• Member Since 14th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Punk Rock Prom Queen

Ironic reasons are the best reasons darling.


On the outside, it's your everyday museum albeit one whose proprietor is a bit of an eccentric recluse, but when Octavia Melody enters through the doors of Golden Oak Manor her life or now un-life will never be the same. For the Cellist discovers that the famous history museum is actually the residence of a small coven of Vampires, a coven that a series of unfortunate circumstances has led her to become a part of.

Now a newly sired fledgling of the near ancient vampire Twila Sparks, Octavia must struggle to come to grips with the fact that she is now something she only thought existed in trashy romance novels as well as the incredibly powerful blood lust that comes with it.

Join vampires Twila and Vincenza "Vinyl" Scratch as they help Octavia through the trials and tribulations of everyday life as a member of the Undead such as drinking blood, adjusting to a nocturnal sleep schedule, and of course the proper application of shade gel.

Kinder's Krieg Presents a new flavor of dark fantasy

The following story is rated Teen and contains:
The consumption of blood
Non descriptive instances of gore centered on blood
Attempted murder
Adult language
Crude and sexual humor
Non Sexual nudity

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 19 )

Your description of Zen Harmonite is actually a lot closer to Taoism than Buddhism, especially with the balance of light (yin) and dark (yang). "The More You Know"
Anyway I like this story so far. It's got some excellent world building elements to it. Looking forward to the story!

4619602 Thank you for that information, it was rather helpful. :twilightsmile: I plan on building and expanding this world quite a bit. After all there is an entire world full of diverse people and cultures lurking in the shadows of Luna's night just waiting to be explored.

To start, constructive critisism: I noticed many punctuation errors and otherwise odd placement- or rather lack of placement -throughtout the chapter, and it was rather distracting trying to place, rearrange, and otherwise correct it as I went. But, as mentioned, your world-building is formidable and I'm interested in the focus, if just for this chapter, on religions I otherwise don't normally see or religion isn't even mentioned overall, a change I'm very happy to explore and look forward to. Plus I'm a sucker for OctaScratch.

All in all, I happily anticipate more. :twilightsmile:

In the words of Barrack Obama, "Yes."

And soon thereafter, nothing was done.

Hmm, I'm late to the party...:pinkiecrazy: But none the less this was a great story, I've read the first chapter so far. Gotta make time for the second!:pinkiehappy:

Aw man this is fucking awesome I hope this keeps going and I don't get dragged into something amazing and then I get nothing T.T. Take your time and keep going this story has me so fucking hooked :pinkiehappy:

I just have one question. WHY DOES THIS NOT HAVE MORE VIEWS?!?!?!

This story is friggen awesome. From the plot down to the way its written and I greatly hope you continue this.

The Big Book of Nosferatu: Everything You Ever Needed to Know about Being a Vampire but were too afraid to Ask, eh? Good to see that even millenia worth of life time still left Twi with some of the adorkableness we all love.^^

Also, I really loved the little tid-bits about Vinyl and Octi technically being Twi´s brides now, the bit about Sombra and of course Octavias little outburst about Vinyls "lilly white posterior". That one really cracked me up.:rainbowlaugh:

Get on with it! It's been an entire fucking year since this was updated!

This is an interesting start, should be fun.

“I’m sorry, but I was unable to get fresh undergarments for you as I did not know your sizes and thought it would be inappropriate for me to purchase women’s unmentionables. –Museum Curator and #1 Assistant Spencer ‘Spike’ Sparks.

Thank you Walter.

Yeah, I could read more of this. I'd help you write it too, if you wanted.

Insert Obligatory "Senpai noticed me" here.
Well with that kind of endorsement from someone so Horse Famous I should get back at it then. I'd love to have someone to bounce ideas off of if your game.

Sure, hit me up if you need editing, etc.

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