• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Apple Honey, who runs a farm supply and repair shop and writes the Ponyville Express in her spare time, has a perfectly ordinary day.

A Pony Planet story

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 141 )

A nice little story. The thing I love the most about your writing is your characters. They feel real and it is really good at making me invested in what you write.

I liked the chapter, even if I might have seen it earlier. :twilightsheepish:

Too, bad.. still liked it! :pinkiehappy:
(and the part at the end that I apparently missed seeing earlier.)

A perfect bit of agrarian slice of life. This was worth it for the details.

Cute ending there.^_^

Her kitchen is on the second floor?

Yes, because her workshop and office take up the ground floor.

I just love this kind of slice of life stuff. The bit about non-standard screw sizes reminded me of trying to keep track of Whitworth, Metric and US sizes when fooling with cars. Great stuff.

Without any warning, he leaned in and brushed his nose against her cheek, leaving her standing dumbstruck in the center of market.

:pinkiegasp: That's not a perfectly ordinary day!

Nothing like fleshing out a verse to be more realistic, than showing what others do on their days.

That sounds strange and dangerous. Is it common for shop houses to have a second floor kitchen?

Very much a typical day in the repair business! It felt almost familiar to me.
The way you wrote it, it sounds like you know that trade, or have at least hung around with people who do. Good researching.

I half expected to hear about little "tricks" that sometimes get a thing working again, hopefully giving you enough time to order and receive the stuff needed for a proper repair... Things like using a tap-and-die set to make an almost-right bolt fit, or working some heavy grease into a worn bearing to keep it from grinding itself to pieces for a while.

I always ask before I do that sort of thing, warning that the "fix" won't hold long... And they usually just keep using it until it fails, instead of bringing it in when the needed stuff is at hand.

...As I'd imagine your "Golden Grape" will do with his patched-together harness...

i really wish more people could write like this. you don't need some big, world changing catastrophe going on to make a good story, just good writing and relateble characters.

A wonderful little slice of life, nothing happens, but its an exceptionally interesting nothing.

Tomorrow, then Saturday.


(and the part at the end that I apparently missed seeing earlier.)

I like to sneak things in at the very last minute. :derpytongue2:

6386279 Will this be a continuous thing, or will it just be a one-shot?

Luckily, on newer cars, almost everything is metric. Mostly. But luckily, there are enough other specialty fasteners and whatnot to make up for the lack of diversity in bolts.


That's not a perfectly ordinary day!

It is when you're a mechanic.

Well, pretty much all of the traditional downtown stores are like that. Certainly the ones in my town are. it's nice and practical: you live above your store, so you can keep an eye on it all the time.

I'm not sure how having a kitchen upstairs is more dangerous than having it downstairs.


You get randomly smooched by your crushes every day? I think I'm in the wrong profession. All I get are little old ladies telling me how helpful I am after I help them finish making up their own mind.


The way you wrote it, it sounds like you know that trade, or have at least hung around with people who do. Good researching.

I am an auto mechanic by trade, and two of the story contributors also make their living in the auto/farm equipment repair business.

I half expected to hear about little "tricks" that sometimes get a thing working again, hopefully giving you enough time to order and receive the stuff needed for a proper repair..

Well, there's Goldengrape's harness (and of course he won't get it replaced until it's so broken it can't be patched back together), and in the next two chapters, you'll get to see some more improvising by Apple Honey and her apprentice.

It's going to be three chapters long. The remaining two chapters are already written, but not fully edited yet. I intend to publish chapter 2 tomorrow and the final chapter on Saturday.

Well . . . no. Not really. That's actually never happened.

6386350 Alright then.^^

Thank you! I always liked the normal stories of the common man--or in this case, the common mare.

As Present Perfect said in his review of A Taxing Evening, "You can’t ask for a better boring story. "


So you lied, and it's indeed not a perfectly ordinary day! :twilightangry2: I expected better of you.


Why would I?


So you lied, and it's indeed not a perfectly ordinary day!

Wellnow, just hold your horses for a moment. While it's true I've never been kissed by a customer who I had a crush on, I haven't ever had a crush on one of our customers, either. And I have been hugged by customers, and I've also had them buy me beer or bring me brownies or cookies or even cornbread muffins.

I should also point out that Blue Clover didn't kiss her; he nuzzled her cheek. Had he actually kissed her, then it would be an extraordinary day.

I guess apartment buildings de facto have kitchens upstairs.

Somehow it just feels more dangerous to me, I guess because I imagine her house being made out of wood and I fear that it will catch fire. It is silly.

I am more familiar with East Asian shop houses which usually have the kitchen on the ground floor as I recall.

One of my favorite styles of slice-of-life fics is the financial dealings of a small businesspony, and this fic is a great example. Apple Honey's main job is a repairpony, but she makes ends meet with a variety of different jobs that keep her refreshed and help her stretch her talents.

One quibble: 7 large eggs for a single brownie? The Cakes are ripping you off, Apple Butter. You should be getting a brownie like every other day!

6386272 I hope you plan on posting the updates at a better time than 1 in the morning.

I've heard Steers and Roebuck have lifetime guarantees on their products. Just hope the Princesses don't buy any of their gear, or that will be a much longer guarantee than they were expecting. They'll still take it though.

Having read through it again I can't help but think this bit's a little underwhelming

She was sweet on him, although he’d given her no sign back—not yet, anyway.

It might be the writing style but as the story is sort of from her point of view I don't think anyone would be look at it quite that way. Maybe something like.

'She glanced over at him and her heart beat a little faster as she saw him toss her glossy mane to one side, then she looked aside before he noticed her staring, she'd been trying to get his attention for months now, but she couldn't tell if he was interested in her or not, her heart sank a little at that though.'

Well ok my version says the same but with about four times the words but I don't think anyone think's they're sweet on someone else.

A shitty situation all around. All in a days work I suppose.

This is the most exciting ordinary day ever! A fire and a stuck firetruck! Woo!

True Blue is adorable and should totally spend some time around Dale.

"Apple Honey, when can I make clasps like on that creature's clothes?"
"When I figure out how."

Excellent stuff, as always, my friend!

She kept up her smile until he'd left her office, then let her shoulders slump. Neither he nor Cherry Berry were smart enough to stop before they got in over their heads; they usually tried to fix things themselves first, and then brought them to her only after they were stumped, or had managed to break something that shouldn't be broken.

Heh. My brother and I have a tacit agreement: he doesn't try to process crime scenes, and I don't try to fix Jeeps. It works out very well for both of us.

6389993 which clasps are you thinking of?

toeclip? that sounds like something man-made horseshoes wouldn't have. Is it?


I was actually thinking of a snap somewhere on his clothes, though I can't quite imagine where he might have one. IIRC, that kind of fastener would be quite rare to the ponies - first, because of how hard it would be for non-magic users to open, and second, because it takes some careful machining to make.

Interesting thusfar, nice to see she has herself well in hoof there. And that shes not afraid to get a bit dirty or the like to get the job done.


Oh you went there.....

Love the little explanations, even if i don't understand them. It really gives character to the world.

I hope that injury doesn't get infected, can't have been all that clean.

It's probably a Pinkie brownie- one that's larger than her head, because Pinkie wondered how big she could make it.

6394123 Ah, well that does put rather a different spin on things then.

Seems like this chapter is all about the daily physical challenges of being an earth pony in a job that would really benefit from hands. Very solid.


One of my favorite styles of slice-of-life fics is the financial dealings of a small businesspony, and this fic is a great example.

Thank you! I've always had a soft spot in my heart for stories about the little guy, and the show creators have given us so many to work with.

One quibble: 7 large eggs for a single brownie?

Based on the cost of a restaurant brownie (about $2.50) vs. the cost of a dozen eggs (about $2.99), I'd say that's actually not a bad deal, especially when we consider how likely it is that every earth pony has a small garden and a few chickens or other livestock. While we don't really see much of that in the show, I think it's very plausible.


I hope you plan on posting the updates at a better time than 1 in the morning.

No promises.

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