• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Dark Colt Sabata

Common ideas executed weirdly, if inspiration and motivation strikes.


This is it, the pain, the loneliness, the sadness, I will end it all today.

A/N: This is my final fanfic, it's based off RL feelings, not that it matters anyway. It's recommended that you read this while listening to this song.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )


I... wow... this was good.

This was actually very good. It touched right in the spot. The transition between the first-person point of view to the third-person was very nice.
I'm so sorry, that you have to go through all of your hard-aches. I wish you that you gain more confidence and find happiness one day.

I liked it, and found it mildly relatable. Really, REALLY hope that you can push some more stuff out in the future despite this being your last fic. I'd like some more of this. :twilightsmile:

4148597 Need I say any more? Please continue writing. This story was really good and it would be a shame if your talent was wasted.

True... He/she definitely should.

4527753 .....Damn those eyes, fine. Maybe I will.

not bad.:pinkiesmile: kinda hated these lines though:

'You didn't have to, I hoped to get to know you better, to be friends and then more. But now all I hope is that you're in a better place now...' She hugged her friend close to her chest one more time, mourning for him for a while more.

'Rest in peace, I love you.'

it was a little too blatant for my tastes.... you don't really fall in love with someone the instant you meet them depressed and try to help them.... that's just being a good friend. I felt like I was watching a PG-13 rated Disney movie with how over-the-top the ending felt to me. I would've liked it more as this:

She hugged her friend close to her chest one more time, mourning for him for a while more.

and just ending on that note.... but that's just me.

Since this is apparently your last fic all I gotta say is good luck with whatever the hell you're gonna do next and don't let anybody tell you what to do with yourself (this isn't supposed to sound dirty, I'm sorry). Do you (dammit, I did it again).

5311024 Actually, that's the kind of 'I love you' you say in a platonic way. As for the ending I was feeling pretty damn depressed ( and still am ) when I wrote it, so I just wanted to get it over with already.

Oh, that explains alot now. That particular part threw me off so thanks for explaining it to me. And I already understood this is more or less a vent fic.... I only like writing shit when I'm sad/pissed so I get where you're coming from (to an extent). Like I said before: I enjoyed the story. Have a penguin flipper /)

Yeah it does. And that's because you let them get away with that bullshit.


This was very well done. Actually if you converted it into people rather then pony's this would be something i could easily see in some kind of creative writing anthology. You really should do more! I do have one criticism, and that is that you really should have someone edit/ look over your writing to help improve it. Its not bad as it is, but there are some points where its a bit clunky that with a bit of proofreader (basically someone pointing them out to you so you can see it) this would be perfect! Ive done a bit of that for some others, if you like i would be happy to volunteer.

Also? Know that it gets better... It never gets perfect, but it does get better.

6308946 I don't want to do more. The feedback is appreciated and all, but I don't want to do more. I may have a few more ideas, but writing stopped being fun for me. I don't feel motiavted or inspired to do more even if I wanted to.

And tons of people told me that "It gets better" line, and guess what? It never did for me. So I'm sorry, but screw this.


That's entirely up to you. I just wanted to make sure you were aware that what you have here is very good, you have skill.

As for the other thing? I'll PM you and you can respond if you like, or not. whatever.

6310713 This kinda gave me a idea... maybe I'll act on it.

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