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Immortals have a large amount of time on their hands and when they have access to the multi-verse there is little preventing them from experimenting. After watching the adventures of a certain six in one it uses that one as a base model as it searches for one that parallels it near exactly. Out of curiosity it adds another major element to this universe and sits back to observe just what will happen.

With her soul taken from another universe and thrust into this new one a young filly has to live her life with no memory of her past and thrown into danger. It's only through some agent of luck that she doesn't lose her new life as soon as she arrives and even finds a new family at the same time. As time passes she finds new friends and with them goes on adventures that change all their lives and all to satisfy the curiosity of some unknown creature.

(tentative title name, suggestions welcome)

Chapters (70)
Comments ( 910 )

hmmm...not bad not bad...cant wait to see where this goes.

looking good so far so keep it up!

Snowfyre #3 · May 7th, 2015 · · · 3 ·

waits impatiently for more

33,000+ words, 12 ratings, and 63 views? This story seems to be underrated compared to other stories in my eyes.

6231790 You know, that's the second time that I've had one of my stories labeled as underrated. This one makes a bit of sense since part of the theme is a general turn-off for many people. It would help though if I started tossing them into different groups, but I leave that open for others to do as well since there are too many different groups out there to keep track of.

Soooo um a bit of a turn off is the synapse mostly because of all the mistakes. Lol did you even read it.

Ok hi me again I read the first chapter and it is miles better the the synapse. Since I like this fic and want it to continue I would like to give you some advice. If you want more ponies :rainbowkiss: to read this you should put it in group that fits to it and as many as possible. The way I find new fics is I go on my feed every day and look at the new fic that that are added to my favorite groups. Thats how I found yours, in the the human to filly/colt group. At this moment I see only 3 groups on you fic. Add to as many as you can.

A few hints at who the two are, though with the direction that means that the first option is no longer possible

hmm... Vanator and Bella Dona.

i'm not sure about Vanator (that's a reference to an RPG or something, right? maybe Final Fantasy?)

But Belladonna? Would her cutie mark look like... this?

To her left was a lighter orange earth pony with a long blonde mane and tail that both ended in a red ribbon.

fun/useless fact: Speaking of, IRL horses often get ribbons put on to their tails to indicate the.... hazard they might represent. for example

ones with green ribbons are.... inexperienced, maybe a bit jittery or unpredictable.
as another example, ones wearing red ribbons are kickers. and what kind of ribbon does Applejack wear?

She actually fell asleep while waiting and was startled when a nurse came to shake her awake. As she blurrily looked at the nurse in confusion she eventually remembered where she was as the nurse started to speak. “Come along now, there is somepony that would like to meet you.”

Following the nurse she was led through the hospital to a room near the back where she found her parents, her mother lying in bed, along with a glass case of some kind. Her father noticed her enter and he waved her over to the case with a wing. “There you are Flare, come on over and meet your sister.”

She hesitated for a moment as they tried to lure her towards the case. She cautiously walked over towards the case and looked inside and was surprised at what she found. After seeing Applebloom, the young filly looked too small to be real and she was worried, especially after seeing all the tubes and wires.

The tiny pegasus’ wings looked so fragile on her orange form and the wispy cerise mane and tail looked incomplete. The foal looked to be struggling a bit and when her tiny eyes blinked open to reveal her purple eyes, Aegis Flare felt a shock of emotion flow through her. When she turned teary eyed towards her parents they only had one thing to say. “What do you think of your new sister Scootaloo?”


Big Mac nodded but before he could say anything his sister’s call rang out across the farm along with the ringing of a triangle. As a stampede of ponies rushed by towards the farms outdoor eating area, the unicorn rolled her eyes. “Well I guess we can talk about it more during lunch, I don’t think your sister is going to let Twilight go anytime soon.”

6267077 As a side thing to that, which I forget if I mentioned elsewhere or not, I also toyed with the idea of Trixie in her place instead. That would have forced the story to take an entirely different direction for some of the early chapters then, and even Boast Busters would have had a complete overhaul.

6266950 I didn't even even think of RWBY when I made the character, I was more going with the plant that was described for her cutie mark as it ties in with what her job often entails. Also the stallion's name I pulled off of a direct translation from English to Romanian, minus the accent marks.

“What, are you sneaking around now too so you can get that ticket?”

She raised an eyebrow at the rainbow-maned mare before answering. “And have to deal with the nobles of Canterlot? No thank you.” The pegasus backed down at that and looked a bit sheepish as the others looked at her. Nothing else could be said as a flash of light lit up the room, revealing the forms of Twilight and Spike.

As the others calmed her down from her small panic attack and settled their problems, Aegis sighed in relief as the tickets were sent away. To her horror a letter was soon sent back with enough tickets for all of them causing her to let out a groan. When the others looked at her in confusion she just shook her head. “This means that I’m going to be expected to be there as well now, well, unless Spike wants my ticket?”

Huh :rainbowderp:. maybe Celestia was waiting for Twilight to make that decision and knew that Aegis wouldn't want to go :raritywink:. Or maybe she's just a troll? :rainbowhuh:

Before anything else could be said the dragon belched up another letter with a ticket for him causing her to frown. She glanced at the letter that came with it and just gave in at that point figuring that there was nothing else to do.

Troll. :ajbemused:

Their gazes shifted as Spike joined in on the laughter and walked up to her. “I know right? I mean look! Flutterguy, Spittie Pie, Rainbow Crash, Hairity, and Appleteenie!

that last one is a booze joke. orig03.deviantart.net/3a49/f/2012/219/0/4/natg_day_5__tiny_pony___appletini_by_giantmosquito-d5a8ksz.jpg

for 2k words, this chapter felt short and empty

6309174 Yeah, I'm not fully happy with it myself. Some of the episodes it just won't be easy to add the OC that well when it deals with her general area. I mean I could have totally railroaded this chapter and had her solve everything but settled on only preventing the worst of things as well as adding a bit more to what the parasprites could have done. It's already going to be bad enough later on when Daring Do shows up.

Next chapter... Well I'm not fully sure yet where to go with that yet, though some reason my mind wants to put Suited For Success next followed by Fall Weather Friends and Winter Wrap up. I think it's mostly because I have some ideas going with that one and can lead some of it into the Running of the Leaves bit.

Something to think about with the canon Mane 6, are any of them honestly going to lack in the muscles department if you really think about it?

I think that the black guard parents thing works as an explanation for her knowledge. It is established that her parents were experts/watchers of the everfree forest so it makes sense for her to have knowledge relating to it.

6309439 maybe instead of struggling to integrate your OC into an episode such as this one, have her do something else? i highly doubt she is only friends with just the elements is she?

great job, I knew Aegis wouldn't put Rarity through a dress making mess like the others did. Can't wait for your next update.

“Right, I did forget to do that back then. Did you ever figure out how much alcohol was actually in these things? I remember trying one of them after that mess happened and I woke up the next morning trapped under my sink. It didn't even taste like there was any alcohol in them.”

The earth pony waves her inside and walks back to her pantry area to store the berries while gathering up the bits for payment. “That is actually the reason why it all happened and if you didn't tell me that you got them from the Everfree I wouldn't have believed what I found. Whatever is in those berries it's not quite alcohol, but something even stronger. If I had to guess, whatever is in these is about a thousand proof at the least.”

Letting out a short whistle, Aegis Flare looks at the load of berries with a tad more respect now knowing what they really were. Looking over the number of berries she had brought she estimated there to be at least fifteen bottles worth of juice which, when adjusted for the content, came out to seventy-five bottles of pure alcohol. Just in what she had brought was probably enough to get the entire town drunk at the same time.

WOW. 1000 proof? if i'm correct 100% ETHANOL is about 200 proof! Yeesh!

Sir, (and/or ma'am) I have but one thing to say to you...Ha ha, made you scroll over the spoiler! #Trollestia

6359641 Something that shouldn't be possible, but what would the Everfree Forest be without its plethora of impossible things? :trollestia: I figured that I should do something to show off at least one of the things she finds in the Everfree which led into the next bits which just came to mind while writing that part. I got a bit lazy on the last bit though, probably come back and write up some descriptions of the others.


6360956 Update? This is a really good story....:heart:

Twilight decides to drop the issue for now but adds a note to one of her lists to look into it later.

hope the next chapter highlights this because ive been curious about her capabilities as well >.>

..... Definitely underappreciated.... Not too bad. Keep doing the good work, kind sir.:moustache:

I'm not really sure about how you just skipped right over that part of the episode... I mean, I get that Flare doesn't really have anything to do there, and it would be awkward and quite possibly boring to fill in what would essentially be her mingling, but
I would have liked to have seen Scootaloo's perspective. We already don't see much of Scootaloo, and it feels like her being Flare's sister is more of a side note.
On another note, Aegis Flare. I don't really agree with her name. I understand what it means, and why you chose it but I'd like to point out that 'Aegis' was the name of a shield with Medusa's face on it, said to be so ugly it struck terror into the enemies' hearts. Not exactly something I'd name my fillies... but that's a minor point, feel free to ignore it.
Overall, a decent rehash of Call of the Cutie:ajsmug:

6460197 I could probably have done more there, true. I just don't think I would have been able to add much overall beyond 'Scootaloo finds Sweetie, they hide under table, and then come out to defend Applebloom.' I try to avoid taking too much from the actual episodes unless it is truly important, like Episode 1/2, since it would be bad to do it yet add nothing. There will be a few more Scoot's centered chapters in the future though as there will be significant changes to a couple episodes and I've already left clues about what some of those may be. But yeah Scoots has been more of a side-note but with how Flare's life has been so far it makes a tad bit of sense but there will be some changes now that the trio has gathered.

Also an aegis is more attributed to Zeus and Athena than medusa and is usually represented as a goatskin shield though I guess it was shown with a medusa head in a part of the Iliad. Really there is no common-sense with pony naming schemes anyways since we have ones like Filthy Rich and Tree Hugger. :derpytongue2:

Minor proofreading quibble:

“So you just want to leave Sweetie Belle to deal with her all alone? I know that Rarity is going to be there since the Rich family is one of her best customers. Besides it's a Pinkie party and her family is paying for all of it. At least she's paying for everything so you might as well have fun with it.” Scootaloo doesn't look happy with this reasoning as she continued to pout at not being allowed to skip it.

Tense problems. The bolded "doesn't" should be "didn't" to match the rest of the story's tense. There may be others, but I'm reading on limited time right now.

fuzzy ear tips is this unicorn oc part bat pony ?

also fire magic sweet

“I'll be fine. As long as I don't get a clear view of how far away the ground is then the vertigo won't bother me as much.”
The others look unsure for a moment but don't question her resolve though Spike bluntly puts their thoughts into words. “Huh, I never thought that you of all ponies would be scared of something like this. Shouldn't the Element of Courage not be scared of anything? And didn't you fall off a cliff during the incident with Nightmare Moon?”
The three fillies around him made shushing motions but Aegis Flare wasn't at all offended by his question. “Courage isn't about not being scared, that's just being a fool. Real courage involves still being scared but not letting that fear control you. It wasn't so bad with the cliff since I knew I could easily save myself but I'm not sure if I could do the same from this high up.”

To put it another way, Bravery is going into a situation without fear, because you want to do what you believe in. (E.g. Mario, Samus and the Teen Titans.)
Courage means that you might still be afraid, but you work THROUGH that fear, to do what you believe is right (e.g. Luigi, Fluttershy (Dragonshy) and Ron Stoppable.)

The filly was too excited to answer, but it was rather hard to miss the large balloon landing nearby and disgorging her friends. After a short chat, and much teasing of the orange unicorn as she nervously climber out of the basket, to catch the two older pegasi up on what happened without them Rainbow Dash took them on a small tour before the Best Young Flier Competition started.

Perhaps 'disgorge isn't the proper word. Maybe just saying "the balloon landing nearby, her friends disembarking from it.
Also, I think you might mean Clamber?


So they were kept from any trouble when they reached the area rainbows were made, but that didn't stop Pinkie from sticking her own hoof into trouble. While the the rest were having a small chuckle at their pink friend trying to eat a cloud to get the taste out of her mouth

Touch the rainbow! Taste the rainbow!

6518984 Hmm, yeah that sounds much better, though disgorge is a word that is so rarely used now. Also that other one was a typo of hitting r instead of d. :facehoof:
6518920 Have to be very careful with Bravery though as there is a fine line between it and stupidity. It's brave to dive over a cliff to save someone, but stupid to do so while not knowing how to fly. :pinkiecrazy:

Aside from the immortal somehow not having planned where to put the new chess piece(seems very unrealistic if it already went to so much trouble), I liked this intro and will continue reading to see where it goes.

zooba #35 · Oct 23rd, 2015 · · · 3 ·

So we have a pegasus that might not be able to fly and a unicorn that can't learn spells. They already have so much in common.

She probably should have warned the guard not to send in guards after her into the forest.

zooba #37 · Oct 23rd, 2015 · · · 21 ·

Damn, I caught up to the end of the story. It's pretty entertaining, keep up the good work.

“Well that should do it for now. Try not to get into too much trouble today, at least until you heal up at least.”

you said "at least" twice.

what is a downvote i see nothing like that here just a story im looking forward to reading

nice very very nice

Why is applejack and rarity filly!? Brain hurt me

Why is it always kite-shaped shields?

6807590 Actually kite shields aren't as common as you'd think. More often than not the shields you will see are heater shields. In this case though I use that one as, when added to the ring of fire, it makes it look kind of like an eye. :derpytongue2:

Why does the name Bella Donna sound familiar?

I just meant that first it was Shining Armor, then Nyx, and now Aegis Flash. Not that there's anything wrong with it, I only noticed I'd seen a few kite-shield cutie-marks.

6810922 Ahh, well those first two are actually closer to heater shields when going by the generic pictures I used for the kite shield.
The kite shield is often thinner but ends up much taller as well. I think some are also held differently too where it looks like it is being held sideways when compared to the heater shield.

Oh, I see it now. I didn't actually think to check before.

Oh Diiiiiiiissssssscoooordddd

Response to author's note:
Scrunches up face then boops back

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