• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


A random collection of prompt-driven one-shots. Each has been lovingly hand-crafted.
The subjects are as diverse and colorful as the ponies which they describe.

New stories will be added now and then, so be sure to check back frequently.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 52 )

Wait, where does the 'tour' aspect come into play? This is clearly a war scenario...

Also, it would probably be a bad idea to "catch one and eat it for dinner", captain. :fluttershysad:


Wait, where does the 'tour' aspect come into play?

Most of the chapter titles are taken from the title of the prompt, whether or not they really fit with the story. This is because the vast majority of these one-shots have less than an hour's work from start to completion, and I can't be bothered to come up with a clever title in such a short amount of time. :derpytongue2:

I lived in Kentucky for several years, and of all the... *ahem* edibles they serve there, sweetened iced tea is my favorite and spaghetti with chili is the weirdest. Of course, I originally hail from California, so I grew up with Mexican-style spicy chili, which is a far cry from the mild Sloppy Joe-style chili they have.

I love your little shorts!

3988899 My aunt (by marriage) makes chili like that. The first time she served it I honestly thought it was some kind of strange midwest fusion Bolognese.

Aww! The reason she wants the muffin-o-matic is so sweet, getting to spend more time with her kids.

HMS Lutefisk


Apropos of nothing, I read a book review recently, which raised an interesting point, I quote:

...failure to cut off the transatlantic trade that, in those crucial early years, kept Britain fed and re-armed. German submarines could have done the job, but (and we should be grateful for this) there were not enough of them.

Hitler never really understood sea power, his mindset as landlocked as Austria, the country of his birth. He starved his navy of the steel it needed to build more ships, and what little the Kriegsmarine did get generally went on grandiose battleships, rather than churning out more subs.

Used effectively and in greater numbers, U-boats could have won the war, starving Britain into submission and, by ruling the Atlantic, dissuading the U.S. from joining in. But there was no focused effort to employ them.

Instead, four subs were on permanent loan to the Luftwaffe as weather-watchers, issuing meteorological reports instead of sinking enemy ships. For the invasion of Russia, Hitler inexplicably ordered eight to the Baltic, where there was nothing for them to do. Meanwhile, in the Atlantic, the vast majority of convoys got through, enabling Britain to survive and prepare for the entry of the U.S. into the war that, in time, would seal Hitler's fate.

The book in question, if in the UK.
Or in the US.

Of course the Wolfpacks came later, but it was too little, too late.

Pinch must never hear of this.

I don't think Hitler knew how desperate England was to get supplies, especially early in the war, before the US joined in and started churning out Liberty ships faster than the Nazis could sink them. Between that tactical error, and invading Russia, he stretched himself too thin when victory was all but assured.


She'll find out. It's probably something every pony does at some point or another.

The purpose of chives is to allow an omelette to reach it's potential.

Faved for "I was drunk"

It even sorta-kinda makes sense, given that if you tilt your head to the side and squint just so, the word "ham" doesn't absolutely have to mean a chunk of smoked/brined pork. Just the upper part of a leg including one side of the rump.

Kudos on your human not being immediately treated like visiting family. The most believable HIE stories I've seen tend to have the human doing farm work for the Apples, and sleeping in their barn, until he or she has a few bits collected.

Yeah, that's one thing that's always bugged me about HiEs in general, so I try to stay away from the human getting all sorts of good stuff for nothing.

Actually, one of my favorites for turning the expected cliches on their head is Ed Parker in Equestria. That one slipped under a lot of radar screens.

What is food... Who asks things like that? Admiral Biscuit, that's who.
Having grown chives (Not difficult. Once well-rooted, you can't easily kill 'em.) I'll toss this comment in: They're powerful little things. Just try pulling one and eating it like a green onion, if you want to take a stupid dare. It'll be maybe 2 or 3 times as potent as even one of those occasional green onions that make you want to swear off crudites entirely. Not just the thing for Valentine's Day, folks.

I've got a bunch of 'em growing feral where the herb garden used to be. I love raw chives. Used to eat them all the time as a kid, and never really got out of the habit.

Just to make sure...

*Boggled* You eat the root parts of chives? Where an onion would have a bulb? *Boggled*

Oh, no, not the root. Just the stalks. Didn't know you could eat the root, to be honest. I'll have to try that once the ground thaws.

Eh... Hope ya get a mild one, then.
I got mine from my sister... No idea what variety or cultivar it is. It tends to grow larger than the flower-pot chives I've seen in garden centers.

Later edit: Chives will winter-over, growing larger each year, but the root gets tough and fibrous, like chewing on a stick. I discovered that while digging some older chives out of my garden this summer.

After a rather long drought, I’m going back and finishing the Prompt-A-Day collections! Yay!

I was going to do one a day as my One-Shot-Ober, but upon sober reflection, that just isn’t going to happen. Too many stories currently in progress and simply not enough free time. But maybe--just maybe--I’ll be able to slap a complete tag on this one by the end of October.

Posting here because it makes more sense - I think I’d open the containers, no matter what may. Well, or donate it to the SCP :)

What’s that old saying, “In for a penny, in for a pound?”

I probably would open the box, although if it was Pennywise, I totally would burn my house down and move to Slab City.

And when I was on my way there, I saw some policemen on Earth-horses, so I asked them, and they were no help at all. They whinnied politely enough, but they couldn’t understand a word I was saying.

Yeah, visiting a foreign land as a pony you’d expect the horses/animals to be able to speak.

“I kinda was,” Cypher admitted.

“Well.” Cypher paused long enough

“That sounds like a crazy adventure, Cypher.”


Cipher, being an actual word, is not tradmarkable, thus not a pony's name. Blame Hasbro.

Yeah, you would. It’s a natural mistake for her to have made.

Actually, according to the trading card anyway, it is Cipher.

Unless they’ve changed it since printing the trading card, which is always a possibility.

Alack! My cunning defense ruined by facts!

So, why do you have so many different Prompt-A-Day collections and what makes you classify a story into one but not another?

Where would they have gotten the fuel to run all of those submarines? Germany could barely keep it's army moving, much less it's army, navy, and air Force.

...but you didn't get the part where the iceberg had been stalking them because of the Zebra magic!

The reason was how the folders were arranged in the group. There was a folder for prompts 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, and so on. Thus, it made the most sense for me to arrange the stories in collections in that manner. I suppose I could have put one long story into however many collections it qualified for, but I’ve been yelled at in other groups for doing that.

I’m just picturing the zebras having a ship voodoo doll, and one of them bumping it with ice cubes.

Inside is a piece of paper reading "Roll 1d100 and consult the following chart." What follows is a list of ninety-nine different items, from an old issue of National Geographic to a tentacled monstrosity to a pony. At the end it reads, "00: DM's choice."

You decide not to break out the ten-sided dice. And to attend church more regularly.

Ooh, I always liked those charts. Lots of fun could be had with them, like when you let the kender get the Wand of Wonder. Rife for abuse, of course, and derailed every campaign it was ever used in.

Speaking of telling stories at the bar,,

I spy a with my little eyes, something that start with t...

to answer a question about if you can write a good self-insert story.

You just did that didn't you? :trollestia:

The one trick that did the job for me was to just treat it as a conversation. Just say what you wanna say and all will be fine. What really helped though, was that time I presented the weather forcast at the national television. It was overwhelming, but in the end it was just me, the camera and a few people who came for support. I could not see the viewers. It helped. Afterward I reused that mindset.
Plus I spoke live on the national news, what can indimidate me after that? :rainbowdetermined2:


I spy a with my little eyes, something that start with t...

Fixed, thank you!

to answer a question about if you can write a good self-insert story.

You just did that didn't you? :trollestia:

Not in so many words, but yes.

The one trick that did the job for me was to just treat it as a conversation. Just say what you wanna say and all will be fine. What really helped though, was that time I presented the weather forcast at the national television. It was overwhelming, but in the end it was just me, the camera and a few people who came for support. I could not see the viewers. It helped. Afterward I reused that mindset.
Plus I spoke live on the national news, what can indimidate me after that? :rainbowdetermined2:

I’ve never been on national TV and probably shouldn’t be, but in terms of writing a story, the first person (and to an extent, second person) viewpoints quite naturally slide into the ‘telling a friend a story’ niche. And when you’re comfortable telling a friend a story, it’s not that much of a stretch to publish it, and in effect tell that same story to a complete stranger.

The drink is blue, roughly the same color as windshield washer fluid. Judging from your first sip, it’s also got about as much alcohol in it.

You should never order any drink that's blue. Or at least that's what my tiki cocktail recipe book says.

“Wait, you’re telling me that ear movement is how you tell names from nouns?”

Headcanon accepted... though that would make a lack of eye contact (or at least head visibility) very confusing for ponies. They must hate phones, aside from video calls.

“I was gonna go to the cosplay contest as myself, see how I do.”

"Third place!? You gave second to a human!"

Lovely follow-up, especially Hannah supporting Daring during the panel. Thank you for it.


Not in so many words, but yes.

True, you did skip the unecessary long introduction :trollestia:

it’s not that much of a stretch to publish it, and in effect tell that same story to a complete stranger.

I never thought about it that way, but yes, I can see it now that you mention it.

“We got to the hotel, but it was the wrong hotel—why would they have two hotels with the same name? Who’s gonna know where to go? What if I’d told you girls to meet me at The Tasty Treat but there were actually two of them?"

:twilightsmile:: Okay girls, meet me at the Starbucks!

All: Which one?


“I know, right? I don’t think I’ll ever go back. Not until I learn the language, anyway—it’s scary to be all alone after dark, in a strange world where you can’t talk to anypony.”

Not necessary. Hell, if you wind up in New York, they'll have you driving a cab if you're not careful.
You got a green card? You're hired.
On second thought, you got a green card? You're over qualified for the job


Not necessary. Hell, if you wind up in New York, they'll have you driving a cab if you're not careful.
You got a green card? You're hired.

That’s a noble calling for a pony. Although, it’s well-known that all horses cannot operate automobiles,

You do some very nice Pony-on-Earth stuff. Wish more of it was up to your standards.


Everybody else just needs to practice more, that’s what it is. :rainbowlaugh:

Ladies and gentlemen, the Muffinpocalypse.

That kinda happened to me on one of the worst days of my life. Stuck in the middle of nowhere in a foreign country and not avle to speak the locals language

Fortunately, that hasn’t ever happened to me.

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