• Published 6th Apr 2012
  • 5,401 Views, 70 Comments

Fool's Diamond - LK

Spike x Cutie Mark Crusaders and Rarity, humanized.

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Chapter 1

P.S. This is a humanized fanfic, if you don't like humanized, than this story probably isn't for you.

Fool's Diamond

Chapter 1

"Finally, jeez that took a while." Spike thinks as he looks at the clock in the Carousel Boutique. It is 1:00 PM, and it had taken at least five hours to find enough gems for Rarity's newest design. He wipes his hand over his face, cleaning off most of the dirt. However, he still has a considerable amount on his purple jacket and green pants. Besides his obvious dragon features, like his odd "ears", eyes, and hands, where every finger ended in a claw instead, his purple and green getup was the thing most people recognize him for. Although his claws are a dead giveaway that it's him, and the fact that all of the people around town call him "dragon-boy". Fortunately for him though, his claws are only a bit sharp, otherwise he would be tearing everything he held.

Looking around he notices something is off about the Boutique, but he can't put his fing-err claw on it. Are the fabrics out of place? No, he had organized them countless times, and everything is in the correct order. The mannequins? Again no, same as they always were. The mood about the place just seems... different. It is a strange feeling, but not really an unpleasant one. It seems neutral, really.

"Spike, are you alright deary?" Rarity's voice from the other room makes him jump, and snaps him back into reality.

"Yeah Rarity, just looking around. I should probably get back to Twilight and do my chores for the day." He isn't sure if he has much work to do at the library, but knowing Twilight she probably has a whole list of things to be done. Rarity walks casually into the room, holding a few gemstones in her hands.

"Alright then, well here's your payment for helping me dig out those wonderful gems." She hands the boy the gemstones. Spike's face immediately shines with glee as he gobbles up the gems sloppily, leaving him with a satisfied look.

As Rarity watches Spike eat his "payment", not caring much for how sloppily he does so, she notices just how much he has grown from when he first came to Ponyville. She never thought much of it before, but as she looks at him now she realizes how handsome his young face is, and those eyes are just the most perfect shade of chartreuse. She tries to think little of it and walks over to her fabrics, attempting to think only of the dress she is about to make.

Spike looks at her and wonders if maybe she has changed just like the boutique, if she has lost some kind of allurement over him she naturally possesses. He observes Rarity and gazes into her eyes, she returns a warm complexion and a smile. Nope, still just as beautiful.

"Hey Rarity, are you back from getting gems?" A slightly squeaky voice calls, Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle walks into the room from the kitchen. She sees Spike finishing up his gems and blushes, not expecting him to be there. She begins looking more at the floor than anything else.

"Oh yes Sweetie, did you need something?" Rarity replies, not noticing the cloud of smoke coming from the stove and pouring into the rest of the boutique. Sweetie looks up at her and finds it hard to perform the simple act of speaking. After a moment she gathers her courage and answers.

"Well, I kinda sorta maybe tried to make a fancy lunch. And it kinda sorta maybe blew up a little." Sweetie steels herself for the lecture she is going to receive. Instead, Rarity's eyes widen, and she immediately rushes into her kitchen to fix the dilemma. Sweetie let out a sigh of relief, happy that she has delayed her torture for a bit longer. While Rarity is gone, Spike takes this time to examine Sweetie a bit, he is a teenage boy, after all. She looks a lot like her sister, and while not as stunning, she is still quite pretty. He has his eyes fixated on her, but notices something different than when he looked at Rarity. He can't figure it out exactly, but it seems like the exact opposite of what he feels about the boutique.

"Hey Spike, something wrong?" Sweetie tilts her head a bit in confusion. Noticing he is ogling, Spike blushes until his face is beet red. As he tries to recuperate from his blunder, it is his turn to find it hard to speak.

"I, err, uh..." Spike looks around nervously. He speaks again when he is calm enough to form a sentence.

"Yeah, I'm fine, and you?" He asks nervously and with an extremely weak smile, hoping she didn't notice he was looking at her that way.

"I'm okay, you know besides almost setting the house on fire." Sweetie raises an eyebrow slightly, wondering what is up with Spike. He laughs nervously, still wearing a weak smile on his face. She smiles, glad he liked her joke, but is still a bit curious as to what made him so nervous.

"Well, I better get going, try telling Rarity she's pretty, that usually lightens her mood." He jokes. Sweetie laughs a bit, with the air of nervousness almost completely gone. Spike walks slowly out the door while waving.

"I'll try, that is if she doesn't kill me first!" She calls back, they both laugh and Spike shuts the door to the boutique, turning to greet the now bustling Ponyville with a smile and a full stomach.

As Spike takes the fairly short walk from the Carousel Boutique to the library, he smiles and waves at the many people he passes, and they return with waves and smiles of their own.

"I still can't believe how nice people are, this is so much better than Canterlot." Spike thinks, still waving at the citizens of Ponyville. He slowly notices his hand, which is noticeably different from an average person's. Bringing his hand down, he remembers how people shunned him as a child for being different. It's something he thinks about a lot, and he can't ever entirely shake it from his mind.

"As if it was my fault I was born this way." His smile quickly turns to a frown as he inspects his claws, a constant reminder of who... and what he really is. As Spike becomes lost in his thoughts he hasn't noticed that he is already at the door to the library.

"Maybe if-"

BAM. A loud thud sounds throughout the library as Spike's face makes full contact with the wooden door. He reels back immediately, covering his slightly bleeding nose.

"Ow." Spike says very nasally as he holds his nose. Trying to regain some sense of place, he realizes he is right in front of the library. Gathering his thoughts, Spike opens the door and walks into a surprisingly clean library.

"Spike, is that you?" Twilight yells calmly from the upper floor as she look down to see the boy covering his nose.

"What happened? I heard a noise at the door." She sees him holding his nose, and becomes slightly worried.

"Well you know, I kinda wanted to walk through solid objects, but the door had some problems with that." Spike grins, his humor slightly wavering through his pain.

"Are you alright? Do you need tissues or anything?" Twilight asks frantically, worried he might have hurt himself.

"Nah, I'm fine Twilight, honest." He gives her a reassuring smile as he takes his hand away from his nose.

"Chirp chirp chirp!" Peewee caws while landing on Spike's shoulder.

"Hey there Peewee, miss me?" Spike smiles as he looks to his shoulder and pets his baby phoenix. Eliciting a faint purr from the tiny creature. He looks around and notices how tidy the library is.

"By the way, why is this place so clean? Did you do this all yourself?" Spike looks around the library, not a spot of dust to be found.

"Oh no, Apple Bloom came over a while ago looking for you, I told her you went out gem finding with Rarity and she offered to stay and clean while she waited for you to get back." Twilight's face turns into one of a deer looking directly into the headlights of a car. "That reminds me! Apple Bloom, Spike is here!" Twilight calls behind her, moments later Apple Bloom climbs down the stairs to greet him.

"Hey Spike! Ah was wondering if maybe we could, uh, go out fer ice cream er somethin'." She blushes a little, trying her hardest not to look at Spike and kicking her foot back and forth nervously.

"What, like a date or something?" Spike raises his eyebrow.

"Well, Ah just, um, just, um, just, um..." Apple Bloom turns completely red in the face and stutters like crazy.

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down Apple Bloom, you sound like a broken record." He begins, confused. "Anyway, I don't know if I can, I mean just had some gems, and I'm pretty full." He scratches the back of his head, trying to avoid looking directly at Apple Bloom's face. Twilight notices Apple Bloom seems a bit sad and insanely embarrassed that Spike rejected her.

"Oh come on Spike, just go with her already." Twilight shoots him a glare, making him uneasy.

"Well I guess if everything's alright here. C'mon Apple Bloom, let's go." Spike quickly offers his hand to her, more out of fear of Twilight than anything else.

"Oh um, alright." Apple Bloom replies meekly and manages a weak smile as she takes his hand. Spike leads her out the door as fast as he can while Peewee flies off his shoulder. Worrying he has incurred the wrath of the librarian, he rushes out of the library with Apple Bloom, making sure not to hit his face on the door this time.

After fleeing from the library, Spike and Apple Bloom walk for a while before Spike notices that they haven't let go of each other's hands yet.

"Oh!" Spike realizes as he reels back, taking his hand from Apple Bloom as fast as he can. "Uh, sorry about that." He blushes deeply, his hands diving into his pockets.

"The pleasure is all mine." Apple Bloom says quietly as she is lost in her own world.

"What was that?" Spike asks, thoroughly confused now. Apple Bloom is taken away from her dream world.

"Oh, um! The uh... Pressure is, uh, too high! Yup! The pressure in ar stove is too high! Applejack's trying ta fix it now." Apple Bloom tries to cover up her mistake.

"Um, okay..." Spike is even more confused than he was a moment ago, but continues walking to a nearby ice cream stand.

"Ugh! That was so embarrassing! Why do Ah have ta say stupid things around him! Okay, focus, just me and him. Now how do Ah get him ta notice me?!" Apple Bloom thinks hard, racking her brain with ideas.

"Apple Bloom? Apple Bloom!" Again, she is snapped back into reality, realizing that she and Spike were at the ice cream stand.

"Apple Bloom, you okay? What kind of ice cream do you want?" Spike waves a hand in front of her face.

"Oh yeah! Ah'm fine! Uh... chocolate please." Apple Bloom responds quietly, a slight frown on her face.

"Alright! two chocolates for the young couple!" The ice cream man exclaims enthusiastically, causing them both to blush severely. Both of them try desperately to look anywhere but at each other as the man gathers their ice cream.

"Here ya go!" The ice cream man hands them both their ice cream, then he turns to Spike.

"Go easy on her, dragon boy." He whispers, winking at Spike.

"Gah! She's not! I'm not...!" Spike yelps as he reels back from the now laughing ice cream man, causing him to fall backwards onto the ground and drop his ice cream. Apple Bloom gives him a confused stare.

"Relax kid, I was just pushing your buttons!" He laughs harder. Despite the fact he was joking, Spike's face was still a visible shade of pink.

"Alright, alright, you got me. Now can I have another ice cream cone?" Spike asks bitterly as he gets up off the ground.

"Sorry kid, no refunds. A man's gotta make a living somehow!" The ice cream man gives him smug smile, Spike shoots him a glare.

"But I don't have any bits left!"

"Well, tough luck kid, now get lost." The ice cream man answers with a stern look.

"Fine, be that way! Let's go Apple Bloom." Spike takes Apple Bloom's hand and walks away sourly. She complies without opposition, and is just glad to be close to Spike again.

After they walked for a decent amount of time, Spike continues to stare straight forward and try his hardest not to look back.

"Maybe if Ah could get him ta try ta eat some of mah ice cream... yes it's perfect!" Apple Bloom thinks up a plan as Spike leads her nowhere, just intent in getting away from the ice cream stand, Apple Bloom doesn't care in the slightest.

"Hey Spike, since ya dropped yer ice cream, maybe ya can have some a mine?" A devious smile creeping on her lips, hiding it as soon as Spike turns around and lets go of her hand.

"You sure Apple Bloom? I mean I was pretty bad-mannered back there, I should probably apologize for being so rude." Spike frowns, looking to see that the ice cream stand isn't visible now.

"Oh come on, what he did was totally uncalled fer. And anyway, if only one of us can have ice cream, then Ah want it ta be you." Apple Bloom is sincere, although she still has ulterior motives in the back of her head.

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks Apple Bloom." Spike sighs, and they smile at each other.

"Hey! There she is! Apple Bloom!" Spike and Apple Bloom turn their heads to the direction of the noise and see Scootaloo with Sweetie Belle waving at them. Apple Bloom's smile turns to a frown, disappointed that she can't have more alone time with Spike. She suppresses a groan.

"Hey Scootaloo, hey Sweetie!" Spike calls and waves back, much more enthusiastic than Apple Bloom, who tries her best to look happy about seeing her fellow crusaders. They are quiet the threesome, really. Sweetie, who is the most pale, but most attractive of the three, and a little bit shorter than Spike. Scootaloo, who is very tan and the most athletic, and stands a few inches below Spike in height. And Apple Bloom, who is sort of a mix of Scootaloo and Sweetie, not as cute as Sweetie Belle, and had a tomboyish side to her akin to Scootaloo. She is in between their heights with a slight tan.

"So, whatcha doin'?" Scootaloo and Sweetie walk towards the two.

"Nothing, just getting some ice cream. But I kinda dropped mine." Spike chuckles, embarrassed.

"Well, me and Scootaloo were just looking for Apple Bloom, but it's getting late, and we should probably get home." Sweetie says glumly as she looks at the big town clock, reading 5:00 PM.

"Oh! You're right! If Ah don't get home soon mah sis is gonna kill me!" Apple Bloom has terrified look on her face.

"Well, I don't have to be home for a while, that is if Twilight can cook her own dinner. How about I walk you guys home?" The three girls blush slightly, followed by a long awkward silence.

"I think that's, uh, a great idea!" Scootaloo finally speaks up, her voice lacking in confidence.

"Alright then, let's get going! Applejack's house is just over there, so let's go there first." Spike smiles at the three, turning their faces even more red. Then the four begin walking to Applejack's house, the girl's faces still red and nervously looking anywhere but at Spike. He is confused as to why they are acting so nervous, but shrugs it off as some girl thing.

"Darn it! How am Ah gonna get closer to Spike with these two hoggin' him!" Apple Bloom notices she is still holding her ice cream, and remembers her earlier plan. She hasn't accounted for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to show up, but at the moment she doesn't care much.

"Hey Spike, Ah still have some ice cream left, but it's a little melted. Ya did want it, right? I mean, ya did pay fer it." She again tries to hide a devious smile. She holds up the ice cream to him, making sure that it was close enough to her.

"Oh, right, sure Apple Bloom! Thanks!" Spike smiles and slowly leans in to take a bite of her semi-melted ice cream.

"Perfect!" Apple Bloom immediately sticks her face in between Spike and the ice cream cone, leading him into a kiss. Spike's eyes widen as he realizes what is going on. The kiss lasts for several seconds as Sweetie and Scootaloo stand there, shocked at what they're witnessing. As soon as Spike comes to his senses, he immediately pulls away and stands straight as a pole, his face as red as a strawberry. Apple Bloom's is much the same, however his face lacking the satisfied look she has.

"Oh Spike~" Apple Bloom manages to speak in an awkward, almost drunken tone, trying to regain her sense of balance.

"OhmygoshI'msosorryAppleBloomIdidn'tmeantokissyouI'msorry!" Spike blurts out as fast as he can while taking a step back, a horrified look on his face. However Apple Bloom is still in a daze, and dropped her ice cream in the commotion.

"Whoa, did that just happen like I think that just happened?" Scootaloo asks, still in shock.

"I think so..." Sweetie answers, also extremely surprised.

"Ah-Apple Bloom? Ah-are you alright?" Spike asks, with nervousness you can practically see with the naked eye.

"Oh! Ah'm perfectly fine Spike, just a bit, uh, taken back." Apple Bloom finally regains her balance, attempting to act like nothing happened.

"I'm s-so sorry Ah-Apple Bloom! Can y-you please f-forgive me?" He begs while stuttering, hoping she wasn't completely furious at his mishap.

"It's alright Spike! Just an accident!" Apple Bloom manages a smile, but her face is still contorted in bliss. Sweetie and Scootaloo just stare at each other, not knowing what they can say.

"Okay... I guess we should get going then, huh Scootaloo?" Sweetie asks, just as confused as the rest of them, save Apple Bloom of course. At that, they all begin a rather awkward walk to Apple Bloom's house.

"What in the hay happened ta her?" Applejack fumes at Spike after Apple Bloom has gotten home, still wearing the same blissful face as right after he kissed her.

"Well, uh, accidents happen?" He replies with a stupid looking grin. Applejack seems less than satisfied with this answer.

"What in tarnation happened ta mah little sister!?" She yells furiously.

"Nothing, nothing!" Spike gives her a frantic expression as he puts his hands up, acting as if he was just caught by the police.

"Well ya'll are just lucky ya got her home fer dinner." She sighs, fairly annoyed. "An' Spike." He stands at attention immediately. "Thanks fer bringin' her home safe." Spike relaxes a bit at this, hoping after the day he just had he could go home and get some rest.

"Now ya'll better get goin'!" Applejack tips her Stetson hat and closes the door.

"Well, that was exhausting. Come on you guys, the sooner I can get some rest the better." Spike yawns faintly as the three walk nonchalantly towards town.

Spike, Sweetie, and Scootaloo arrive at the Carousel Boutique without any of them saying a word. It took a while to get from the farm to the boutique, but after walking for a long time they finally get to the door. Sweetie walks to the doorstep, but has a sudden change of heart, and turns around instead, Spike and Scootaloo are already leaving.

"Uh Spike." Sweetie says shyly, making him and Scootaloo turn around lazily. Sweetie runs up and kisses Spike, less sudden than his kiss with Apple Bloom, but still just as passionate.

"Thanks for, you know, um, walking me home, and stuff." Sweetie turns and runs inside the boutique faster than Spike can respond, leaving a dazed look on his face.

"What just happened?" Spike looks forward at the door to the boutique.

"I think Sweetie just kissed you." Scootaloo replies, in an equal amount of confusion.

"We should probably get going, huh?" Spike continues staring at the door.

"Oh, um, yeah." Scootaloo looks away, trying to hide the sadness apparent on her face.

As they approach their final destination, the sun has almost set over the horizon, leaving a beautiful shade of orange over the town. They stand next to each other, watching the sun as it drifts down slowly and the world begins to fade into darkness.

"The sky sure is beautiful, huh?" Scootaloo asks, sounding like she is just talking to herself. She keeps a bit of distance between her and Spike as they stop to enjoy the view. She looks over at him ever so often, trying to gauge his emotions.

"Yeah, really pretty." Spike's voice also sounding like he was on a different planet, completely alone. A long silence follows, and it takes a while for one of them to break it.

"So, did you like it?" Scootaloo inquires, looking over at Spike.

"What?!" Spike whips his head to Scootaloo, a surprised look on his face.

"You know, kissing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Did you like it?" Scootaloo asks again, curious.

"Well, uh." He grows nervous as he speaks, unsure of what to say next. "It was weird, it was like a feeling I've never felt before. But it felt kinda good." Spike looks directly at the sun, deep in thought, before blushing deeply as he realizes what he just said. He is uneasy, but he soon hears the sound of footsteps approaching him. He turns to face Scootaloo, just in time for their lips to lock slowly. His eyes widen, before he finally comes to terms with what was happening. The kiss lasts for a long time, the sun completely sets over the horizon. And unlike the other times he was kissed, Spike kisses back.

"I think I like that feeling." Scootaloo whispers after they part the kiss. Spike gives her yet another confused look. "What? All the other girls did it." She tells him boldly as she turns around and slowly begins walking the rest of the way to her door.

"Wait! Scootaloo!" Spike shouts as he grabs her hand. She gives him a troubled look. Spike doesn't know what he wants to tell her. Instead of speaking, he just looks down at his hand that is interlocking with hers, and starts to think.

"This is me? This is my hand? No... this isn't a hand. It's a claw, a monster's claw. Not eyes, monster eyes. Not ears, monster ears. Not..." His mind fights with itself for a moment. "Not human."

Spike retracts his arm immediately, turning around and walking away into the darkness. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts.

"Spike! Are you alright?" Scootaloo calls after him, worried.

"I... I'm fine, see ya, Scootaloo." He waves weakly as he walks away.

"Yeah, see ya... Spike." She says, so quiet that she can barely hear herself.

It was almost 8:00 PM as Spike gets through the door to the library, and he was ready to pass out any minute, a million thoughts running through his mind.

"Home so soon?" Twilight teases him from the kitchen. Spike just groans, which turns into a yawn. Twilight giggles at the odd noise.

"You want dinner? It's still kind of warm." She says as he walks by the door to the kitchen grudgingly. Her smile turns to a frown once she sees him.

"Long night? You wanna talk about it?" Twilight asks him, but he is already half way up the stairs.

"Yeah, really long. I'll tell you all about it in the morning, okay Twi?" Spike barely manages to speak through yawning. After that he just walks into his room, takes of his shoes, collapses on his bed, and falls asleep within a matter of seconds. The librarian lets out a large sigh as she hears Spike fall face first onto his bed. Spike snores less than peacefully, dreams eluding his grasp.

"Huh, boys will be boys I suppose." Twilight sighs yet again as she accepts the fact she isn't getting any details from Spike tonight. She returns to her books for several hours, however after a fairly long time without sleep, she looks up at her window and sees a gray cross-eyed pegasus flying lazily outside. And... did she have bubbles on her flank?

"Alright, it's either get some sleep or go insane." Twilight reasons as she lays her head down and falls asleep. Oddly enough, the only thing she is able to dream about is ponies.

To be continued...