• Published 6th Oct 2015
  • 22,910 Views, 282 Comments

Aftermath of the Games - Darth Link 22

  • ...

Doppelganger Part 2

The Princess held the small, charred device. “This little thing allowed you to absorb magic?”

Twilight blushed. “Yeah... I wasn’t very careful with it. But I’m pretty sure I can work a better off switch on the next model.”

“Uh, Twi? You sure that's a good idea?” Applejack asked. “That thing caused a lot of trouble...”

“We’re going to need one in order to get some samples,” Sunset said. “But I’ve been looking over Twilight’s blueprints. The design is sound.”

The Princess beamed. “Nice to know I’m a prodigy in every dimension.”

Twilight blushed. “It’s not that big of a deal...”

“Will you just learn to take a compliment?” Rainbow Dash asked, causing Twilight to blush more.

The Princess put a hand on her shoulder. “That was one of the first lessons I learned. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your talents. Being proud isn’t the same as being arrogant.”

“Yeah, well, when you’re hated by everyone for being smarter than them, it tends to sour your mood,” Twilight said, looking down. Dog Spike shot her a sympathetic look, but was too distracted by Fluttershy scratching his belly to come to her.

“Actually, that sounds a lot like when I went to the School for Gifted Unicorns.”

“What? But didn’t you say you were the student of a princess? Wouldn’t that have made you super-popular and got you invited to a whole lot of parties and...” Pinkie went on until Rainbow Dash clapped a hand around her mouth.

“Yeah, like that’s how it works,” Twilight mumbled over Rainbow Dash’s disgusted cry after Pinkie licked the hand covering her mouth.

“Let me guess: being Celestia’s favorite just put a target on your back?” Sunset asked, experience clear in her voice.

“Happened to you, too?” the Princess asked.

“Well, yeah. Of course, after I tossed the first one that tried to get physical halfway across the room, nopony was brave enough to get near me again,” Sunset said, a smirk clearly visible.

“Wish I’d have had that kind of aggressiveness,” the Princess admitted. “I just tried ignoring it until Princess Celestia stepped in.” She then turned back to her alternate. “My point is, I was a lot like you back then. I thought friendship was a waste of time. It wasn’t until Celestia made me go into Ponyville that I realized what I had been missing.”

Twilight looked at the Princess for a moment. “...I just can’t see it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t picture you acting like me. I can’t picture Sunset acting like a bully. It’s just... so surreal.”

To Twilight’s surprise, her royal counterpart just chuckled. “Friendship does weird things to ponies... er, people. Believe me, soon you’ll be wondering how you lived without them.”

Twilight gave a weak smile and nodded. “I already can’t. They chased off this girl named Fleur that was always bullying me. Now every time she sees me, she just scowls and walks off.”

At that, the Princess blinked. “Fleur De Lis? White with a dull pink ma- er, hair?”

“Yes. Do you know the other her?”

“I’ve met her once or twice, she’s one of... my Rarity’s best clients. She seems really nice, hardly anypony I’d call a bully.” The princess rubbed her chin. “I think I should ask her sometime about her past... if she’s willing to talk.”

“Ooh! Ooh! Flash alert!” Pinkie said, poking her head out the door frame. She shot a sly smile to the Princess. “And he’s alone! He’s getting something out of his locker!”

The Princess grinned, but quickly subdued herself. “Well, I suppose it would be rude not to say ‘hi’ to him... real quick...”

She made a move to the door, but stopped as Captain Flash followed. “Um... Captain... I would like to see your alternate... alone...”

“Princess, I’m not to leave your side!”

“Captain, I order you to wait!”

“...I cannot follow that order. We are out and about in foreign territory. Your safety is paramount.”

Sunset placed a hand on the Captain’s shoulder. “You know, you’re a real credit to your rank!”

The Captain was a bit surprised, but beamed at the compliment. “Thank you.”

“But we can’t have you getting in the way of romance, so...”

In a flash Sunset, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash tackled him to the ground and Rarity yelled “Go, Darling!” Princess Twilight was out the door with her bag while the Captain started yelling threats at the girls pinning him to the ground.

“Wow, I thought a guy would be happy to get to roll on the ground with three girls,” Pinkie said. Despite themselves, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight laughed.

The Captain managed to push the girls off of her and was beginning to rise. “Let me go! I’m required to be at Twilight Sparkle’s side at all times!”

Twilight smiled until Pinkie pushed her forward. “Fine, here you go!”

Before Twilight could protest, Pinkie shoved her forward, causing her to trip and hit Captain Flash. The two fell right on top of each other, their faces inches apart.

It was the first time since being tackled that made the Captain silent.

Captain Flash’s brief pause was enough for Applejack and Rainbow Dash to get the duct tape and begin wrapping it around him.

As Twilight scrambled to her feet, her face red, the two athletic girls wrapped the shouting Captain up.

“I don’t blame you, Darling,” Rarity said. “He is quite a hunk.”

Twilight looked at her feet. “I... I guess.”

“And it would all work out since the Princess likes our Flash but not this one, so you can do the switcheroo and everything falls into place! It’s really convenient!”

Twilight was too embarrassed to reply.

Fluttershy looked at her. “Um... do you like Flash?”

Twilight recovered. “Huh? Which one?”

The yellow girl shrugged. “Either.”

Twilight shook her head. “I... I don’t know. The Flash here seems nice, but he’s already spoken for, and I didn’t have time to get to know him while studying magic. And I just met this new one. He’s...”


“Yeah... wait, I mean...” Twilight blushed again. “Uh... I don’t know. I’m a little surprised if any guys are ready to line up and date me after what happened at the Games.”

“Now, Twilight, we talked about this...” Rarity said.

“Not beating myself up about something isn’t the same as acknowledging the consequences,” Twilight snapped. “After turning into that thing, I’m not holding out hope of getting a date here.”

Pinkie blinked. “Really? But you were wearing...”

“Don’t remind me,” Twilight said, burying her face in her hands.

There was an awkward silence, only interrupted by Captain Flash’s muffled cries of outrage.

“Twilight, I think you’re selling yourself short. You’ve a very beautiful woman, and no one seems to hold that night against you. I dare say a few guys are looking at you.”

Now Twilight’s face was really burning. “W-what?”

“Yeah. You didn’t notice Micro Chips and Sandalwood giving you those lovesick looks?”

“N-no...” she blushed.

Sunset put a hand on her shoulder. “I told you, no one blames you. And you do look pretty good. It wouldn’t be surprising if guys started talking to you.”

Twilight was quiet for a moment. “I...”

“Heck, I bet Princess Twilight gets plenty of admirers,” Rainbow said.

“Too many,” Dragon Spike muttered. When that got him looks, he went on. “Don’t get me wrong, she had admirers before she became a princess, but afterward, she gets marriage proposals daily. And most of them are from nobles that have never met her. And the ones she has met... well, I’d beat them up for coming near Twilight that way, if Shining Armor didn’t beat me to it.”

Dog Spike could only chuckle. “Yeah, I believe that. Our Shining Armor tried to train me to attack any guy that put moves on her.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Men...”

“Who you calling a man?” Dog Spike asked.

“Believe me, we’re being merciful. Twilight’s hard to get angry, but when she does...” Dragon Spike shivered. “Better to deal with her family than her.”

At that point, Princess Twilight came back in the room, a content smile on her face.

“Ooh!” Rarity squealed, getting close to her. “How was it? What’d he say?”

The Princess never wavered in her happiness. “I’ll never tell... well, okay, I will, but later. We have work to do.”

“Oh, no, no!” Rarity said, “you can’t just meet up with Flash and leave it at that! You need to tell us!”

“Now, now, Rare, she’ll tell us when she’s ready,” Applejack said. “You want us to untie your Captain?”

The Princess looked down at the still struggling Captain.

“...Eh, he’ll be fine for a little while longer. Now tell me, what have you figured out?”

Sunset slipped into lecture mode, ignoring Dragon Spike’s sigh that putting up with three Twilights’ lecturing was too much. “Well, I haven’t found a way to accurately measure power levels like we can in Equestria, but with Twilight’s device I think I can engineer something. Either way, it’s clear that magic is becoming more and more prominent. Like I said, it’s no longer just coming out when we play music.”

The Princess nodded. “Makes sense that it would come out in music first. Magic does that all the time in Equestria. Ponies can break out in choreographed song and dance numbers...”

“I knew it,” Twilight said. “I knew there had to be a reason I was singing in the hallway...”

“Ah, so it’s started here too,” the Princess said. “According to what you told me, you all pony up when you represent the Element of Harmony the other version of you has. Rarity’s generosity, Fluttershy’s kindness, Pinkie’s laughter, Applejack’s honesty, and Rainbow Dash’s loyalty.”

“Ooh! What’s your Element, Princess?” Pinkie asked.

The Princess gave a neutral look to Twilight. “We’ll discuss that in a minute,” she promised. “But my theory is that the Elements of Harmony must be forming themselves in this world in some way. The reason you all pony up is because you’re the rightful Bearers.”

“So... what? Does Sunset have yours?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“I don’t think so. Remember, Sunset ponied up with us when we defeated the Dazzlings. Even though there’s only supposed to be six... something doesn’t add up, but my Element had been lost to history... maybe...” The Princess took a deep breath. “Sunset, Twilight, can one of you write down a reminder to me to look all this stuff up? I still haven’t gotten used to using...” she glanced at her hands, “these...”

In a flash Sunset had a notebook out and was writing down things.

Nodding, the Princess reached into her bag and pulled out a thick book. She handed it to Twilight. “I had this commissioned after I got back from defeating the Dazzlings. When I heard magic was now in the human world, I had a feeling Sunset would try and study it. I made a book that will act like Sunset’s journal. Just write in it and the same text will appear in my copy in Equestria.”

Twilight took the book. “Thank you, but... what is it for?”

“I want to keep an eye on your progress. I wouldn’t be much of a princess if I didn’t keep an eye out for a potential threat to my kingdom, and a whole world getting magic thanks to us might lead to that.”

“What happened to the other set?”

The Princess tensed at Dragon Spike’s question. “What other set?”

“Didn’t you ask Celestia for two sets of journals?”

“...Why would I do that?” she asked.

Rarity suddenly got a grin across her face. The Princess, seeing this, quickly changed the subject. “Look, the point is it’s important that we stay in touch, especially if there needs to be cross-world research.”

Sunset smiled. “Yeah... especially since I can’t go back.”

The Princess looked at her. “Why would you think that?”

Sunset looked at the Princess like she had grown an extra head. “Twilight, didn’t you yourself tell me I was banished here for treason?”

“Yes... and the exact sentence said, ‘Until you learned the Magic of Friendship’. If the Dazzlings didn’t prove you’ve done that, what happened after the Games sure did. As far as I’m concerned, your sentence is over.”

“But... stealing the crown, and breaking into the Crystal Palace...”

“The first falls under the treason charge, and the second... well, as Celestia’s student, you’re allowed access to every piece of royal property. You can’t really break into anywhere you had permission to be anyway.”

Sunset looked ready to cry. “But... I’m not her student anymore...”

“You never turned in an official resignation. As far as Celestia’s concerned, you’re just twelve years late for class. As soon as you come back, she’s ready to pick up your lessons right where you left off.”

Sunset stood rigid. Now she was crying.

Twilight looked at the girl who had saved her and had a feeling like she was looking in a mirror. The same look she had at having so many people forgive her. It was so jarring. Sunset had been like an angel... no, she had been an angel, one who had offered her salvation in the darkness. Seeing her act so... flawed, was amazing.

Sunset wiped her eyes. “I... I really want to, but I can’t. Not yet. I’m responsible for all this magic, I can’t just leave it to run wild.”

The Princess nodded, as if this was the answer she wanted to hear. “I’m happen to agree... but promise me you’ll visit soon. Princess Celestia does miss you.”

Sunset smiled. “I will.”

“Good. Now then, there’s a final matter.” The Princess turned to Twilight. She shrank back from her her alternate, but the warm look she got soothed her. “Listen, I need you to tell me, honestly, how you felt over the last few days.”

Twilight blinked. “Why?”

“Trust me, it’ll all make sense soon.”

Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “Well... it’s been strange. I used to think I was better off without anyone but Shiny, Cadance, and Spike. But when I got to Canterlot High, everyone was so nice to me, even after they found out I wasn’t you, and even after they found out I went to Crystal Prep. And then when Sunset brought me down from being a monster, I... I knew I didn’t want to live any longer without them.”

The Princess nodded. “Come on, keep going.”

Twilight kept going. “I found myself enjoying things I never thought I’d enjoy. I like my morning runs with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, or my spa trips with Rarity, or working on homework with Sunset, or even all the silly little things Pinkie does. A few nights ago I had my first slumber party and played Truth or Dare, and I ended up downing a whole bottle of hot sauce after Rainbow dared me to. I used to think anyone who did something like that was an idiot, but even with how unpleasant it was, I just laugh at it.

“Now I’m actually wanting to go outside, and have fun, and do all these things I never even considered doing before just to be able to hang out with them and I don’t even mind if I’m not learning as much as I did before because I...”

And then there was the light.

Twilight felt a strange and pleasurable sensation run through her body as her world was engulfed in a bright, purple light. She felt herself levitate off the ground. She felt a strange feeling on the top of her head as if something was growing. She just felt... good.

When the light faded, everyone was staring at her with joyus expressions. Before she could react, everyone surrounded her in a group hug.

“You ponied up! You ponied up!” Pinkie said, hopping up and down as she said it.


Rarity pulled out a compact mirror and handed it to her. Twilight looked at herself, and saw two pony ears on her head. She gave a small yelp and brought a hand up to feel it. Then she noticed that her hair had grown to an impossible long length, coming down to her ankles.

“I’m... like all of you. But how?”

The Princess smiled. “Twilight... my Element... your Element... is Magic. But I learned that Magic is just another word for Friendship. It only works correctly when you’re in harmony with others, when you learn to love and care for those around you. Five years ago I only loved my family. Now look: I embody Friendship, I can even love those that have hurt me like Sunset and Starlight.

“You think you’re unworthy because of what happened, that you’re a monster inside. You’re not. That creature was the result of a lot of bad feeling you were experiencing. Your fear at what Cinch was putting you through, your feelings that you weren’t good enough, and your anger.”

“I... I didn’t feel angry at anyone...”

“Maybe not consciously. But can you honestly tell me you weren’t angry at Cinch for blackmailing you? Or your classmates for bullying you? Or even Sunset for yelling at you?” When Twilight looked away, the Princess put a hand on her cheek and made her look back at her. “Those feelings are okay to have, but you were letting them consume you. Friends help that. That’s why there’s no point in getting mad at you. You’re already on the road to recovery, and I can’t leave you in better hands.”

Then the Princess hugged her. And she hugged back.

Author's Note:

Well, it's finished.

This ended up being a lot, and I wasn't able to get some scenes in that I would have liked. This includes SciTwi wondering is she could be someone to look up to after seeing Princess Twi with Starlight, a discussion on how painful friendship can be at times with the Wedding and Anon-a-Miss being discussed, and more interaction with the two Spikes. But, that's what the sequel is for.

Now some discussion on canon.

For those wondering, yes, Sunset trying to go back to Equestria is still canon in this story, even though she thought she was banished. She (correctly) guessed Twilight would forgive her if she needed to help someone.

The 2013 IDW Annual is also canon, only instead of kicking Sunset out, Celestia tried putting Sunset on lock down and making her do kitchen work until she lost her attitude.

And yes, 12 years have passed in Equestria since Sunset left. Only about two years have passed in the human world. Though time is starting to sync up with their worlds connected.