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Thought Prism

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This story is a sequel to Name Rater

This is the tale of a mare who has yet to realize her destiny.

Only Name Rater can see what fate has in store for her, and the truth terrifies him.

Now, he must confide with those more wise than he, in hope that together they can make the right decision.

For it is certain that if she lives... Equestria is doomed.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

I would imagine Twilight would attempt to exhaust all other possibilities (including just teaching the kid about her talent) before going to that last step... and maybe not even then. The older alicorns, on the other hoof, may not be as squeamish. The filly is very much on the line of too dangerous to live. :rainbowhuh:

I wonder if the engineering thing is why you failed so badly at poignancy?

And seriously, you all said yes to killing baby Hitler? Despite the fact that you're time traveling? You could take him with you and have him raised in a totally different environment. No one thought of that?

Well I would think they should try and change the climax point where she killed her mother by accident.

Wow that was a dark story. It is one heck of a quandary take a chance on what could happen. No good answers and no correct answer.

Why did no one talk to Celestia or Luna or even Cadance about this? Shouldn't they have a say in a situation like this?


Well, yeah, they were probably told sometime afterwards. Name Rater just went to Twilight first because he thought she might be able to see a better solution.

7080968 come to think of it, would it not be possible to trap her somehow? If someone like, say, Discord, were to snap his fingers and just conjure a giant box, with no openings large enough to fit through, around her would that be sufficient to keep her from continuing on her path of destruction?

I have a possibility. Remove her cutie mark with Starlight's spell, then use a memory charm on her to wipe her mind of ever being a pony. Finally take her to the human world (and on the other side of the damn world at that), where no marks are visibly present and put her in a hospital and tell people she has amnesia. She'll wake up, not knowing her magical destiny doesn't exist and just assume she is a normal person. If the weakened effects of the spell crossover into the human world, she may just assume she is a weak person or maybe suffers some genetic problem. She'll never know she had her magical destiny taken because it isn't a visible sign in the human world and talents a lot of ponies had (like dashes or twilight's) wouldn't function there anyway from a lack of magic.

Sunset Shimmer and co would probably get charged with ensuring she never discovered the portal back to Equestria. She'd live out a normal happy life, assuming she was a human the whole time. Not a perfect solution, but it saves her from death.

Here's a possibility. Special talents aren't more powerful than all the magic of all the princesses, Discord, and everypony in Equestria, because this isn't X-men

It is an interesting read. I think some of the descriptions such as "gouts of blood", are over the top. Overall this is an interesting idea with a nice execution.

Although I find it hard to believe the whole "latent magic" combined with the talent and able to use it at will, especially for being an Earth Pony.

The ending seems kind of needlessly dark and a little too vague. Death as in just the body, or corruption of the soul to make an empty body, or both because of the possibility of reincarnation?

It's a good thought-piece with sufficient gore to drive home the point, ruined by one flaw: Twilight's mention of the human world. Since the possibility exists that Twilight can take her into the human world, then dump her off with a well-adjusted foster family on the opposite side of the globe who'll help her develop a strong moral compass. When Antithesis is old enough, maybe put the mirror portal in a safe, contained spot, take Antithesis back through the portal into the pony world to prove that there's an alternate dimension, and tell her the truth about her origins and why she was taken away. That would act as a failsafe so that in the event there's somehow a second portal in the human world that she stumbles across, get the hell out of dodge and back into the human world (again, that's why that foster family should be one that helps her develop a strong moral compass, so that she's horrified of what she might end up doing if she stays in Equestria). Depending on your views of whether Starlight's time spell is still around, have that as a back-up plan to go back in time and permanently change time in the event all your contingencies fall through.

Out of curiosity, what is it precisely that Antithesis is doing when she rips each pony's body apart? Is she inverting the state of 'internal' organs and blood vessels so that they are now external to the body, and then going further in-depth to the organs and bones so they explode from the inside out?

Huh. You know, there is a clever solution present here, one that doesn't quite necessitate the murder of a child, but still does 'kill' Antithesis.

Name her something else.

That's it. That's all that needs to be done. A single pebble in the stream of fate and all that nonsense.

Tutor Hitler so he can stay in art school.
Have Twilight swoop in as Celestia once did to take on the magical wunderkind and teach her to use her powers responsibly. (And, in this case, keep her from going full Eldrazi.) Or send in the Crusaders for a counseling session. Or, or, or...

That's the thing: Either the timeline is immutable and they literally can't kill Antithesis because Name Rater concretized this point in the future, or this foreknowledge has already invalidated the prophecy via butterfly effect, letting them cut it off before it happens.

Oh, and be very careful about revealing this prophecy to her. Or just ask the ynop "If nothing matters, why are you defending yourself?"

In all seriousness, I get where you were going for, but Antithesis's puissance feels a bit absurd. A thought-provoking read, but not quite as unavoidable as you make it out to be. I'm not saying nonlethally avoiding the blight would be easy, but it certainly seems possible. And if it isn't, then there's nothing they can do.

Yeah, with 20/20 hindsight, working backwards from the themes does not an organically compelling and sensible story make. I was both flattered and humbled when Broken Phalanx wrote a fan sequel to this that kinda blows it out of the water:

What must be done by those in power?
Broken Phalanx · 7.3k words  ·  11  0 · 520 views
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