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Cosmic Cowboy

I'm a linguist. I like ambiguity more than most people.


“That’s not true, sis! Ah met a pony who never got her Cutie Mark! What if Ah’m like her? What if mine never comes?”

The one thing that keeps the Cutie Mark Crusaders going through failure after failure is the promise that someday, they will succeed. Someday they will find their passions in life. But when the Crusaders discover something that casts doubt on all those promises, what can keep them going?

Only someone who knows what it's like to not know yourself.

Edited by Cherry Frosting. Thanks, Cherry!

Commentary Blog (Spoilers)

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 82 )

Hmn, I suppose albinism would prevent a cutie mark, due to the fact that there are no colors. You have my intrest

Excellent so far. Keep it goin :twilightsmile:

Only the Lonely is a type of tobacco plant, in case anyone was wondering.

5277484 Oh, is it? That one went over my head entirely.

Needless to say, Rarity doubted she would ever forget the experience of walking into Pinkie’s room and seeing her strapped to a miniature dentist’s chair, jaws clamped shut and crying her eyes out, with her sister and her friends running candy rope back and forth between Gummy’s jaws, yelling “Gingivitis!” over and over again from across the room.

OMFG!!! Freakin HILARIOUS!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

5277623 Yeah, I had no idea before. Now you know, too. Fitting flower names are hard to find,

5277688 I'm glad that worked. I was afraid people wouldn't like that part.

I cannot wait for the next chapter. This is excellent so far.

Now I want to see what the Mane 6 will do...

Just finished ironing out the details of the story from here on out, and it looks like we'll have four or five more chapters before the end, or as little as three, depending on how long they turn out to be. We should be done before the end of the year! Maybe even sooner.

Holy crap, featured... wow, I didn't see that coming. First story and all.

Never expected to see a story like this. I like Lily...feel kinda sorry for her, too, and I'm definitely feeling sorry for the Crusaders. Can't wait for this to continue.

is trhis a contiuation of the story of the blanks?

5298689 As in, a sequel to another story? No, this is as original as fanfiction gets. I'd like to check out that story, though. Link?

5298693 not a story per se...
it seems like from the description AB could say "I met a whole town in the everfree of ponies who never got their cutie marks! and were afraid of them! Ah saw it!"
a spooky game and the sacharine, tinny, music only makes it creepier

5298757 Hm. Never heard of it. Interesting, though.

5298770 you may wanna play, takes like 5 mins and has spawned several dozen pics

we’ve never pulled off a storm this big before, and I’ve got a weird feeling about it.”

It's not a weird feeling, it's a bad feeling.

Poor Lily's gonna lose her house.

Hi, there! Loving this so far! And I hate to be a pain, and do not want to offend, but as a freelance editor, I'd feel remiss if I did not point a couple of things.

Applebloom looked incredibly anxious. “So, you think she’s right? You think she really did meet a pony like that?”

Should be Applejack.


looking for clues to where large numbers of letters were being sent from the Ponyville Express was sending large amounts of letters.

Sorry. Please do not hate me!

5299189 No hate here. Thanks for pointing those out. Don't know how those slipped by. Probably because I do most of my work in the middle of the night. :applejackunsure:

5299189 Fixed 'em! Thanks for noticing!

The premise is not overly original, but there are some seriously kewl ideals here.

Those names are too clever. Jealously imminent.

5306669 Could you point me toward similar stories? I've never seen anything quite like this before, but it'd be cool to see what other people do with the idea.

And thus, the truth is out. But it's not that Lily doesn't have a mark, just that she can't see it on account of being an albino. One wonders what the solution to that could be, if there is one...

“Ah have an idea! Ah need to talk to some ponies!”

This can only end in tears.

Allow me to be the first to say...awww. Seriously, who can resist Applebloom and her cuteness after enough exposure?


I disliked it because Ying and Yang and shit.
But seems interesting!
EDIT: I read all the chapters now.
I want more.
I NEED more.
Its like a drug, you have a little then some more and then your snorting it out of a hobo's ass. Or in this case going on fimfiction every day hoping for a new chapter and silently raging when there is none.
EDIT: Since there are two dislikes, im liking it now.

5317906 You jerk.:trixieshiftleft: You bumped me back 2,000 stories in the rankings. Lol thanks for the milestone, anyway. I was wondering when I would get my first downvote. To persuade to you take it down, I'll tell you that the last chapter is done, and I'll publish it first thing in the morning. (I'm not really mad at you)

I like this story a lot so far. You get a like, a favorite and a follow. Hope to see more stories from you in the future.

5318983 Well, there are still some other Crusaders who need attention... but not yet. I really want to start writing Embassy. Someday. They'll likely be even shorter, though.

Great first story and great OC. I really liked the idea of an albino pony not being able to see their cutie mark, that was very creative. I look forward to your next story and I like the idea of you focusing on one tag in each story. Thanks for the good read.

Though a bit short, still a sweet story.


An OC pony similar to my own huh? I'll have to check this out for sure. :raritywink:

I'm curious how you handle and explain the albinism. :moustache:

In a way, it is kinda sad to see that Gilded Lily has been completed, because this is a beautifully written work. And the ending... PERFECTION!!!

Good story, but are you going to make a sequel?

5319121 Someday. Probably a shorter story (or two) or a one-shot. Christmas special?

This was a wonderful story, and the ending? Very heartwarming.

Oh I hope that wasn't too spoilery.

Not great, but not horrible. It has enough strengths to warrant an upvote. Wouldn't mind seeing a sequel, if only to see the other crusaders get there marks and have Twilight realize she can probably use magic to help Lilly discover what her cutie mark is. I mean, if she can transform the mane6 into breezies, a complete species change, then you'd think she'd be able to modify the spell to change a albino into a regular pony temporarily, like, long enough to look at their newly in-color butt. She's suppose to be a wiz at magic, so it shouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.

Alright. I enjoyed this. It was a pretty good story.

If I had to make a criticism of it, I took some issue with the pacing. While I did find this epilogue to be extremely well written and even heartwarming, I do wish there had been more build up before hand.

Lily didn't really get to know the main characters or the townspeople that well. And while them all giving an outpouring of support to her like that was touching, it would have been even more touching if we'd been given chapters showing her making a connection with those people and with the main characters.

In fact, the townspeople had previously been depicted as extremely gossipy about her. And not all of it was positive, thus their immense charity felt a little out of the blue.

I guess, it just would have been nice to see a steady change over a few chapters of the townspeople getting to know her better. Then... BAM! you lay the tear-jerking heartwarming goodness on.

That said. This was pretty good. I've read worse. like, far worse. Like, you have no goddamn idea how worse.

Apparently this was also the first story you've written since your childhood as well? If so, you're off to a good start. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on what you put out in the future.

Wee prob. ^^;
Didn't Lilly meet Applejack when they were sorting through letters in the last chapter?

5320994 No, that was Applebloom, the little yellow one with the bow instead of the hat.


Lily nodded. “I sure do. Every pony gets one eventually. Even me, probably,” she said, looking back at her rump.

I hate to say this, because so far I have liked this story, but that line... I can't help but feel that line cheapens the entire conflict.

"I tried everything, even though the doctors told me that I would never be able to see the result."

When I first heard of Twilight's reasoning, that Lily's cutie mark was there, but just invisible because of her Albinism I thought she was rationalizing away something she didn't understand by picking the easy answer. I was expecting that to blow up in her face when it finally got back to Lily, instead I find out, to my unpleasant surprise, that it really was the answer.

Don't get me wrong, I still like this story, and I'm still going to finish it, but I can't help but feel that a road filled with opportunity is now closed off so this story can have a quick and happy resolution. I suppose some of this is influenced by my own head-canon and personal bias, the part of me that always sides with the Crusaders every time they ask what is supposed to be a responsible adult for just the tiniest bit of help and still get shut down. That said, there are still a lot of good parts to this story, and I definitely liked it.

Any more chapters, like how she discovers her cutie mark ?:pinkiehappy:

Gingivitis! Apparently.

Comment posted by Cosmic Cowboy deleted Dec 1st, 2014

5324482 I know that. I was just being random and saying it because it came up and they were saying it.

5317906 Comment downvoted because karma n' stuff.

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