• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 2,183 Views, 30 Comments

The Dashing Doctor - Inthretis

Rainbow Dash is the Doctor, and travels through space-time with Scootamelia Pond in the Tardis.

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Eleven Seconds Flat, Part One

It was a spring evening close to April, with a cool atmosphere. The sky was dark and filled with stars. The moon glowed above them, the familiar mare on the moon emblazoned across its surface. In the night sky, a shooting star that was not a shooting star streaked across.

In a little town south of Canterlot was a very big house. Two stories tall, it had enough rooms for two families to live comfortably. Inside that house, inside her room, was a little filly was kneeling in front of her bed.

“Dear Santa Claws, I know it’s late this time of year, but it’s really important. It’s me, Scootamelia Pond. I’m sorry for bothering you, you’re probably having a lot of fun dancing in Rio de Janeighro, eating gems and hanging out with the Hearts and Hooves Alicorn. But, you see, I really, really need your help,” the pleading filly said.

“For a while now, everything has been okay. My aunt finally got herself a better paying job and we moved here to Ponyville. We live in this big fancy house next door to that annoying pony, Diamond Tiara. She’s always picking on me because I can’t fly very well for my age, and because I don’t have my cutie mark. And because I’m scared.

“Well, the reason I called you tonight was because of this crack in my wall. Now, my aunt said that it was just a crack, and that I shouldn’t be scared, but every time I look at it, it just creeps me out. Diamond Tiara started making fun of me for being scared of the crack. Santa, could you please help me? I know you’re busy, so if you could please send someone to help me, I promise to be good for the rest of the year. Maybe a firepony or a policemare-”


The filly trying to summon the aid of a giant magic dragon jumped up in surprise as the ground shook. She quickly trotted to her windowsill and looked outside into her backyard. To her amazement, there was a crater in the middle of her yard.

In front of her lay a blue wooden box labeled “POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX”. It was on its side, smoke began billowing from its windows. Beneath it was the ruins of Scootamelia’s favorite shed. Scootamelia almost wept, as she had many fun memories playing in it with her friends.

Before she began crying tears for the ruined shack, the upwards facing doors to the wooden box opened, revealing a blue pegasus, who was completely wet and grinning.

“Hey squirt! You got any apples?” the pegasus mare asked she tried climbing out of the box.

“What? Apples?” Scootamelia looked confused as she tried to process what was happening. Crash leads to box. Box leads to pony. Pony leads to… Apples?

“Yeah, apples. I’m starving actually. Ever explode in a golden light and grow wings? It makes you a bit peckish,” the mare fell out of the box before immediately standing up.

“Are you a policemare? Or did you come from the crack in my wall?” the filly questioned.

“Did you call for a policemare? Because technically, I have some credentials. Wait, a crack in your- Arrgh!” the mare fell down again, clutching her stomach.

“Are you alright?” Scootamelia ran up to the stranger, worrying about her health.

“Arrgh, it just- aaah,” golden light burst out her mouth, spiraling in the air before dissipating, “Still a bit early.”

“Who are you?” Scootamelia asked as the mare’s hooves began glowing.

“Um, I dunno. I’ll figure it out later. Does it scare you?” the mare stood back up, towering over the filly.

“No, it just looks funny. You look like a lightbulb.”

“Haha. I meant the crack. Is it scary?”

The orange filly looked at the ground, twirling her hoof, “Maybe a little.”

The mare grinned excitedly, “Time for some adventure! I’m the Doctor. Stay with me, don’t do something stupid, don’t be lame, and no wandering off,” she turned around towards the house, only to crash into a tree.

Scootamelia giggled, “You okay?”

“S’alright kid, my piloting’s a bit screwy. Nothing I can’t handle,” the Doctor smiled as she stood back up, “Seriously, got some apples? I know they’re good, cause I used to have some on my flank.”

The mare and filly entered Scootamelia’s large two-story house. They went into the kitchen, which was surprisingly basic, consisting of a refrigerator, several cupboards, and a stove with a step stool.

Scootamelia reached into the cupboard by dragging the step stool and standing on top of it. Inside the cupboard was a basket full of red, ripe, unblemished apples of the highest quality. Taking out the basket with her hooves, Scootamelia placed on the nearby dining table, which was draped over with a plaid tablecloth.

The Doctor looked at the basket, squinting hard as she concentrated using her magic. It took her almost two full minutes before she remembered she didn’t have a horn anymore. Blinking, the Doctor took an apple with her right hoof, and bit into it.

The sweet and tart taste filled her mouth, her newly regenerated teeth began munching on the fruit. However, when the flavor reached her newly reconfigured brain, her eyes widened and her lips puckered. With an almost theatrical flair, the mare spit the chewed apple bits onto the ground.

“Ew, that was horrible. What was that?” the Doctor’s face showed a frown indicating disgust. She threw the apple on the ground and fluttered her wings.

Scootamelia looked at the Doctor with an incredulous look, “That was an apple.”

“Yeah and it sucked. How about something else? Oh I know, let’s try some cupcakes!”

After Scootamelia retrieved a box from the fridge, she offered a puffy yellow cupcake with blue frosting. Unimpressed, the Doctor took the cupcake and quickly chomped a piece off.

The Doctor rushed to the sink, hacking up whatever was stuck in her mouth down the sink, “Ugh, okay, how about something that isn’t completely disgusting?”

Four different fruits, two types of bread, several eggs, and a daisy sandwich were all tried, each one leading to nothing but resentment, disgusted facial expressions, and creative use of the sink’s trash compactor.

Scootamelia suggested, “We have carrots.”

The Doctor gave Scootamelia a serious look, “Carrots? Are you insane? Never again,” she tried not to think about her dastardly rival who once had a carrot cutie mark.

It seemed hopeless, until the blue pegasus had a crazy idea, “Wait! I got something!” she opened the freezer, pulling out a cardboard box. Next, she pulled the refrigerator door open and found a condiment bottle. The mare grinned as she prepared herself a somewhat unconventional meal.

“So,” Scootamelia looked at the strange mare in front of her, eating Tofu Talons and mustard™ in a glass bowl, “Cool.”

“Cool? Really? I’m cool? Huh, I guess that might work. I’m cool,” the Doctor blinked before resuming her Griffonian meal. Apparently her new body has taken a liking to salty foods.

The Doctor looked at the orange filly, a Tofu Talon partially in her mouth, “What’s your name, squirt?”

“Scootamelia Pond,” the filly answered.

“Huh. Kind of long. I’m calling you Scoots from now on. It’s close enough to squirt,” the Doctor replied, “Where are your parents?”

“I don’t have any parents. Just my aunt,” Scootamelia shifted to the side.

“And your aunt, where’s she?”

“She’s out working.”

“So you’re all alone tonight?” the Doctor raised an eyebrow, “It must be scary for a little filly like you.”

Scootamelia puffed her cheeks and turned red, “Hey! I can take care of myself! I’m not scared at all!”

“What about the crack?” the Doctor kept chewing her faux-meaty delight.

“W-well other than that! It just gives me nightmares, that’s all!” Scootamelia turned to side, crossing her forehooves together into a defensive posture.

“Easy kid. Obviously there’s something bothering you. Is it a colt?”

Scootamelia’s face turned even more red, “N-no! It’s just stupid Diamond Tiara!”

“Oh, let me guess, she’s bullying you?” the Doctor looked directly at the filly.

Scootamelia nodded, “How’d you know?”

“At this age, there really aren’t that many problems. There’s a small number, but each one can seem pretty big. Listen Scoots, this Diamond Tiara, she’s not controlling you. She has no control, you got that? She’s not better than you, especially if it’s because you’re scared.”

“It’s more than just that,” Scootamelia muttered.

“Oh? What else? Is it because you can’t fly?” the Doctor dippe da talon into the mustard.

“Yeah, and because of my cutie mark,” Scootamelia sighed, “She says I’m worthless.”

“Oh. I understand now. She’s bullying you for bullying’s sake. Probably wants to make you feel bad because she’s feeling bad, and can’t stand you being happy. Or maybe it’s got something to do with her family.”

“Or maybe she’s just evil,” Scootamelia said with a huff.

The Doctor snorted, “Trust me squirt, nothing’s just evil. Take it from somepony who’s met a lot of bad ponies. There’s always a reason.”

“It wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t right. I’m just a loser,” Scootamelia put her hooves on the table before burying her face in them.

“That’s another thing I’ve learned. Nopony is worthless. You’re only a loser if you don’t try. Can’t fly? Learn. Do some workouts. Get some professional help. Don’t have a cutie mark? Try new things. Find some hobbies. Explore. Get what I’m saying?”

“Yeah, I guess,” the orange filly said, “But what about me being scared?”

“Scared of a crack? Fix the crack. Time to take a look at it,” the Doctor finished her last talon and began slurping the pool of mustard at the bottom of the bowl.

Scootamelia’s room was your average pegasus filly’s room. Posters of the Wonderbolts, Sapphire Shores, and other celebrities were on the walls. Toys were scattered around, and a small desk was in the corner. The bed was right next to the wall, and on that wall was a crack. The crack was about four feet long and shaped like a really creepy smile. Just looking at it made Scootamelia feel uneasy.

The Doctor came up to the crack, running her hooves along it, feeling the texture of the damaged plaster. Reaching into her mane, she pulled out her trusty sonic screwdriver, a little pen-shaped thingamajig with a blue light on one end. Scanning it, the Doctor confirmed her initial suspicion.

“Well, it’s a crack. But the thing is, if you knock down this wall, the crack’ll still be here. It’s not in this wall,” the sonic screwdriver blinked quickly.

“So where’s the crack?” Scootamelia stood behind the Doctor, unsure of what to do.

“Everywhere. In everything, all across the sky. It’s a rip in the universe, like a really ugly tear in a Wonderbolt’s uniform. Except in this case the uniform is the whole world, and it’s very bad if this uniform rips apart,” the Doctor pressed her ear into the wall, “And there’s a voice.”

The Doctor took a Wonderbolts mug from Scootamelia’s nightstand and place it against the wall. A booming, echoing voice could be heard, “Prisoner Zero has escaped the Depths of Tartarus.”

“Prisoner Zero?” the Doctor saw Scootamelia nodding.

“Prisoner Zero has escaped the Depths of Tartarus. That’s what the guy’s saying. What does it mean?”

The Doctor looked at Scootamelia, “It means there’s a prison out there missing a prisoner. And for some reason, the name of the prison sounds familiar… Where have I heard it before?”

The Doctor turned to Scootamelia, “Listen here Scoots, I’m about to do something really dangerous and kinda stupid. If it works out, everything is going to be awesome! If not, we may be in a bit of a jam. I guess the question is: do you trust me?”

The orange filly looked up at the strange pegasus claiming to be a doctor, thinking back to everything that has happened in the past two hours. With a slight gulp, she answered, “Yes.”

“Good to know,” the Doctor pointed her sonic screwdriver at the crack, only an inch away.


The crack opened wide, revealing an enormous eyeball, shifting from side to side, looking for something as it searched the room, the booming, echoing voice continued to speak, “Prisoner Zero has escaped the depths of Tartarus. Repeat. Prisoner Zero has escaped the depths of Tartarus. Repeat.

The Doctor shouted at the eyeball, “Hey! Listen up eyesore, stop messing with this filly’s dreams!”

A flash of light appeared from the eye, reaching for the Doctor’s mane. The crack closed, returning to its original size. The Doctor reached for a small scroll, also kept in her mane. Pulling out her psychic scroll, reading the nicely rolled up magical document. The words now printed on it read: “Prisoner Zero has escaped the Depths of Tartarus.”

“Well, it closed. Told you you can trust me,” the Doctor smiled at the filly.

Scootamelia asked, “What was that? Was it Prisoner Zero?”

“No, now that I think about, he had that whole ‘guard’ vibe to him. Not a prisoner. So I think he’s the warden. But why would he tell us Prisoner Zero escaped? It makes no sense, unless if… ”

“Unless if what?” Scootamelia confusedly inquired.

“Unless… ” the Doctor’s magenta eyes widened, “Oh no. This is not good, totally not good.”

The Doctor went out of the room into the hallway. Scootamelia followed right behind her, but the Doctor held her back, “Wait here. Don’t move.”

The rainbow maned pegasus stepped out into the hallway, “Alright Prisoner Zero, I know you’re here! Step out now and I will definitely go easy on you. If you don’t, I’ll find you anyways. So show yourself, and let’s get this over with. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way!”

No response. For a minute, there was silence.

“Alright, you wanna do this the hard way? We’ll do this the hard way!” the Doctor declared. She looked around, especially hard in a certain direction, “You are here, but I’m missing you. In the corner of my eye. But I will find-”


“Oh no,” the Doctor raced down the stairs and outside into the yard. The blue box was glowing, its lights seeming to flicker, “The engines are busted. It’s going to burn up!”

“How can a box have engines?” Scootamelia quickly got up close to the Doctor, but was slightly pushed back while the Doctor took out some rope from the shed’s wreckage.

“It’s not a box. Well it is a box. But it’s also a time machine! And right now it’s burning,” the Doctor tied one end of the rope to a handle on the door, “I seriously hope I remember how to rodeo.”

“Really? A time machine? A real one, like in the movies?” Scootamelia’s wings fluttered with excitement.

“Yeah well, not much longer if I don’t fix it. A quick jump into the future should do it,” the Doctor tossed the rope into the box and started to climb in.

“Can I go with you?” Scootamelia started to subconsciously use her adorable puppy-dog eyes to get what she wanted. It might have worked if the Doctor wasn’t staring deep into her time machine.

“No, too dangerous right now. Don’t worry kid, I’ll be back,” the Doctor smiled at Scootamelia, “I’ll be back here in eleven seconds flat.”

“Adults always say that, but they never mean it,” Scootamelia stared back at the mare.

“Don’t worry Scoots. I always keep my word, cause I’d never leave my friends hanging. Eleven seconds. Be right back. About ten minutes. Trust me, I’m the Doctor.”

“Okay,” Scootamelia answered hopefully.

“Alright kid,” the Doctor jumped down into the box, falling for a few seconds until a splash was heard.

The doors on the blue box closed, and the faint whirring of the engines could be heard. The box began phasing in and out of existence. As the time machine dematerialized, the wind picked up, blowing leaves around and messing up Scootamelia’s mane. And then it was gone.

She immediately went back inside her house, up her stairs, and into her room. Scootamelia took out a red rolling backpack and filled it up with clothes and a toothbrush. After packing, she put on a wool hat with ear flaps and a purple scarf. Rushing back downstairs to where the box was, the filly placed the backpack on the ground and sat, waiting.

After almost a minute, she heard the gate creak open. Turning her head, Scootamelia saw a familiar pink filly in embroidered pajamas glaring at her.

“Keep the noise down, blank flank!” the pink filly marched up to Scootamelia and looked at her. Noticing the clothing Scootamelia was wearing, the pink filly scoffed, “What’s with the getup, loser? You going hiking out into the wilderness to look for some parents?”

Scootamelia glared back at her, “If you must know, Diamond Tiara, I’m going on an adventure.”

The orange filly smiled smugly, “A super cool doctor came by and crashed into my shed, and now I’m going to travel with her.”

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes, “Right, a ‘super cool doctor’. Doctors aren’t cool, they’re lame. What, did she promise a lollipop if you took your medicine?”

“First, she’s not that kind of doctor. Second, she’s not lame. She’s cool.”

“Haha, no. Doctors aren’t cool.”

Scootamelia crossed her forehooves together, “Fine, then she’s dashing! Alright, she’s the Dashing Doctor! And she’s going to take me on an awesome adventure soon.”

Diamond Tiara snorted, “Whatever loser, I’m going home. If you’re going on an adventure, send me a postcard from nowhere land, in your dreams.”

The pink filly turned around and walked back towards her home. When she exited out of the gate, Scootamelia looked up at the sky, “I know you’ll be back, Doctor.”

Author's Note:

Introducing Scootaloo as Scootamelia Pond
Featuring Diamond Tiara as "Diamond Tiara"

Thanks to pendrake72 for the new story name.

It is so hard to write this. Anyways, hope it's good! Now I have a question to ask you guys:

Should I make Prisoner Zero serious, or hilarious? Overall, it's going to be similar, but I have a really stupid idea for Zero. Not going to tell you, but if you go serious, it'll be serious. If you go hilarious, it will be incredibly ridiculous and borderline insane. So what do you think?

Comments ( 11 )

Sweet, an update!

On the whole serious/hilarious issue, I'd cast my vote for serious, but still kinda light-hearted. Awesome and exciting rather than grimdark, if you know what I mean. Sorry if that feels like vacillating, but it's how it is.


her dastardly rival who once had a carrot cutie mark

Carrot Top is one of The Master's incarnations? Oh, wow. I'm going to make the unsupported assumption that she clashed with the Applejack Doctor.

On that note, it could be fun to see flashback chapters of previous Doctors' adventures, because while the Rainbow Dash Doctor is as awesome as one would think, the others would be exciting to see as well, maybe to give a little contrast in their behavior.

You have a really strong story foundation here. I hope you'll make as much of it as you can. Geronimo!

Hey, an update! :pinkiehappy:

Still say you need to take it a step further and not model it quite so closely on preexisting Doctor Who cannon, but I'm still liking what I'm seeing nonetheless, and who knows, maybe you still plan to shake it up further still in later chapters. Dunno what your plans are.

Anyway, awaiting for more! :twilightsmile:

The situations are the same, but the characters are different. This is basically a story wondering how Doctor Who would have been, but with entirely different personalities. If Rainbow Dash was a genius alien that traveled through time and space, how would she solve the problems? That is the whole point of this.

5149839 And I get that, and it's not to say it's a bad idea because it's far from it.

It's just that, thus far, it's still been the same story, except getting told perhaps a tad quicker in terms of pacing.

But hey, I still like what you've done thus far anyway, so I guess if you keep doing that, we'll be all right. I'm just trying to throw out suggestions anyway. :pinkiehappy:

A chance for divergence in the plot hasn't been able to happen yet, but definitely soon.

Then I look forward to it. :twilightsmile:

This story is awesome and I can't wait for more chapters! :pinkiehappy: for the serious or hilarious question I would say it needs to have about an even amount of both. :rainbowdetermined2:

The filly who waited.

Rarity River Song? REALLY!?!?!

So let me get this straight, Rarity is Melody Pond? You're making her Scootaloo's daughter?

Firstly: Hilarious. If you want to make your version of Zero a discount Discord go right ahead.

Secondly: Please continue.

Thirdly: You've given me an inspiration to do a similar story with Pinkie Pie and the Fourth Doctor. For the record, I am making it compatible with yours, except I'm using Apple Bloom as Sarah Jane Smith instead of Granny Smith. It just made a little more sense. Please don't call plagiarism, I wouldn't be doing it without your story.

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