• Member Since 9th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

insert uncreative name


A human enters Equestria. And now he will stop at something to get back home. which is good because he has no Idea what he is doing. He even admits it.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 56 )

Seems good so far. *tracks*:pinkiesmile:

I can honestly say I've never seen clouds used that way. You've nailed Fluttershy. Even before Iron Will's seminar, she could be assertive when needed.:twilightsmile:

Is it too soon to ask for:flutterrage:MOAR? Because I am really enjoying this:pinkiehappy:.

I really like the stasis idea at the end. However you should be a bit careful with your spelling from time to time it breaks the immersion.

Noticed 1 error, "At witch point Applejack..." It should be,"At WHICH point Applejack...". :derpytongue2: t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTzvE3h8QlKQtJyo97uq5vKC1mLxM_y792LCMEj_IYCWwgeRxIO

323897 Okay. found it, fixed it. Thanks for pointing that out.

I think you're doing a good job of writing AJ's accent. Can't wait for Martian to run into the rest of the Mane 6. Celestia help him when he encounters Pinkie.:pinkiecrazy:

321862 I agree this is the first fic that that was used for

I wonder what REALLY happened to their parents

Twilight just trolled Applejack:trollestia::trollestia:

now I know stalking is your thing, but quit asking me about my personal life it's personal.

make longer chapters!!!

yeah what he said, longer chapters!!!! lol j/k..... or am i:pinkiecrazy:

608586 Define Conflict.
I don't plan to put any major villain in if that's what your waiting for. The main thing about this story is a lovable idiot trying to get home.
It's a comedy please don't take it to seriously.

631962 Oh. that's what you mean.
while that future isn't set in stone. That might happen in a few chapters.

wow..... THAT was funny:rainbowlaugh: oh yeah, on the 11th chunk of words (if you count every break in between) you put wad instead of had and when describing the grand reaper you said "his head rather tall" it looks like you for got the was. this story is awesome by the way!!!:moustache:

This chapter needs a comment.... Work on your syntax my friend, knowing the proper way to word or re-word a sentence helps liven up the story.

And XD

Best wishes, The living incarnation of all evil☺

:yay: HA she blew her nose in his shirt!!!:rainbowlaugh:

My shirt noooooooo!

Comment posted by insert uncreative name deleted Feb 15th, 2013

Nice chapter
But à little short for me.

lol that shit made me laugh!!!! you guys should work on a comedy routine.:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

also that last chapter was pretty interesting, i wounder what the future has in store for are protagonist??:trixieshiftright:

“I say it was General Bigbeard on the rooftop with an oversized bagel.”

“Oh sorry Martian, not even close.” Said Applejack
Right as I read that I instantly thought "Clue?" and I was right! :yay:

holy crap... and then what?

We are now at DEFCON F! I repeat, DEFCON F!!

Are you going to Post more? Can't wait :D

I am planing on continuing this story till the end. Unfortunately, the amount of time I can work on this story is little and far between, so expect updates to also come few and far between. Sorry

ha! they beat him to it!! mission accomplished.

Seriously, "he's evil beacuse my books said so".
I've read same kinda of thing in another fic.
It was about how nighmare moon came back, but instead of trying to bring eternal night she helpped everypony around like giving bits to poor, building houses and giving toys to orphans. Then twilight came and said that she was evil beacuse her books said so, even if she could see that nightmare was doing only good things. Well twtilight continued to pester her with it until Nightmare said that so be it and started to destroy everything. The end. (not realy there was more but i can't remember.):eeyup:

all sorts of fucked up! great chapter.:twilightsmile:


Tell me about your personal life >:D


My personal life:
cliche excesses, lies and deceit, people to kill, and a stunning lack of drama. It's working out pretty well so far.

Can we pwease get more? i want more D: you have a week op.

I'm trying to work on the next chapter, but I'm having difficulties finding time, inspiration, and motivation. I am sorry to say that progress is slow.


At least you take the time to awnser :)

But if you need a proof reader i can probably help you since i am finishing up most of my school! (duel enrollment is awesome but sucks :facehoof: )

Well I'm more or less finished with this story. I have loaded up the final chapter not to long ago. With how busy my life has been lately I'm probably not going to be starting on another story, so I wont be needing a proofreader but thanks for offering.


The chapter hasnt loaded online yet D:

Also this story i found is amazing(RATED M AND NSFW)


Chapter four listen to this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B4c7xqtjfg#start=0:00;end=6:51;autoreplay=true;showoptions=false

You will not regret it...human turned dragon in equestria would be the tldr :)

I can't stop thinking of this when I read this chapter

Also, Love the the story:pinkiehappy:

Sorry it took me so long to reply I didn't have access to my computer. I can't figure out why chapter 18 isn't showing up for you if it helps here's the link
FimFiction- Chapter 18

and If that doesn't work try this link for fanfiction.net
FanFiction- Chapter 18

Hopefully one of those links will work

I wanted to say that this story is utterly terrible. Your grammar is ... practically non-existent, your writing is sloppy and your keeping of plot-line is just ... eh.

BUT then I took chapter 6 to my eye and since then I have not stopped laughing till the end. This story is definitely worth reading.

I must say that you have probably achieved exactly what was intended with this story. It is light reading, it is funny and it just successfully entertains the reader ... so ... thanks for writing this awesome funny story!

“A miracle, Grand Reaper style baby!” lmao!!!:rainbowlaugh:

interesting and quite ingenious use of a thundercloud. Makes me wonder why nobody has used that idea before.

6472139 Thank you.

I have seen one other story use the same concept, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was.


actually there is a similar instance in the fimfic "Whenever You Call " by Onomonopia where superman uses ligthning strikes to revive somepony (dont want to have spoilers now do we? :trollestia:) by letting it strike him to diffuse most of the raw power of the lightning to the pony. :moustache:

so is this character a brony or are they just psychic:derpyderp2:

ok he is a brony
got it:pinkiegasp:

that was amazing, XD. I would have started quoting Megatron or something but the whole "dark minions" thing, Martian's a lot more creative than me.

this chapter was the greatest thing I've ever read, primus that was hilarious.

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