• Member Since 21st Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen May 21st


[aka FlutterWitch, aka MidnightChaos, aka The Witching Hour]


To hell with you! I was bored.
Anyway, you're favorite youtubers end up in Equestria mysteriously.
Weird huh?
Well try being them.

Listen up.
This story is purposely supposed to be horrible.
Also, I'm slightly stressed so this is going on hiatus until... The day after Thanksgiving.
I will try to get you guys another chapter by then.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 72 )

Imagine, Brony youtubers wake up and find themselves suddenly in Equestria! Dream come true right? Of sorts. One minor detail, there is no internet in Equestria so how do they countinue what they've been doing? Just ask your friendly neighbor ho

Just ask your friendly neighbor ho

neighbor ho

Anyway, you're favorite youtubers end up in Equestria mysteriously.

I see no Best Friends Zaibatsu or Jantran in this fic so obviously my favorite youtubers didn't end up in Equestria.

Well I like it so DEALT WITH


Yeah... did you really have to write this?

5232787 Your comment is so goddammit true. No America, no salt, and no ech's anywhere. Jackleapp is the only guy I like here.

Just read it.

>No buildup or introduction he's just vomited out into Equestria.
>ZERO personality. I'm not a fan of LivingTombstone but I imagine he has one.
>That random perspective shift to a "a voice similar to John De Lancie's"
>Twilight can somehow read an ENTIRE census in a short timespan

I like it. Your good at writing things in a way that makes them interesting. You've chosen a hard topic and are doing good right off the bat. Keep it up!

Yes... I have been waiting for this story to happen! Now to read!

5233369 No. You're fucking wrong. The guy on the far left is one of the most autistic "musicians" of this group.

Who are the people in the picture? I'm sorry, but I can't make out the names...

5233425 Even so, don't even think about giving him praise either way. Egotistic cunt doesn't deserve it.

Simply being bored is no excuse for this kind of cancer.
Just like you don't go outside and start setting homeless people on fire because "you were bored".

This is THE BEST........THING.......EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I wish the emotes were working :c)

5233425 The youtubers made their own OCs. :applejackunsure:

5232787 And where's Candid Canned?


I said the OC is the only one that doesn't look overly autistic. It has a fitting coat and mane color and the eyes work too, nothing over the top on it either.

5233668 Fuck it, just put all of Normal Boots, Spacehamster, and Egoraptor in.
Also, Caddicurus is the main villain.
And Jwittz. And Mattpatt. And Dookieshed.

5233746 Don't know, too late... Early, in the morning to care.



pls no

I'd rather a youtuber who hasn't gone completely to shit

5233779 I sense a story here...?
Seriously though, why the hate for Egoraptor?

He's just not funny anymore. His last few animations have been lackluster and his last Sequelitis can be boiled down to "It's not Link to the Past so I hate it".

I also don't really like Danny or Ross from Game Grumps either. Last time I watched GG, Danny seemed more interested in telling stupid sex stories than he was in the game, and Ross is just a void of personality.

5233858 Yeah, I am disappointed with GG now that the Tronman has left us. And while you are sort of right, all Sequilitis's can be boiled down to that. He's an entertainer. I was entertained. His Castlevania 2 one pretty much came down too "everything is slow and straightforward." Plus, I found the Awesome Series to be fairly enjoyable.

Oh well. Its just a thought. An OPINIONATED THOUGHT. Thanks for reading.

on the lookout for a chapter about silverquill. I can dream cant I?

D-D-D-D-Dig-Digi-Digibrony? Please? Safe version or his new 'edgy' smoking version? I'm super interested!~

I'll make you guys a deal.
Someone find a image with all the Youtubers in the comments and the cover art and I'll use that one instead.
How about it?

That would be so rad rotflol topkek jajaja

5235344 If anyone's interested, there is a two-chapter Jontron fic called Jontron:Equestria. Its short, and will probably never be updated, but I found it good.

I'm going to be serious for a moment here. If you think people are being disrespectful towards your work, putting something in the description is only going to make it worse. I've seen it happen a lot. Going after assholes on the internet is the wrong way to go about it. The success of a story is entirely dependent on the originality of the idea and the time put into it, and since this is an idea that's been done many times in the past and didn't have any clear editing, people are going to tell you that. Yes, it would be nice if all of that criticism was constructive, but most of the people who are capable of giving constructive advice don't bother commenting on stories they don't like. That being said, if you want a story to be well received, you have to work for it. You have to get an editor, write multiple drafts, and make sure that your story idea hasn't been used before. Trolls will always lurk the internet, so it's you, the writer, who has to change, as unfair as that might sound.

. . . This could honestly be better, but at least it's decent. My first attempt at a story on this site was utter crap, so I scrapped it. At least yours isn't "over-convoluted".

excellent so far you just need to finish it you got my suport

This story tries too hard at being bad, and I don't know any of these Youtubers.

Listen up.

This story is purposely supposed to be horrible.


It is. Trust me.

And yet you failed to make it amusing, thereby making it terrible on its own. Bad-on-purpose can be done good (Garth Marenghi's Darkplace proves this).

Like Halfway Crook said, this is just tryhard. It fails so hard at being bad that it loops around to being awful again.

Well congrats on failing to make it entertaining in the slightest. If you're going to write bad on purpose at least have the decency to make it the entertaining bad.

Ok. Thanks for the info.

I really want to see more of this.

What is your E.T.C. (Estimated Time of Completion) for the next chapter? I would like to see how this story develops.

Maybe Today (10th) or Tomorrow (11th)

Edit: Make that the 13th.


Maybe you should send out a poll or ask for suggestions as to what situations to put the youtubers through.

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