• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Flight of Fancy, Windswept Field

"Rainbow Dash..." Roarke droned, backtrotting.

"It's just like the ones in Sacred Hold," Rainbow murmured, her ruby eyes reflecting the chaotic flock of death. "Spawned from Nevlamas herself!"

"What in Searo's vulva are they doing here?!"

"This... this must be one of Chrysalis' hives," Rainbow murmured. Her eyes twitched even wider. "Where she plans to stage the invasion of Val Roa!"

"Where she did plan!" one of the changelings closest to Rainbow sputtered. "But Mother is gone now! We don't know where!"

"Please, you have to believe us!" another exclaimed above the noise of rising shrieks. "You of all ponies! You freed us!"

"Freed you to do what?!" Roarke grunted. "Take on the form of a dragon and burn ponies' lives to the ground?!"

"All we wanted was for everypony to flee this area!" another exclaimed. "To flee from this!" The creature pointed at the sky as it was buzzing with chaos. "We never killed anyone! We never hurt anyone!"

Roarke sneered, "That's the most damnably stupid logic—"

"This is just a piece of the whole!" a changeling cried. "There are countless more in the heart of the mountain! Waiting to spring on this land and abroad!" The creature shuddered. "We can't contain them for much longer!"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't contain these things period." Booster Spice gulped. "Uhm... n-now may be a good time to Whizz away."

"Can't," Roarke spat.

Rainbow flashed her a look. "Roarke?"

Roarke frowned. "The ship's too beat. The lizard's tech got battered in that last scrape. If I try to take off in the thing now, its manaengines could rupture."

"Uhhhh..." Rainbow gulped, sweated. She glanced at the descending cloud of chaos. "Uhhhhmm..."

"You've got wings!" Booster stammered. "Can you carry us?!"

"Yeah..." Rainbow trotted over to them. "But not very quickly! We gotta find a cave or a niche or some place to—"

Three changelings instantly darted over. "Is it the village that you wish to go to?!"

"Huh?!" Booster flashed them a look.

"The village of Amulek?!"

Booster squinted beneath his goggles. "How did you—"

"Honestly, anyplace is preferable right about now!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Quickly!" Two changelings grabbed Booster's shoulders. The stallion gasped as he was lifted up off the ground. "We have to outrun them while we still can!"

"But they'll track us—"

"They'll track you!" the changelings said. "We're invisible to them in this form! It's how Mother bred them!"

"Aaack!" Booster wheezed, his teeth chattering. "I-I-I'm not s-so sure about th-this!"

"Well super-sure yourself! Pronto!" Rainbow Dash took off as she heard the buzzing of changeling wings. "Head west and don't stop for nothing!"

"Grnnngh!" Roarke, in the meantime, was struggling and shoving against the changelings diving down to grip her. "Get your hooves off me! I'll turn your shells inside out—"


"The next creature who touches my flesh—"

"Dammit, Roarke!" Rainbow shouted, throwing her angry muzzle in the surprised mare's face. "Let them carry you! You wanna die on me, ya friggin' idiot?!"

Roarke's lips quivered. "But... b-but..." Her lenses reflected fangs and glowing scales.

"Go!" Rainbow shouted as the entire flock lifted up with Booster and Roarke in tow. She looked worriedly over her shoulder. "Go go go go go go go!!!"

With a joint shriek, the chaos wyrms sailed in from the mountainside. Their razor-sharp maws lunged at the three ponies as they were hoisted away. Rainbow Dash flew on her own volition, twirling out of the snapping jaws of one, two, three gliding serpents.

By now, the fir trees were swaying from the artificial wind generated by the multiple surging bodies. As the monsters pursued the three equines, the fog spread like the gray clouds at the head of a cyclone. Despite the energy of their rabid pursuers, the changelings maintained a decent speed. When one or two of them tired, others dove in and swap places—carrying the two ponies for another three or four dozen yards.

Rainbow Dash flung a nervous glance over her shoulder. Witless, she shouted ahead, "They're still chasing!"

"They'll give up soon!" one of the changelings shouted. "They'll feast on the creatures in the forest and retreat to the mountain like they always do!"

"You sure about that?!" Rainbow hollered. "Cuz it almost seems like we're leading them to civlization!"

The closest changeling fidgeted, its fangs chewing nervously at midair. "We... we c-could split up or—"

"Something tells me you guys aren't used to making command decisions!"

"It has b-been terribly difficult. We wish we could—"

"Keep flying!" Rainbow hollered, suddenly bending around and flying back in the opposite direction. "I'm going to distract them long enough for you to get away unnoticed!"

"What?!" Booster shouted from up ahead.

"Rainbow!" Roarke yelled. "Don't you dare—"

"Meet you back at Amulek!" Rainbow shouted. "Wear something sassy!" Fwoosh! She sliced against the wind, barreling towards the incoming abominable wall at suicidal speeds. Roarke shouted something else, but there was no making out the words at this frictious velocity. "Hnnnngh... okay, snakes and ladders... you wanna play?!"

The cloud of serpentine monstrosities shifted, coagulating towards her in a silver stream like a ravenous fish of sharks.

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth. "Let's see how a Celestia-damn sonic rainboom fills your gullet—" Just as she was saying this, her eyes flickered a sickly yellow. "Aaaaugh!" She flinched in mid-air, descending slightly. Her body jolted as an intense wave of dizziness flew through her. She looked up through squinting eyes. "No... not here... not n-now!"

The incoming flood fogged in and out of existence. Between the black shroud of Rainbow's eyelids and the blinding sunrise beyond, she could only make out the glint of their teeth and talons.

"Hrmmmmm-raaaaaaaugh!" Summoning every bit of strength inside her wing muscles, she pulled herself up, sailing skyward.

The topmost row of serpents lunged at her, their teeth slicing within inches of her fuzzy belly. Rainbow wildly flew over them, bending towards the north and curving in a sickly helix. The only thing keeping her steady was a rigid pair of wings. The air whistled violently past each ear as she found herself slicing downward at a shallow angle, approaching the trees once more. All the while, she heard the creatures hissing and snarling at her six. She was successfully distracting them, though there was no time to celebrate. There wasn't even time to scream.

"Come on, Rainbow," she hissed at herself, her eyes tearing. "Find a soft spot... f-find a soft spot..." Her teeth gnashed. "You can do it—"

WHAP! Her body grazed a tree branch.

"Augh!" She spun, toppled, and ricocheted off the forest floor. Her body bounced once, twice, then slid to a stop upon the edge of a jutting rock along a thinning treeline. "Mrmmmfffnnngh... idiot," she muttered to herself, struggling to sit up. "You are the 'soft-spot.'"

Barely five seconds later, she heard the roar of several creatures diving down from above. Dizzily, she rolled over, squinting up at the sky with scarlet pupils against yellow saucers.

Soon enough, the sun was blotted out by their scales, scales, and scales.

"Good luck finding any m-meat." She gulped, then curled up in a weak little ball. "Crud muffins..."

Just then, the air broke with a clap of thunder. Rainbow's foggy vision caught a shadow against a shadow. With her last ounce of strength, she focused her vision on a series of shapes darting in from her peripheral. Ten changelings swooped low—unseen by the ravenous abominations. With careful precision, they flew together and conjoined in a burst of green flame. By the next blink, they had morphed into a miniature Nevlamas, antler-slashing their way through the chaos meat.

Several serpents shrieked loudly as they were torn to ribbons. Within seconds, the flock jerked about, swarming after the faux dragon that was suddenly in their midst. By then, it was too late; "Nevlamas" was swinging about, diving low, and yanking Rainbow off the ground in a metamorphic talon.

Rainbow Dash wheezed, feeling herself being carried away by her unexpected saviors. As the last of her senses gave way, she rolled her head back, caught a flash of sunlight, and surrendered to the darkness.

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