can use illusions? Her magic is working, and illusions way cooler than cards.

So was this The Great and Powerful Trixie's act if she wasn't so rudely interrupted? :trixieshiftright: I like card tricks :pinkiesmile:

Sad there was no Twilight this chapter... I guess we're in for a long story, huh? :twilightsmile:

all the while I read the end all I can think is TAKE THAT Diamond Tiara! and you gave me an Idea for my own story! thanks a lot!


Why everypony hates that cute filly? Sure, she made fun of Applebloom, but in "Cutie Pox" Applebloom made fun of Tiara. And I don't see what's the difference and why one of them marked as bully and other as cute funny fully.

Interesting. And while Diamond's an easy target (and by 'easy target,' I mean that she's the proverbial broad side of the barn), I'm honestly surprised that everypony let Trixie get away with going after her. Maybe Diamond's just that unlikeable in-universe. Or she's get some negative feedback next chapter.

Well, an interesting read nevertheless.


I was thinking pretty much the same thing about Diamond Tiara, Fox-Sama. Of course my biggest problem with Diamond Tiara is that she's basically a brat who acts like she's better than everypony else just because she seems to get everything she wants from her parents.


Now I agree that Diamond Tiara is a cute little thing but with her past actions she seems to be falling into the "Beauty is only skin deep." category.

Best Trixie I have seen by far! You really DO make Trixie into a strong mare who won't get pushed around! Rarity's part was really good, CMC's part was just as good, but the last part was rather questionable. Sure, Trixie really is a badass when on her grounds. But I still can't see everypony laughing as a little filly runs off the stage crying after being humiliated in front of everypony else. Just isn't right, no matter how strong my hatred towards anyone acting like that stands.


I guess being an author is just like being Trixie, there will always be naysayers in the audience.

Anyways, keep it up with the comedy!

I really do not like Diamond Tiara. I don't know why, there's just something about her meanness that rubs me the wrong way. I think it's because Diamond Tiara's meanness is completely offensive, as opposed to defensive like Trixie's (at least, that's the way I see Trixie, and that's the way I portray her), and she uses it against ponies who she most likely thinks would never fight back, like Apple Bloom and Twist, which is, of course, the average bully mindset. The way I see it, in The Cutie Pox, Apple Bloom was just getting revenge for how Diamond Tiara treated her in Call Of the Cutie, which isn't the best thing to do, but they're both still fillies. But then, that's just my personal opinion. I'll respect yours, and try to lay off the Tiara-bashing in the future.

As for why Trixie didn't respond to Rarity, she's already started to make friends with two of Rarity's friends, and she knows first-hand that Fluttershy won't stand for fights between anypony and her friends,so she decided to play nice.

44390 no one likes diamond tiara she's a bitch and i hope she dies in a hole with sunday and monday


I understand why you feel that way about Tiara, and glad to see you'll try to lay off Tiara-bashing; yes, she didn't act very nice, but she's just filly. To think that we never saw her parents, even at their cutecenera, shows that she may be ignored and neglected in her family, or abandoned by one of the parents. There's other thing - she seems to attack only blank-flanks, Snips, Snails or Twist pretty much ignored, so Tiara may feel insecure because her cutiemark is silver tiara: what it means, that she's good at wearing jewelry? That's sad, if you think about it.

44540 Oops! Sorry, fixed it. Thanks for letting me know.

"Tiara may feel insecure because her cutiemark is silver tiara: what it means, that she's good at wearing jewelry? That's sad, if you think about it."
My head-canon is that her special talent is making jewelry, and she's just SO PROUD of her first real creation she wears it everywhere. Silver Spoon, while we're at it, will inherit the vast flatware empire run by her mother and father, known for being the first company to specialize in making utensils for those who cannot use telekinesis to manipulate objects.

I have to agree with the others that Trixie seems to be trying to win friends through bullying, and while she's probably won over the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS (yay!), I'm hoping for a bit of a talking to about taking matters into her own hooves.

Hmm, a bit put-off by how she acted around Diamond Tiara... not that she doesn't deserve it, though. Trixie was good around Rarity and the CMC, though, displaying saint-like patience with the latter.

Aw... I feel kinda bad for Diamond Tiara now. :fluttershysad: I guess she deserved it though.
Can't wait for the next chapter anyway :pinkiehappy:

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