• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,648 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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111 - Gnolls, on my Train?

Spike and Applejack clashed instantly with the shaggy combatants, keeping them from getting through the door as Twilight wheeled on them. She reared on her hind legs and spread her hooves wide, "Begone, in the name of harmony!"

A thunderous crashing came down as the room beyond the door became lost in a dazzling rainbow of colors, intricate and orderly. The gnolls howled in agony, many of them collapsing to the ground under the prismatic assault. When the color faded, the numbers had fallen sharply in favor of Twilight's party.

Applejack sent one flying onto the pile of his brothers just in time for Rainbow to squeeze past her and enter the battle with lashing hooves. "You didn't have a chance from the start," mocked Rainbow as she boxed one staggering on its feet to the ground.

Spike glanced towards Twilight, "How'd you do that? We didn't bring the Elements with us, they're back at the Tree."

Twilight let her friends mop up the remaining gnolls as she looked to Spike, "Apparently, wielding harmony is not an unknown concept here in Everglow. It's a very complicated spell, but I've gotten it down." She pointed in the room with the defeated gnolls, "As you can see from my first field testing of it. It doesn't harm ponies that hold harmony close to their heart, or cause property damage."

Soft gave a strong thumbs up, "You really know how to clear out a room, Twilight." She dashed ahead to tend to a minor cut on Applejack, though the battle was won without any significant injury. "If they knew we were on the train, they would have stayed home."

Rainbow was already quickly nudging fallen gnolls around, looking for gems. "Over here, Spike."

Spike hurried over, applying skilled fingers to the looting process and adding the haul to his backpack, to Rainbow's delight.

Soft sighed a little, "I hope everyone else made it out OK."

Applejack nodded, "That Sonata was a mighty curious pony, but she don't deserve to go like that. Let's get to the front so we don't join her."

The windows in the room suddenly shattered. Huge leathery creatures swung in, wearing riveted hide armor bolted directly to their flesh. They reached for the ponies with great clawed hands, mouths open wide with crooked but deadly-looking teeth.

Twilight suddenly projected a bubble around herself as she shied away, "I don't think they're ready to give up yet..."

Sonata picked herself up off the uneven floor. "Lex?" she called, looking around. She couldn't see much. There was smoke in her nose, and she felt battered. She tried to gather her wits. Everything dropped, then started banging around. Lex did... something. It was dark and cold, but she was alive. Where is he? She shook herself out and moved for the spot of light she could see, picking her way through the twisted wreckage.

A soft cry caught her attention. She turned to the left. There it was again. She put her hooves to a panel of metal and heaved with all her might, slowly pulling it up and to the side, revealing a weakly-wailing mare. "Hey there!" She was happy to see anyone at all, but the mare was less happy. She was hurt, badly.

"Help me, please," she begged. "I can't feel my legs."

Sonata nodded a little, glancing around as she heard other muffled sounds. "I, uh, OK..." She grabbed the mare by the collar and dragged her towards the light, emerging onto the mountainside. Sonata could see the whole train, or what was left of it. Most of it had fallen off the track, and it looked badly crumpled. She set the mare down on the rocky soil, "You gonna be OK?"

The mare nodded weakly before pointing back inside, "There were others in the car with me. Please, if you can save any of them..."

Sonata took a slow breath as she trotted back and forth a moment. A lot of ponies needed her help, and she had no idea where she was anymore, besides by a train track. This isn't what her escape to Equestria was supposed to be like at all! She stomped a hoof on the ground with a grunt, then trotted back into the wreckage, "Hello? Anyone out there?"

She thought she saw a flash and pulled aside a broken panel to reveal a stallion that hadn't made it. She turned her head away from the badly broken body and moved on with a little sniffle, "This is so uncool." Suddenly she had a small presence wrapped around her leg. She squeaked and fell back onto her haunches, looking down to see a small furry figure with wings attached to her. It had a long thin tail that was equally fuzzy. "Hello?"

A feline face looked up at her. The young purrsian, a kitten, gave a thin smile, "Mommy's gone."

Sonata glanced around, "Where did she go to?"

The face fell a little, "Away."

Sonata's mind put it together and her own face fell, "Oh. That totally sucks. Come on." She grabbed the purrsian by the neck and put him on her back, "If you see anyone, let me know. We're the rescuers."

Being given a task other than survival or grief seemed to agree with the kitten, and they picked their way through the wreckage together. It was going to be a long day, but Sonata didn't mind the company at all.

Applejack grunted as dirty claws tore at her. "These fellas are a mite bit tougher than the others," She shouted out, locked in a deadly melee with the boarders. A flash of light and power made the creature in front of her flinch, but push ahead, not entirely impressed by Spike's contribution.

Rainbow looked around with a bit of a panic, "Every time I knock this one over, he just gets back up again!" Even as she said it, a hand with sharp claws reached for her. She lashed out a hoof, knocking the creature to the floor again, but for how long?

Twilight flashed with power as a thin stream of acid sprayed the downed creature. It hissed, and soon stopped struggling, "Go help AJ," ordered Twilight, "I'll take care of finishing them off."

The hulking combatants seemed to hear Twilight and shoved past Applejack to get at her. Applejack knocked one into the wall for the slight of ignoring her, lowering her hind legs as she shouted, "Here they come!"

Spike ducked under a lunging claw and began to tear at one to keep it away from Twilight, but Twilight had her own plans. When one reached for her, she vanished in a lavender distortion, only to reappear on the other side of Applejack. "They know I can put them down."

Rainbow smirked, "That means they're scared." She brought down a rain of pain in the form of fast-moving hooves on one as it tried to get to Twilight, "And they should be!" One of them lunged for Rainbow even as she stood prideful, digging its claws into two different legs and pulling them apart, "Ow ow OW, get it off!" Applejack brought her hooves down on its back, knocking it to the floor under Rainbow just before acid stilled its thrashing.

"Don't go counting them out yet," said Spike as he rent one into so many parts, though they still quivered in their own piles in a fashion that made his stomach turn a little, "Yuck..."

Despite Spike's words, most of the fight had been knocked out of them. With the numbers turned against them, there was little these creatures, fierce as they were, could do before their united front. The last hit the ground, bathed in Twilight's acid as life fled it.

"Aw yeah," said Rainbow just before she winced. Soft let her healing flow freely, soothing the hurts those dirty claws left behind.

"I'm just about out," she warned, "I can't do it forever you know."

Twilight softly snorted, "Would that you could, but you did well, everypony did."

Rainbow gave a little giggle of triumph as Spike found some coins in their pockets. "Are you sure we can't, you know, keep fighting these guys? We'll get my wing back and have some extra to get something fancy."

Soft rolled her eyes, "There's only so many of them, Dash. They're not just, you know, popping out of some hole for you to get money."

Rainbow stuck out her tongue, "A mare can dream. Let's get up to the engine already."

Applejack moved to the fore with Spike. She paused on the way to ruffle Soft's hair, "Ya did good. Shoot, wish we had someone s'good at patching up back when we were saving Equestria all those other times."

They pushed open the door between cars and and arrived in the engine car. Before they could rush through the airlock style room, Soft held up a hand and moved up on the door quietly. She pulled it open just a crack and peeked through before letting the door pull itself shut.

"What'd you see?" asked Twilight with a tilted head.

Soft gestured towards the front, "One big gem gnoll banging on a door. It looks closed off."

Applejack raised a brow curiously, "Twilight, maybe this one's the boss. Think we can reason with 'em?"

Spike raised a hand, "I'll try!"

Twilight took half a step back, "You? Are you sure?"

Spike nodded his head, "I'm sure, and if things get ugly, I'll keep him busy. Better than letting you get jumped on."

Soft frowned softly, "Spike, you're not just a wall for us to use."

Spike gave a thumbs up, "I'm a heroic wall, and I'm going in." He slid the door open and stepped inside, "Hey."

The gem gnoll was indeed larger than the others. The great beast spun around to face Spike with a snarl, "What are you doing here?"

Spike shrugged softly and dug out one of the many gems they'd looted, "I heard you were looking for these, thought we'd have a little talk?"

The gnoll's brow raised, "You have my attention... I am Ruby Finder." He gestured over his vast collection of rubies sewn into his fur, "As you can see. What's your name, dragon?"

Spike smiled brightly, "Spike, at your service. Why are you banging at that door?"

The gnoll frowned, "Supposed to stop the train and get loot off, but the driver locked himself in!"

Spike shrugged, "Nah, no point. All your boys already jumped off the train. Boy, what will they think when they realize their boss was the only one still scared to jump?"

He blinked, "What? Even the trolls?!" His ears twitched, listening for something for a moment, "Blast it all! Forget stopping the train. Ruby Finder will not be known as a coward!"

Spike held up a finger, "Well, I could fly you off the train, nice and safe, for a price."

Ruby tilted his head then, "What price?"

Spike pointed at Ruby, "Just a few of those. Only fair, right?"

Ruby looked like he had been slapped across the face, "My rubies! No. You take coins." He fished out a sack of coins and hurled it at Spike, "Now get me off this thing."

Spike put the bag away, giggling internally as he moved up to Ruby and hefted him up. Ooof, he was pretty heavy, but not enough to stop him from gaining some altitude. They zipped out the airlock, practically knocking aside his friends on their way out. Spike dropped Ruby off beside the train, then zipped back to the train that had sped past. Fortunately, Spike was faster than the train and soon they were reunited.

Rainbow snorted softly, "We could have thrashed him. It would have served him right for what he did, and all those rubies woulda been ours too."

Twilight shook a hoof, "We're not here to do that. I'm very proud of you, Spike, for handling that without violence." She strode into the room and gently rapped on the metal door. "They're gone, you can come out now."

There was no reply. Applejack shook her head, "Reckon he can't even hear us through that thing. Is that solid metal?"

Soft shrugged softly, "Well, I think it's all clear at least. He'll come out when the train pulls into the next station."

Twilight gave a half-smile, "Let's go back to the dining car. I hope Sonata's OK."

Spike raised a brow, "And Lex?"

Applejack snorted softly, "And Lex. Strange fella that one."

Author's Note:

This party cannot stay together, it seems. What will befall Sonata with the wrecked remains of the back portion of the train? Her enchanting skills will not avail her now!

Ruby Finder promised a high quality editor for this chapter, but the editor hopped off the train. Applejack may have helped him do the hopping.

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