• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012
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They were magical girls for an hour. And just as suddenly as it began, it's over. Along with Twilight Sparkle, their powers have gone. How do Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash deal with being just regular girls after having a taste of magic?

Spoiler Warnings! If you have not watched Equestria Girls, there are spoilers to the movie in this.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 78 )

For those of you who haven't seen Equestria Girls yet... this contains spoilers! Consider yourself warned. It directly follows the end of the movie, and it's my best guess as to what might have happened next on the human side of things.

More to follow. I was inspired by the possibilities left open by the ending of the movie, so here's me exploring some of those.

If you are a fan of my other story, I'm halfway done with the next chapter, but have hit a bit of a writer's block. Inspiration struck for this, so here I am. I'll try and do a decent job on finishing both.


Really nice! Hope you update this soon:pinkiehappy:

Just watched Equestria Girls like, a few hours ago. Really cool to see a fanfic of it up already. I really hope they do visit Equestria, that'd be cool.

Edit: Video replaced July 24th 2013CE at 09:55:20 AM EDST
Don't know how long that will stay. But for a short time you can watch the movie here and the story will make sense! :pinkiehappy:

You should probably have the spoiler warnings in the story description. I'm loving this story, even though I haven't watched the movie yet.

Good idea. Spoiler Warning up.

Aw, "A Different Viewpoint of Equestria" is in the featured box when it's been updated with a notice, not a real chapter. Consarn it. That notice ought to have been a blog post.

You were pretty darn good with em too.

'Em. With an apostrophe.

"Yeah. It was like... it was like I was born to do it. It was so easy! I felt like I could do ANYTHING!" she shook her head.

Capitalize "she" and precede it with two spaces, not one.

Rarity looked bemused. "Well, it is probably for the best, my dear. After all... how would you deal with it tomorrow, or the next day, if you and Fluttershy were the only girls in the world with wings? I daresay things might get a bit uncomfortable rather quickly, if news of your transformation got out to the general public," she rolled her eyes. "And knowing this school, pictures of you flying around are already halfway around the planet by now."

Bemusement is bewilderment, not amusement, if you don't know. "Public" needs to be followed by a period and two spaces, not a comma and one space; "eyes" should be followed by two spaces, too.

"Very weird. But I don't make a habit of denying my own eyes. Everything that happened tonight was very much real, of that I'm quite sure," she gazed at the large statue they were standing next to thoughtfully.

Capitalize "she" and precede it with a period and a pair of spaces, not a comma and a single space.

"And perhaps it will never open again. And yet... it has let something very magical into our lives, if just for a moment. Nothing will ever be quite the same again," she smiled softly, looking a little bit wistful herself, and put a hand on Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "If you ever need to talk... my door is always open," she nodded to the rest of them. "That goes for all of you. I owe you a debt for saving my students," she smiled brighter and winked. "Just don't let it go to your heads, OK?" with a final nod, she turned and walked away.

After each line of Celestia's dialogue, use two spaces, not one, and capitalize the first word of the next sentence.

"She lives in the city, with her dog Spike! I met her once a few years ago. I'm PRETTY sure that the Twilight Sparkle I met back then wasn't secretly a pony princess from another dimension. And I'm almost positive her dog couldn't talk." She shrugged.

"She shrugged." needs to be preceded by another space.

"You mean handsome colts, I think? Seeing as the folks over there are supposed to be ponies?" she pointed at the side of her head.

Capitalize "she" and precede it with two spaces, not one.

Hey, you might want to use Dash's and Rarity's names, rather than "the athlete" and "the fashionista". Here, read this.

"Pinkie, hope isn't a muscle," Applejack corrected with a raised eyebrow.

Uh, how about . . . her wish bone?

Thanks for the edit. Teaches me to write something in the middle of the night when I haven't produced anything in months.

Comment posted by Cerulean Starlight deleted Jun 24th, 2013

Okay, maybe I won't read it later due to the fact it hasn't been released over here.

2769521 Wow, pretty decent recording

2769543 No problem. Another thing: did you intentionally exclude Applejack from the description?

Shouldn´t they have human names?:rainbowhuh:

You think they would, but nope.

Without even reading this fic I can see that you messed up in the description. Twilight was the only one who became a magical girl in the movie, not the entire mane six.

Just saying.

It may be odd, but your fic made me want to write a short fic of it... I want to explore the fallout as well.

you might want to watch the movie then .... the element of magic changed all 6 of them into a 'anthro pony' like state while using the elements of harmony and during the dance dash and fluttershy still had there wings

2770581 nope they lost there powers when twi went back to equestria i watched the movie last night xP it was very good! :D very much enjoed it ^^
and i asked this question last night right after the movie
and im happy to see someone writing about it!
(havent started reading yet)

EDIT: oh wait during the dance? nevermind your right carry on then ^^

2770309 Rainbow Dash was flying around on her magically created wings for the next hour after their transformation. Just like the Pegasus Dash, she hardly ever touched the ground during that time. If that's not a magical power, I'm not sure what you would classify as one...

I'm thinking of writing an AU of this movie as well.

In my fic Sunset Shimmer will be a completely different pony/person with completely different motives.

She's actually a nice girl, in my fic, and though she still steals Twilight's crown she looks at her and apologizes while doing it.


Sunset Shimmer looked in Twilight's eyes and said in a determined tone "I'm sorry Princess Twilight. But I need to do this. They need the help. They have so much potential. I can't let them down."


Would anypony be interested in reading such a fic, or would I be wasting my time?

I just saw EQG today (via youtube theater camera bootleg, I don't mind admitting) and was hoping a story like this would pop up. I'm not really sure how far you can take this, but I'm certainly intrigued enough to fav and find out.

I would be interested in such a fic. Though, the conflict would have to be written much more differently, and the struggles Twilight was have to go through will differ as well.

PM me if you discuss this more.

Not bad. I was able to watch the movie over the weekend at a somewhat local showing, and this looks like a promising follow up to it.

Well i havent seen the movie but i really want to. Now i was curious i do hope AJ is the movie just as much as the other girls. Only reason i ask when you did your Story summary/description not sure if you forgot to mention AJ with the rest of the girls or just maybe she didnt really have that big of a roll in the movie like Rairty, Pinkie, Twilight, Dash and Fluttershy did. If thats the case I might be a little sad as AJ is my favorite.

But good story

2769707 I was curious about AJ being excluded too. I really hope it just and accident

AJ was in the fic... who comments before they read, anyway?

Moving back to the story. Can you continue this by writing about the task of befriending Sunset Shimmer? Heck, she's plenty magical, and that can lead to all sorts of fun things....

2769707 2772675 2772679
Nope, that was an accident. She's in there. I've updated the description to include her. I'm a huge AJ fan, truthfully. Can't believe I didn't put her name in the description, thanks for pointing that out.

Of course. I thought that being the next thing was pretty much obvious.

Saw the movie earlier today and was thinking that we should have gotten to see what happened next in the human world. I was kind of disappointed that the just seemed to drop it off like that.
Oh well until we get something from DHX this will do quite nicely, liked and added to favourites. Please keep the chapters coming.

Maybe Sunset becomes the Element of Magic in the human world, provided she befriends the Five.

2771524 alright i'll bite i'll check it out if you got it uploaded yet

just curious, how often do u intend to upload chapters. Please don't keep us waiting too long.

I love this concept! I have seen the movie on YouTube three times and I loved it. Make sure to keep us in the loop, okay?

I really love this continuation of Equestria Girls, please don´t be one that just makes 3-4 chapters and then losing their inspiration making it take months to update.:pinkiesad2:
Of the storys I´ve looked up this is the best.

Interested to see where this goes.

Hum... you have my attention so far. Seems well put together. :duck:

Oh and there's a Sunset Shimmer character tag out now if you think you need it. :twilightsmile:

Thumbs up if you watched the movie on YouTube 1st.

I just wanna see the count-to-views difference

They added Sunset Shimmer to the Character tag if you're interested in making an adjustment.

"Shimmer, are y'all tellin me that there are ponies that kin FLY, an ponies that can do magic, and we do NEITHER?! That's completely useless!"
"...Wow, Applejack, that's really racist."
"Really? Wait, no I meant-"

sooooo,...when can we get an update?

2799088 Life is VERY busy at the moment... haven't had time to write anything. Things will die down in a week, I'll have some free time then... hopefully inspiration will come at the same time.

Looking forward to the next chapter to see what happens ^_^

pretty awesome start to a story :3 i watched EQG awhile ago so im happy to see this as i was always curious on what happened to her Human counterpart friends and this is doing nicely!

Interesting... Please continue sir or madame :moustache:

P.s. Like :heart: and :pinkiehappy:fave

2771524 Interested. I'd have to read it first before I could tell you if I'd like it or not.... but I'd definitely be interested!

Wow. that's a very nice fic! I'm looking foreward to moar'a dat!

How often are you gonna update?


I'm hungry for moar! I shall throw money at the screen until moar appears!

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