• Member Since 14th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday




Big Macintosh had finally decided to trade in his yoke for a new one. The day didn't hassle him much compared to the time he went to the Summer Wrap-Up festival. He proceeded to head home to rest up for his chores tomorrow. On the way there however, he spots two ponies who had stoic expressions and oddly looked alike. He could tell that they weren't from around here because of their constant arguing and mindless walking. Big Mac thought of himself as a gentleman, and besides, it was the end of the day, so all he needs to do is help these two out and he'd be on his way.

"Was annoyed, is annoyed, will be annoyed. Wherever we are in time, I'm sure that this stallion would have still been hindered from ending his day."
"Ah, but at least he wouldn't have been annoyed at us."
"Well, look on the bright side, at least we aren't the version of us that ended up being annoyed is us."
"You know that we don't have time for this."
"Funny, I thought we have all the time we need. Still, I don't want to keep phasing in and out of this trade fair, it's tiring my legs, let's just ask him for directions already."

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 41 )

needs a sequel. If you would

Good job writing the Lutece Twins' lines. I know that they can be hard to write and these are amazing. :pinkiehappy:

4306262 Ooh man, I needed to play some bits of the game just to get a feel for them :derpyderp2: :rainbowlaugh: But thanks, I had tons of fun writing this :pinkiehappy:

Lutece twins equal instant great story.

Well, that explains why Big Mac was so nonchalant about those two...

Sweet! Didn't notice that frame of the Lutece twins there in Trade Ya. You should definitely do a sequel with the Doctor and Luteces!:pinkiehappy:

4307451 Keepin' it cool, Mac. :eeyup:

4307452 Well, if the sequel requests keep up, I might just be forced to o_o


Would you kindly write a sequel?

"A pony chooses, A slave obeys."

Unless you whine enough. :raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:


That is all.

I shall think about it :moustache:


4329633 Thinking takes too long. Don't think, do.

Most excellent!

One small problem.

It needs to keep going, be it sequel or more chapters. It's too cute of a story to pass up.

Wow, people have honestly asked the same thing just below you, mate. :twilightblush:
My original intention was to leave this as a prompt for others to make another story off of it, but since demand has been growing... :twilightoops:
I'llconsider it in the future, but for now, I got other stuff in my mind :rainbowkiss:

4341900 Perfectly fine and understandable.

I suppose I can relate, working on two stories currently, but still vexed with the ideas of a MLP style Ghostbusters story, as well as a The World Ends With You MLP:FiM story.

In due time. Was in time. Will be in time.

Besides, TWO timeless figures?

....Oh my :derpyderp1: :rainbowderp:

And who knows... There may be more than one set of Lutece twins out there in the Multiverse, confusing the heck out of people as they go. How knows, those Lutece twins may cross paths with our Lutece twinsderpicdn.net/img/view/2014/6/3/643908__safe_monochrome_human_crossover_ponified_bioshock+infinite_bioshock_lutece+twins_rosalind+lutece_robert+lutece.png
"Brother, it appears there exists a reality in which we are… rather adorable ponies."

”Horses… why bloody horses?”

A crossover to meet with yourself?

May Celestia have mercy on our souls. :twilightoops:


And anypony unfortunate enough cross their path:rainbowwild:

Don't worry, Big Mac's got this. :eeyup:

Bioshock Infinite is in no way related to this... but this is still one of the funniest things I have read this week.

Ah, but the Luteces nonetheless

Epic :moustache:

4305538 would you kindly

Love it need more. I can see the ultimate crossover of all crossovers the Doctor and the twins.

Bring us the sequel and wipe away the debt.


Chin up, there's always next time. :raritywink:

GOD, I hated the conversations of those two in the game.
You have perfectly recreated that sense of irritating, aloof pretentiousness in those two. Congratulations.

This is brilliant! You MUST continue this!

It makes sense
yet no sense
yet will make sense
or not

hehe jolly good read.

This captured them perfectly which is very impressive as they have such odd mannerism it would be nearly impossible to capture it.

also am I the only person who both enjoyed and understood(at least to an extent) what they were talking about in the games?

they were honestly one of the things I loved about the game.

Bring us the sequal and wipe away the debt!

Yeah, the Luteces were probably my favorite characters in the game. Infinite had weirdly wonderful characters.

Truthfully, I found all of their conversations fascinating to a large degree. The way that they speak, the way they dance around each-other...

7961058 oh man im.so glad to hear I'm not the only one who enjoyed when they showed up.

"Yes, them. The already confused readers. But enough of that,


I started to think they were time travellers, but...I just cold not for the life of me figure those two out. Although I loved their arguing, there will never be a dull or annoyed moment with them.

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