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Talon and Thorn


It's Dinky's birthday, not only that this year she got her cutie mark, she's really growing up. Her mother couldn't be happier, right?

So why does Ditzy find herself feeling a little maudlin as she thinks about her daughter and what the future might bring. Could she be growing up to fast? Will there be a day when she doesn't need her mother any more? Could that day be just around the corner?

A Lunaverse story

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 47 )

As Hawkeye Pierce would say, finest kind.

So, I play Derpy on an RP forum, and we have a Dinky, and ironically we recently had a thing with earrings and piercings ourselves just a little while ago XD.

Also, considering my own parents are starting to deal with this sort of thing since I'm moving out of state and my sister has been living out of state for college. So, yeah, lots of feels for me :fluttercry:

This chapter kind of gives a "Cats in the Cradle" vibe, although neither Ditzy nor Dinky are anything like the father and son in that song.

I'm curious about Dinky's aura... has it always been pink?

*sniff* Just a little something in my eye.

Normally it's described as lavender...though in hindsight I wish I had made it yellow, in order to match her eyes and cutie mark (as is typically the case in the show).


I'm glad you decided to keep the bunch of conclusions at the end rather than one new fantasy.


Looking at them now I think they might have worked better in reverse order as the last ones are still generally downers, Dinky broken hearted when Pip (presumably) cheats on her and Dinky the single mother with the father wanting nothing to do with his child. They're softened that Ditzy will still be there for her daughter but still not much fun. Where as the earlier ones are happier, Ditzy living with her successful daughter and her family and the two of them going for ice cream.

I don't think there could have been a single happy ending for all of them, Dinky having Sterling's kid then getting married and having more then having her mother moving in after cutting back on the extreme piercing?

If I had gone with only one happy ending it would probably be the first one old Ditzy living with her daughter and grand children would seem to be the best ending for our element of kindness. To be honest it would be a great comparison with her dark twin Puissance living happily with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren with them all being happy and successful is not necessarily hugely rich.

“Don’t sell yourself short. Maybe you should put yourself out there a bit - you never know who’ll turn up. Apple?” she asked, levitating a large red fruit form a basket left open for the guests.

“Um, thanks,” said Ditzy, not sure about the non sequitur. She took a bite out of the fruit. It was sweet.

“Maybe you could get used to eating apple more often,” suggested Pearl, waggling her eyebrows.

Truly, Rarity's mom is the very personification of subtlety.

Man this was so unbelievably heart warming :twilightsmile:

Loved the interaction between all the characters, Dinky was as adorable as always and the mother and daughter worked well together. I also liked having some of the non L-6 characters interacting.

I'm on the fence about the sub plot of Caster Cut appearing to be taking more of an interest in Dinky's life. The way you wrote it was fine but it's more the concept it self that I'm unsure of. On some level I admit that Dinky has a right to know who her father is but at the same time I just don't know how to feel about subjecting a kid to suddenly meeting the dad she never had and them suddenly taking an interest in their life. I mean Dinky is very mature for her age but this is still a lot for anyone to take in. But that's my own opinion and this was a very minor thing so it didn't affect my reading experience.

I do agree with RDD, having the resolutions to the previous fantasies rather than just creating a whole new fantasy was a brilliant move. It just brings a better level of closure.

I think what I liked most about this was that for the most part you kept Ditzy's conflict internal. While I know that the point of the series is to have friends be there to help you, this was very much an issue that Ditzy herself had to deal with. Having her being able to find some closure on her own without there having to be some major conflict was really nice. Do I think this will be the end of Ditzy's maternal anxiety? No but I do feel she is in a really good place.

Also the bits with Big Mac were great in this. They gave enough of a hint of a future relationship to peak future interest but not enough to detract from the main focus or to feel that it was shoe horned in. This is how I picture their relationship forming, pleasant conversation with the occasional nice gesture until one finds the courage to ask the other out on a date but the whole time just taking things as it happens. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing more of this in future Lunaverse stories but considering that Big Mac is my favourite pony I realise I may be bias.:eeyup:

All in all, this was a great story :pinkiehappy:


I'm on the fence about the sub plot of Caster Cut appearing to be taking more of an interest in Dinky's life.

To be honest this was the part I was most thinking about cutting. Now that his ex-lover is a national hero as well as his older daughter living in the same town as his younger I don't think Castor can ignore the situation any more. I don't think he himself knows what he wants at the moment.

I don't consider him a monster but he's certainly not handed the situation well, talking or writing to Ditzy would have been a better idea, and given he seems fairly rich he should be doing more to support Dinky.

I've more or less set this up for anyone who wants to write a resolution in the future, I know Fizzy has a Fillydelphia story planned but I don't think it has any Castor scene's planned for it.

While I know that the point of the series is to have friends be there to help you, this was very much an issue that Ditzy herself had to deal with.

I think the problem is that none of her friends are actually parents so she's a bit alone when it comes to this sort of issue, Cheerilee is in loco parentis to her class so she has an inkling of the problems but her kids still aren't her flesh and blood and at the end of the day she hands them back to their parents. I think Ditzy's probably part of a whole network of Ponyville parents, Heavy Roller as a single parent, Shutter Bug as a Pegasus raising a unicorn and Pearl as the mother of two unicorn fillys all probably form a mutual support network, maybe even Mac, Applejack and Granny Smith raising Applebloom might be part. It would fit in with Ditzy being friends with almost the entire town.

I was planning to go with Hope Fox's Worst mother continuity so that Dinky and Sweetie shared a birthday and Pearl and Ditzy had been in hospital together so that they had bonded. When I tried to write it this way, however, the fact it's all focused in Dinky seemed to be cruel to Sweetie, it was her birthday too and Dinky got all these amazing presents and things and she got sort of ignored. I still like to think that the two fillies switch birthday party days each year Sweetie had her birthday party yesterday or tomorrow this year.

I understand the reluctance to let Dinky Interact with her father; but eventually in the indefinite future however, she will have to meet her father.

Personally, I am opposed to medically unnecessary body-modification of minors.

You did not tell us which CutieMark she has. In the show, she is a blank flank or has either, dolphins, a pillow, horseshoes, or an archery-bow. ¿Is her CutieMark 1 of these or something different?



I suppose that this means that timetraveling Dinky Doo is now canon. It’s about time. :twilightblush:

I really hope that were possible futures
in particular the last:pinkiesick::fluttershysad:


All the flashes were just looks into Ditzy's imagination, none of them are supposed to be the future of the Lunaverse.

I’m not looking forward to having to teach them about that sort of thing. It didn't go so well when I tried it with Trixie.”

That line's right there really cracked me up once I realized when they had actually met.

Also, congrats on having 100% green thumbs.

Of course the other reason why she can't have a puppy is that, Dinky holding a cute animal while having a bow would probably kill the universe with daw.

Great Ponynees, far bigger than even the largest of the foals.

and now I am thinking of Azumanga Daioh, thank you!

Ok, I forgot, wich story was it where Dinky got her mark?


It was Grass and Clouds 2 who suggested the big dog I think that's were he got the idea from to.

Its going to happen in a later chapter of Treasure hunt (although it was earlier scheduled for Magic Tutor) so this story is sort of spoilers.

4851555 Might not kill it, but it'd need intensive care.

Pearl, Ditzy does not do sexual innuendo, okay?

Aww, this story was great. Warm, fuzzy, funny and even funky in some places. ;) Great work, Talon.

Carbohydrate Hexahedron Intersection

This is pure poetry. XD

When did Trixie learnt fire magic?


Most of it's illusions, but she did pick up some fire magic when Corona 'recharged' her in Tambolin, that was temporary but it might have made her interested in learning a little something herself.

With a smile Ditzy brought out her greatest treasure, a full jar of Zap apple jam. The magical condiment was normally well out of her price range, but a few weeks ago she had bumped into Big Macintosh Apple at the market,

delete (it's just Big Macintosh).

Applebloom >> Apple Bloom

Before Ditzy could say anything, the pan was surrounded by a pink aura and moved smoothly to the jug, pouring its golden contents in before Dinky returned to her whisking.

Her aura is lavender.

When did she get her cutie mark (and what does it look like)? And where was her Cutiecenra? I've read through all the fics but Treasure Hunt and don't recall seeing either of them.

Applebloom >> Apple Bloom


And how! I mean you could get lost in the subtext of her strealthy suggestions :raritywink::raritywink:.

That was an adoracute ending. And it was cool of you to make this a cutecenera and a Bday party ^_^.


Dinky is currently due to get her mark at the end of Treasure Hunt, it was originally scheduled for Magic Tutor but RDD changed his mind.

It's sad that the fic is on Hiatus.

Trixie had been persuaded to put on a show, and by persuaded she meant the show mare had begged to be allowed to. Ditzy smiled at the recollection; you’d have thought it was Trixie’s own birthday.

I love that line. And to be fair, when comparing the maturity of Dinky and Trixie, it's sometimes difficult to tell which one's more mature (my guess is Dinky).

Dinky headed towards her daughter’s bedroom. She plastered a smile on her face and opened the door.

Either that's a typo, or Dinky really is growing up too quickly. (And it's kinda ironic considering the fantasy Ditzy has at the end of the chapter.)

I don't know about killing the universe. But there would certainly be plenty of Bomb Squad calls from hearts exploding, a great deal more suffering from diabetic shock, and dentists will certainly be getting a lot of patients.

I assume she got her Cutie Mark in Treasure Hunt (which is still unfinished if I'm not mistaken). As for Big Macintosh having the last name of Apple, keep in mind that this is the Lunaverse and NOT the Maneverse. Differences like that are acceptable. Normally it bugs me when people want to add last names to characters that have none just so that they can be shown as family or just have a last name. But alternate universe stories are exceptions I'll allow (even if it still technically bugs me...stop looking at me like that, Snails! That's not what I mean by "bugs"!).

I think Ditzy's imagination suffers from the same affliction that my...I mean...Trixie's taste buds suffer from.

“I want one,” mumbled Bon Bon next to her marefriend, causing Lyra to choke for a moment. “I meant a song, it’s been ages since you wrote one for me. Why, what did you think I meant?” she said with a grin.

Oh Bon Bon...you know exactly what you did.

My guess is that it happened (or will happen when it's finished) in Treasure Hunt. I can't think of any other story in which it happens.

Finally Dinky raised her head, her tears slowing to a trickle. “Kiss it better?” she asked with a sniff.

And my heart just exploded.

“Here!” exclaimed Pinkie, leaping up from nowhere holding a pack of ice. “For ice emergencies!” she explained.

Pinkie Pie knows what she's doing...even if nobody else knows what she's doing. Is it strange that an ice emergency sounds stranger than a cake emergency?

Stop making excuses and call it what it is. Liquid pride. Totally not tears. *sniff* I'm not crying, you're crying!

This fic takes place during the fall. So why is it listed as taking place during the winter?


It's sort of on the cusp, it's after Treasure hunt as that's when Dinky is now getting her mark which is noted to be at the very end of Autumn so be default that means that Dinky's birthday must be in Winter. I didn't think all that much about the exact time of year when I wrote it.

Fair enough. It's close enough where it may as well be listed as winter. And seeing the lack of stories in the winter listing, it probably couldn't hurt to just add it for the sake of balancing it out a little.


Honestly how I saw it (and how it's been portrayed to now). Is that like most Earth Pony Families. They don't have last names, but they do have Family Themes (Like the Cakes have some form of Cake in their name; and all the Apples are Apple Related foods (or naturally have Apples in their name)). Like Big McIntosh, is the name of an Apple. As is Granny Smith. Applejack is the term for Freeze Distilled Apples, and Apple Bloom is about the Bloom of an Apple flower.).

It just felt tacked on here. When throughout the entire series to now. No last name was used, and it followed what Earth Ponies do in the show. Use naming themes for family names (Something none of the other races do.).

Surprising you made ditzy and her friends the elements and also a little sad


Well, it's not just me, it's the nature of the shared universe this is part of the Lunaverse.

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