• Published 18th May 2014
  • 9,036 Views, 529 Comments

Protocol D - Topaz Moon

After LT. Campbell crash-lands on an unknown world, she must search for her fellow crewmembers and decipher an unfamiliar directive. Can she find common ground with the local population and acquire their assistance to succeed in her mission?

  • ...

Chapter 11 - Papers, Please

Padlock's long, silvery blue mane tossed to the side as her head turned towards Cassie entering the room. After a brief moment, the mare’s pencil started scritching across a piece of parchment. Cassie glanced at the unintelligible writing as she returned to her chair at the table, still surprised that using one’s lips to write with worked as well as it did. An eyebrow rose when she sat down and noticed a symbol on the top of the page that appeared eerily similar to her tattoo of the Olympic rings, though it lacked the swimmer under them.

The mare glanced at Cassie several times before she finished writing, and set the paper off to the side. She then tapped her chest with a forehoof, and said, "Xiltwks."

Cassie looked at the mare for a few seconds before realizing what she was trying to do. The mare repeated the action, looking expectantly at her. After rolling the word around on her tongue a few times, Cassie gave it a shot.

"~P… Pa… P… Pddks~," Cassie sputtered.

The mare sat up straight. "Xi… l… T… Wks," she said slowly with an encouraging smile.

Cassie listened to the mare say what was obviously her name slowly a few more times before trying again.

"~Pa… Pa… th… th…~" Cassie’s face screwed in concentration, trying to pronounce the next part of the mare’s name. Padlock rejoined, saying the part Cassie had trouble with slowly, and with her at the same time, all while trying to hide her cringing at the butchering of her name.

Starting over, Cassie took a deep breath. With the mare still saying it with her, she tried again. "~Pa… Pa… Pad. Pa… Pad… Padlax… Padlack… Padlock~. Your name is ~Padlock~?"

Padlock grinned and leaned back on her haunches, clapping her forehooves together rapidly. As a smile tried to break outside the boundaries of Cassie’s face, she saw her own happiness reflected in the mare's excited eyes.

This is why I hated taking that foreign language class. Her name was a lot harder than the other two words, and those were hard enough.

The mare then pointed at Cassie and said, "Nejco."

Cassie shook her head, now knowing for sure that was the name they had given her. She prepared to return the introduction gesture. Placing her hand on her chest, and with a wicked grin, Cassie said, "Lieutenant Cassandra Elizabeth Campbell."

She knew telling the pony her rank and full name would confuse the mare, but she hadn’t expected the mare to look so sad. Cassie watched as the mare looked down and fiddled with a forehoof, her ears drooping to the sides.

Cassie heard the mare trying to mutter what she had said. Realizing she might have gone too far, she quickly said, "Sorry." Rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

When the mare looked up, Cassie tapped her chest before Padlock could try saying her full name and rank. "Cassie," she said simply.

Padlock’s face scrunched up, and Cassie could see her mouthing the new word. Some quiet mutterings later, the mare gave a small nod to herself before looking back up to Cassie and trying to repeat it back.

"Ca… Cas… Case… see… Cassie," Padlock sputtered out.

Impressed with how fast Padlock had figured out how to say her name, Cassie excitedly nodded her head, causing the mare to beam. Padlock slid over a glossy folded parchment with a hardened border. Thankful that the mare did not wish to continue any other language lessons beyond names, Cassie looked at the images on it. It was unmistakably a menu, and Padlock wanted to know what she wanted to eat. A quick glance showed that almost everything listed seemed to be things Cassie could eat, or had eaten in the hospital.

Cassie poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue a few times, while her hand absently fiddled with the hem of her dress. Each selection her eye roamed to seemed better than the last. After a mental coin flip, she pointed to a pasta dish with a white sauce, asparagus, and finished her selections on dinner rolls. Padlock grabbed the menu before hopping out of the chair and trotting to the door.

Okay, this is getting weird— weirder than me not shivering in a ball yet with her being so close. They’ve been nothing but nice today and last night. They even just gave me a choice of food, and there were some expensive-looking dishes on it. Plus, it looked like wine on that back page, too… or at least bottles shaped like it with berries on them. If this continues, I think I’ll see if my next trust test works, and tell Padlock about the wound on my back. It’s one out of two so far.

Padlock's feathers ruffled as she settled in her seat, bringing Cassie out of her thoughts. Cassie watched the mare shuffle through the parchments before selecting a few, and placing one in the center of the table. She reached for the page, but missed by a few fingertips. With her eye narrowing, she tried again, this time pulling the page over to her side of the table. The page contained several, well-drawn images. A line separated the top few, which were circled in green, from the rest, which had red X's through them. The top picture showed what looked like Cassie sitting in a cell with a neutral face above her, followed by one with her in a cell, along with a pony outside with chat bubbles above them and smiley faces. The final picture showed her eating food, again with a smiley face above her head.

Before Cassie could move on to the rest, Padlock pointed at the three green images and made overly dramatic happy gestures, saying, "Gma," repeatedly.

Padlock's smile turned to a frown as she pointed to the first picture on the parchment with a red X through it. This time, she pointed with a stern expression and said, "Vy." She repeated the word as she pointed at each picture with a red X.

The first picture Padlock pointed to brought a grin to Cassie's face; it depicted her throwing that first tray of hay at the guards. The next one showed her attacking the guard in the hallway.

Sorry, Padlock. It's just too vague. I don't know exactly what you are trying to get across: good, yes, okay, do, bad, no, not okay, don't do… they’d all fit.

Cassie could only shake her head and shrug her shoulders at whatever new words Padlock had attempted to teach her. Padlock let out a sigh, but continued her pointing. The third image she pointed to had Cassie's hands over her ears, with the guards outside the cell pointing at her and laughing.

The last picture on the page showed Cassie on the ground, guards hitting her with sticks. Cassie heard a quiet snort and looked at Padlock, only to see the mare's nostrils flaring slightly, her ears splayed back at an angle, and her hoof starting to tear into the paper. Cassie's blood pressure crept up slightly before she looked to the orange-hued sky, allowing it to drop back down.

Oh… ooohhhhh! Okay, calm down, I don't think she’s mad at me. I think I might be getting this. The top is how things are supposed to be, and the bottom is not. Is that why they’re being nice to me? Was all that shit I’ve been through lately not supposed to have happened? If not, why did they let it go on for however many days it's been?

The rippling of paper in the air yanked Cassie's attention back. The new paper had four images on it, all circled in orange. They seemed to be connected, if the arrows between them were to be believed, and baffled Cassie.

The first image showed a pony with a stethoscope and the Rod of Asclepius medical symbol that Cassie could never remember the name of. He appeared to be pouring something into a glass with a few vertical squiggles on it. The following pictures showed her drinking from the same glass, and then her laying down in the bed. The final picture filled the bottom third of the page, and caused Cassie to jump from her seat with enough force to knock the chair over.

Cassie's face turned an ugly shade of red, and she jammed a finger at the picture of her nude, held off the floor in a harness-like device with her extremities restrained. "What the fuck!" Cassie screamed at Padlock, a small amount of spit landing on the page. “That is not cool, ~Padlock~! I am not okay with that!"

This time, Padlock had been the one to shrink back from Cassie, making herself as small as possible in the chair. Pacing back and forth, Cassie kicked the fallen chair out of the way, and continued screaming mostly incoherent random thoughts, spittle flying from her mouth. Padlock's eyes darted around the room like a tennis match, and her chest rose and fell rapidly when Cassie returned to the table. With her hands clenching the table’s edge, Cassie leaned towards Padlock, causing the mare to look into her eyes. "I thought that was some nightmare, and here you are showing me that you ponies drugged me, stripped me, and put me on display!" A series of loud crashes bounced off the walls as Cassie's arm swept everything off the table.


Padlock could only sit in shock as she watched Cassie storm off to the bathroom. She flinched when the door slammed hard enough to rattle the windows of the room. After her ears finally returned to a more normal position, Padlock looked at the paper, then smacked herself in the face with a hoof hard enough for a 'tock' to be heard.

Frantically digging in her folder, she found the missing page. Padlock practiced Cassie's name a few times before moving to the door. She knocked on it softly. Getting no response, she tried the handle, only to find it locked.

"Rings... Cassie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Please look this over and come out when you are ready. Food should be here soon," Padlock said.

Padlock slid the sheet under the door. With her muzzle nearly scraping the floor, she returned to the chair. "I hope I didn't screw this up," she muttered sadly.


Cassie ignored the mare’s supposedly gentle words, but she soon looked at the paper laying on the floor a few feet away. Her hand still shook when she leaned to the side and reached for it. Just when she started drawing her fingers together while pressing on the paper, she stopped. Smoothing it back out in her lap, she looked to see what Padlock delivered.

Her free hand flexed, seeing a more blown-up picture of her in the harness. Cassie's only comfort in the nude drawings of her was that they were both Barbie-doll representations, and not anatomically correct. Her hand relaxed, and the thumping in her ears quieted the more she looked at the picture. It showed her location to be an enclosed area, though the walls didn't quite reach the ceiling. The doctor from the other page held a movable shower head in his anti-gravity aura. Closer to her stood what seemed to be a nurse, if the Band-Aids in the shape of a plus sign on her butt were anything to go by.

Beyond that room, it showed a few similar rooms to the right. To the left, it showed a more familiar locker room-type shower area with a bunch of mares in it, some showering and others in a gaggle near the exit. Next to that were the actual lockers, and there, the mares looked to be having a towel fight, some of which were the mares in that gaggle. They all had smiley faces and big grins.

Cassie's eye widened and the paper fell from her grasp; now she understood. That nightmare, the images Padlock showed her, they all connected. She leaned her head back against the wall with her eyes closed.

"I feel so stupid. They didn't put me on display— it was two medical professionals trying to clean me in an isolated room. All those voices I heard in what I thought was a nightmare was just those mares having a little fun. And the only reason I got it all confused was because whatever that doc gave me didn't work right."

A smile wormed its way onto Cassie's face as she leaned forward, looking at the page on the floor. "Maybe that's why I felt a little better after that. Maybe—" Cassie's face scrunched in concentration as her hand absently ran through her hair to rest just under the base of her ponytail. "—Could it?" Her eyes darted back and forth as if trying to calculate. "It was! It has to be!" Cassie shouted, jumping to her feet.

The light twinkled in her eye, and a flash of white from her smile could be seen in her reflection on the mirror. Fitting the pieces together, Cassie realized that all the abuse and taunting from the guards, save one last incident, had stopped right after what she had originally thought to be a nightmare. The doctor and nurse seemed to be the key, just like at the hospital, not Apolla. Though she surmised Apolla still had something to do with the further change in treatment and conditions.

With her mood vastly improved, Cassie returned to the bedroom. She noticed the maid from earlier had just finished serving the food, and now tended to the broken dishes on the floor.

"Sorry about the dishes," Cassie said quietly, looking off to the side.

After dumping the shards in the trash, the maid returned to the table. Padlock glanced over to Cassie, then leaned into the other pony, whispering into her ear. Both mares smiled before the maid grabbed the serving tray and placed it on her back in preparation to leave.

Cassie had just reached her chair when the maid said, "Xua, Padlock. Xua, Cas-sea," while waving a hoof side to side.

The maid left before a confused-looking Cassie could respond. After picking her jaw up from the floor, she shook her head. She had been too distracted by another pony saying her name to catch what she said before it, though it had obviously been the ponies' word for ‘bye’.

"Sorry about all that earlier, ~Padlock~," Cassie said, gesturing around the room, then pointing to the paper she placed on the table.

A quick look around the table didn't reveal the other pages. Cassie thought for a moment on how to convey to Padlock that she wanted the other one. After a few gestures, Padlock placed the two from earlier back on the table, between the plates of food. Cassie grabbed the second page and tore the bottom third off, then handed that part of the page back to Padlock before moving over to the desk. After placing the two sheets under the ink bottle, she returned to the table and sat down.

The rich, cheesy aroma of a nice alfredo sauce tickled Cassie's nose. Her mouth began to water just looking at the pasta before her. Her eyes closed and she let out a light moan when the creamy sauce and perfectly prepared noodles roused her taste buds. Cassie cracked her eye when she heard a snicker from Padlock. She watched the mare look around like nothing happened then get extremely interested in her salad.

Laugh all you want. At least I don't have hay sticking out of my food.


Cassie leaned back in the chair, rubbing her belly, a stupid grin dominating her face. She didn't know if it had been the lack of food in recent days clouding her judgment, or if the pasta tasted just that good, but she really didn't care at the moment. The meal had gone much better than she expected. Padlock only sat on her side and ate, instead of trying to do anything else. How she held a fork with her hoof still baffled Cassie, so she added it to her ever-growing ‘figure out later’ file. During her relaxation, the maid had returned briefly to bus the table, but didn't speak that time.

The mare across the now cleared table had an uncertain look on her face. Padlock kept glancing at a few pages, and then back to Cassie. Cassie noticed Padlock's eye and ear would twitch occasionally, and a snort kept shooting from her muzzle. While unable to figure out all of the ponies’ expressions, it was obvious to Cassie that whatever those pages contained agitated Padlock greatly.

Padlock placed the first page down. The photographic image caused Cassie to flinch and shiver, while at the same time caused her blood to boil.

"Por likju. Ranu por likju," Padlock growled, with a click of her teeth.

Cassie noticed the snarl in Padlock's voice. She also noticed the paper crinkling under Padlock's hoof. Unable to stand the sight of that smug-looking slate-gray unicorn, Cassie's arm shot forward and snatched up the paper. Tearing sounds filled the space between the two, followed by a shower of confetti.

"Q baah hyv aium eig, Cassie," Padlock said, then facehooved.

Looks like you remembered I don't know but a few words in your language, but I take it you don't like him either.

Padlock chuckled softly and nodded to Cassie. Her expression grew dark before placing the next picture down. Cassie instantly saw why; the entire paper had a big red X on it with the pictures overlaid on top. Cassie's eyes narrowed at the images, and she resisted the urge to get up and hit something. Her focus to see exactly what they depicted broke when a loud snort caused her to look up at Padlock. She recoiled in her chair— it was the first time this mare's expression had frightened her.

If the pegasus had been able to shoot lasers from her eyes, Cassie was sure the paper would have had several holes in it, and probably be on fire. She watched the mare's nostrils flare, and for a brief moment thought she saw smoke snorting out. Padlock's lips twitched, and Cassie saw her foreleg digging its hoof into the upholstery of the chair she sat in, as if she was preparing to charge. Cassie registered the mare muttering something to herself.

I am soooo glad it’s not me she’s mad at. Let's see exactly what has her so ticked off, other than that asshole unicorn. I still hope his fur burns off.

Cassie shuddered violently when she examined the first picture. It showed the day the unicorn tried to do… whatever it was he had planned before he was interrupted. Not wishing to relive that memory ever again, she tore a hole through the paper. The next series of images consisted of the majority of the other physical abuse she had endured. The only thing similar between the images was the slate-gray unicorn, or that tangerine one. However, a few were missing, like the last attack when the spear cut her back.

Before Cassie could get more worked up, Padlock took the page away and replaced it. It showed a scene from earlier in the day, a scene she would also have liked to forget. With it being an image instead of being in person, Cassie looked at the scene critically. She spotted things she only barely registered before.

The pony's legs were shackled, with leads to a guard both in front and behind. A dull metal cap-thing covered his horn. The next picture showed that pony in a cell, minus the leg shackles, and a frown above his head. The following had the tangerine unicorn in a jail cell, but her horn only had the bottom half covered.

Cassie sniffled, and her hand came up to her face. Tears leaked from her eyes, splashing onto the table. Padlock started clearing the table in a panic, unsure as to why Cassie started crying all of the sudden, until she saw the smile. Cassie reached forward and yanked the papers from under Padlock's hoof.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Cassie shouted excitedly.

Cassie's face threatened to split while attempting to contain her smile. She finally knew for sure that it wasn't supposed to have been like that. She finally realized why Padlock and the others were so nice to her recently. That guard this morning really had been there to protect her, and even that guard who stopped her from falling was only trying to help. And most importantly, those two horrible unicorns had been arrested.

So overcome with joy that after everything that had happened, things seemed to be moving in the right direction again, Cassie leaped into the air and let out a whoop. Her excitement in the new information caused her brain to shut down momentarily. It kicked back on when her fear of horses overrode the joy, and she found herself hugging Padlock.

Instantly, Cassie released the mare and jumped back, giving a sheepish grin. A panic attack had thankfully been avoided, though her heart still thumped in her chest. Cassie was unable to tell if it was from her recent joy, or the fear, but most likely a combination of both.

"Cassie, oep. Q dwra acfs," Padlock said, while motioning to the chair.

Cassie didn't want to sit. She wanted to dance around the room, but one little spin brought that to a stop. She lost her balance and fell to a knee, but the world kept on spinning. Standing up slowly, she crawled into the chair and closed her eyes, a hand on her forehead. Cracking her eye open, she watched the final moments of the world coming to a halt. Padlock pushed her a glass of water with a concerned look.

Her little dizziness bout over, Cassie ran the cloth napkin from dinner over her forehead and around her neck. Though her fever had lessened throughout the day, it had not broken yet. Cassie noticed earlier that every couple times she wiped the sweat off, Padlock seemed to jot something down. Nothing had been brought up about it yet, but both knew that the other knew.

Cassie sat up and eagerly looked across the table to see what Padlock wanted to show her. The page held photographs of four ponies, all of whom looked familiar, with those tattoos on their rumps expanded in larger images above them. She recognized the orange normal pony stallion from this morning. She didn't know about his red life-preserver tattoo, though. Next to him showed the white unicorn stallion that tried to keep her from falling earlier, with a tattoo of a book and handcuff laying on it. The next looked like that brown normal mare she briefly saw outside the room when she poked her head out. She had a yellow bowl of chocolate balls for a tattoo.

I wonder if these tattoos are more important than I thought. Maybe they’re like name badges or something.

The final photo depicted a pony she just so happened to be the most familiar with, outside of Redcross. A smile spread on her face when she looked up to see Padlock trying to imitate the same pose as her photo, though Padlock failed horribly with the grin she failed to conceal.

Cassie surprised herself as she unexpectedly let out a good, long laugh. Padlock joined her for a moment before placing down another parchment. This piece showed her room and one of the ponies in the golden armor, like the ones that captured her, outside of the room. One picture had Cassie in the room, the other did not, yet the guard always remained. She leaned forward, resting her elbow on the table, and her cheek against the back of her fingers.

Ahh, got it. They're here to guard the room, not me.

As she sat back up and gave Padlock a nod, the mare smiled before placing another page down showing an overhead view of a castle. Everything inside the wall surrounding it had a light green shade covering it, while outside the wall had a red shade covering it. Padlock laid another down, this time showing her in various locations. Cassie's eyebrow arched when she noticed that every picture had one of the three guards in it, but they were not always near her. She twirled a lock of hair around her finger a moment.

Hmm, could this mean that I’m free to leave the room, but I have to stay within the castle wall? Still a gilded cage, but it's a lot more freedom than I’ve had with any other interactions with the ponies. Maybe if I play my cards right, I can leave the castle soon, too.

Cassie looked at Padlock, giving her a thumbs-up. The pony looked confused for a moment, and then shrugged her shoulders with a smile. The action caused Cassie to giggle internally. Padlock began rounding up all the papers and shoving them back into a folder. She left the last four pages behind. After some interpretation of Padlock's movements, Cassie decided that those pages were for her to keep.

Padlock moved to the door with a smile stretched across her muzzle. She turned, and said, “Xua, Cassie."

Cassie mulled the word around in her head while looking at an expectant Padlock. "~Bye, Padlick... Padlock~," Cassie said, kicking herself internally for the mess-up.

Padlock only smiled and left the room, leaving Cassie to her thoughts. She just sat there in the chair for several minutes, letting everything sink in. Finally, she stood up, grabbed the four pages, and moved them to the desk, where she stuck the other two with that doctor on them.

"I'm gonna do it," Cassie said. "I'm gonna tell Padlock I need the doctor's help in the morning."

Cassie proceeded to the bathroom to use the facilities and brush her teeth in preparation for bed. Once back in the main room, she unfurled the curtains that were nearly hidden in the corners of the room. Satisfied with the room's visual privacy, she checked the door. She smiled thankfully upon seeing the deadbolt and chain.

She nearly skipped the distance from the door to the chair at the end of the pastel red-and-pink canopied bed. Cassie quickly disrobed and laid her clothes on the chair. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she disconnected her leg and leaned it against the side of the dark wood bed, placing the pin on the end table. She pulled back the thick, fluffy, golden comforter, and silky smooth, white sheet while letting out a loud yawn. She gently slipped into bed, avoiding lying on the left side of her back.

"Thank god I don't have to wear clothes to bed anymore. I hate that," Cassie murmured.

Before drifting off to sleep, Cassie pondered more on the day's events. She now knew four pony words: Padlock, water, come, and bye. Though small, it was a start. However, she already knew it would only get harder. Learning a new language didn't happen to be a skill she had proficiency in.

Cassie tightened the covers over her shoulder and snuggled into the blanket. She continued smiling as she thought about the new freedoms it seemed she had, freedoms that she planned to see if they were true tomorrow. Her mood darkened slightly, and a frown briefly appeared. She wanted to see those unicorns in jail. She wanted to see for herself that they really were arrested. Cassie's thoughts returned to more pleasant ideas, along with what she planned to ask for for breakfast, as consciousness slipped from her.


A wrinkle on the curtain in just the right place allowed the sun to warm Cassie's face. Groaning, she squeezed the pillow she had between her arms and snuggled her face into it. She reluctantly sat up, the warm embrace of the blankets falling away. Cassie let out a long yawn, stretching one arm out wide while the other curled back behind her head. Tussling her hair, she rolled to the edge of bed. Reattaching her leg, and grabbing her clothes, she made her way to the bathroom to prepare for the day.

The warm light of dawn spilled around the silhouette of the young woman, casting a long shadow upon the floor. Cassie had high hopes for the oncoming day. Already one mystery had been solved from her ‘figure it out later’ file when she got up in the middle of the night, and realized that the lights were motion activated. Hoping that this new situation continued, she sat down at the desk, and set to work.

Cassie sat observing the garden. Birds flittered from branch to branch, flowers of every color swayed in a gentle breeze, their scent flowing through the window she had opened, and pegasi pushed clouds around. Her brain came to a screeching halt; she blinked stupidly at the sight several times.

Hair flew around her head and Cassie's jaw snapped shut with an audible click. She brought her hand up to her eye, rubbing it to make sure she really did see what she thought she had just seen. Sure enough, she watched as a bright green pegasus flew up to a cloud, put both hooves on it, and pushed it out of view.

Cassie's mouth flapped like a fish out of water. "Wha... what? How?"

Deciding she had seen enough of the sky, Cassie pulled the curtains shut. Hearing a knock on the door, she mechanically moved to it, opened it up, and returned to her chair without even looking at who, or what, had knocked. During this time, her brain rounded up all the new information, shoved it into a box, taped it shut with caution tape, and dropped it into an ever-growing ‘investigate later’ closet.

"Nejco… Nejco."

Cassie faintly heard the word the ponies called her by. Squeezing her eyes shut and blinking rapidly, she looked over to the maid, her brain still working on bringing her back to reality. The maid held out a menu in her hoof. Unlike the unicorn from yesterday, this maid didn't have any additional appendages. Taking the menu with a sheepish expression, Cassie searched for what she hoped would be listed. Smiling, she pointed out what she wanted to the maid, and returned to staring at the ceiling.


"~Come~," Cassie called, when she heard knocking on her door.

The last bite of Cassie's scrambled eggs with cheese twirled on her fork as Padlock entered the room, heading straight for the curtains. For a brief moment, Cassie’s breathing hitched before she forced herself to calm down. Placing the now empty fork back onto the tray, she washed the egg down with the last bit of her orange juice. She set the glass back down with a satisfied smack popping from her lips.

"Owwl acfbwbu, Cassie," Padlock chirped as she trotted over to the curtains.

Some sort of greeting. Hi, hello, greetings, good day, good morning, morning? Too many choices— not even going to try.

"Uhhh, hi? ~Padlock~," Cassie replied with a questioning look.

Cassie walked over to the desk to get the drawings she made. A light tinking sound flittered around the room, followed shortly by the sharp crack of glass hitting a hard surface. Her hands balled in frustration, and she stomped back over to the table. Cassie jumped when the maid seemingly popped up out of nowhere from her right side, and started cleaning up the desk and floor.

Returning to her plan, Cassie placed the sheets in front of Padlock. It took a little pantomiming while pointing to the various pictures to convey that she wanted Padlock to go get the doctor. She grumbled under her breath about how it would have been so much easier if she hadn't spilled the ink all over the drawings.

While they waited for the doctor to arrive, Cassie began showing Padlock that she wanted to see that the unicorns were actually in jail. Initially, Padlock kept shaking her head, but Cassie scowled and kept pointing to the picture of her standing outside the cell. It wasn't until Cassie started vocalizing her want that the mare's ears folded back, and she gave in by circling the drawing while nodding her head.

Cassie's heartbeat picked up when the doctor arrived, floating a clipboard next to him. She hadn't asked for the nurse, but was glad she showed up, and she had saddle bags strapped on her sides with a band-aid plus mark that matched her rump tattoo.

"Dahhk, Padlock, obr Leoo Nejco. Epib ammua bu hyv lnkxhai?" the doctor said.

Padlock trotted over to the doctor and responded, "De, Zky. Dan vium qa oqhiozzm Cassie. Obmkomg, apm eivba ukq noz okiapdejc."

While the ponies talked, Cassie re-closed the curtains, then moved to the door, closing and locking it. She smiled weakly at the ponies’ lifted eyebrows, before moving over to the bed and sitting down.

"~Come~," Cassie said.

Cassie briefly closed her eyes to fight her fear as the three trotted over to her. She held her arms out to stop them when they were just outside of arm’s length. After a bit more pantomiming, she finally got Padlock to turn around and face the other way. Darting her eye around the room to double-check the privacy, she stood up.

It's now or never. Hope this trust test works.

Turning around, Cassie bit her lower lip and closed her eyes as she grabbed the bottom of her dress and pulled it off. She cringed when she heard two gasps behind her. Turning her head to the left, she opened her eye to make sure Padlock had remained turned around.

Cassie started untying the knot in the cloth strip when she felt the tingle of an anti-gravity aura around the wrappings. Screaming, she dived into the bed, ignoring the pain in her back as she rolled onto it. Latching onto a pillow, she threw it at the ponies, hitting the nurse in the side. Grabbing the other pillow, she held it close, while huddling under the blanket.

The pillowcase darkened, sticking to her face. Cassie squeezed the pillow, thinking back to happy memories of swim meets in an attempt to control her breathing and maddening pulse. After several minutes, she could pick up the ponies whispering to each other. The bed vibrated as a pony hoof knocked on the wooden baseboard. Taking a chance, she peeked over the edge of the covers.

Padlock stood there, her muzzle almost in her face. Cassie's pupil shrank to match the one on the right, until Padlock moved back a step.

"Cassie, em'na awzzg. Dana, eibkp," Padlock said.

The dark blue mare motioned for Cassie to watch. The nurse slowly passed a small knife over to Padlock. Cassie sucked in her breath and tightened her grip on the pillow, ready to swing it at the mare if needed. Her eyebrows rose sharply when Padlock took the knife to her own foreleg and swiped it across in a short, quick motion. Blood beaded on the wound before gravity took over, and started it on a trail through her coat.

Padlock dabbed it with a cloth to clear the blood and reveal the cut. The doctor moved over, lighting his horn up. Cassie watched as the aura surrounded Padlock's foreleg. A gasp left Cassie, her mouth stuck open as she watched the small cut seal itself in the aura, followed by an unneeded bandage being placed over it.

I really, really, really don’t like that anti-gravity aura. But what the hell was that? It… healed her? Is that what they are going to do to me? This is a much bigger trust test than I was prepared for. I just wanted some ointment and a proper bandage. I need time to think first.

With some effort, she got the ponies to sit at the table while she went into the bathroom to think.


Cassie returned to the bedroom roughly fifteen minutes later, wet towel bandage in hand. She had decided to chance it. Once back to the bed, she removed the towel covering her body, showing her back to the ponies, along with the makeshift bandage. Cassie could see their muzzles wrinkle upon seeing the gash. The doctor and nurse seemed overly agitated. Having moved the small end table toward them, the nurse drew a very detailed picture, wanting to know how she received that wound.

Having already drawn it, Cassie pointed to the desk. In the meantime, she flipped over the nurse's drawing, and drew out that she wanted to be sedated before they did anything, using images similar to the ones Padlock had shown her yesterday. She was going to go through with this much larger, not-as-well-planned version of a trust test, but she knew her fear of equines, and her newer fear of the aura, would prevent them from fixing the wound properly.

The nurse set all the pages from the desk on the table. The ponies sat patiently while Cassie flipped through them. Worrying the towel sitting across her lap, she laid down the image she drew of that slate-gray unicorn cutting her in the back with a spearhead, and her initial wrapping of the wound.

Padlock snorted and took to the air. Cassie had never seen her fly before. A small smile flashed on her face, but it quickly disappeared, replaced by an expression of unease, and then fright. Rage poured off the mare as she pointed at the paper, yelling loudly, her forelegs flailing in the air as she made wildly animated gestures. Cassie's eye locked onto the hooves as she fell back on the bed, crawling back from the enraged mare above her. Squeezing her eyes shut, images of hooves coming down at her face flashed in her mind.

The bed shifted, causing Cassie to roll to the side until she bumped into something soft. She wrapped her arms around the fuzzy, smooth, softness, hugging it tight, and then pressed her face into its warm embrace, a steady stream of tears wetting her face, and hiccups interrupting her sobs. Her grip tightened for a moment when she felt a sharp prick in her butt cheek.


Cassie's eyes fluttered open. Spying a glass of water on the end table, she rolled to the edge of the bed. The corners of her lips turned up when no pain shot up her back from the action. Eager to sooth her parched throat, she reached for the glass, stopping once her hand wrapped around its cool surface. Lifting the paper from under the cup, she studied it briefly. With a laugh, she tossed it to the side, grabbed the little cup with two pills in it, popped them in her mouth, and downed them with the water.

Bouncing to the end of the bed, Cassie grabbed her dress from the back of the chair. Swaying on her feet with the dress over her head, she stumbled around until it fell into position. Not paying attention to her surroundings, she turned to the right and stepped forward, only to trip over the chair. The chair crashed to the ground as she tumbled over it, a smile ever present on her face as she hit the ground with a loud thump.

"Oops," Cassie laughed giddily.

Cassie sat up on her knees, leaning against the fallen chair. Brushing the hair out of her face, she looked to see why the door opened. Her teeth flashed as her grin grew wider, and her eyes started sparkling in delight as the door shut. She quickly glanced around the room until her eyes fell upon the wooden shaft, the earlier grin turning manic as it spread across her face.

Practically skipping across the room, Cassie nearly ran into the wall as she grabbed her wooden shaft. She turned the door handle, tugging the door wide open. With a smile plastered on her face, Cassie strode into the hall, staff in hand.

Author's Note:

And there you have it, chapter 11.

True parchment is made from animal skin. But... I like the word, and use it to describe the ponies non-animal based paper that is similar looking, and the most common type they use.

I am glad I was able to get it out in a more timely fashion. :twilightsmile:

It has been requested to have the translations given by several readers. As such, I have put them into a document. Remember, you are not supposed to know what they are specifically saying, but since I made it easy to figure out, I have decided to allow those that want to see it without having to take all the time to decrypt it.
Protocol D: Translations Document

Edited By: Level Dasher

Thank you all for reading, I appreciate it very much. :twilightsmile: