• Published 10th May 2013
  • 8,756 Views, 169 Comments

A week with Trixie - Flutterfan457

Twilight needs to go to Canterlot on her own for a week, but she needs help from an unusual source to watch Spike

  • ...

Chapter 4

Note: A big thank you to Swashbucklist for proofreading this chapter and the remaining entries.

Trixie was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, lost in her thoughts. She was still sad about what she had seen last night, despite telling herself to forget it. She knew she lacked the ability to have a real romantic relationship. Ever since going on the road, she only took interest in stallions if they could do favors for her or could help her gain recognition. She'd obviously changed a lot since then, but those days still troubled her in a way. Trixie sighed as she took a sip of coffee and looked out the window. The moon was just starting to descend, showing that it was still very early in the morning. She had woken not too long ago, unable to rest easy. Trixie placed a hoof to her forehead.

"What has come over me?"

Trixie uttered a heavy sigh, already knowing the answer. She was in love with Spike. Desperately in love. She felt like a little filly fawning over him. She was a grown mare, having known many stallions over the years, some quite famous and handsome, and yet a little boy had won her over, simply by being polite.

Trixie's eyes snapped open wide as she realized.

Spike was nothing short of a perfect gentlecolt. Everypony she'd dated or flirted with on her travels was nowhere near as charming as him. Trixie couldn't help but sigh in happiness thinking how adorable and sweet he could be and how hard he worked to please. Trixie shook her head as she finished her coffee. She needed to speak to this Rarity. Whatever her own feelings, she was not going to interfere with his. She washed her cup and returned it to its rightful place and quietly trotted upstairs. She looked on Spike's form, seeing him still sleeping soundly. Trixie smiled warmly at him as she slipped under the covers. Spike cuddled into her and smiled, making her blush and gently giggle. She kissed him lightly before laying down to sleep. At least she could say she had made a friend in the sweet little dragon.


Later that morning, Trixie decided to treat Spike to a special breakfast at Sugarcube Corner. Spike was a little cranky, not used to being brought out so early on an empty stomach, but he did look forward to having a breakfast made of the Cake's sweets. Along the way, Fluttershy was busy purchasing some essentials while a falcon with a bandaged wing sat on her back. She nuzzled the bird as she sought out the medical supplies she needed.

"Don't you worry, little friend. I'll make sure your wing is better than new."

The falcon cooed at her gratefully and nuzzled her.

"Hi, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy turned and nearly gasped in fear. Spike was riding on Trixie's back. Fluttershy instinctively took a step back and opened her wings slightly, prepared to fly away from danger.

"Hello, Spike...Um...Hello...Trixie."

Trixie lowered her head in shame, seeing she still had such a negative effect on ponies.

"Trixie...I'm sorry...about my behavior. Trixie acted out of line."

Fluttershy still avoided her gaze for a moment, still feeling uneasy. Spike hopped off Trixie and placed a claw on Fluttershy.

"Don't worry Fluttershy. If you could convince Discord to change, you could at least give Trixie a chance."

Fluttershy thought on this for a moment and smiled warmly and sighed.

"You're right. I'm sorry Trixie. I'm glad you were able to set your life right."

Trixie smiled a grateful smile toward Spike.

"Might Trixie inquire what has your attention?"

"Oh, this poor little bird hurt his wing on a thorn bush."

Fluttershy petted the falcon who cooed in response.

"He wouldn't be able to fend for himself like this. I had to take him in and make sure he was safe. I wouldn't have been able to watch after Spike while helping this poor thing."

Trixie smirked coyly and pulled Spike into a gentle hug.

"Trixie is thankful you are so caring for your animals."

Fluttershy was a bit surprised Trixie was so cozy with Spike. She watched as the unicorn used her magic to place Spike on her back.

"If you will excuse us, I promised young Spike a breakfast out. Farewell, Fluttershy."

Trixie trotted off as Spike waved goodbye. Fluttershy suddenly had an epiphany and smirked shyly.

"Oh my."


Trixie and Spike arrived at Sugar cube corner where Pinkie was excitedly discussing party plans with the Cakes. Pinkie gasped and pounced on them in a big hug.

"Hi guys! Why are you here so early? Did you come to find out what we're planning for the party?"

Trixie used her magic to gently lift Pinkie off her and set her down. She brushed herself off and tried to avoid letting any annoyance into her voice.

"Trixie has brought young Spike here to enjoy breakfast."

"Ooh, he's never had breakfast with us before! Twilight never lets Spike have sweets this early!"

Pinkie dashed off. Spike pulled Trixie down to his level for a whisper.

"She probably does that so I don't act like Pinkie."

Trixie giggled and nodded. They sat down at a table and waited for Pinkie.

"Spike, would you indulge Trixie with a question?"


"Is it true you have feelings for a Miss Rarity?"

Spike recoiled in surprise.

"How do you know about that?"

Trixie realized she'd set herself up. She fidgeted nervously.

"She...erm...Trixie heard you...mumble her name a few times as you slept."

Spike sighed in embarrassment and blushed.

"Well...yeah, I do. I've liked her for a long time, but..."

Spike lowered his gaze in sadness. Trixie gently lifted his eyes to hers and noticed he looked emotionally weary.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just.....It seems like no matter how hard I try, she never really notices me. Like she doesn't even realize."

"Well, perhaps you should try another means like-"

She was interrupted by Pinkie returning with a large platter of sweets, ranging from cupcakes, cookies, cakes and everything the Cakes had to offer. Spike's eyes widened in delight and his mouth watered.

"Enjoy, you two! You need anything else, just shout!"

Pinkie skipped off. Trixie looked over the platter in shock.

"Who in Equestria could eat all THIS!?"

"Well, I'm gonna try!"

Spike proceeded to take large forkfuls of the sweets and greedily devoured them. Trixie could only smirk in amusement. She took some for herself and had to admit it was very tasty. Eventually, Spike stopped and belched loud from feeling completely full. Trixie ceased her feasting as well, not wanting to fill up on so much sugar.

"So Spike, about our previous conversation..."

Spike fidgeted awkwardly. Trixie smiled warmly and held his hand with her hoof.

"I understand that.....it's hard having feelings for someone who doesn't return them."

"Hey, you don't know her! She could feel something and not know it."

Trixie raised her brow at him. Spike felt anger building up in him.

"It could happen! I just....I just....."

Spike huffed and crossed his arms. Trixie gently caressed his hand.

"Trixie admits she knows little of relationships, but she does know what it's like to fawn over someone who doesn't realize you care for them."

Spike sighed. Trixie pulled him into a hug, surprising him.

"I want you to know.....I....I....."

Trixie turned her face away to hide her blush. Spike looked at her curiously, wondering what she was thinking. Trixie felt so embarrassed, having never felt this way for anypony. She couldn't even think how she should say this.

"I.....I think.....You're a very charming young man. And.......whomever you go to will be very blessed to have you."

Trixie fidgeted awkwardly, hoping she didn't sound like a total fool. Spike smiled shyly.

"Well....thank you. I appreciate it."

Trixie smiled.


She stopped and she and Spike jumped hearing an ear piercing scream. Spike was suddenly caught in a grip of magic and pulled to Rarity who hugged him tightly. She looked livid as she glared at Trixie.

"What are you doing with my Spikey-wikey?!"

Trixie recoiled at the enraged accusation.

"Trixie was asked by Twilight to watch-"

"Twilight would never trust her assistant to a horrible pony like you!"

Trixie recoiled in hurt as tears began to form in her eyes. Spike tried to calm Rarity down.

"Rarity, please! It's not like that. Twilight did ask her to-"

"Don't you worry, Spike!" Rarity pulled him close to her and hugged him tightly. "You can stay with me until Twilight gets back!"


"You don't have to deal with Trixie anymore!"


"I'll make sure-"


She recoiled at Spike's shout. He took a breath hoping he didn't upset her.

"Seriously. It's okay. Twilight did ask her to watch me. Honest."

Rarity kept Trixie in her peripheral sight as she thought on this.

"Are you sure Spike? You are always welcome to stay with me."

Spike fidgeted and nearly crumbled under her concerned and caring look. He only resisted accepting because he could see Trixie out the corner of his eye looking hurt and saddened. Spike sighed and nodded.

"I'm.....I'm sure Rarity. I consider Trixie a friend. I trust her."

Rarity looked back and forth between him and Trixie, still not convinced. She relented after a few moments but placed a hoof on Spike's cheek.

"If you do need help Spike, please come to me."

Spike nodded shyly. He fidgeted for a moment hating the awkward position he was now in. He gestured to the table he and Trixie were using.

"Would you....like to join us?"

Rarity raised an eyebrow at him and Trixie looked concerned. Rarity nodded sternly and sat across from Trixie while Spike sat between them. Spike realized this was a bad idea. Rarity's gaze came very close to a glare as she looked at Trixie. Spike almost held his breath in fear of the two coming to blows and risking Trixie's feelings. He cleared his throat which felt completely dry.

"So Rarity....what um......what work are you doing now?"

"Well, I was fortunate enough to acquire a client in Canterlot. He said he heard of me through Hoity Toity and wished to have some of my work for himself."

"Oh that's.....that's nice."

"I wish I had known Twilight would need my help beforehand. I would have put it on hold."

Spike bit his lip hoping Trixie wouldn't retaliate. One look told him she would. Trixie's eyes narrowed and she lightly tapped her hoof in frustration.

"Well, it is fortunate Trixie was able to lend aid to Twilight when she needed it. Unlike some ponies."

Spike gulped fearfully and braced himself for a shouting match. Rarity's lips were pursed in anger and her eyes were aimed at Trixie in an icy glare.

"Personally I'm surprised you're even able to help. I didn't think the 'Great and Powerful Trixie' was capable of friendship."

Trixie responded with an angry glare and looked like she was ready to fight. Spike covered his head and shook in terror, praying he lived to see another day. Before the fight could start, Mr. Cake approached their table, looking concerned.

"Excuse me ladies, but I need Spike's help. Our oven is having a little trouble and we have an order to bake."

"Yeah, sure, I can help!"

Spike practically ran to the kitchen with Mr. Cake right behind him. The two sat unicorns sat silently, not wanting to look at the other. After some time, they both started to cool down and realized they had terrified Spike. Trixie sighed, disappointed in herself.

"Trixie.....I'm sorry. I understand you don't trust me, and I honestly haven't given you any reason to. But I swear to you I mean no harm to you or anypony, especially not to little Spike."

Rarity lowered her gaze feeling just as guilty. "I...apologize as well. I...I didn't mean to be so narrow minded."

The two sat awkwardly for a few moments. Rarity cleared her throat.

"You um....seem to be very close to him for not knowing him long."

Trixie blushed and smiled happily thinking of her time with Spike. "Trixie has been very blessed to watch over him. He is such a sweet and charming young man."

Meanwhile, Spike was listening from the kitchen doorway. Spike was surprised to say the least. Trixie had a crush on him? When did this happen? He took a step back and tried to register this, not really invested in their conversation. Pinkie looked concerned and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"What are they saying?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Pinkie tilted her head in confusion. Meanwhile, Rarity and Trixie had settled into a civil if cautious conversation.

"I've honestly never met someone like young Spike before."

"Really? Why is that?"

Trixie fidgeted, not certain what to say to Rarity. Would she think it was wrong? Trixie sighed.

"He....he doesn't judge me at all. He's so sweet and lovable and cute and-"

Trixie stopped realizing she was swooning. She tried to hide her blush as Rarity cracked an eyebrow at her.

"I....I just find him to be a very good young man and a wonderful friend."

Trixie continued to fidget under Rarity's gaze until Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack entered. She nervously greeted them.

"Hello, ladies. It's nice to see you."

"Howdy, Trixie. Where's Spike?"

"He's aiding the Cakes at the moment. They needed his help for baking."

The three ponies joined Trixie and Rarity and helped to ease the tension from the fight that had nearly occurred.

"So, what brought you here?"

"Well, I wished to bring Spike here for a nice treat. I wish to make this week pleasant for him, especially now that he doesn't need to worry about work."

"What about Twilight?"

"If need be I will take the blame for it. I believe Spike should have some time to enjoy himself."

Trixie cast a loving look toward the kitchen. Both Rainbow and Rarity looked confused. A while later, Spike returned with Pinkie, him looking slightly worried but her hopping along happily.

"Hi guys."

"Hey Spike!"

Rainbow picked him up and gave him a light noogie, making him laugh.

"What brings you here little buddy?"

"Trixie brought me here for breakfast!"

Trixie smiled warmly and gently rubbed his head. Pinkie continued to bounce happily.

"We'll have lots more goodies at the party! Everypony is invited! We'll have games, pies, cakes, streamers-"

Pinkie continued on and on about her plans for the party. Trixie gave Spike a long suffering look while rubbing her temple. Spike nodded in understanding.

"Girls, we have to get back to the library. We still have work there to take care of."

Trixie placed Spike on her back and they said goodbye to them and left. The others continued to talk.

"What the heck is up with Trixie? She keeps getting doe eyed around Spike."

"I noticed that as well. If I didn't know better, I'd swear she had feelings for Spike."

"She does, sillies!"

Rainbow and Rarity did a double take at Pinkie's words, while Applejack and Fluttershy noddded in agreement.

"It's kinda obvious, you two."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! When did this happen?"

Pinkie simply shrugged. Fluttershy spoke up.

"Well....I think it's very sweet."

Rarity simply huffed and held her nose high. "As if she could pull my little Spikey-Wikey away from me!"

Applejack cracked an eyebrow at her and looked very confused. "I thought you weren't interested in Spike."

Rarity suddenly realized what she had said and blushed fiercely. "I...I simply meant that someone with such a...checkered past....could ever-"

"Rarity, honestly, you were there when we helped Discord." Fluttershy said. "How is Trixie different?"

Rarity looked surprised that Fluttershy was speaking out so much.


Rarity sighed in defeat.

Applejack placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I'm certain Spike would have come to one of us if he was in trouble. Sides, he pretty much defended her, so he must think pretty highly of her."

Rarity nodded and decided to let it go. Spike already showed he trusted Trixie and he seemed to be well in her care. Trying to change that would only cause problems. Rarity put it out of her mind as Pinkie continued to ramble about potential things to do at the party. Though not an ideal situation, Spike was taken care of, and that was enough for her.


Trixie and Spike arrived back at the library, nearly slumping and feeling stuffed from the large amount of sweets they consumed. Spike rubbed his belly feeling a little queasy.

"Now I see why Twilight doesn't let me have sweets so early."

Trixie gently nuzzled his belly, making him laugh.

"Please make yourself comfortable young Spike. Trixie will see to any chores today."

Spike smiled thankfully and started to doze off. She gently placed him on the couch and set a small blanket around him. Trixie applied a few gentle loving kisses to his head. She knew now she really did have feelings for Spike. She sighed in happiness and proceeded to clean the library. Her magic allowed her to make quick work of it.

As she cleaned, one of the books caught her eye. She pulled it to her to read it's cover: Unicorn's guide to illusionary arts. Trixie thought it looked interesting and set it aside for later. Once she finished, she looked to Spike and saw he was still sound asleep. Trixie smiled warmly and sat beside him.

She pulled the book to her and started to read through it. The early chapters covered basic magics she had mastered in school. She continued on, thinking she might find something a bit more interesting. She found such an entry near the middle.

"What is this?"

She read a fairly long entry talking about transforming an individual and creating creatures purely from magic. With sufficient skill in the art of illusion, it would be relatively simple to master. The chapter continued on, telling how to maintain such illusions and even control them. Trixie stopped and allowed this to settle into her thoughts.

"Hmm. I don't believe I've tried something like this before. This would have certainly served well in my travels. What sort of performance could I-"

Trixie stopped and smiled wide as an idea hit her. She could use this to make Spike's fantasy come to life. She nearly squealed in excitement. Not only would it be nice to make Spike so happy, but she could have a chance to return to the stage, something she was sorely missing. She shook Spike, trying to wake him.

"Spike! Wake up, wake up!"

Spike woke up and groaned in frustration. "Whu....what?"

Trixie placed him on her back and galloped out of the library. "We need to find miss Pinkie Pie."

Spike held onto her a she ran back to Sugarcube Corner. "Now you want to talk to her?"

"Yes, I had a wonderful idea for her party!"

"Really what?"

Trixie smirked at him playfully. "It's a surprise my little friend. You'll see."

Spike looked very curious but didn't question her. Trixie had to get this started if she wanted to have it ready for Pinkie's party. She knew this would be a highlight of the week.

End of Part 4