• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 13,403 Views, 169 Comments

Pushing His Buttons - Sparkler

Button Mash and Babs Seed, two underachievers, become a couple. Sort of.

  • ...

Here Comes A New Challenger

It might come after days of thunder clouds, or it might strike out of the blue, but no matter where you are, eventually, the rain must fall. It had been a clear day, for the most part; but the cloud cover had only grown thicker during the day, and by the time Babs had been let out, the sky had opened up, dropping the temperature from a mild summer to a miserable fall in an instant.

Naturally, sticking around after school wasn’t her idea of a good time. Nor did she cherish the thought of running all the way back to Sweet Apple Acres, back to her bed in the attic. So, as she jogged, Babs rounded a corner and turned toward uptown – towards a small house not too far from city hall. She wasn’t always welcome there, but she never let such niceties bother her, especially when it came to the rain.

Of course, it didn’t hurt that the house she was about to barge into was that of her sorta-kinda coltfriend.

She wasn’t sure when they had become friends; he wasn’t exactly popular and outgoing, after all, and didn’t do much to sell himself. But she was the sort who could barge into anyone’s life; and to be frank, he did so little that it was easy for her to pop right in unannounced. Being after school but before his mother got home from work, she knew right where he’d be. The same place she always found him.

Button Mash was a decidedly average student. He made consistent Cs – with the occasional B in anything related to strategy, like mathematics, or anything historical, which his war sims had given him an unusually early education in. If only he applied himself, his teachers complained; if he would just start putting as much effort into his essays as he put into his game reviews. But of course, their hopes fell on deaf ears. ( One teacher had joked that they would have better results if they stopped handing out grades and started handing out achievements. )

Babs Seed, for her part, was worse; her grades often dipped into the Ds. She was “insightful during group discussions but lacked the necessary work ethic for her age,” the report cards said, just above lines reporting her attitude as “significantly disrespectful towards peers and authority figures.” She often struggled with concepts, but it felt like just as she was on the breakthrough of understanding one concept, they were simultaneously berating her for failing to understand and forcing her to develop brand new skills on top of the base she didn’t quite have yet. It was a race, and she was run ragged – so she had no qualms about letting her teachers know just how she felt about her work.

Button wasn’t complicated, though. He liked video games, and he never minded her crashing over. But still, as she shrugged out of her wet hoodie, she felt like introducing herself might be in order. “Yo, Button. Hope youse don’t mind me crashing a bit, it’s rainin’ bad out there.”

No answer, as usual. She peeled out of one more wet layer, leaving herself in just a black tanktop, before she headed down the stairs. As usual, Button was sitting in the dark, the screen casting shadows over his face and his ears turned to face the screen alone. She grinned, watching him focus on the cutscene with rapt attention, oblivious to the world around him.

“Hey, Button. Youse there babe?”


Nothing got his attention off of the screen, the two faux space captains talking back and forth. So Babs rested her hands on the back of the couch, and monitored her prey from above. The moment that the cut scene’s dialouge tapered off – just as the improbable orchestral music reached a crescendo – just as Button was leaned over furthest, in rapt surprise – she struck. Diving in with an incoherent warcry, Babs’ arms wrapped around him, her fingers flying up his sides and over his belly. Caught completely off guard, Button had to gasp a moment before letting out a bright giggle, unable to breathe hard enough to even laugh. She grinned, and finally let up, leaning on him with a smirk.

“Youse always fall for that one,” Babs scolded gently, ruffling his hair.

“Yeah, yeah,” Button said, the taller colt shrugging. “You always strike when I’m watching something.”

“Yeah, well.” Babs shrugged, and stepped over the couch, sprawling back against her side. “Whatcha playing?”

“Zed Space,” Button explained. “They call it that because-“

“Zombies, yah, sure,” Babs said, as she lay back. “Don’t mind me. I’m just waiting out the rain anyhow.”

Button shrugged – and ignored as Babs rested her feet in his lap; it was a short couch, and he had grown used to this arrangement.

Babs turned her head, looking over his game and its pallets of near-blacks and low blues. “So, how far youse gotten?”

Button shrugged, his eyes on the screen, the faux-mechanical sound of slots in inventory being swapped out as he optimized his loadout. “Farther.”

“Oh? Huh,” Babs said, as she shrugged down into the couch, leaning back to face the screen. “Goin’ farther’s good, I s’pose.”

As she watched, it lapsed into another cutscene – the same military figures with some scientist. Instead of just getting into the plot, they were discussing some political ramification or another. Just like Button Mash – as a completionist, he’d do his best to get 100% on his first playthrough of a game, regardless of how long it took or how many times he’d wind up throwing the controller. All this, of course, meant that a game with ten hours of play would last forty to sixty in his hands. And, of course, that he’d be right there when she wandered by.

And watching him investigate every nook, cranny, and permutation was incredibly dull. She wondered if these things were more exciting if you had the controller in your hand, but she doubted it – then you had to work to see the boring parts.

Babs yawned and looked around the basement. It was cluttered, full of old storage and the abandoned attempt to turn one half into a proper entertainment center – a screen had been set up, but the project was abandoned as soon as there was a console hooked up to it. The lightning occasionally blazed outside the thin strips of windows along the top of the wall, casting strange shadows over the room – which Button hardly noticed, she thought.

She yawned again, and pondered messing with him again, but thought better of it. Once was a joke; twice was rude. But even though she was no longer in the rain, it was little better in this cold basement. She shuddered, wishing she hadn’t worn a woolen hoodie to school that day; even with it off she still felt damp, and that dampness made the basement’s cold bite all the harder. She tried wriggling back into the sofa, trying to bury herself in the old things’ cushions for warmth, but then she just felt damp, cold, and itchy.

She sighed, and turned her attention back to the screen. It looked like some sort of top-down strategy game. With zombies. And spaceships. Just the sort of game to provide Button with hours of statistics and switches and things to do. “Long game?”

“I’ll say. One single campaign can last, like, six to eight hours, and there are dozens of worlds each with their own randomly-generated tech trees, foe archetypes, and terrains, but each has these voice-acted NPCs that you can either recruit or spurn, and the main villain of each world has a great voice actor like…” Button Mash rambled on, and Babs pretended to hear, occasionally nodding or grunting as he described some intricacy or another.

“So just up youse alley, huh?”

“Yeah, it is.” Button Mash frowned, and paused, looking over to Babs Seed. “Did you want to give it a try?”

Babs looked up, and blinked, then waved it off with both hands. “Nah, youse keep on playin’. Video games ain’t my thing,” she said, as she lay back. “’Sides, I’m just here while we wait out the storm.”

Button shrugged. “Suit yourself.” His token attempt to be a good host having been satisfied, he turned back to the screen.

“We’se been doin’ this a while, haven’t we? Just hangin’ out down here.”

“I guess so.”

Babs shrugged, and leaned back. Another few minutes passed in comfortable silence, only the chirps and the strings of the game’s theme making noise. She looked over to Button, and shrugged. At worst, he’d tell her to stop…

… so, without giving him a warning, Babs tucked her legs in, turned around, and rested her head in his lap, tucking her feet under the pillows and nuzzling in over his thigh. “Oh hey, youse warm,” she laughed, as she lay her head back against his belly, giving a content sigh and ignoring the squeak of surprise from above. “I shoudda done this ages ago…”

Button squeaked and squirmed, ignoring Babs’ happy little sigh. “Babs,” he coughed, giving an awkward grin as he looked down. “You’re getting awfully close to somewhere awfully personal…”

“Aw, wassamatta?” Babs cooed, looking up with her best smouldering look. “Can’t youse admit you’ve thought about my head down here before…?”

Button’s mouth opened and closed, stammering as she nuzzled in dangerously close to his belly – then breaking out into a laugh, curling up and giving the tormented colt some space. Button laughed, too, although it was more strained.

“Heh. You really had me going, Babs…”

“Heh. I like youse,” Babs said, giving him a gentle punch on the arm as she sat up. “You’re a good guy, Button.”

“Heh… yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry I haven’t been taking much—“

“No, no, youse okay,” Babs declined, as she leaned in against him. “I’s just coming in from the cold.” She paused, and just rested her head against his shoulder. “This okay, tho’?”

“Yeah, that’s fine,” Button said. He looked down at her, and shrugged, so she could rest her head better. “Comfy?”

“Yeah,” she said, as she faced the screen again. Between the field of meaningless data on the screen, the dim light, and the soothing, rhythmic sound of the music and the chimes, she could almost believe she was back in class. So, she did what she always did in class – take a nap. It wasn’t too uncomfortable; closing her eyes without having to worry meant all she had to do was lean in, listen to Button’s breathing (and occasional sotto voce grumbles), and let the day fade away.

She made it almost ten minutes before a bolt of lightning struck just outside, waking her with the thunderclap, the bolt brightening the underground room to the sun’s full brightness. And, with a sickening ‘pop’, the TV flickered and died, before the room could be thrown into darkness, not even the dim light of the console coming on. In the shadows of the room, there was dead silence –

- for about three seconds.

“Aw, really?” Button shouted, throwing the controller against a wall. There was a crash, but all Button did was cross his arms and growl. “The last checkpoint was an hour ago…”

Babs sat up, and looked at Button – or rather, where the colt should have been; she hadn’t adjusted to the sudden darkness as of yet, so she just leaned back in. “Lost all that?”

“Yeah,” he sighed, grumbling and leaning back. “Now what’m I going to do?”

“I dunno,” the filly smirked. “We could just talk about stuff.”

“Talk?” Button shrugged. “I never was much of a talker.” He got up to stand, his hands reaching around in the dark.

“You sure youse want to be doing that?” Babs said, as she batted off a hand that came too close to her face. “I mean, it’s gonna be dark upstairs, too.”

From the darkness, Babs heard a sigh – and felt a hand resting on her shoulder, as Button came to sit back down. “Yeah.” This time, Button leaned in and rested his head on her shoulder, sighing. “Meh.”

“Well, youse was the one wantin’ to be a good host,” she pointed out with a low grumble.

“Well,” said Button, after a pause. “Okay, then. What’re we talking about.” It was a statement, not a question, as he lay back.

“Huh? Well, like… what youse doin’ now, where youse goin’ from here…”

“Alright, then,” he said. “You start.”

“Me? Heh. Wuss,” she teased. “But… yeah. Where I’m goin’… not far, to tell the truth. Got no debts, got no worries, and nothin’ to lose but time. Prolly get a job somewhere – part time, somethin’ where I can sleep in. Youse can get bits anywhere, but time? We ain’t getting that back.” She grinned, and wrapped an arm around Button, giving a squeeze. “An’ times like this? No check’s worth tradin’ it in.”

“Yeah?” Button leaned into her arm. “That’s nice, I guess.”

“Oh, yeah?” She snorted. “And you got better plans?”

“As a matter of fact,” he huffed, “I think I do.”

“Lemme guess. Gonna open up a game store?”

For a moment, Button Mash was quiet. But then, he gingerly lifted himself out of her embrace, and leaned away. “So what if I am?”

“Wait,” Babs said, as the coin finally dropped. “Youse seriously thinkin’ bout it?”

“I have,” Button said.

“Oh.” Babs felt awkward, and she sat up, leaning back to her own side. “That’s… good?”

“Yeah. I think I know more about the industry than most ponies in the industry at this point – at least consumer-side. So I figure, hey.”

“Youse know that runnin’ a game store won’t be all games, right?”

“I know!” Button Mash shouted, balling his hands up in his frustration. “Everypony keeps mentioning that. But I already did the work. I know what it’d take to get started and what it’d take to take to keep running, to the bit. And you know what? I like those numbers.”

“Uhm… Button? Hate to break it it to youse… but it’ll take bits. And youse don’t have a job or anything, so… where’s it gonna come from?”

“That- uhm… yeah.” Button grinned sheepishly. “Uhm. I’ll find a way. But I won’t need much. I mean, lots of ponies start stores as sole proprietorships. All I need is a lot of elbow grease…”

“… and time.”

“Yeah, well. It might take some years, but it’ll be worth it, right?”

“Yeah? Yeah. I guess.”

Button Mash frowned, and turned to face Babs, the dim light casting shadows over her face as she blew a tuft of hair out of her eyes.

“So, that’s it. I’ll go all over Equestria, and youse gonna settle down and work your fingers to the bone.”

“Yeah,” Button said, sitting up. “Gonna try to make somethin’ of myself.”

“Make somethin’? I thought youse already got a pretty good head on those shoulders.”

“Yeah. But for what?” Button Mash smirked, and gave a nod down at his hips. “Video games in my mom’s basement? Yeah, that’s a life,” he shrugged.

“Hey, hey,” Babs said, sitting back up. “Nopony’s giving youse any guff about that, are they?”

“What? Nah. We’re not in grade school, Babs. Ponies don’t do that,” he smirked. “But that’s my talent. I don’t have to do just that. And if I mess up? So what? You gotta keep playing to win.”

Babs nodded, and turned to face Button again. “I guess that’s right. And if youse lose – well, youse don’t stop playin’ just ’cause one game’s over.”

“Something like that,” Button agreed.

“Hmm. Well, if that’s the case…”

With a little smirk, Babs leaned in and wrapped her arm back around Button, tugging him closer. She grinned, looking into his eyes for a moment – then leaned in, her nose pressing to his. There was a question in his eyes – and a little smirk in hers – as she leaned her muzzle down just a little, brushing her lips warmly to his. She let her lips linger there, her eyes darting between his, before gently pulling back.

“I… wha?”

“Whassamatta? Cat got youse tongue?”

“I… wha… buh… wow.” The confusion on his face soon gave way to a broad grin, and they giggled together.

“You look confused, Buttons…” She gaspsed, then giggled again. “Don’t tell me youse never done this?”

“Ah… no. That would be a no,” he grinned. “That was the… uhm, the first time I ever…”

“A first kiss? Nah,” she grinned, as she climbed up into his lap, the shorter mare straddling the taller colt’s lap, rising on her knees so she could look down to him. “Now this, this’ll be worthy of a first kiss…”

This time, when their eyes met, his was matching her, meeting her smile with his own as they pressed their lips to each other. This time, though, her lips parted – and, catching the clue, his did with hers. When he tilted his muzzle, she took advantage of the situation, inviting herself into his mouth. After a moment or two of awkward meshing, she found he was quite inviting indeed.

The kiss wasn’t constant; it was constantly interspersed with small breaths, and gentle giggles. Babs threw her arms around his neck, high; Button rested his hands on her hips, low. Together, they spent a moment like that more, before parting again, their eyes still meeting each other’s.

“I think that had to be some sort of record,” Button said, giving her a little squeeze and breaking out into a grin.

“Nah. Felt great, tho’,” Babs laughed, as she leaned back a bit. “Hope I wasn’t too much…"

“Hey, no, you were fine,” he smiled. “I didn’t think I’d be lucky enough to get my first kiss from someone like you…”

“What, short?”

“Nah, hot.”

Now, for the first time, Babs was on the defensive, and she was blushing. “What’re youse sayin’…?”

Button shifted awkwardly, but continued. “Well, you’re strong, for starters, that’s awesome. And with your hair like that, you’ve got a style. Anyone can pick you out of a crowd…”

“… really, now?” Her blush was making her tan cheeks match her pink hair.

“Yeah,” he stammered, trying to keep a grin on. “So… yeah. I’m glad I… I got my first kiss from you.”

Babs cooed and gave Button a tight hug, leaning in. “That’s the nicest thing anypony’s ever said to me, Button,” she smiled, leaning in.

“Heh, not really,” he shrugged, as he rested her arms around her, giving her a squeeze. “It’s just what I see.”

There wasn’t anything to say to that. There was something else on her mind, of course, but she didn’t want to push her luck just yet. So, Babs just closed her eyes, resting in Button’s lap and letting her head rest under his muzzle. For a moment, that was all there was in the world: two ponies cuddling to the sound of the falling rain outside.

Around her, Babs could feel Button’s hands moving; first up her sides, and then down her back – and then back up, in slow, idle rolling motions. She gave a half of a sigh, and nuzzled in against his chest again, as those hands made to grip a controller instead kneaded into her back, making her squirm. Occasionally, a hand would stray forwards or downwards – but then immediately slide back around her.

She was short and strong; the magazines called her build a ‘battleaxe’. Not something she, nor most of Equestria, would call ‘beautiful’. So as she felt his hands sliding across her, she blushed, and grinned. Well, fortune had favored the bold so far today…

“Hey, Button.”

Button Mash pulled back, looking up to Babs in the light. “… yeah?”

Babs did her best to smile, although without the teasing mood of earlier, it was chagrined at most. “Button Mash, I’ve been thinking. Do youse wanna go… further?”

Button Mash perked up – then immediately shrank under her, gasping. “Wait, what? Us? I– uh–” His eyes looked over her. “I mean… I’d love to I-I’d really love to, but…”

Babs blinked in confusion – and when she saw his eyes wandering over her body, she blushed – but didn’t do anything to stop him from looking. “I wasn’t talkin’ about that, ya dork,” Babs smirked, leaning back to show off.

“Oh… wait, what? You weren’t?” Now it was Button’s turn to smirk. “And here you were the one joking about putting your head in my lap…”

Babs opened and closed her mouth a few times, to which Button laughed, leaning back and looking down to her.

“No, ya dork,” Babs said, turning away. “I mean… Are ya seein’ anypony?”

“Like… going out with anypony?” Button was quiet for a moment. When she said nothing, he continued. “No… I’m not. But I could be.”

Babs looked towards Button, and blushed.

“So… I guess we should make this official,” Button laughed, as he leaned over to one side, so he could see Babs’ face. There was a nervous grin on his face, but when he looked up to her, it disappeared in a wave of nervous energy. “Babs… will you be my special somepony?”

“Y-ouse ain’t gotta be so formal ’bout it,” Babs stammered, looking away. “But… youse serious?”

Button shrugged. “I… I guess. Well, I won’t be a great coltfriend. You know me,” he rolled his eyes, looking towards his collection of game systems. “But… how long have we been doing this already? Just – hanging out down here?”

“Yeah,” Babs agreed, turning away. “I… I guess we kinda are.”

“So, I’ll ask again,” Button smirked. “Can I be your special somepony?”

“I…” Babs held back a laugh, because if she started laughing she’d lose it completely, but she couldn’t keep the grin from her lips. “Yeah. I’d love that.”

“Great,” Button said, resting his muzzle atop her head, squeezing as he nuzzled into her hair. “I’m glad.”

“Hey,” Babs teased, giving a squeeze again. “I was the one who asked youse…”

“And you chickened out and made me ask you,” Button Mash countered, lifting a hand to tousle her hair. Babs growled in frustration at the show of affection, and gave his own teasing warcry as she ran her hands up his ribs, tickling fiercely; his hands shot to her ribs and slid underneath, pushing her arms out of the way and seeking her weak belly. They battled like that for a few moments more until Babs started laughing. Button quickly caught the giggle fits from Babs as they rocked together; soon, they were both collapsed on the sofa, laughing until they ran out of breath.

As they both started to recover from their fit of laughter, the power flickered on – first dimly, but brighter, as lights in the basement chased away the shadow. When they realized where they had wound up – sprawled on the couch, with Babs’ hips between Button’s – both blushed. But neither quite moved. It was the first time they could actually see each other properly.

“So… I guess youse wanna get back to your game now,” Babs said, pushing to rise back up on the couch. “Youse got all that work to make up for, an’ all…”

Babs was caught by a hand on hers – the fingers linking.

“Actually,” Button said, with a small grin, “I was going to ask you a favor.”

“Oh yeah?” Babs sat up, still kneeling between his legs, and tilted her head curiously. “Whatcha thinkin’?”

“Because you’re closer – could you go hit the lights?” Button grinned sheepishly. “I mean, I was thinking… it’s going to rain for a while yet…”

Comments ( 165 )

Need more! Button Mash x Babs is best ship ever.

Oh come on! There has got to be more. :flutterrage:
Seriously this was a great story. I like this ship although its kind of cliché, cute shy nerd boy dates Loud brash street wise girl. I love it!

Ooh, I love it! :3
I would love to see more X3

...why are you using emotes?

Which we are missing a Button Mash tag

No, we aren't because there's not much of a reason to add one. There is nothing wrong with using the 'other' tag.

We do not need tags for every single character, ranging from snowdrop, to Littlepip, to Nyx and a myriad of background ponies that actually appear in the show.


The 'other' tag is for any character that doesn't have a distinct tag yet. Button Mash is distinctly a canon pony with no tag (yet). it's a different tag from 'OC', which is for original characters.

3374245 the "OC" tag is blue. The green one is the "Other" tag.

Hmmm I don't usually read romance but this was good.

Lot of parts in hear made me laugh.

This was good I kinda wanna see more to this story :raritywink:

Good job keep this up. U got a thumbs up from me.

3374358 but there is a need 4 a bm tag because hes became VERY popular:twilightsmile:


There's now a girlfriend, so... "Button Mash Versus The World"?

I really don't agree with that at all, but in reality I don't have anything to argue against it seeing as most background ponies and such were popularized by the fandom (in this case, button's personality is ENTIRELY reliant on whoever animated the shorts that he is involved in) and thus received character tags, and he did in fact appear at one point in the show.

Still, if you focused on the popularity of one character like you said which should be the deciding factor in character tag creation, then why is there not a tag for Nyx, Littlepip, and so on? Because it's not needed, and i'm sure as hell convinced that Knighty or whoever does not wish to spend their time adding a new tag for these characters, when the 'other' tag works perfectly fine.

really liked this, my dear writer. although it might be a bit cliche, the whole nerdy boy falling for the sprawly girl and vice versa, but that doesn't mean it's any less of a good read. once again, good work you have here.

3376397 sometimes, if they're well written, cliches can be some of the best reads.

never said that they weren't. i really like cliche based things sometimes. they tend to be funny and enjoyable reads. just not a big fan of how often they tend to be used.

i just read this for the third time. is it weird that i can see this leading to something more mature?

Cuuute! I christen thee shipping 'Buttonseed'.

This is quite a read. Romantically funny with a touch of relation to my life... being a gamer is quote a thrill in more ways than one.

You done good, sir Sparkler, you done good.

Probably the umpteenth one to say but I typically avoid romance, this however was great


i would love to see your interpretation for how they would spend time together as a couple.

My original idea for this ship was, that Button Mash was sent away to Manehatten to attend Pranceton High, since his parents thought it would do him good to break away from the screen and learn to be his own man in real life. Utterly confused in the new environment, he befriended Babs, and it went on from there.

3375509 ok i here u but i never seaid ther shouldn't be 1 4 them im just saying any that has aperd in the show should get 1


It's now easier to follow your art's progression, then, knowing this. (I'd only seen it on derpibooru.)

Well, this was certainly much sweeter than I expected it to be. Enough so for this. . .
It's the sort of relationship I can easily see happening. Heck, it seemed to be something I saw a lot of near the end of highschool; all the athletic girls were going out with gamer guys.

Wait. . . HOW COME I DIDN'T GET A GIRL THEN?! :twilightangry2:

All jokes aside though, this is a story that has hit that perfect point where it would be nice to see their relationship grow from this point, but it is also perfect as it currently is. Haven't found many stories that hit that for me. Bravo. :twilightsmile:

So this story was the inaugural fic for a group, Button x Babs. That's the best praise I can think of. :twilightsmile:

It's STRONGLY implied.

When I read this all I could think was. Faved!


Great read, I am really looking forward to more! I would agree to this ship! :rainbowkiss:

Oh, please someone make that happen.

3379268 Gamer/Nerdy guys tend to have a lot more personality then Jocks. The reason you probably saw all the sporty chicks hooking up with the gamers near the end of high school is because they didn't have to worry about the social hierarchy anymore and could finally pick a BF they actually wanted to be with instead of a guy that was popular.

Your inability to properly use the New Jersey accent made this a painful read. I recommend long, long nights of watching Al Pacino movies. For the record, Babs never used the phrase "youse". And yes, I did check this. She doesn't say it once.

It was cute besides, but I mean, yeesh. Tone it down.

This was adorable, and I'm glad it didn't go clop


That's a New Jersey accent she sports? Sorry, I had never heard the like before... :derpyderp2:

I just went with "youse" and ing>in' as the primary tags for her accent. I was tempted to do more, but I stuck with just two. I'm sorry if it was too thick... :ajsleepy:

True enough. Perhaps the reason why I never got someone is because upon first impression everyone seems to think I am insane, weird, and/or gay.

No joke, people spread a rumour around the school one year that I was gay. The rumour was debunked by my gay neighbor.

Why me. :raritydespair:

2nd time reading this I don't know why but I really like this story and this shipping:trixieshiftleft:

Oh the implications. How scandalous.

Great story. Would read again.

( One teacher had joked that they would have better results if they stopped handing out grades and started handing out achievements. )

Oh God, I would've been Valedictorian.


This was pretty good.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Umm...excuse me, author? I'll take the 'Sequel Special' with the...(looks at menu)...'Right Now,' please. Oh, do I want a side of 'Clop'? Ah, surprise me!

A very cute bit of Buttonseed. My only complaint is that there are other second-person pronouns in the New Yorker dialect, but aside from that? Adorable.


Button Mash is canon? Did that happen when I wasn't looking?


His first appearance was in the "Hearts and Hooves Day" episode. In the song, Sweetie Belle says he's "too young."


Huh, never knew that. I haven't watched that episode in ages. I don't think he merits a tag because of that fan animation, though.

Awww, really nice story, loved it.

Also, the shipping looks good and now I'm totally jealous of Button, lol.

“Oh? Huh,” Babs said, as she shrugged down into the couch, leaning back to face the screen. “Goin’ farther’s good, I s’pose.”

:duck: :ajsmug: :trollestia:

This was really refreshing from all of the other fics i'm reading.
Thank you for this.

I've only seen this particular pairing on Derpibooru; kudos to you for making this a thing.

Such a nice display of affection towards two entirely different children :rainbowkiss:

“Yeah. But for what?” Button Mash smirked, and gave a nod down at his hips. “Video games in my mom’s basement? Yeah, that’s a life,” he shrugged.

I no longer dwell in a basement, but I sympathize with his plight :ajsleepy:

3380065 Your comment made me think of Admiral Ackbar in Robot Chicken :rainbowlaugh:

Ha nice! Gonna go watch that now. TO THE BAT-YOUTUBE!


Yes, good show. Jolly good show.

Oh, wow, that was shipping done right. It was all cuddly and fuzzy and the setting was just absolutely perfect. I find myself somewhat wishing that I'd get heaver rainstorms around where I live, and that it would knock out the power, from time to time. Sitting in a darkened house while the world just storms around you is one of the best ways to spend an evening if you're alone, and I can only imagine that spending it with someone would make it so much better.

Hmm... You mentioned 'fingers', and also mentioned 'ponies' :rainbowhuh: I'm now officially confuse.:derpyderp1:
Also, Bab x Button is a great ship! Need more of this SEQUEL! :flutterrage:

(See anthro tag) ohhh, now I understand.


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