• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 11,751 Views, 215 Comments

A Child of Kindness and Laughter - Autum Breeze

A human finds himself trasported into Equestria, but as an anthropomorphic filly alicorn. The problem is, the ponies of this Equestria are quadrapeds.

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Chapter 1 - Awakening as Another Species

A Child of Kindness and Laughter

Chapter 1

Awakening as Another Species


The bell sounded and I leaned back, stretching my arms, making a loud grunt as I did so.

Work was over for the day and I now had four days free to do whatever, plus anything I chose to do tonight.

“Hey, Taylor,” I glance a little away to see my workmate Josh walking over. “You got any plans for after work today?”

“Nup!” I say, cricking my neck to get the stiffness out of it. “You asking t’ hang?”

He grins sheepishly. “Me and a few of the guys, yeah.”

I get up, shrugging. “Sure. Man, today was rough, huh?” I ask as we head to our lockers to get our things.

Josh grunts as he lifts his bag’s strap with his right arm, his left eye shutting for a moment. “Tell me about it. They could’ve warned us today would be so physical, couldn’t they?”

The job we’d been doing prior to the one we were talking about was labelling San Remo Fettuccine bags. Half way through it, we’d suddenly been told we had to deal with a job that had just come in and needed to be finished before the day was over, and it was already 10:23Am when it came in.

The job was lifting and sorted large wooden grates. Josh, myself and several other co-workers had been the ones unlucky enough to be saddled with the shifting and lifting part. What we hadn’t been told was just how heavy, nor how long we’d have to keep the crates lifted before putting them down.

By the time we’d finished, thirty minutes before the end of the work day, my back and arms had been killing me. Thankfully, the supervisor seemed to understand this and had allowed those of us who’d been doing the shifting to rest for what was left of the day before work ended.

Didn’t mean we weren’t still feeling the ache, though.

Josh and I close our lockers and join the throng of fellow employees as they made their way down the hall, passed our worker ID cards over the clock out machine and headed for the door.

“So, where would you like to go first?” Josh asks, glancing at me.

I glance up, putting my arms behind my head. “Hmm. Til you asked, I didn’t really have any plans once I got into the city other than catch another bus home. But, now, I suppose we could stop by Hungry Jacks or Macers and grab something to eat. Maybe then we could stop by the— oomf!”

I grunt as, for some strange reason, as I moved through the doorway to get outside, I suddenly found myself pulled backwards and thumping against the wall behind me, startling a lot of the other employees.

Josh hurries over as I push myself off the wall, rubbing my head.

“Tal, what happened?” he asks, sounding both worried and confused.

“I’ve... not a bloody clue, to be honest,” I said, stepping a bit forward and glancing at the wall over my shoulder, an eyebrow raised. “It felt like someone pulled me back and, next thing I know, I’m back up against the w—oof!”

It happened again. I hadn’t moved a muscle, and suddenly I felt a jerking from behind, before feeling the wall slam into my back. This time, however, something else happened. Something that made my blood run cold. The very edge of my butt had somehow sunk into the wall.

I look back to Josh and those standing behind him, my eyes wide with panic. “Someone get me out of here!” I scream, my voice high-pitched with terror.

This seems to get a reaction, because Josh and several other employees reached forward and grab my arms and start pulling.

It was like a chain reaction. The moment they started pulling, my gut dropped and my heart leapt into my throat as I felt the tugging feeling from behind again, along with more of my body sinking back into the wall.

However, this time, since everyone was holding onto my arms, only the lower part of my body was pulled in. My eyes widened with horror as I felt my lower body lift up as it sinks into the wall.

The more alarming thing, though, I can’t feel what went into the wall. It feels like my lower body is now completely gone.

“Someone check if he’s coming through the other side!” someone shouts and another person hurries through the door a little ways down, leading into the room the wall I’m sinking into is connected to. I guess he thought my body was just phasing through the wall for some odd reason.

“I don’t see him!” the person who’d gone inside the room calls, his voice muffled from the other side. “I’m standing right behind where he should be, but I don’t see anything of him sticking through the wall.”

“Then where the hell did my body go!?!” I scream, my eyes wide with panic. Was my body becoming one with the wall, remaining inside it? Was that why he couldn’t see any part of me?

I feel another jerking from whatever is pulling me and sink further into the wall, my chest barely sticking out anymore as everyone holds onto me desperately.

“The supervisors are calling the emergency services,” someone calls from within the crowd. “They’ll be here in a few minutes.”

“We don’t have a few minutes!” Josh half snarls, half cries, his eyes frantic. “W-we can’t keep holding him. If whatever’s pulling him does so again...”

The fear in storming through what remains of my body, my mind bouncing around like a tornado as the realization hits me. I’m going to die... and there’s nothing I can do about it.

“Let go.”

Everyone stares at me in shock, several letting go without realizing. My voice had been quiet, full of defeat. There wasn’t anything any of us, or anyone else could do. I could already feel whatever was making me sink into the wall getting ready for another pull.

“Tal, you... you can’t be serious?!” Josh looks at me, his glasses having gone askew in his struggle to pull me out. “You’re... you’re just gonna let it kill you?”

I close my eyes, tears sliding down my cheeks. “We can’t do anything anyway. Might as well accept my fate, Josh. Now, let go, before you’re all pulled in with me!”

He looks at me with determined eyes. “No! I’m not going to let you die! I’m not going to—”

“I said, LET GO!” I scream, shoving them all over as hard as I can, just a second before the jerking happens again. I gave a sad smile as their horrified faces fade away into blackness and all feeling goes with it.


“Oh, Pinkie, are you sure we should be here?” Fluttershy quivered as she and the pink party pony stood in the throne room of the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters.

The ever energetic mare just bounced in place as she looked around. “Fluttershy, you know Doozies can’t be ignored,” she said, her serious tone and expression slightly losing their impact with her constant cheery bouncing. Only slightly, though.

“B-but, if the Doozy is here, I-I don’t think we should wait around to find out what it is.” The shy mare shuddered, looking around. “I mean, what if it’s something dangerous, something we might need the others for to be able to handle it?”

The fact that it was night-time certainly wasn’t helping either, nor the fact that she had no idea how or why she was in her cottage getting ready for bed one moment and here with Pinkie the next.

“Huh,” Pinkie said, her bounces slowly a little as she looked up, thinking about Fluttershy’s words. “I never thought of that. If it’s a big scary monster able to eat ponies in a single bite, we might want the girls here to help us.”

“A-a single b-b-bite?” the Pegasus squeaked, pulling her wings over her face.

Suddenly a scuttling sound caused both ponies to freeze up. The sound came closer and closer. Whatever it was, it had a lot of legs.

With a loud scream, Fluttershy grabbed her pink friend in her forehooves and shot out the open ceiling, heading towards safety.

In her rush, she dislodged one of her loose pinion feathers, which floated to the ground slowly, joining a hair that had come loose from Pinkie’s mane when she’d suddenly been yanked by her Pegasus friend whilst scratching her head.

The hair and feather landed, one on top of the other, as the source of the scuttling sound made itself known. It was a small ant-like looking creature. One could easily mistake it for an ant at first glance, aside from the fact that it was blue with stars on its thorax.

This was a Magister Beetle. They were harmless insects. They ate rotting things, like food or even flesh, but were not dangerous, even though they gave off a slight magical signature wherever they went.

More places where these larger than normal insects were found were the most known for slight unusual magical occurrences, such as unicorns suddenly finding their horns fizzing out for short periods of time, or pegasi temporarily losing their ability of flight or even simply being able to walk on clouds, though they thankfully mostly lived in dark parts of cities, forests or open fields.

These were minor annoyances at best, so the majority of Equestria never thought much of the little things.

However, this Magister Beetle had not come to dine on the rotting foliage of just any place. This was the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters, where latent magic was lying within the very walls themselves due to the close proximity of the Tree of Harmony.

Not to mention that this castle, the very room in question, was the place Nightmare Moon had been defeated. Whilst Princess Luna had indeed been purified of the creature that had taken over her a thousand years prior, Nightmare Moon’s latent remnants of her magic still lay dormant within the throne room, and, as the Magister Beatle casually released its magical field to begin the digestion of its meal, that magic became active.

The beetle, sensing something was wrong, fled the room as fast as it could, its scuttling steps quickly fading deeper into the castle.

However, the damage had already been done. The spark of magic from the beetle awakened the latent magic within the room, causing tendrils of star-speckled smoke to rise from the floor and walls, centring on the point where the beetle had been mere moments before.

The magic twisted and condensed, until it had formed a small sphere of dark-blue magic. The feather and hair left by the two mares were lifted up and pulled into the centre just as the sphere formed completely, before a crack of lightning shot down, striking the sphere.

The boom that sounded from the point of contact echoed throughout the still night, the clouds that had formed as the magic had intensified dispersing with the force of the boom, leaving the night clear once again.

Lying in the middle of the room where the sphere had formed lay the still figure of a bipedal creature.


I groan as consciousness returns to me.

Wait. I’ve consciousness? That means I’m alive! Well, there’s some good news.

I shiver as I realize, not only am I laying face-down on a stone floor, but, for whatever reason, I’m completely naked.

I push myself up and sit back, putting a hand to my head.

“Man, what a rough trip. Just what...?” my hand lifts to my throat. Something’s wrong with my voice. It’s a lot higher, more... femini—

Before that thought process can even finish my hands fly down to my groin again, only for me to recoil in both horror and due to having felt a spark of something go through me as my hands made contact with what was down there.

Staring back at me was not my sign of manhood. Instead, I saw the pink lips of something I know I shouldn’t have. I whimper, pulling my arms around myself, only to scream as something else wraps around me.

I flail about, batting the things away, only to shiver and wince as I feel pain through two new limbs.

I look back over my shoulder, my eyes widening. Wings! Fucking wings! In the light of the moon shining down I can see they’re butter-yellow, with the lower row of feathers a criminally pastel pink.

My brain shuts down for a moment as I process what I’m seeing and feeling connected to my body, feeling the joint muscles on my back where the wings fit underneath my shoulder blades.

Once I finally get used to the new appendages on my back, their slightest movements making me only a little uneasy, I quickly look the rest of my body over. My body is covered in butter-yellow coloured fur, the same colour as the main feathers in my wings.

I still have hands, so that’s a relief, though they’re also now covered in fur, though an incredibly fine kind, so I doubt the hairs with come off in my eyes if I rub them. Lifting my newly fur-covered hands up, I take hold of my hair, which is now shoulder length when it was incredibly short when I’d still been normal, and pull it a bit into my line of vision. It’s pink, really bright pink. Like, too pink for it to be logical pink.

I frown. Butter-yellow fur and feathers and pink hair? Only one being comes into my mind at when I put those two things together, Fluttershy.

But... Fluttershy doesn’t have any pink feathers, not to mention her mane is a lot lighter a shade of pink than my hair.

I wince as I suddenly feel another new appendage shift behind me, glancing back to see a tail the same colour as my hair... well, mane, I guess.

A small part of my brain is really starting to panic, but, the fact that I’m alive at all instead of dead as I’d thought I’d be is helping me remain calm somehow.

I look down at where my feet should be and frown when I see a pair of hooves instead. Feeling my face with my hands, I can tell my mouth is now a snout. My eyes widen as I feel a horn on my head.

It clicks in my brain. I’m an anthropomorphic Alicorn pony. Glancing around where I am, I feel equal parts joy and disappointment. The ruins of the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters’ throne room. I’ve seen it enough times in the show to be able to tell it at a glance.

I frown, sitting down on the floor, before leaping up with a yelp, my hands flying to my bare bottom. With my mind so preoccupied by my sudden transformation and where I’d ended up, I’d forgotten the ground beneath me was cold stone and the fact that I’m currently in the buff and had sat down, the cold sending a shock wave from the point of contact.

I grumble, looking around. With the moon in the sky, it’s clearly night-time and, since I’m in the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters, I’m in the Everfree Forest as well. Joy bunnies.

I groan, folding my arms over my fur-covered chest. “Well, I’m not going to be the idiot that walks out into the Everfree at night.”

Huh. Now that I’m paying attention to it, does my voice kinda sound like Sora from the Digimon English dub?

I frown as a thought occurs to me. “Wait, if I’m anthro, does that mean I’ve come to an MLP world that’s anthro? And... since I’ve arrived nude... does that mean... nopony wears clothes in this world?”

I blush scarlet, actually able to feel my face heating up as thoughts of the mane six and many other mares with slender forms and large racks, as the fandom tended to like portraying their anthro selves, flashed across my eyes.

“No-no-no-no-no-no!” I shout, waving my hands around, for some reason thinking that will help dispel the thoughts from my brain. “I do not need those kinda images burned into my brain from actual sight! The only thing worse would be the males—”

I regret that thought and sentence the moment the word leaves my lips, as visions of stallions walking around nude, with huge wangs in full view flopping around rush passed my eyes.

“NO!” I scream, holding my head in my heads and shaking it back and forth violently. “No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-NO! Not gonna happen! Not a chance! I refuse to even lay eyes on such a sight!”

I blink as something suddenly occurs to me. If I’m now an anthro pony and female, shouldn’t I have breasts? I glance down, putting my hands to my chest. I can’t feel anything.

Looking around, I suddenly take notice of just how large everything seems... and just how small my hands are. Judging from a human perspective, I’m probably as big as, say, a five or six-year-old.

I sigh, scratching the back of my head. “Well, like I said before, I’m alive. Everything else is presently irrelevant.” Even if it won’t be in time.

I look around, wondering what to do. Seeing as this is Luna and Celestia’s old castle, there should be a bedroom or more in here somewhere, right? No way am I staying up all night until the sun comes up.

Author's Note:

Can't remember exactly when i got this idea, but a few changes were obviously made due to how long i waited to start it... the Tree of Harmony being a prime example.

Now, i will have published two chapters of this before submiting it, so just move on to the next chapter and see where Tal's adventure is going to take him... i mean her?

Anyway, go on. The next chapter's right there, so go and read it.

READ IT!:pinkiecrazy: