• Member Since 11th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a writer and reader on this site

Comments ( 220 )

There's a few errors in your description which will potentially (probably) throw readers off. Might want to have a look at it and edit it thoroughly. I'm honestly interested in where you take this story however, and shall continue to keep an eye on it. Thanks for writing. :twilightsmile:

4549187 okay I'll do that later, I just wanted to write everything in my head out before I lost it. Thanks for the tip


Some times i want to cut loose on the profane insults but it cherma is actually chimera.

Certainly very unique, yet weird, has everything I like! Halo! MLP! And being turned into MC! But I almost quit when I heard Anthro...

Sorry but I'm gonna just nag a little. Hey, I'm a die-hard Halo fan.
First - A little bit too fast paced, But original!
Second - The whole turning into Master Chief is weird but come on! He lets himself get spotted and surrenders?! Chief would never do that!
And Third - Maybe it would be easier to write MA5B ( Or whatever varient it may be e.g MA5C or F. ) instead of Assault Rifle.
Anyway, I'll follow and if you have any questions about Halo, ask me.

I agree with Swift, but there is just one thing I will nag about most. It's that there were sentence mistakes everywhere. :flutterrage:
I will follow this but I expect better later on.
I for one would love too take the opportunity to ask if you would like my assistance in story correction.

4573577 I will accept the assistance if you want to give it note i'm not the best at grammar but I try.

4559699 for the second question, this is not MC it is a dude with MC's body and abilities, also he wants to go back to Earth as himself Discord was a leader so he may have an Idea of how "Desperate times equal Desperate measures"

4554057 Thanks I'll fix that in the future.

4557451 I just wanted to give the human in anthro Equestria a shot so I did.

4559699 Also I am a huge halo fan as well hell I read most of the books.

4576383 That's fine, you do the punctuation and I'll work on the grammar as best I can. :pinkiehappy:
And thank you for the acceptance of my offer.

4577018 I can send you the G doc link if you give an email to share with.

4577027 Don't worry about the guys comment on Anthros, I have a brother who really likes it and I don't see anything wrong with it, just do what makes you happy to write.

4577048 I did this due to sudden want and anthro's were just an experiment that I'll play with in this, but the dragons, and discord will not be anthro due to the fact that I would not see to much of a diffrence between anthro them and non-anthro

(you have access to the folder.)

4549187 This story came out of the blue when I read another and decided I wanted to do a LOHA... story and a halo story and this was born like most of my work it will be a "plan for major things but other then that wing it while checking for plot holes, and other inconsistencies and don't force myself into a corner.

Also I don't even know what my characters will do until they do it in a way I'm with you guys on the ride.

Chapters finished just needs to go through editing

Cue epic ass kicking, Spartan style.

I think he has stayed with discord to long. Asking Celestia if she could help him right after he just killed one of her guard? Yea that will totally work! but I think you should start from right after Tristan meets discord on Chapter 1, his past interactions with the Celestia and Luna, not in flashbacks like this seems to be heading.

4726146 I'm doing this as it comes its just how I roll but you do bring a point. Lets see how that happens. I am also along for the ride in a sense, I don't know where he is going except for a general Idea. So lets see where this obvious train wreck will lead us, have fun.

4726987 MAKE MERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

Spartans this your Sergeant! Commense ass whoopin' on Celly and Nighty in 3...2...
Next Chapter!

4753275 If you went on the gats subreddit you would understand.

Keep in mind that this fic will likely crash and burn as this is probably my least thought out one yet well lets see where it goes. spoiler i will try and fail to write celestia.

4927528 Yea I probably should get to the current chapter I'm writing today.

well chapter 2 finished thank my editor Aussie Hard-Dick for editing (once it is edited)

he decapitates a pony when he finaly get out and wants celestia to help him get home......seems legit

5041154 Its just one of those things that in desperation to get home he kinda forgot for a moment then the shit bomb hit so no help from Celly.

(if you guys don't know (It is obvious) this is 9 years before the events of season 1)

Are the intervals between chapters always going to last this long? Or is this just until you figure everything out?

5042179 I'm a horrible procrastinator, in school, and dealing with life not the best mix for writing LOL ill do my best to get my ass back in line and now I am juggling 2 stories at once still
I'll try to do better.

You think that's bad?
Imagine having a 2100 word story disappear from Google Docs that was written during one of your few and far between creative times.
So I just said, "Fuck it, I guess the world doesn't really need to hear me right now"
And so I've been putting it off ever since.

You feel me?
EDIT: I forgot a zero in there.

5042237 damn that sucks, i see where your coming from, my brother almost lost an entire story and its notes he went off the deep end trying to find them and thank God he did. (it is a legit story he is piecing together)(any way will work on Life, Death, and Rebirth now hope your writing goes well. )

Oh, no. I gave up on that in a fit of dubstep induced rage and hysteria. So no. I will not be having good luck on the writing, but in the mean time, you can have my luck and inject that shit into your cock. (Its proven to be the luckiest place on the body) thirdculturecity.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/stay_classy1.gif

5042399 Sounds painful as hell I'll inject it into my brain instead it needs it a hell of a lot more. :rainbowlaugh:

I quite liked this chapter. It was small yet informative and it gave the character some depth. The only part I didn't like was the beginning when he started talking to himself.

I saw master chief in a comment from summoner so now I am reading this...yeah

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