• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 20,795 Views, 1,702 Comments

Moving Day - Timothy48

Moving is hard, especially when it's to another country, and it becomes doubly difficult when you move there unexpectedly and against your will.

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Chapter 49 (May the Best Pet Read)

Chapter 49

“Hmm... well Mr. Ross, everything looks normal,” commented Dr. Stable as he looked at Allen’s latest bloodwork.

“So does that mean I don’t have to keep to my diet anymore?” asked Allen hopefully.

Dr. Stable hesitantly nodded. “I don’t see why not, though I would caution you to not go and gorge yourself at SugerCube Corner just yet. While you don’t have to stick fully to your diet restrictions anymore, you still shouldn’t put any undo strain on your system until it has had a chance to fully normalize to an Equestrian diet. This will probably take another month or two.”

“Makes sense,” replied Allen with a nod as he sat on the examination table in Ponyville General Hospital.

It had been a little over a week since he’d finished cutting the first fifty acres of hay from Blueblood’s land, and nearly two months since he’d been discharged from the hospital. In that time, he’d stuck as close as he could to the diet recommendations that Dr. Stable and Nurse Redheart had given him. Though he might have more or less ignored their recommendations regarding overexerting himself physically, but that was normal behavior for a farmer. After all, the animals weren’t going to take care of themselves, and the hay wasn’t going to cut, rake and bale itself either.

Though that would be kind of nice, thought Allen to himself as watched Dr. Stable put his things away.

“Well, Mr. Ross, other than not overindulging in mana-heavy foods such as sweets and meats, I’d say you’re good to go.”

Allen smiled. “Glad to hear it doc.”

“And you should be,” replied Dr. Stable as he opened the door and bade Allen to follow him. “Though, as I mentioned, don’t go crazy and eat too many sweets or meats for a while, at least none that are Equestrian in origin.”

“Well, how much can I eat?” asked Allen as the two walked towards the front of the hospital.

“You should be able to safely double your intake of sugar and proteins from what you are currently eating. Do that for about a week or two and then increase it by ten to twenty percent every one to two weeks after that until you fully normalize. If you start feeling ill, cut back immediately, and if symptoms persist for more than twenty-four hours, come here at once. Understand?” he asked as he glanced at Allen over the top of his glasses.

Giving him a small salute, Allen replied, “No problem doc.”

Smiling, Dr. Stable nodded. “Excellent, it’s always good to know that at least some of my patients will listen to me.”

“Problem patient?” asked Allen.

Dr. Stable rolled his eyes. “Yes, they’ve been a bit of a regular here lately. Obviously, I can’t go into details, doctor-patient confidentiality. You understand?”

Allen nodded. “Of course, well good luck with that, hopefully, you can talk some sense into them,” said Allen as he waved goodbye and made to leave.

Dr. Stable chuckled. “Somehow I’d probably have more success convincing a dragon to share part of their hoard with me than getting this patient to slow down. Take care Mr. Ross and we’ll hopefully see you in October for your next check-up, and not anytime sooner.”

“Okay, see you then,” said Allen as he turned and headed for the door.

However, as he was preparing to push his way through, the doors opened in front of him, and Twilight and Fluttershy came in. Twilight was carrying a couple of board games in her magic and Fluttershy had a small pet carrier nestled on her back between her partially outstretched wings.

“Oh! Allen, what are you doing here?” asked Twilight in surprise at seeing the lone human in the hospital.

“Hey Twilight, Fluttershy,” replied Allen with a nod to each mare, “I just got done with my last bi-weekly check-up.”

“Oh, in regards to your thaumic pathways and mana absorption?” she asked.

Allen nodded. “Yep, Dr. Stable just gave me a clean bill of health and said that I don’t have to stick to my diet anymore, though he did caution me to not eat too much mana-heavy foods right off the bat. Said that I needed to let my body get fully used to them before I overloaded it,” he paused and looked between the two mares, a curious look on his face. “So what brings you two here?”

“Oh, we’re visiting Rainbow Dash, she broke her wing yesterday doing some aerial stunts,” replied Twilight.

“Oh shit, is she going to be okay?” asked Allen in sudden concern.

Twilight nodded. “The doctor said that she should be fine to go home in a few days. It wasn’t a bad break, but she won’t be flying for a week or two, and they told her absolutely no aerial maneuvers above three g forces for a month after that.”

“Oof, that sounds rough,” remarked Allen sympathetically. While he didn’t really know Rainbow Dash that well, having only met and talked with her a handful of times, he’d heard Twilight talk about how Rainbow loved flying. Upon hearing that she wasn’t going to be allowed to really fly anytime soon, Allen figured the poor mare was going to probably go crazy.

Pointing at the various items each pony was carrying, Allen asked, “So is that why you’ve got all that stuff with you there?”

Twilight nodded. “Yep, we’re going to spend some time with her today to try and cheer her up.”

“And I brought Tank, her pet tortoise as well,” piped up Fluttershy, “he’s been missing her ever since she crashed.”

Leaning down, Allen glanced inside the little pet carrier and spotted the small, green tortoise as it lazily blinked its eyes at him.

Giving the butter-yellow pegasus a skeptical look, he said, “Not exactly the pet that I imagined she’d want.”

“I was surprised too, but she picked Tank after the competition, so Tank’s is hers now,” replied Fluttershy with a small wing shrug.

Now really confused, Allen asked, “Competition? What competition?”

Looking between themselves, Fluttershy and Twilight shared a small look before Twilight said, “It’s a bit of a story.”

Glancing down at his watch, Allen replied, “Well, I don’t really have anything to do for a bit, as the fields are still too wet to do anything after that massive rainstorm we had the other day. So I’ve got some time.”

“Why don’t you tell Allen the story, Twilight, and I’ll go see if Rainbow is able to receive vistors yet,” suggested Fluttershy.

“Works for me,” was Twilight’s reply, and with a nod, Fluttershy left the two to go and speak with the duty nurse about their friend.

Turning back to Allen, Twilight began explaining the story of how Rainbow ended up in the hospital. By the time Fluttershy had returned and the trio had been shown to Rainbow’s room, Allen felt as though he’d lost more than a few brain cells.

“Okay, so let me get this straight. Rainbow saw all of you girls had pets and wanted one for herself last week,” began Allen as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Yep,” said Twilight in reply.

“And you offered to let her come and select a pet from your place,” continued Allen, pointing at Fluttershy.

“That’s right,” confirmed Fluttershy.

“And rather than just pick a pet that she liked, she tried to get them to do some kind of competition to win her affection, which ended in a race through a place called Ghastly Gorge, where she ended up getting her wing pinned under a falling rock, spraining it.”

“Uh huh, and don’t forget that Tank rescued her and helped her finish the race,” added Fluttershy with a nod and a fond smile.

Allen gave a slow nod. “Right, and so that’s why Rainbow picked this tortoise as her pet. After which, you all took her to the hospital to get her wing looked at, and the doctor told her not to do any flying tricks for a couple of weeks while the wing healed. But, she went and ignored him and ended up crashing yesterday, breaking that same wing in the process, which brings us to the present time,” finished Allen.

“Yep, that pretty much sums the story up nicely,” agreed Twilight with a nod.

Pausing outside the door to Rainbow’s room, Allen gave Fluttershy and Twilight an exasperated look and asked, “Is your friend just that naturally dumb or does she just have a death wish?”

Fluttershy and Twilight looked at each other for a split second before they both shrugged in unison.

Allen sighed and rolled his eyes before muttering under his breath. “Typical adrenalin junkies, got all the common sense of a rock,” turning around, he knocked on the door and waited for a response.

“Just a moment please,” came the answer from the other side, and after a few moments, the door was pulled open and Dr. Stable exited the room.

“Oh Allen, I had thought you left already,” he commented as Fluttershy and Twilight squeezed past him.

“I was just about to when Fluttershy and Twilight told me that Rainbow Dash had hurt herself and ended up in the hospital, so I thought I’d drop by and give her my sympathies before I left.”

“Oh, well that’s very kind of you,” he remarked with a smile.

“Thanks, doc,” replied Allen as he made to enter the room, but then paused as he recalled the earlier conversation he had with him and leaning out of the doorway said, “Say doc.”


“Rainbow wouldn’t happen to be that patient you were complaining about earlier would she?”

Dr. Stable merely smiled a knowing smile and without a word turned and left. Chuckling to himself, Allen said, “Yeah, I thought so.”

Entering the room, he spotted the prismatic mare propped up in her hospital bed, a green hospital gown covering her, and her wing was wrapped up in a plaster cast that looked rather uncomfortable.

Walking up next to her bed and pulling one of the chairs from against the wall, Allen sat down, gave Rainbow a smile, and asked in his best surfer dude impression, “Hey, how’s it hanging there brah? Heard you had a pretty gnarly wipe-out dude.”

Rainbow groaned and hide her eyes behind her hooves. “Please, for the love of Celestia don’t do that voice again.”

Smelling proverbial blood in the water, Allen’s smile grew almost predatory and he asked, “Like why not man? Yer killing the good vibes I’m trying ta send yer way dude.”

Dragging her hooves down her face, she fixed Allen with a look that said, ‘If I could move I’d be strangling you right now.’

To which Allen’s expression replied, ‘Well you can’t, so nyah.’

Any potential violence was ended when Twilight jumped between the two with a forced smile and said, “Hello, Rainbow, how are you today?”

Looking from Allen to her friend, Rainbow replied with a heavy sigh, “I’m getting better, but I’m just sooooo bored.”

Twilight giggled. “We kind of figured, that’s why we stopped by.”

Fluttershy chose that moment to remove Tank from his pet carrier and place him on Rainbow’s bed. “We even brought Tank by for a visit.”

Rainbow’s face lit up in happy excitement and she quickly scooped the little tortoise up and hugged him close, a happy squee emanating from her as she did so, that she quickly covered up with a cough and rapidly set Tank aside next to her. The little tortoise seemingly not bothered by the sudden change of location as he slowly nuzzled up next to his mistress instead.

Allen leaned back in his chair and watched the trio talk for a bit, though he couldn’t help but notice that Rainbow seemed a little... off. It wasn’t anything super obvious, but she would glance around nervously on occasion, and look up at the clock on the wall every minute or so. To him, it was almost as if she didn’t want her friends there for some reason, which was odd considering how she had been complaining about being bored just a minute ago.

His confusion doubled when he noticed what looked like the spine of a book wedged under one of her pillows as if she were trying to hide it from view. Why does she have a book under there? Is she trying to hide it from us for some reason? He wondered to himself.

His suspicions were confirmed when Dash noticed him looking at the book and tried to hide it from his view by adjusting her pillows to better cover it, and giving Allen an almost begging look that said, ‘Please don’t say anything.’

Which is why Allen said something and pointed at the pillow the book was hiding under. “Say, what’s that book you got under your pillow there Rainbow?”

“Book?! What book? I don’t see a book, you must be imagining things, hehe,” exclaimed Dash, as she looked around the room nervously.

Reaching forward nonchalantly, Allen slipped a hand in between the pillows and grabbed the book before Rainbow could do more than exclaim, “Wait, no!”

Pulling the book out so that he could read the cover, he said, “Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone.”

“Hey, isn’t that the book that I suggested you read yesterday Rainbow?” asked Twilight as she plucked the book from Allen’s grasp and inspected it.

Rainbow by this point was sweating bullets. “Um... no? I mean, maybe? But I don’t know how that book got there or anything,” she crossed her hooves over her chest and looked away.

“Hmmm, well it looks like somepony has been reading it judging by the placement of the dust jacket flap here on page 108,” remarked Twilight as she looked from the book to Rainbow, a knowing smile on her face.

It was at this point that Rainbow broke down and exclaimed in anguish, “Okay! I admit it! I read the book, and I liked it!”

Allen looked at Twilight and Fluttershy with a confused look on his face. “Uh... am I missing something here?”

Twilight giggled. “Not really, Dash just thinks reading will make her and I quote, ‘an egghead, and uncool’ unquote,” she waggled her hooves in the pony version of air quotes, and Allen had to suppress a laugh at the silliness of it all.

“You think reading is only for ‘eggheads’, and is ‘uncool’, Dash?” he asked, a barely repressed smile on his lips.

Openly pouting, now that her dirty little secret had been revealed, Dash grumped, “Yeah, only eggheads like Twilight read.”

Said egghead rolled her eyes and replied, “Dash, Princess Celestia reads, does that make her an egghead and uncool?”

“That’s different, she’s reading boring reports and stuff. Even I do that, but it’s not the same,” she replied with a huff.

Again Twilight rolled her eyes, but this time she added a long-suffering sigh. “No Dash, Princess Celestia does not just read ‘boring reports and stuff’ all day. She also reads other books too. Including the same one you’re reading right now.”

Dash perked up slightly at that. “Princess Celestia reads Daring Do?” she asked, a hint of hope in her voice.

“Yes Rainbow, Princess Celestia reads Daring Do, and she also reads Shadow Spade mystery books, and is particularly fond of trashy romance novels as well, along with just about any and all books out there that are released.”

“But the princess isn’t an egghead, so why does she read?” asked Dash confused, her entire perception of how the world worked was now turned on its head and her brain was trying to reconcile it all. Needless to say, it was having a hard time.

One of Twilight’s hooves met her face and she groaned in annoyance. “Dash, just because somepony likes to read, does not mean they are an egghead!”


“No buts! Reading books doesn’t make you an egghead! End of discussion!” retorted a now very annoyed Twilight.

Turning to look at Fluttershy, Rainbow quietly asked, “Do you read Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “Oh yes, I love reading! Especially to my little animal friends when they’re having a hard time going to sleep.”

Almost desperate now, Rainbow turned to Allen and pointed at him, and asked, “And what about you?”

Allen rolled his eyes. “Yes Rainbow, I read too. Mostly science-fiction, but I dabble in a few other genres as well from time to time.”

Her hoof dropping limply to her side, Rainbow fell back against her pillow with a soft whomph and stared up at the ceiling as her brain worked overtime. For a moment, Allen thought he could almost see steam coming out of her ears.

Twilight for her part just held her head in her hooves and shook it back and forth, muttering something to herself that Allen couldn’t quite make out, but was probably in regards to wondering where ponies got the idea that reading was stupid or something.

Finally, after a minute or two, Rainbow looked down from the ceiling and said, “Um... I’m sorry.”

Pulling her hooves away from her face, Twilight looked at Rainbow with a neutral expression and asked, “For what?”

“For... calling you an egghead and saying that reading was uncool and for losers. It’s not, at least in regards to Daring Do, that’s pretty cool,” muttered Dash, her cheeks red in embarrassment.

“It’s alright Rainbow, I forgive you,” replied Twilight, her expression lifting slightly as she placed a gentle hoof over her friends. Though her smile turned down slightly and she asked, “But why did you think reading was so ‘uncool’ before?”

“School was hard enough for me without being labeled as an egghead on top of it, so I just never got into reading until now,” replied Dash, a hint of discomfort as old memories replayed themselves in her mind.

Twilight looked like she wanted to inquire further on the matter, but a look from Fluttershy and a shake of the pegasus mare’s head held her back. Instead, she gave Rainbow a happy smile and said, “Well, better late than never to learn about the joys of reading!”

Rainbow crossed her hooves over her chest and feigned apathy at the thought. “Yeah, it’s okay, I guess.”

Twilight’s eye twitched. “Okay? Just okay? Rainbow-”

She paused, seeing the teasing smirk Rainbow was giving her as she wound herself up over Rainbow’s apparent dismissal of the idea of reading being fun.

“Haha, gotcha,” said Rainbow, booping Twilight’s nose with a hoof as her friend pouted. Though her pout quickly dissolved into giggles as she realized Rainbow was just teasing her.

Shaking her head, Twilight remarked, “Okay, very funny Dash, you got me. But in all seriousness, I’m glad you’ve discovered the joys of reading. If you want, I can recommend many more books for you to enjoy when you finish with that one.”

“Eh... let’s not go crazy here. Yeah, I’m liking Daring Do, but maybe let me read at my own pace?” said Rainbow a tad nervously when she saw the almost maniacal look in Twilight’s eyes at learning that Rainbow was finally interested in reading.

Chuckling, Allen said, “Yeah Twilight, go easy on Dash here. She’s been literarily starving herself for years, and you don’t give a starving person a heavy meal right off the bat.”

Twilight took a deep breath and exhaled it, in an effort to calm her excitement. “You’re right, both of you. It’s just... you’ve been so averse to reading ever since I met you, and now you’re willing to give it a chance! It just fills me with happiness and joy!” said Twilight as she all but hugged herself in excitement.

Rainbow leaned away slightly from Twilight as if afraid she would catch whatever had infected her friend. Sure she liked reading Daring Do, but that didn’t mean she wanted to turn into another Twilight Sparkle and have her nose stuck in a book all day if she got the chance.

“Yeah...” she began hesitantly, “well I’m glad that you’re happy and all, but like I said, I kinda want to take this at my own pace.”

“Oh, of course, of course,” replied Twilight, a slight blush of embarrassment on her face as she realized what she was doing and promptly ceased hugging herself. Clearing her throat, she asked, “If it’s not too presumptuous of me. Might I assume that you’d be interested in reading the rest of the Daring Do book series?”

Rainbow blinked in surprise. “There’s more?”

Twilight nodded excitedly. “Oh yes, this is just the first book in the series of twenty books, and A.K. Yearling is supposed to be releasing another book next year.”

“Did you just say, A.K. Yearling?” asked Allen incredulously.

“Yes, why do you ask?” asked Twilight in confusion.

Facepalming, Allen just muttered, “More goddamn horse puns.”

“Uh, are you okay Allen?” asked Rainbow in concern at the pained look on Allen’s face.

Waving her concern away with a hand, Allen replied, “I’m... fine, don’t worry about me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” he groaned.

Another concerned look was shared between the three ponies, but they decided to not press Allen further on the matter and instead turned their attention back to each other, resuming their conversation.

“So has Tank been behaving himself while I’ve been gone?” asked Rainbow to Fluttershy.

Smiling, Fluttershy nodded. “Oh, he’s been wonderful,” she said, giving the tortoise a soft pat on the head, who leaned into the affectionate contact.

“Awesome, I’m glad to hear that,” replied Rainbow happily.

Looking up from his hands, Allen suddenly asked, “Ever since you mentioned his name, I’ve been meaning to ask, why did you name him Tank?”

Rainbow shrugged. “It just seemed appropriate at the time.”

“But where did you get the name from? I don’t remember anyone telling me you guys had giant metal boxes on tracks rolling around tearing up the countryside.”

“Is that what a tank is in your world?” asked Twilight curiously, a paper, quill, and ink pot randomly appearing next to her as she began taking notes.

“More or less,” replied Allen as he waggled a hand back and forth, “there’s a bit more to it, but it’s basically a large armored box on tracks that can move under its own power and shoot large projectiles at people and things. Remind me sometime, and I’ll show you a picture of one.”

Twilight finished her current note and nodded. “I would like that, thank you.”

“Sure, no problem, but I’m still wondering where you got that name from if it’s not based on a tank from my world. Is it an animal or something?” asked Allen curiously.

“Well...,” began Twilight, as she slipped partly into lecture mode, “not exactly, you see, in ancient times, before Equestria was founded, earth ponies used to pull heavy war carts that were covered in sturdy wood and metal spikes. The ponies in the cart would usually have long spears or short bows that they could shoot out or thrust from behind the walls of the cart at the enemy. The pullers would be covered in heavy armor and would usually have some kind of heavy shield, usually wooden with iron bracing, in front of them that they would use to crash through enemy formations and sow chaos amongst them.”

“Sounds kind of dangerous,” commented Allen.

Twilight nodded. “Oh it was, but it wouldn’t be done by one or two wagons by themselves, but a large host of them all charging at once. The main purpose of the tank was to break through the enemy's shield wall and allow the lighter-armed and armored infantry charging behind a chance to get in close to finish the fight, hoof to hoof. Which is where earth ponies excel at. However, tanks were worse than useless against pegasi and unicorns figured out ways to counter them fairly quickly. Usually by fighting in rough terrain or from behind fortifications. So eventually the tank was rendered obsolete on the battlefield.”

“Okay, so why did they call these carts, tanks then?”

“Well they didn’t, they called them tanukas, which in old earthen translates to... well tortoise,” admitted Twilight in slight embarrassment, “The word tank is thought to be a shortening of the original word which lead it to become corrupted into what it is today over the centuries,” she explained.

Turning to look at Rainbow, Allen dryly said, “So you named your tortoise... tortoise.”

“Hey, I didn’t know it meant that!” replied Rainbow in flustered embarrassment, “I just remembered seeing one at the Canterlot Natural History Museum when I was a filly on a class field trip and thought it was awesome, and when Tank rescued me it just seemed the right thing to call him at the time, so sue me.”

Allen just shook his head and smirked before looking down at his watch and saying, “Well, it’s getting on in the day, and I need to go and take care of some things at home before it gets dark out,” Standing up, he gave Dash and company a friendly wave and said, “See ya later and get better soon.”

“I will, thanks,” replied Rainbow as Allen left.

“Well that was... interesting,” said Fluttershy once Allen was gone.

Putting her paper and quill away, Twilight nodded. “Agreed. It’s been somewhat difficult to learn about his world from him. Either he’s too busy or I’m too busy and our schedules won’t line up. That or he just doesn’t want to talk about it.”

“I mean can you blame him?” asked Rainbow as she set her book on the bedside table.

Twilight gave her a quizzical look. “What do you mean?”

Shrugging, Rainbow replied, “I mean, I’d be a little hesitant to tell anypony about Equestria if I ended up in some weird world with little chance of going home, at least until I had a chance to get to know them better. I mean, even though I didn’t like to read much when I was in school, I still learned about ancient Pegasopolis, and let me tell you, those guys were hardcore brutal at times.”

Twilight hesitantly nodded. “That is true, I remember reading about some of the more... darker practices that the three tribes engaged in before unification, and even after. Equestria wasn’t always peaceful, and ponies didn’t always get along.”

“Some still don’t,” added Fluttershy quietly.

The other two nodded somberly. “True, but things have gotten better since the founding of Equestria,” replied Twilight.

“Yeah, but ponies still did bad things in the past, and I can’t imagine that humans are any better,” said Rainbow as she idly petted Tank.

“From what little I’ve managed to extract from Allen since his arrival, you are right,” said Twilight as she pulled one of the board games she’d brought out and placed it on the bed in preparation to play. “But at the same time, I would have hoped by now he’d be a little more willing to let me go dig through his library to learn more about his people by now.”

“Just give him time Twilight,” said Fluttershy as she picked out her piece and placed it on the board, “Like you said, both of you have been very busy lately, and Allen is still getting used to Equestria. Even though he’s been here a few months already, that’s still not enough time for a pony to become fully comfortable in their new surroundings. I mean, it took me a long time to get used to Ponyville after I moved here.”

“And it’s not like Allen has spent his entire life living in Equestria,” added Rainbow as she moved her piece around the board, “So it’s even worse for him.”

“I know, it’s just that I wish there was a way to get him to open up to us a bit more,” replied Twilight sadly. The thought of so much knowledge being inaccessible to her because of mistrust, even if it was minor, greatly saddening her.

“Maybe you could trade?” asked Rainbow helpfully, “You know, tell him something about our history in exchange for something of his?”

“Hmm... that might work, but I wouldn’t want to push him too hard too quickly or he might balk,” said Twilight as she moved her piece again. “On the other hoof, I’m also worried about things appearing in our world that might be dangerous and ponies getting hurt because Allen wasn’t willing to tell us beforehoof.”

“Well, what about Allen? Equestria has a lot of dangers that he’s not aware of. I mean, he lives right next to the Everfree Forest. Have you told him about the Timberwolves, cockatrices, manticores, hydras, and poison joke, that he might encounter if he goes near it?” asked Fluttershy quietly.

“Yeah, and that’s just a few of the things he might run into out there,” commented Dash as her piece reached the finish line and she declared victory.

Putting a hoof to her chin, Twilight realized that her friends were right. She’d been so worried about what might come from Allen’s world or someplace like it anyways, that she hadn’t considered all the dangers that might impact him from her world. Plus, there was no guarantee that anything bad would appear or even if Allen would recognize it as a threat in the first place. However, in Allen’s case, there was no doubt that he could encounter a wild monster from the Everfree, and not realize how dangerous it was before it caused him harm.

Nodding her head, she said, “You’re right girls, we need to share information with him just as much, if not more, than he needs to with us. The first chance I get, I am going to sit down with Allen and give him a crash course in monster identification and how to keep oneself safe.”

“If you want, I’d be happy to help,” offered Fluttershy, “I’ve got a little bit of experience dealing with the animals of the Everfree, and my animal friends have taught be a lot about avoiding the more dangerous creatures that live there.”

Smiling, Twilight nodded, happy to have her friend offer her help. “I’d be happy for your help Fluttershy, thank you.”

“Oh it’s no trouble at all,” she replied.

“Okay, so are we done talking about all this heavy stuff now? Cause I’m ready to beat you girls in round two here,” asked Dash, her chest puffed out proudly at her recent win.

Rolling her eyes good-naturedly, Twilight said, “Okay Dash, but be warned, I’m not going to go easy on you this time.”

“Ha! Bring it on egghead!” challenged Rainbow, a cocky smile on her face.

“Consider it brung!” declared Twilight in determination.

Fluttershy was just happy to be there and would go on to win that particular round, much to Dash and Twilight’s chagrin.

Author's Note:

Well, not only did I manage to get the last chapter out as a nice little Christmas present for you guys. I went and got a burst of inspiration, and plenty of free time thanks to my work giving us nearly a week and a half off for the Christmas holidays, to get this chapter done and out on the last day of 2022, woot woot!

I would also like to note that the chapters that are based on episodes will not always be in the order that they aired on TV, but will be moved around so as to better fit the story's timeline. In this case, May the Best Pet Win and Read and Weep became a mash-up as it kind of made sense in my head to have events play out this way instead. In addition, some episodes may not be mentioned or their events may only be mentioned in passing as obviously this story is heavily focused on Allen and he's not going to always be around when the Mane Six have an episode event. In fact, some episodes may not even happen at all depending on future events in this story.

But anyways, enough yammering on my part, I hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year's Eve, and I'll see you next year!

(As always, please point out any spelling mistakes you may encounter and I will correct them, thanks in advance.)

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