
Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results

Raven Regios needs help... · 1:16pm Sep 2nd, 2019

Hey, folks. As most of you know, Raven (Chrome) Regios was the original author of the Turnabout Storm novelization, as she was very active on Fimfiction a few years ago, writing a slew of crossover MLP works. But then life happened, including school, job and marriage, and now she and her husband have a family to support.

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Reading Enhancer · 9:39pm Aug 31st, 2016

Okay, so a few months back, Sleepy Panda somehow convinced me that it would be a really great idea to write an extension for Google Chrome which changes random words on web pages, replacing them with others. And lo and behold, Reading Enhancer was born.

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Report VitalSpark · 477 views · #programming #chrome #fun

Chrome browser keeps freezing on me · 6:47pm Jul 9th, 2016

Goddamnit, Chrome! You vile piece of techno-heresy! You're my favourite browser, why did you just do this to me?! :flutterrage:

Now I am stuck with Firefox.



Ummm...little sneaky poo. · 7:24pm Jun 15th, 2015

Here is a sneak peek to the new story I made about Chrome.

I promise, it will get better. I am still rusty after so long -_-


Highly Displeased with Google Chrome · 1:02pm Sep 13th, 2018

Today I found that Google Chrome has changed its layout again without so much as a by-your-leave. It so happens that, recently, I also heard of an autistic child who's health problems provoked a company to go out of its way to restart an old product. As such, I've come to the conclusion that Google is discriminating against the autistic community and have set-up a petition for ISPs to consider the autistic mind-set when they make some silly redesigns.

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What I'm working on · 11:09am Mar 4th, 2017

I'm an experienced fanfic writer. My non-MLP works are available here for you to see.

I also have DeviantArt page that you can visit.

So, anyway, I do plan on more FLUFFLE PUFF content, but I need you to suggest things that can happen. Something never seen. I don't wanna copy/paste the stuff already on the Youtube channel. I wanna do something as original as possible.

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My fics here · 4:12pm Mar 13th, 2017

OK, so I'll just say that I have no intention of doing a long-term series on this site. However, on occasion, I will write Fluffle Puff fics that fit a continuity. Basically, just slice of life comedy fics that feature our lovable pink fluff ball and all her friends. My latest one was probably a hit or miss, but I hope I can improve. Also, I decided to not try to make too much sense with them. Just enough to make a cohesive story but it'll just be random silliness.

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browser ponies · 5:53am Feb 16th, 2017

Everyone, I usually don't post here unless there are big news I wanna share...
but this, it's nothing big
just saying things

so do you know about the browser ponies ?
Chrome, IE, Edge, Firefox, Safari and Opera (some others, but the six here are the most know)
to me when we talk about the browser
Chrome is the best

but speaking about the browser ponies...
no one is better, they are all cute as heck

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Something Weird Is Going On · 11:47pm Dec 22nd, 2023

So, I'm using Microsoft Edge, and I tried to start a new chapter for UME. However, when I clicked on the "New Chapter" button, it did... nothing. It didn't make the pop up to write the chapter's title appear. To be able to do that, I had to go to Google Chrome. Is it normal?


My favourite song from Infinity Train · 9:37am Jan 10th, 2020

It's called Time Me! and it's quite upbeat

To add as a bonus, here's Tulip singing Word Up by Cameo


Well, I Guess That Takes Care of That · 4:32pm Jun 17th, 2017

Almost two years ago, my browser, Google Chrome, started acting up on me. No matter what I tried to access, the "He's Dead, Jim!" error kept popping up. No rhyme or reason to it.

Today, on a whim, I relaunched Chrome. . . no issues. None at all. It works flawlessly.

I'm still sticking with Vivaldi. That thing where you can group tabs together is so cool.

Good night, and good luck.


Anyone Else Having Issues with Google Chrome? · 12:46pm Jun 24th, 2015

For some reason, today when I launched Google Chrome, every single tab without exception received the "He's dead, Jim!" error.

I have two questions: am I the only one with such an error? And is there a way to fix this?

Currently I'm working from Mozilla Firefox, but I'd rather go back to Chrome.

Good night, and good luck.

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Chapter 5 of Sophomoric Sweetie Belle is up! · 5:35pm Jul 11th, 2020

Thanks to a conversation a few days ago, I found the strength to hammer out another chapter!

It's a little similar to a previous chapter, but it is going to prove to Sweetie Belle, that she may need to be more careful of her condition than she has been so far.


Surprised at the reception to Sophomoric Sweetie Belle; Chapter 2 on the way · 2:04pm May 4th, 2020

Ever since I wrote The Expansive Romance of Applebloom and Coral Leaf, I kept turning over a number of ways to maybe do another story after their happily-ever-after-epilogue...but after several tries, nothing was really sparking me to say, “I HAVE to do this!”*

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Chapter 8 has now been posted · 1:24am Feb 22nd, 2021

This took awhile to figure out the tone of this chapter, but finally got it posted. Think it flows better than my last few attempts.

Hope maybe to get started on the next chapter soon.


Chatper 17 of Sophomoric Sweetie Belle has been posted · 4:41pm Aug 27th, 2022

Not sure why it didn't show up in the latest updates section on the main page, but Chapter 17 is now up.


Chapter 2 of Sophomoric Sweetie Belle is up! · 10:29pm May 16th, 2020

Took a little longer than expected, but we catch up with Sweetie Belle some time after she's been on campus.


Chapter 3 of Sophomoric Sweetie Belle is up! · 4:35pm May 21st, 2020

This one flowed a little easier thanks to work on chapter 2.

Writing situational stories is often what helps me to feel like I’m on a roll, and that was definitely the case here. It also is probably the first chapter where I had to show some restraint on over-describing Sweetie Belle’s chest.


Chapter 4 of Sophomoric Sweetie Belle is up! · 2:28am May 27th, 2020

That went faster than I expected!

I figured it would probably take me until this weekend to get to the finish line on Chapter 4, but a little focus last night led me down a path that got me to finish it much earlier than I expected.

This one is more of a character-driven piece, but explores some of Sweetie Belle's past, in fun and entertaining ways.


On "Hearthbreakers" · 9:36pm Oct 25th, 2015

It's SPOOKY how close they got to my Inkie/Marble and Blinkie/Limestone headcanons.

This episode isn't going to kill the names the fandom's engraved in me. Sure, I'll relent for Bulk Biceps and CONDITIONALLY for Sweetie Drops, but unless I'm writing something that needs them and tethers itself to canon, it's Inkie, Blinkie, and Clyde and Sue. And Maud. Oh, and Colgate trumps Minuette.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results