• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,828 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Warming Hearts

"Everybody here?" Cimmerian asked, trotting into the Queen's chamber.

Pandinus and Zelus had both personally seen to its preparation. The blankets and cushions were scattered about the room, while the queens bed sat in the middle of the chamber. Pinkie was finally slowing down now that the adrenaline was wearing off. It seemed wrong to see her look so sleepy, but she was fighting every step of the way for just a little more time with her friends. Cadance was also present, Amare wrapped in her hooves and basking in the love the mare was radiating to the nymph.

Celestia trotted in as well, a curious expression crossing her face before she began to smile excitedly. It was possible the mare had figured out his plan, but she was keeping quiet.

"Alright everyone. I'm going to be using a knockout spell Luna taught me to get everyone here asleep then we're going to meet up in the dream realm.

The five mares from the past, Celestia, Cadance and Amare all made themselves comfortable as Cimmerian soared to the bed in the center. Din giggled a bit as she bounced from his landing and Zelus once more pressed against him as well the moment he was dozing off. It was something he'd have to get used to until the queen found a more permanent mate.

Casting the spell, he guided all present to the same dream.

"Din, Zelus? I want you two to hold this together for me. Celestia knows how if you're not certain so ask her. I'll be back."

The alicorn took to the dream realm, searching for his target. As expected there was a bit more shielding in place to stop his progress but it was fairly sloppy. The Nightmare had no idea what it was doing when it came to spellcraft, it seemed. Landing quietly, he found his target curled up in the darkness, chanting words of encouragement.

"It's going to be over soon, it's going to be over soon, it's going to be over soon, it's going to-"

"Twilight?" he asked, drawing an eep as the purple mare jerked in shock. "I'm back, and I'd like to try something. Will you allow me to?"

"W-what do you want? I-oh, it's you. Did...did you give the girls my letters?" the alicorn asked, her eyes brightening at the though.

"I did, I even had a friend give Spike his, since he was sleeping at the time. Fun thing about changelings is they can communicate even when asleep, so it's easy to have a sleeping drone read the information to an awake drone for transference into the waking world. Your friends were also very happy to hear you were still here, that you were still alive. Cadance was beside herself when I first brought up the possibility of you being possessed, because it meant that the little filly she took care of wasn't some heartless monster.

"Yes, Twilight. They were all ecstatic to hear you were still keeping yourself together."

"Thank you, thank you so much," she sobbed, rushing up and latching onto his foreleg. "It's wonderful to hear. I...I tried doing what you said, giving her useless information and she gets so mad. I give her wrong calculations and even though it makes me mad as well, I- I love hearing her rant about how something didn't work, or how everything's going wrong. I want to help, I want to make this end. If there's anything I can do just say it. I'd even-"

"Calm down, Twilight," Cimmerian whispered, gently picking her up. "You're doing plenty. I even have a little something I'd like to try if you give me the chance."

The purple mare nodded emphatically/

"Yes, anything! Anything you want!"

"Then we're going to go for a little trip," he said, gathering his power. A shout of alarm and anger from across the dream-void drew both their attention. Cimmerian chuckled, switching to a one-leg carry and grinning viciously at the Nightmare. With his other leg he drew his hoof across his throat in a cutting motion before his horn flared and the two were taken from the dream.

Cimmerian let the mare float in the dream realm long enough to reposition himself under her, catching her on his back and taking off for his second destination. The hardest part was over, this would be a bonus.

"Anybody home?" Cimmerian called into the darkness of the dream.

There was a shuffling in the distance, a gleam of reptilian eyes. Then the dreamer stepped into the light, drawing a gasp from his passenger.

"I...am. What...do...you...want," the drake asked in exhaustion.

"I was wondering if you'd like to participate in a dream get-together. I've already gathered Celestia, Cadance, Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack together and I was just picking up an extra for the Hearths Warming present," Cimmerian explained, twisting to drop the smaller alicorn and picking her up in his hooves.

"This is Twilight, the real one."

The drake moved forward, leaning to one side to allow his good eye to take in the mare before him. The purple pony was shaking under his inspection, but that seemed to put the drake at ease.

"It's different...no cruelty. Nightmare was...responsible? Heart said...that."

"I actually saw the Nightmare just before we left the dream. It's going crazy since most of its plans are falling apart, and it just learned I can steal its host. Well, we learned I can steal its host. Would you like to join us?"

Cimmerian watched as the drake ponder the offer before nodding.

"Want to see...them again. Be..nice."

"Excellent," the dark alicorn said. "Let's be on our way then."


Cimmerian reappeared in the shared dream in a flash of light, Spike stepping back to reorient himself to his new location. Before Cimmerian even opened his mouth in greeting though, Celestia had already ripped the mare from his forelegs.

A stream of happy, tearful babble was all he could make out as Celestia nuzzled and kissed her one-time student, tears streaming down both their faces as the purple alicorn babbled apologies and attempted to bury herself in the other mare's chest. The others, none faster than Pinkie in spite of her exhaustion, launched themselves to the pair. They were soon joined by a squealing Cadance as well, the pony pile growing bigger and bigger until no slip of purple was visible.

"Celestia figured it out while you were gone," Din said with a giggle before her eyes began to run over the drake beside him. "And who's this?"

"This is Spike, he was Twilight's assistant in years passed by and more recently Heart's guardian," Cimmerian introduced the dragon. "I hear she's quite enamored with you."

That drew a blush through the purple dragon's scales.

"She was...only friend for...long time. Wonderful to see...her well again. See her happy."

"A dragon huh? I think any queen would be happy with that kind of setup," Zelus giggled. "How is our sister doing? Is she well enough to begin laying again?"

"Not yet. Soon, she said. Few months. Said will become...thorny?" the drake rumbled, causing both queens to burst into laughter.

"Oh you adorable little thing, that's going to be a treat for you," Din said with a predatory grin. "She's going to be after you worse than Zelus and I chase Cimmerian."

Spike's confused expression just made them laugh harder. Cimmerian shook his head and patted the dragon's arm.

"I'm sorry, man. You are royally screwed."

"Don't be using that kind of language around my boy," Celestia chided, flying up and grasping the drake's snout in her hooves. She planted a kiss on his nose and patted him lovingly.

"It's good to see you again, Spike. I can't wait to actually see how much you've grown. I'll even see about bringing some Sapphire cookies, though I have a feeling I'm going to need a lot of them."

"Sounds nice," the dragon rumbled, his expression shifting to a smile. "Haven't had gems in...long time."

"We'll fix that," the white alicorn assured. "Have you gotten your eye looked at?"

"Zecora," Spike answered with a nod.

"Zecora's still hangin' round?" Applejack asked, the group of friends finally joining them. In the center of the group and being pressed against from all sides sat a still shaking Twilight Sparkle, her eyes betraying the mare's fear that this was all just a horrible dream- well, a fake dream, or...whatever.

"Give medicine for...eye. Need lots because eye...big," Spike rumbled. His gaze shifted from the Apple to the mare in the center of the group.

"S-spike, I'm so sorry, I-"

The dragon held up a claw, motioning for her to stop.

"Not apologize. Two reasons. One, feel slow. Things fuzzy now, not mean as much. Two, never hate you. Not ever, big sister."

Once more the purple mare began to weep at the kindness her friends were willing to give. Spike reached over and picked her up in his claws, holding her against his chest in an awkward hug.

"Not hate you, ever. Promise."

It was nearly three hours later when Cimmerian figured he was reaching his limit. Maintaining a dream with participants from so many locations was beginning to wear on him, oddly enough. Spike was the first to leave, the dark alicorn returning him to the dragon's own dream with the promise of his arrival before too long. He also fleshed out the warning he gave the dragon earlier, detailing what the queen would likely want once she recovered. Seeing the drake's eyes bulge at the prospect had been a wonderful treat.

"Good to know I'm not the only one dealing with horny queens," Cimmerian muttered as he flew back to the party-dream. The mare's were all giving tearful goodbyes and promises to see Twilight the moment she was free while Twilight was being made to promise she would do her best to see them in return.

The time was coming though.

"No dream lasts forever. But neither do the nightmares. We'll come for you soon, Twilight," Cimmerian said as he flew back to the alicorn's origin point.

He slowed as he approached, looking about in confusion. Where normally the place he was returning to would be obvious, he couldn't find it now. There was no place to put the purple alicorn. No location to return her to.

Her dream was gone.

'It was a shared dream, a shared dream between her and the Nightmare. Her body had two minds, two spirits...oh shit. What would happen if one of the spirits woke up?'

He looked around for a few more moments, the mare on his back becoming increasingly agitated.

"Cimmerian, sir? What's wrong?"

"I...I don't know. I can't find your dream...I-it looks like were going to have to jury-rig this," he said, looking about in anxiety.

He quickly flipped the mare into his hooves. He wasn't taking any chances with this, this was her spirit he was guiding right now, not just her consciousness. Her spirit, her soul. He'd accidentally separated her from her body. Did it happen every time he pulled someone from a dream or was it because of her unique situation?

'The hive. The hive is always up, I can always access the dream-hive. Maybe...'

With a flash, the alicorn was back at the Temple. The queens and the ponies had already returned to their lives the moment he left, free to wake up as they desired. Zelus was guiding drones from the dream-hive when he arrived, his anxiety causing her to stare and drawing Pandinus to the dream not a second later.

"Cimmerian? What's wrong, why-why do you still have that pony?" Din asked, her focus switching to the purple alicorn.

"The Nightmare woke up. She woke up without Twilight. I can't return her to a dream that doesn't exist anymore. I, can you keep her in here? I don't know how the dream-hive works, but can it support a mind like this?"

"I do not know," Zelus stated as she walked up to the pair. "I may have a solution though. It's worth an attempt. Don't you think so, Din?"

The second queen's eyes lit up in realization a moment later.

"Oh, I think that would work! Come dear, let's go get you situated. Leave it to us, Cimmerian. You have a play you're expected to attend."


As the ponies reveled in the cool jungle air, singing songs of old and passing out gifts and tokens of affection, a few drones continued about their assigned tasks. Suddenly one jerked, it's eyes beginning to focus on its surroundings with clarity it lacked before. It stared at he world around it, as if it had never noticed its surroundings before.

Hoofsteps nearby caused its ears to perk and it turned to the sound. Well, it tried to turn only to fall on its face with the dull thump of chitin impacting the soil.

"Careful dear. You need to give yourself some time to adjust," an echoing voice said. The drone was righted, facing the queen who smiled lovingly at it.

A second queen approached, this one nearly twice the size of the drone. The second queen lifted the drones face to meet her eyes.

"How does it feel to taste fresh air again, to want to move and have your body react?"

The drone shuddered, its jaws moving as it attempted to speak.

"Drones are not normally capable of speech I'm afraid. We may be able to make that adjustment later or the body can be shifted for such, but for now you must do without. I think it's worth it though, don't you think so?"

The drone nodded emphatically. It would likely have been crying if it remembered how-oh, nevermind. It was crying now.

"Well, I believe we have some ponies to visit. Come along, dear. Let's go meet them," the smaller queen said, turning towards the temple.

The drone made to follow only to stumble. The second queen held it upright, keeping a soft glow over the drones shell for support. Nodding and mouthing its thanks, it stepped down, taking its first step of its own power in over a decade.

Author's Note:

Oops, Cimmerian dun goofed. I also demand video of Mad eating his hat.

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