• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 2,232 Views, 109 Comments

Doctor Whooves: You Are Not Alone - LightOfTriumph

The Doctor goes to the coordinates Twilight gave him and finds himself in a place he shouldn't be, meeting an old enemy who should be long dead.

  • ...

Deja Vu

They had been playing this game since there were games to play.

He and his adversary had been waging this war for millennia. Each one using a new tactic each time the game restarted. New pieces, new board, new rules, but it was always the same game.

And he always won. Though it was close. It was always to close.

So this time he put his faith in the Doctor. He had helped him before. Maybe he could end this game before his opponent had even started.

But it was too late.

His adversary and thrown his own pawn into the game

The TARDIS was cruising to its mystery destination, all the while the Doctor was pretending not to be nervous.

Twilight had made everything different by saying what she did just before the five ponies left Minos. "Time Lord, you are not alone."

He had heard those words once before from a very different source. The Face of Boe said that exact thing just before...

No. No it couldn't be. He couldn't be here.

She also seemed to be treating the Doctor as a much closer friend than he actually was to her. As if they went through something together that had brought them closer. That hadn't happened, at least not yet.

And then there was something else...

Since the Doctor had been made manifest in Equestria things had been happening. Little coincidences that, when taken alone, could've been chalked up to very rare good luck, but taken together...

The Doctor didn't like this. He was being manipulated. Someone was pushing him along to get him exactly where they wanted him to be and that more than anything else was unsettling. The Doctor wasn't one to be easily manipulated.

"Where're we headed anyhow?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know!" the Doctor smiled.

"Whaddya mean you don't know?" Applejack shouted. "You came out of that buildin' like a bat outta Tartarus and said we had to get to these coordinates right now, and you don't even know what'll be there when we get there?"

"Yup!" the Doctor said cheerfully. "Not a clue. Makes it a bit exciting, don't you think?"

"No," Applejack said firmly. "You didn't look to excited when we left."

"Oh, I'm excited." the Doctor smiled. "I may not be happy but-"

The Doctor was interrupted by the sound of three fillies singing along to a record in one of the back rooms.

"Don't care of you do cause it's understood, you ain't got no money you're just no good!" Sweetie Belle sang along to the record.

"Well I guess if you say so!" Scootaloo sang along with Ray Charles. "I'll have to pack my things and go!"

"That's right!" sang Apple Bloom.

"Oi!" the Doctor protested, running into the room and stopping the record before they launched into the chorus. "Who said you could touch these, eh?"

"But Doctor!" Apple Bloom said. "That was really cool music..."

"Well of course it was, it was Ray!" the Doctor smiled. "Nice bloke he was, bit of a ladykiller but..."

"Did that come from the other Doctor's universe?" Scootaloo asked.

The Doctor led the three fillies into the main control room. "Yep, and you can listen to it later. Right now, if I'm not mistaken...." the TARDIS ground to a halt. "We're here! Wherever here is."

"Well," Applejack said. "What're we waiting for?"

"Indeed!" The Doctor marched briskly toward the door, but stopped just short of opening it. "Ah..."

"What?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Something Twilight said," the Doctor said nervously. "She said that what lies beyond this door is going to make me panic. It's going to make me want to send the four of you home and handle this alone. Something past this door is going to make me think it is unacceptable for you to come with me. She said I couldn't. She said you have to be here."

"Darn right!" Apple Bloom smiled.

"There's no way you could do what you need to without us!" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"And besides, Doc," Scootaloo said smugly. "We'd find a way back, anyway."

"And there is no way I'm lettin' you do this without me!" Applejack snapped. "The only thing I trust for you to do on your own is fly this rust bucket! And even then..."

"You've made your point..." the Doctor smiled. "Alright! No sense wasting time, is there! Let's see what land of horrible twisted nightmares we've landed in! Avanti!"

The Doctor flung the door wide open.

He was greeted by white. White everywhere. A white street. White walls. White flowers. The one thing that broke up the monotony was a long red carpet that had been lain out on the main street leading all the way up to a great big palace on a hill, peices were cut out of it sloppily with scissors.

There were banners on almost every wall each bearing two initials woven in gold. "S C"

"This looks like..." The Doctor looked around. "A coronation? Or maybe just a royal parade, but what's the occasion? These people are highly excited to see whoever it is who visited. Look at the carpet! People have been taking souvenirs. The only thing I've ever seen get people this excited is either a coronation or..."

"A wedding," Sweetie Belle looked suddenly horrified.

"You noticed too?" Scootaloo asked.

"Deja Vu..." Apple Bloom was stunned.

"Which one?" Applejack asked frantically. "Is this the second one or-"

"It's gotta be the first one sis, the red carpet's still out..." Apple Bloom answered.

"First what?" The Doctor was confused. "Wedding for who?"

"Doctor," Applejack turned toward the Doctor and stared straight into his soul. "We have to get to the palace now. We can stop this before it starts!"

"Oh no," The Doctor realized all at once what was happening. "You four have been here before, haven't you? Somewhere in this city you four are here not suspecting a terrible thing is going to happen."

"This is Cadence and Shinin' Armors wedding!" Applejack shouted. "And he's about to get trapped by-"

"I know," the Doctor nodded. "This is the day of the Changeling invasion of Canterlot. This is the Rain of Green Fire. You all took part in it. You were all here."

"That's right!" Applejack shouted starting toward the castle. "There maybe still time to tell'em Twi was right before-"

She was stopped by the Doctor's hoof on her shoulder.

"Oh she was right," the Doctor said quietly. "You four are going home, now."

"This day is going to be perfect, the kind of day in which I dreamed..." the mare who was using the shape of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was singing softly to herself when her most trusted adviser came in the room.

"Majesty," came his smug voice. The visitor was enshrouded in blood red flame before revealing his true form, a changeling with burning red eyes.

"Ah R'Stame!" she smiled back. "You have news?"

"Yes majesty," the Changeling smiled at his puppet. "All is ready. Our subjects are chipping away at the Shield Spell as we speak. It shouldn't take us long. Give it twenty four hours."

"And then Canterlot falls..." The false bride let out a slow cruel laugh.

"Majesty?" the red-eyed Changeling asked. "A word about our arrangement? If I am to succeed it is imperative that no damage comes to the central spire. I need that vantage point if I am to complete my work..."

"Always thinking of science," Chrysalis giggled. "You never find any fun do you? Yes, R'Stame. Celestia's sun will be unguarded, and you will have the vantage point you need. I still don't understand why you need it though..."

"To best serve your majesty," the silver tongued Changeling replied.

Chrysalis let out a laugh. "So you've said! I must go, the groom wants me to meet his sister. The little brat could be trouble..."

Chrysalis left the room. Now her adviser was left alone.

He tapped his hoof four times on the floor.

"I meant every word," he hissed. "Nothing can best serve you like the pathetic parasitic life you lead being snuffed out as early as possible. Then finally I can be free again. I can leave this pathetic little planet and see what else this bold new universe has to offer me."

Tap tap tap tap.

"And he's arrived. He's here. The drumming has gotten louder. Excellent. Help me, old friend. Help me answer the question. The question that has joined the Drums. The question that has been burning my mind since we last met. The one I've been hearing over and over and over and over again...

"Doctor who?" asked the Master.

Author's Note:

I hope this doesn't count as an MST3K fic. :twilightoops:

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